Future Exploits

Future Exploits

in Suggestions

Posted by: Turial.1293


Ok well I made this as a joke response but I think it may be credible in the long run, what does the community think?

Two suggestions for future explo… i mean legitimate farming -__-

Have materials not drop more than 25 of itself per 24 hours – should stop farming, casual players have a chance as they may not even even have time to play let alone farm 25 of every mat, increases dependency to buy on the tp.

After killing a certain enemy (100/day) or looting each mat 25/day make a soulbound item which cannot be destroyed (farmers lousy tshirt of “i farm all day”) – this would make people stop using that character to farm or their inventory will soon end up with an item they can only ask anet to destroy off their account.

“Some of my best friends are heterosexual”

Future Exploits

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sokram.7856


It would limit the players. There are bots and farmers to sell gold, but that’s another story.

But if a player chooses to walk around grabbing every piece of material, i don’t see why this is wrong. It would be the same thing as limiting the experience gained in one day, or limit PvP activity. Everyone chooses his own game style.

Future Exploits

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kaizer.7135


Wait, so we’re not allowed to earn our gold or materials?

Future Exploits

in Suggestions

Posted by: Turial.1293


As I said, originally a joke a response and the numbers are just a rough guess. How many small tokens would you find in a day anyway? 20-30 before you leave that area or log off for another character or for RL. A bot could farm upwards of 200+ tokens providing they have enough hacked accounts and such, by limiting the amount of drops it limits what amount a bot could farm but not by how much a normal gamer could farm. Anyone that spends 3-4 hours farming grubs shouldn’t be awarded an infinite supply of T6 materials, they should get butter or something after a material drops for 200th time.

Also there is no monetary gain for gaining too much xp (not counting using 200sp for a rare material) nor for being a high rank in pvp.

“Some of my best friends are heterosexual”

(edited by Turial.1293)

Future Exploits

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


Doing this would be so obviously absurd that I see no need to explain you why.

No exceptions!

Future Exploits

in Suggestions

Posted by: Turial.1293


Doing this would be so obviously absurd that I see no need to explain you why.

So incredibly constructive I see no reason to expand.

“Some of my best friends are heterosexual”

Future Exploits

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zeivu.3615


But the best stuff requires 15 of a given item. For a whole set of armor, you’d need 90. Why should I have to wait four days to complete my armor? Why should I have to pay much more for crafting items?

Future Exploits

in Suggestions

Posted by: GADefence.5634


I actually think of the limit was an arbitrary number like 15-25, you’ get you set faster. I think the anti farm code hits you far faster then that until you run 70+% magic find.