Funracer Minigame for Broom Owners in LA

Funracer Minigame for Broom Owners in LA

in Suggestions

Posted by: Raph is Chilled.8304

Raph is Chilled.8304

What about a Broom Funracer Minigame in LA (similar to rolerbeetle racing in gw1) ?
In the eastern part of LA there is already somekind of track (these wooden things) and you could easily insert it. Here are some ideas of myself that could make it even more fun:

-If you get damaged by another player you lose health. If your health shrinks to 0 you have to restart from a checkpoint.

-There could be some spots that heal you but they arent that easy to reach. You could lose time or get some disadvantages to get there.

-You should not be abled to fly sideways but navigating by turning. This way curves wouldnt be that easy to fly.

-You could fly over certain spots to gain special one time skills, which support you or disable other players (similar to Mario Kart).

-You could make some parts of the track in the air. Basically you would be flying on an invisble plain above LA. If you fall of you have to start from a checkpoint.

-You could make it watchable for other people by preventing them to step on the Track. So you dont have to create an instance and it would be watchable for everyone in that overflow.

-You could distribute some rewards to change your brooms specs (NOTE: you should not be abled to make you broom better, since new players wouldnt have a chance. I rather think of making an aspect better while making a different one worse like: better handling, worse acceleration).

-You could sell broom skins and special animations on the gem store.

-You could make a ladder (maybe the normal pvp ladder should have priority).

-Later you could add some other tracks.

This would be a great activity for LA while looking for groups or something – i know this is much work but i think it would be worth it.

Funracer Minigame for Broom Owners in LA

in Suggestions

Posted by: Firebird Gomer.9563

Firebird Gomer.9563

Yep that could be fun…. Add some achievements as well like the keg tossing and weeeeee some fun we can have….

Funracer Minigame for Broom Owners in LA

in Suggestions

Posted by: Reverielle.3972


There were races in EQ2 on flying disc things that were a huge hit. A lot of fun!

If you have a look in Lion’s Arch, there seems to be a Moa racing track of some sort. Perhaps it’s something that’s coming in the future…?

Funracer Minigame for Broom Owners in LA

in Suggestions

Posted by: RiKShaw.8795


Hey, why limit it just to Lions Arch? I’d love to scoot around the intricate levels of the grove, the canyons of the black citadel, the frozen mountains of Hoelbrak. I realise this is a lot of remodeling to be done but hey, thats what the suggestions forum is for.

Funracer Minigame for Broom Owners in LA

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ravion Hawk.4736

Ravion Hawk.4736

The broom is a gem store item.

If they add an achievement and/or rewards for this they would be slammed into the F2P-P2W category.

Plus, in order to participate in this proposed race, players will have to purchase the broom. And since one method involves real money, I doubt it would be added.

As to the track area, I honestly think they are going to add Moa Races to that spot in the future.

Head of the Order of the Iron Ravens [OoIR]
Lady Alexis Hawk – Main – Necromancer
Ravion Hawk – Warrior

Funracer Minigame for Broom Owners in LA

in Suggestions

Posted by: Raph is Chilled.8304

Raph is Chilled.8304

Not to hard, to fix these problems.

1. Make brooms available for karma or something.

2. Eventhough if they wouldnt do that, i could still change my gold into gems. I havent paid a single euro and still got several gem store items. Mysterious isn’t it?

3. Imo brooms have a much greater fun potential since, you can “fly” with them. As already mentioned above, you could fly over LA or Divinitys Reach or something on a invisible path. This would be super fun and also look very neat for everyone who is not attending the race. With Moas, that would just look weird.

4. I think you wont be abled to have your private racing moa so the “tuning” aspect would be lost aswell

Funracer Minigame for Broom Owners in LA

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ravion Hawk.4736

Ravion Hawk.4736

I might agree to this if the broom was moved to a karma vendor and out of the gem store.

I know we can convert gold to gems cause I’ve done it for character slots, but the fact that one could pay real money for this item right now would prohibit this idea because the entire idea revolves around having the broom toy.

Head of the Order of the Iron Ravens [OoIR]
Lady Alexis Hawk – Main – Necromancer
Ravion Hawk – Warrior