Free travel to major cities

Free travel to major cities

in Suggestions

Posted by: Darkever.9732


Short version

Allow free travel to any major city without paying any fee.
Of course, traveling FROM cities to anywhere else MUST NOT be free.

People are already traveling freely using WvW, but this method just crowds LA for no reason. Also, this contributes in making other major cities even less populated than they already are, because most people just stop in LA for crafting/storage/whatever to save portal loading time even though they like other cities more.

Long version

Let’s say you are in Cursed Shore, you are fed up with running from zombies while grabbing orichalcum, and maybe today doing Plinx for 79 times is enough (just joking, I hate farming like that). Now you have three ways to go back to Divinity’s Reach, where your storage/crafting/personal story/friends/whatever awaits you:
1. Running all the way back. —> Kill yourself
2. Spend 4+ silver using waypoint. --> Good luck getting rich if you always do this
3. Travel to WvW —> portal to LA --> portal to Divinity’s Reach. —> Three minutes of loading screen (go fetch a drink meanwhile), no gold wasted

Now, I bet 99% of players use the 3rd method. It’s natual, since it’s usually better to watch a loading screens for 2 minutes than spending 4+ silver.
But this “trick” creates certain problems:
- Crowded LA: since the bottleneck of this journey is LA, it is natural that it gets crowded. This may create overflow problems during peak hours, for absolutely no reason. Also, players who may like to craft/store/whatever in other cities, often just stay in LA to avoid another loading screen. Consequently, this also contributes in making the other five major cities even emptier than they aready are… but this is a topic for another time.
- Tedious process: every time I use this trick, I save money, but I feel wasted potential. Why “force” players to do go though this? Either remove this “trick” completely, or make travel to major cities completely free. I suggest the second, of course: waypoint traveling to far away locations is already quite expensive as it is, and doubling it seems a little too harsh.

Free travel to major cities

in Suggestions

Posted by: KotCR.6024


Thought the same thing for a while. Just makes sense.
It’s probably been suggested before, but seconded anyway.

Free travel to major cities

in Suggestions

Posted by: Callum.1350


Yes! This would be great!
Its going to be free anyway using the mists but so why not take away the annoying waiting time while loading. Will save money porting around looking for ppl for dungeons too. Anet really need to settle down on the gold sinks, it ruins it for me…

Free travel to major cities

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nels the Cornwhisperer.8025

Nels the Cornwhisperer.8025

Heart of the Mists > LA > City.

Now, waypointing is not costly at all, so just drop the whole notion. And, well, it’s not three minutes of loading screens, it’s about 7 seconds worth of them to go from anywhere to anywhere.

How far that little candle throws its beams!
So shines a good deed in a naughty world.
- William Shakespear

Free travel to major cities

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cloud.7613


Heart of the Mists > LA > City.

Now, waypointing is not costly at all, so just drop the whole notion. And, well, it’s not three minutes of loading screens, it’s about 7 seconds worth of them to go from anywhere to anywhere.

This … I hear my friends complain about waypoint prices(Which I’m stunned by) and after I forced them to do it once, they learnt with one little trick it’s perfectly fine.

Free travel to major cities

in Suggestions

Posted by: UnrepentantProcrastinator.7420


But does it really need to be implemented on the off-chance that you need to visit your T3 vendors? Because after a certain point that’s the only reason to visit your home city.

Free travel to major cities

in Suggestions

Posted by: Darkever.9732


But does it really need to be implemented on the off-chance that you need to visit your T3 vendors? Because after a certain point that’s the only reason to visit your home city.

To be honest, I like crafting in the Grove or Hoelbrak rather than LA. Storage and Trading Post are much better in Divinity’s Reach. And in general I prefer those over LA ten times over!

Also, there is the issue of most big cities being COMPLETELY empty, with the exception of LA of course. Implementing free instant waypoint and some other stuff, like a LFG system interconnected between cities, more activities (we want Polimock!) and jumping puzzle, may ease this problem.

Oh, wait, I’m gonna open a suggestion about this

Free travel to major cities

in Suggestions

Posted by: poe lyfe.5879

poe lyfe.5879

the very notion people are asking this and doing that to avoid waypoint costs should tell anet something. theyre much too high a price. someone willing to go through a minute of loading times to save 4 silver shows a problem not with the system but with the price.

i like LA being the central hub. i always know where to go to find a dungeon group.

Wintersday is for the Charr, also Meatober.