Future Profession Ideas

Future Profession Ideas

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gwyn.6412


Hey guys, so I have been thinking of what future content for professions, and been beginning to wonder which approach ArenaNet will take . . Will it be an increase of level? Somethings that I thought would be different, is to add things to allow for deeper character customization. Whether is be allowing a profession access to weapons they wouldn’t normally be able to use, (thief with a torch, warrior with a dagger etc.), additional weapons (scythe, crossbow, whip, spiked chain, gauntlets), or adding new profession trait trees. Maybe a combination of all? Sure giving us more levels will give us the ability to gain the abilities we had to forgo, but this is what most games end up doing! ArenaNet, you guys have taken many bold approaches with this game, and I applaud and love you guys for all of them =* Please consider my ideas =]

Future Profession Ideas

in Suggestions

Posted by: DaWolv.8503


I don’t care for increasing the level cap!
They balanced everything around Lvl 80 content and you already have the downscale mechanic!
I think in future expansions they will roll out a handful 60-75 maps and a dozen 80’s.

As for the new Profession: What would that be?
They have covered almost all major architypes with what they have.

No, I think, as you already proposed, introducing more weapons is the way to go!
Your Collection is quite good already!
Scythe (2H) for N,W,R
Whip (MH) for G,T,R,El,(M)
Crossbow (2H) for R,En,W
Magic 8-Ball (OH)?
Machetes (MH/OH) maybe?
I think it’s tough to come up with more, but nothing’s impossible, right?

Widening the usability of torches is definately a good idea! Also Rifles and Shortbows seem a bit restrictive, although, looking at the professions, that’s understandable.

Future Profession Ideas

in Suggestions

Posted by: Crimby.5970


I hope the Commando character will actually be a real one soon. It looked awesome, but sure if it is possible.

Increasing level cap would be nice since there is not much to play for if you are 80 with top gear. You could get a legendary, but those are not increasing any stats and costs to much time.

Ability to choose your own weapon skills would be nice. So 1 weapon type have several weapon skills and then you can choose 2/3 per weapon of it.

Ruins of Surmia
Godless Crimbz, level 80, Charr, Warrior
God Crimbz, level 80, Sylvari, Mesmer

(edited by Crimby.5970)

Future Profession Ideas

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ceder Of Tyria.5079

Ceder Of Tyria.5079

I would really like a profession that uses a whip. There could be a two handed long one and a main hand shorter one.
Fans http://tinyurl.com/am6y9fk http://tinyurl.com/bzzz52b
Pole arms/Halibard

I hope they do not raise the lvl cap but add more content for lvl 80. Cap doesn’t have to be raised to make new content. Eg a new land with a new story line or just a new area with a new story. Raising the lvl means that all content we have present becomes useless as you get higher lvl. Max lvl 20 in GW1 worked fine.

Legacy Of [MARA] & Scions Of [MARA] ~Gunnar’ Hold Descendants Of [MARA] ~Yak’s Bend

Future Profession Ideas

in Suggestions

Posted by: TJV.6239


I hope they never include a whip as a weapon in this game. A whip isn’t a weapon and including it would make BDSM players too happy…and a two handed whip…seriously? Have you ever used a whip? Two handed just wouldn’t work…

A morning star/flail and two-handed flail would be a great addition to the soldier classes though and a two-handed axe and a halberd would be excellent additions too. Crossbow too.

Tyler Joe