For those of you who like to just read the title and post things along the lines of ‘you just don’t know etc.’ or ‘you haven’t done etc.‘, stop now while you’re ahead; this game has a serious lack of competition.
I am aware of the keg brawl PvP activity. And while it is fun, it still isn’t very competitive.
I am aware of the Halloween PvP activity. And even though it is fairly more competitive than the keg brawl, once the sides get too lopsided, the competitiveness goes out of the window.
I am aware of sPvP. I’ve tried it and I’m not overly impressed by it.
I am too aware WvWvW. But there is almost no competition in zerg vs. zerg vs. zerg.
This game, in general, lacks competition. Arenanet, with the best of intentions, seemingly designed the game to cater to solo players (not including dungeons). Aside from dungeons requiring parties, there is nothing in the game that cannot be done as a solo player. GW2 is not a MMORPG; it is a MSPORPG (Massive Single Player Online Role-Playing Game). There is no:
- “I have to get to that node before they do” mentality
- “I have to get better gear so they can’t roll me anymore” mentality
- Drive to work on better gear (at the moment it’s so casual it’s not funny)
- Necessity to continuously improve play style
- Need to join a guild
- Need to do a lot of damage to get credit for a kill (yay for taggers!)
But to top it off, there really are no ‘open-world’ goals to work towards. Yes there are achievements, but those are for vanity purposes and offer nothing for the player. Besides, completionists who have never played GW1, like me, will never be able to complete all of the achievements because of the ‘Hall of Monuments’ category. Why even bother trying to gain all of the achievements if I will not be able to complete that category without actually buying GW1? In my opinion, having the ’Hall of Monuments’ category is redundant.
But to get back on topic, Malicious.6742 said it best when they stated:
That WvWvW is supposed to be the actual end game content but it is neither competetive nor motivating at all. Wow, there are even people who PvE there just because WvWvW has PvE elements. And that it is hard to effectively organize attacks.
I cannot begin to emphasize enough on how much I would love to have a PvP server, or at least the option to engage in open-world PvP (a toggle). I think that one of the biggest reasons that WvW is so popular is because it resembles open-world PvP, something that a lot of players are interested in, and apparently miss. But, like Malicious said, there really isnt’ a way to be victorious in WvW; everyone shows up as X Server Invader and the only thing that you have to show for it is silly PvE buffs. Also, with all of the zerg groups running around, there is no way of knowing how much, if any, of a contribution that you put in.
Malicious also goes on to state that guilds bring almost no real benefits to players. They’re not needed to PvE, PvP, or WvW either.
This goes back to my previous statement about there not being a need to join a guild. What does a guild have to offer the average player? Banners, if there’s anything else, please say so, constructively. And even then, there is so much work that should be done to the guild system that it’s not funny; it’s that lack of content that is preventing me from wanting to join a guild. There has been numerous management suggestions made that would improve managing a guild. Also, I am not particularly fond of how a player can join multiple guilds; a player should be limited to one guild per character.
But the big question that really has me going WTF??? is why title the game GUILD WARS 2 when there are, in fact, NO guild wars? As previously stated, guilds don’t really have anything to offer the average player to begin with. Going purely on how the game is, at the moment, a more appropriate title for it would be ‘World Wars’ or ‘Server Wars’, since that, in essence, is what it is.
I sincerely believe that GvG and open-world PvP would add whole new dynamics to the game that would have the potentials to increase the player-base.