(edited by Peka.5964)
Gambling mini-games
I think that Anet should add mini games to the game because it will improve casual aspects of the game. Gamers like casual fun!
I think this really nice idea.
As far as I know, there is 1 gambling min-game available… (that I know of atleast)
[WARNING: Spoilers below !]
When you got to the level 15-25 charr area (Diessa Plateau), there is the “cow shooter” which you can use to get yourself shot to the top of the guard tower to get the vista over there.
Sometimes there is an event at the cow-shooter where the guy is taking bets on how far a cow would shoot, you can choose 3 locations and bet your money on it, if i’m right you can bet 5, 10 and 50 silver (i’m only certain about the 50 silver, the 2 lower amounts i’m unsure).
Minigames are fun, but betting between players should be left out of it.
gold poker or black jack will be nice there
Great idea, but the easiest way to do this – build a casino in LA. Pirates will love it.
Really very nice idea. I think it will do all this mini games much more interesting.
Tavern in Pirate’s Bay (there’s none? introduce it! you might also use that torrent’s site allusions as well ) – a gambling heaven! Great moneysink and great fun. Also a lottery would be great so someone lucky can be actualy someone rich as well
But one thing – everything should be player driven. I mean there should be no money generator – and except for few initial startup donations from ANet everything should work off player’s pocket. So lottery will get bigger the more people buy tickets, etc.
Great idea, but the easiest way to do this – build a casino in LA. Pirates will love it.
You sir are my personal hero today
(edited by Marrond.1385)
Tavern in Pirate’s Bay (there’s none? introduce it! you might also use that torrent’s site allusions as well
) – a gambling heaven! Great moneysink and great fun. Also a lottery would be great so someone lucky can be actualy someone rich as well
Great idea, but the easiest way to do this – build a casino in LA. Pirates will love it.
You sir are my personal hero today
Yes, yes, and yes.
1) Great fun for players and an excellent pass time in the game, would create a whole new social scene
2) Excellent moneysink. Casino takes a percentage off the top of every pot, and the economy is made that much more stable.
3) Bring in traditional and totally unique games. I want to see Texas Hold ‘Em, sure, but I wouldn’t mind seeing Asuran Polydiagonal Chess either.
4) Gives people an alternative to straight grinding or playing the TP to make money. Besides, the TP is just another form of gambling. . but you don’t get to play with cards.
Is there a /roll or /dice feature? This would be the easiest thing to ask for that would allow groups of players to create their own gambling game in a tavern somewhere in Lion’s Arch.
I have memories of a player on Dark Crag in WAR standing on a tent and conducting some game of chance (I forget what) with in game gold. It was quite popular.
3) Bring in traditional and totally unique games. I want to see Texas Hold ‘Em, sure, but I wouldn’t mind seeing Asuran Polydiagonal Chess either.
How about The Witcher’s Dice Poker with White Wolf neckacle prize? (The Witcher fanboy from Poland here
Is there a /roll or /dice feature? This would be the easiest thing to ask for that would allow groups of players to create their own gambling game in a tavern somewhere in Lion’s Arch.
I have memories of a player on Dark Crag in WAR standing on a tent and conducting some game of chance (I forget what) with in game gold. It was quite popular.
Yeah it would be much easier to get /dice, but that wouldn’t create much needed moneysink (moneysinks are ok unless they’re reducing your freedom just as waypoints do) And casino would take their share from prizes.
(edited by Marrond.1385)
hmm nice feature for endgame :P
I think they should add the mini-game I invented so I can get a verifiable score!
Yes, more casual social activities are a necessity!