GW2: Level 80 -> Achievements Rewards

GW2: Level 80 -> Achievements Rewards

in Suggestions

Posted by: Knight.1084



After getting to level 80 in GW2 everything seemded to be the same. I become level 80 and did not notice anything else that I could do.

Now looking at the good side that’s great too because if your under level 80 your not limited which is awesome.

Now looking at the bad side, If your level 80 (the top level) of the game, I really think there should be more control/more features/ or stuff more open to you. More power and stuff because then it makes been level 80 not so good in a way.

The suggestion:
When you reach level 80 there are way way more awards available. Like a chest or something, so when you complete a new achievement you get a chest. It is already like this but only a few.

This would encourage the level 80 to go out exploring more. Thinking they are in more control which is great.

GW2: Level 80 -> Achievements Rewards

in Suggestions

Posted by: cranked.3812


There are already tons of jumping puzzles and world bosses that give chests. There are also many achievements that can be done in the game, map completion, wvw, pvp, dungeons, FotM and so much more…..

If you have a hard time finding something to do at level 80, you are either bored of the game and/or need to find a new game.