Future Areas- Please don't overload them with enemy npcs

Future Areas- Please don't overload them with enemy npcs

in Suggestions

Posted by: jazzllanna.1278


I have really enjoyed this game and the leveling experience up until this point. I just got to Malachor Leap and Cursed shore area. I cannot go 2 steps without entering combat. It is really unfun – I would say I honestly hate these areas. I have explored every area up to completion until I entered here. I can’t explore it like other areas and in fact it seems discouraged to do anything but run for your life to the next way point, poi, or vista, grab it and go. Otherwise it takes you 30 mins of killing irrelevant risen that respawn at a very fast rate… it is not even worth killing them to get to an area because they return within a minute.

Take the maze for instance in cursed shore.. cleared it out got to what looked like a jumping puzzle only to be killed by a group champion boss. Ok I thought I will just try to avoid him and jump up real fast.. everything I had killed was back— I decided the puzzle was not even worth it to clear out again because it was not fun.

I understand that Orr is suppose to be taken over by the risen, but really why put your money and resources into people designing areas that people will not go to because it is overwhelming to get to because of the constant and unrelenting combat?

Please take into consideration when creating your new areas for us that being in combat constantly takes away for the idea of wanting to explore an area.. in fact once I run, and I literally mean run, through these areas for completion I have no desire to return.

Future Areas- Please don't overload them with enemy npcs

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fred Fargone.3127

Fred Fargone.3127

Oh please, Malachors Leap and Cursed Shore? I run around there from ore to ore, hardly ever need to kill anything. Rarely enter combat even while gathering. There could be a bit harder areas yet.

I’ve never had a problem with the respawn rate either. I suggest you just kill them faster.

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Future Areas- Please don't overload them with enemy npcs

in Suggestions

Posted by: jazzllanna.1278


Oh I can run from ore to ore and point to point ect.. but if I want to look around at something I am in constant combat. Other areas I could “stop and smell the roses”.

Thanks for the helpful insight though.

Future Areas- Please don't overload them with enemy npcs

in Suggestions

Posted by: sonicsix.5713


Everyone… come! I hate,no, I detest those zones.

Future Areas- Please don't overload them with enemy npcs

in Suggestions

Posted by: kKagari.6804


No way, a warzone should be exactly that: constant battle.

“We just don’t want players to grind in GW2” – C. Johanson
“it doesn’t make you spend hours preparing to have fun, rather than having fun”
Guild missions say otherwise.