(edited by Escapist.5687)
Hi i know this has been talked over a thousand times but i really don’t care anymore. I have been playing the game since the start and apart from cultural armours of t3 rank and some other exceptions i really haven’t seen armours that suite the kind of game GW2 is. I mean seriously where did the glorious shoulders with chains and floating relics go and a bit excessive armours that show the greatness of their designs? Maybe I’m wrong its possible but seriously is that the best anet can do? Really? And one other thing: it should be possible to display weapons and back items in character selection menu but it isnt that bewilders me as well why does gw2 have to be the only mmo where that isnt possible. Also i would like to hear developers explanation for these bewildering facts. Thank you.
(edited by Escapist.5687)
those kinda armors are WoW armors.. gw never had armor like what you describe.. in fact most of Gw1 armor wasnt magical looking at all… just normal clothes…
they just started adding in the WoW kinda armors in gw 2.. they havent done that kinda thing before… its not their style.
I miss the guild wars armor.
So? Do they have to have crappy armours like now? Not saying all are but kitten do u really have to have 5 armour sets that are cool, some additional at gem store ad thats it? I mean really. Maybe not as elaborate as wow ok or tera but surely they can do better not to mention that tera has epic armours all around- not saying the armours have to resemble them if thats the issue- just saying that they could do loads better than that. Also i would like to here reasons from developers plis. If we can post questions or suggestions on the official site the least they can do is explain why this is (after a year and a half) still not getting better. Dont forget the inability to show weapons in char menu.
What you think looks crappy, looks amazing to other people. While you may think “chains” and “floating relics” look good, i however disagree and think it looks stupid.
I leave a others their opinion I’m not trying to force it however I have to say that if for example Orr armour is something you like than pardon me for saying it but you have a bad taste. also I said the chains and relics are a possibility but since people obviously don’t like wow i wouldn’t mind armours like cultural to be a bit more “common”. true, it would not be special if you had it but then the whole game is based on some “being elite” principal that is shown in crafting a legendary and the basics of trading post. don’t get me wrong i love the game graphics are awesome game play is great apart from some minor details but if i pay them gems for stuff I think I’m entitled to right of complaining. if they try to add an armour on tp that resembles cultural but is “better” they remove it because ppl start complaining of it being unfair. interesting how they don’t notice some other complaints about stuff that really matter for game play. as for armours suite yourself if u don’t like chains no one forces u to i do and have the right to say it.
There were ‘some’ floating relics (such as elemental foci as an off hand) in GW1 and would be cool to see again, but there were hardly any massive shoulders (a disgusting and even more impractical design than revealing armor since at least some historical fighters- gladiators- did fight in very little). In fact it was the biggest reason why I hated Luxon armors, it screamed WoW with how bulky and unattractive it was. I always went Kurzick on my warriors even though I preferred the environment of the Luxons because I wanted Kurzick armor. Luxon ele armor was awesome though… would LOVE to see that back in game.
If there were large shoulder pads it was usually asymmetrical (sorta like jousting armor) in the other GW1 armors but never to the extent of what WoW has. Dangling chains never existed in GW1 that I can recall. I would like to see more cloth hanging from armor like the human T3 heavy as apposed to rigid skirts of scale plating like most of the armor right now.
Escapist the people who played GW1 didn’t play WoW because they didn’t like the armor designs, graphics, or the maturity of the community. That, and the monthly fee. Also, don’t worry, the armors are probably going to go towards that design (judging from the juvenile design of the legendary weapons), give it another year. You’ll probably have your shoulder pads that glow bright yellow with floating books, sparkles, a skyscraper’s amount of metal and chains that dangle and clang to annoy you as you fight. When they release ‘legendary’ armor, I’ll be pleasantly shocked if this doesn’t happen.
I have to agree about the orr armor (mostly). The skirt coupled with the nightmare top on my necromancer looks good (if I ever get around to earning it). As for the heavy design… it would be better if they got rid of the butt cape on the legs that flares out like your hero used way too much starch to wash it then dipped it in a resin to keep it that shape. Also, eventually, the flame light armor will come back. I’m kinda more annoyed that ALL three were just redone designs of armor we already had. They should have all had their own, brand new, designs. Not repeats with flame auras added.
The cultural armors should stay the way they are too, they are the ONLY sets that are exclusive. 15 sets out of about 150 isn’t being unfair. If you really like the human design so much, then play a human it looks best on them too because it was designed for them.
(edited by Kentaine.4692)
as far as it hurts me i have to agree armours in wow are weird but elaborate and shiny, exactly what u expect from it. apart from armors-evidently- i agree with everything u said about the game. as for orr i understand i just gave it as an example as far as the t3 goes i didnt have just the human designs in mind asura norn charr and sylvari all look awsome and some dungeon armors as well the only thing that bothers me is the fact that mixed with that u have a bunch of armors that are pathetic seriously pathetic.
I know how you feel, I’m disappointed by a LOT of the armor too. Then again… I may just be used to the level of customization in CoH, may it rest in piece, and would like more options of my personal tastes. A few more years there might be more, and hopefully not all gemstore either.
To be honest though, watching the trailers for WoW, I never expected it to look that crappy or have those ridiculous armor styles. It literally looked like they took the models of their Warcraft III creatures and blew them up to RPG sizes, their trailers had models more like the ones GW1 was able to produce with lower system requirements.
i agree. as for wow i liked armours and a bunch of stuff but never got in to the game cause of the low graphic quality. not saying that the armours have to look like that again its just an example. but a bit less Roman influence wouldn’t hurt.
also what’s your opinion on weapons in selection menus? and back items for that matter? aside of the obvious “showing off” reason its a bit stupid that those aren’t shown as a part of character presentation.
Bowyer’s Delight, Light of Dwayna, Shadow of Grenth, the charr backpacks… these are all back items that can be seen on your character. Dunno what you mean by selection menus? I don’t care if I can see my weapons before I log in or not. Though, it would be nice if I could pick my weapon at creation.
All armor above rare, and possibly some exotic, is ‘showing off’. No other reason, and if you want armor for showing off only then any design past that will do. The other back pieces are worn beneath the armor and you couldn’t see them anyway.
ah no it seems you didn’t understand. say you have wings of the sunless they are ugly maybe a bad example but…you cannot see them when you log in. you also don’t have the weapons when you log in true its not that important but its still a part of your character isn’kitten i would like to ask developers why is this the way it is.
Not sure. Oversight maybe? The game was released ahead of schedule after all, diessa plateau wasn’t even finished when I started playing, or rather they cut out a lot so they could release on time… something like that.
I’d still rather watch my character fly through the air to the top of the tower in Diessa Plateau instead of the load screen cop-out I know they did after I waited months to get that vista.
true i know that that’s why I’m asking developers. if they will have the time to answer ofc
Sorry man, I have to chime in here to completely disagree with you. WoW’s armour is simply horrible in all senses. Plus, WoW’s design style is completely different from GW2.
I am too happy with GW2 current style. I sincerely hope they don’t change it.
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