in Suggestions

Posted by: Hamfast.8719


Here’s an idea that could use a little work – what about making some items Guild Bound?

I want to be able to share with my friends, and vice-versa. Or give them gifts on special occasions that they might not normally be able to get for themselves because the gods of RNG weren’t kind to them.

I am thinking here mostly of consumables that are available for a limited time, such as festival rewards. Many game festivals correspond with real-life holidays, and players with a LIFE might not be able to attend every in-game event. Also, (as mentioned), some players may be LUCKIER than other players with the RNG. If I get 3 tickets for weapon skins and don’t want them all, what would it hurt to be able to give some to my friends who have been killing themselves daily and getting nothing? Even the soulbound festival hats should be tradeable so that players with more than one warrior can get more than one heavy helm. (Having a helm would NOT trigger the achievement that earned it.)

I am sure some people would try to “exploit” this, so for starters Guild Bound items would have the same “cool-down” time as the Guild Vault. People would actually have to be a full representing guild member for 72 hours before they could swap Guild Bound items. (Some guilds would have no problem letting people join up for 3 days just to SELL them a Guild Bound item. The player would then have to USE the item before leaving the Guild, or lose it.)

GW2 would have control over what kind of items are Guild Bound, so they can simply change an item back to “Account Bound” or “Soulbound” if they feel that unfair exploitation is taking place.

My main goal is to be able to give nice, thoughtful things my friends. All of this “account bound” and “soulbound” junk is intended to keep certain items from being sold on the TP and messing with the economy. It is also intended to encourage each player to earn goodies for themselves. That’s fine. But it also clamps down on players helping players, which isn’t very community-oriented.

I imagine this is full of holes as it stands, but that is why I’m putting the idea out there – to get the holes identified and plugged. So please, if you see a hole don’t just point it out; try to offer a solution (the simpler the better).

Maybe the entire idea stinks. In that case, please give me a cleaner solution to being able to give stuff away to friends when everything is Account Bound or Soulbound. (Is that the solution right there? Make items “Soulbound on use. Not sellable on the Trading Post”. Then we could give them away but not sell them.)

Build a man a fire, and he’ll be warm all day.
Set a man on fire, and he’ll be warm the rest of his life.
– Unknown Fire Elementalist


in Suggestions

Posted by: chnet.1832


It’s good. Just make sure all guildbound items are returned to guild vault (maybe an extra one like collections in bank) when not representing or leave guilds.

Those guild armors and weapons can be good start point.


in Suggestions

Posted by: Donari.5237


I like this idea except for the concept that the item would pop back to the guild vault if you represent another guild. While these days I stick with just one guild, I still might want to hop to another of my four to ask for dungeon runs etc. The guild system is meant for quick changes in representation, and a gift should be a gift, not a loan only while active.

Perhaps guild binding could be used for initial transfer, but once the person uses it it goes account/soulbound and thus reverts to the current system. That would let you give something to someone, and let them keep it, but not let it keep on going to yet more people.


in Suggestions

Posted by: Hamfast.8719


I like this idea except for the concept that the item would pop back to the guild vault if you represent another guild. While these days I stick with just one guild, I still might want to hop to another of my four to ask for dungeon runs etc. The guild system is meant for quick changes in representation, and a gift should be a gift, not a loan only while active.

Perhaps guild binding could be used for initial transfer, but once the person uses it it goes account/soulbound and thus reverts to the current system. That would let you give something to someone, and let them keep it, but not let it keep on going to yet more people.

I picture Guild Bound items as consumables mostly, so a Guild Bound item remains Guild Bound until it is used. Then it is gone. If they were to make non-consumable Guild Bound items, then they would become Account Bound or Soulbound when used.

As far as I know, the Guild Vault cool-down period does not require that you need to be representing that whole time, and this shouldn’t either. I’m just saying someone needs to be “officially” indoctrinated into a guild by waiting 72 hours after joining before they can trade Guild Bound items. There is nothing to “pop back into the vault” because nothing can be swapped until the waiting period has elapsed. (Besides, the vault may be full). After the swap, a player can take any Guild Bound items on his person and leave the Guild with them.

I am not trying to create a roundabout way of swapping Soulbound or Account Bound items. I want to give things to current friends, and am only making this suggestion of a cool-down period to make it less attractive for people who want to misuse it for some sort of personal gain.

One thing I liked about GW1 was being able to go out and pluck a dozen Red Iris Flowers for the female players in my guild on Valentines Day, Mother’s Day, birthdays, etc. Everything you find lying loose in GW2 is Soulbound because it’s part of some gathering event.

Build a man a fire, and he’ll be warm all day.
Set a man on fire, and he’ll be warm the rest of his life.
– Unknown Fire Elementalist