Game Improvement - Suggestions

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Schixeno.8596


Ranger pets:

  • Let pets attack while moving. This is really important because in PvP, us Ranger lose a chunk of damage that’s supposed to come from our pets. Pets would always do a long animation each time it attacks, and it is almost never able to hit a moving target. This has got to change.
  • Pets should stay closer to their owners, more info here
  • Pet attributes should scale with players attributes. Right now, a pet-orientated playstyle is very much discouraged because of their inability to hit moving targets and not being able to enhance their stats to your liking.
  • Pets take way too much damage in its current form to be effective. Pets can’t evade, nor can they move like players can. Pets should have a special effect that let’s them only take 5-10% damage from AoE spells. After all, they don’t even move out of the circle unless the player micromanages the pet extremely carefully.

(edited by Schixeno.8596)

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Malos.2081


  • Have the character select screen remember show/hide options you currently have selected. I prefer to have no helm visible on most of my characters (why put effort into the face/hair if you just hide it) and seeing the helm on character select screen feels awkward
  • Reduce waypoint cost scaling. Also remove the cost to return to town. Players are just using the Teleport to the Mists > Lion’s Arch > Town method anyway.
  • Change the cost of the Orichalcum level gathering tools to scale with other tools. (~2 silver) It is a waste of money to buy the higher tools and use them on other nodes. Having to carry around a set of Mithril tools is aggravating.
  • Reduce or increase Rich nodes to 9 or 12 (a multiple of 3). Clicking on the node the 4th time for just one ore seems clumsy.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: ACGalaga.7369


Give me an hourly notice for how long I’ve been playing… like the last game.
Hours just fly by these days.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: ENBassist.3485


I’d like to have a paid (cash or gem) skill point reset. I know you can earn more with exploring and xp after 80. I shouldn’t HAVE to. especially with the tiered skill system we should feel open to try new skills knowing we can reset them. I like exploring but I don’t want to be forced to to get my points back. That’s not fun.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: GodofWarz.6917


Don’t really have time to read through all the posts so mine might have already been said but I’ll say it anyway.

-Spawn Times

This mainly has to do with Orr. The spawn times of the Risen mobs are way too fast. I’m not really sure what the point of this was but it really makes things not worth doing sometimes. I was fighting my way to a Skill Challenge and had to kill mobs on both sides. I killed one side then went to the other. I killed that side and the other spawned so I went back killed that side and the other spawned etc.

Having spawn timers that fast doesn’t make the game more challenging it just makes it more annoying. Hopefully you all look into this because considering how many risen there are in Orr to begin with, the spawn times don’t need to be that fast.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Hangen.8906


Allow free travel from inside a city to any waypoint in any other city
When you are inside a city you can travel to any waypoint in that city for free. Make it so it’s also free if you choose to travel to a waypoint that is in another city.
Currently you can use the Asura Gates to travel from the city you are to Lion’s Arch and then to another city. This process is free but it adds more loading screens that necessary.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Raging Bull.5048

Raging Bull.5048

1) Arena DM 2v2 and 3v3 modes

2) CTF mode

3) Armor changes it’s looks after a while fighting in it – blood splatter marks, scratches

4) Character animation improvements

5) Camera improvements

6) Downed State removal from PvP OR revamping it so that the downed players have as three times as less HP, can’t teleport/knockdown/turn invisible. In addition, time needed to stomp a downed player needs to be at least halved

7) Finisher moves for the Downed State that are profession/armor specific. Also, for some downed state finishers the downed player needs to not be on the ground, but rather standing up – Mortal Combat style.

For instance, as a warrior, I want to be able to grab my enemy head and impale it on my shoulder spikes, decapitate him, step on his head with my heavy armor boot, impale him with a sword, split his head with an axe etc.

Casters might be able to incinerate, summon a portal through which demon hands appear dragging him inside, turn him to stone/ice and then chip his head off, mesmers covering downed players with some cloth after which the player disappears – like a magicians trick, etc.

Rangers can order their pets to go for the throat, stick an arrow in the enemy head, send a flaming arrow to set the downed player on fire etc.

Rogues could jump on their back, stabbing them multiple times in the chest, throw a dagger that sticks in the throat, send a barrage of arrows that impales the victim etc.

8) Implement items with a chance to drop in the dungeons, while not removing the current system

9) Mob AI needs to be drastically improved for both DEs and dungeons, and we need much deeper and more complex encounters – again both DEs and dungeons. As a reference see the “We need outward scaling, not just upward” topic in DE forum

10) Make it so that players in both tPvP and WvWvW aren’t completely colored blue/red/green, but instead wear colored capes or banners

11) Allow showing names in WvWvW – toggle-able through game options

12) Allow weapon skills 1-5 to be customizable. Each skill should have 2-3 different possibilities so that players can additionally differ, and so that we can customize our play styles

13) Ability to wear sPvP and WvWvW armor in the PvE part of the game

14) Better rewards from DEs and dungeons

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: ebrown.8193


Make Karma bought items sell for 2cp regardless of item lvl and allow them to be salvaged. Every time I buy a weapon or piece of armor, I have to remember not to put any upgrades in it because I know I can never get it out again.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Treason.8417


Couple more suggestions:

Could we have a dive animation?

I think the skybox is surprisingly unremarkable in terms of visual design compared to the rest of the game. That 2D cloud plane just kills any beauty. Well frankly the clouds aren’t that pretty

Also, you people designed wonderfully frustrating jumping puzzle and no rag doll physics??? I want to take pleasure from my character’s body dying in beautiful and ridiculous ways.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shaank.2065


Skins- more skins for items and armor that can be obtained from various ways, I am sure this is the plan but I thought id put it in anyways.
Trading – between characters, I don’t understand why the feature is not in game but it is annoying and somewhat unacceptable that a simple feature is not in any game these days.
Dueling- People love to duel and show there kitten.
Inspect players- it is always cool to see a player with cool looking equipment and being able to go inspect him to research how you can acquire it.
PVE: Challenging epic raid content with at least 25 man capacities. The way the current PVE endgame system is lack luster and in a few months’ time the player base will be left wanting more.
Also a more challenging PVE dungeon. I feel it is 10x harder to make a dungeon without the holy trinity aspect, due to the mechanics of a boss fight. I don’t think everyone likes kiting the whole dungeon around. but it’s the direction you chose, so figure it out.
Let’s get some dungeons that have to be unlocked either through guild progression, or WvW progression like Darkness falls system in DAoC.
Guild Housing: Guild halls where member can congregate and hang out.
Player Housing. The whole point of a MMO Is to feel immersed in the game world. Player housing done like UO,and SWG allows this. Being able to show off equipment on walls, and such to show accomplishment is always a great feature. I would like to see where players could buy a plot of land in a non-instanced portion of the world. Make a certain amount of plots, not everybody can have a house at the same time they have to achieve it through either buying a plot or buy from a player who has a plot, like in UO where land was scarce to plant houses.
LEGENDARIES: Being able to craft legendries’ is pretty cool but lets see how some other ways of obtaining them like we saw in EQ with the class specific weapons and yes even WoW, long quest lines. And let’s keep em rare.

Realm Ranks: Like in DAoC lets get realm ranks with an armory type system where people can look up peoples Realm rank and stats on the website. Along with unlocking more utility skills that are for WvW only, such as maybe being able to spawn a siege weapon with 30% less supply, or a Stun break ability, something like that. Take a look at DAoC’s ranks and skills @, . We don’t want anything over powered to where it would be impossible for a casual to kill a hardcore player but just some a couple stats here and there maybe.
I think it would also be cool that rank would deteriorate if you were not active in WvW for a while, or as people move up in rank those move have not participated move down and losing access to such abilities.
Add some epic PVE content in there so that servers fight for it.
When you have a system where keeps and other landmarks can change every day it makes sense that a pve type dungeon or content onlocked by controlling the map or portions would be great to implement as it would make the player base want to work for it. As mentioned before a dungeon system like DAoC’s Darkness falls would be awesome.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chronologist.9782



  • Vertical camera offset
  • Seperate bracket sPvP/tPvP with gear earned
  • Character re-customize option via gems
  • Race change option via gems
  • Legendary item that requires mostly PvP and not PvE (50 million players killed? haha)
  • Keybind for asking nearby players for help (“X Player needs help!” in yellow text)
  • Cloaks
  • Consumables that change character appearance and can be in combat with


  • Reward system other than badges (I have 1000+ and I carry all blueprints already)
  • Personal ranking (Like RR in Daoc)
  • Website that shows WvWvW related stats on website
  • Various stats on WvWvW currency gear (Not Power/Tough/Vitality)
  • Option to see enemy player name
  • Camera zoom-out for siege
  • Ability to form raid/large group
  • Option to see “Death spam” in zone (X Player has killed Y Player in Z)

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Darkshine.6819


Can we possibly make it so that you can sell tonics yo other players or merchants. I had to use 30 or so tonics just to free up space in my bank…

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ziggy.7319


let me zoom the camera out more please.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Plunder.8195


Please put some orange circle or something else around mobs that are invulnerable because some gameplay related things (e.g. reset because the player is out of aggro range, or the mobs are scripted to move to some certain point for an event).

At least make it clear to the players that they don’t have to waste their cooldown on these mobs =)

Some thought provoking quote

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Stormkitten.8219


Notifications for friends/guildmembers coming online (with a checkbox in options to turn each of these off, so people in huge guilds aren’t swamped).

Custom chat channels – both open ones, and ones that can be password protected, or by invite only. Ideally, we could have both per-server and cross-server versions, with per-server channels allowing guesting players to join in.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vukanigia.5496



*Night Watch a powerfull NPCs that u can hire at keeps and tower during the night when most of EU people are sleeping.

Night Watch will last 6h, from 02 till 08 server time and they will bring walls and gate buff with strong range damage.

This will prevent servers to night cap all in the map and get advantage over others.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Airewing.4369


- viewpoints: would be nice to have a short back story about the place you are viewing (Galadriel style hehe);

- mounts: yes, i know the thing about waypoints and yet still i want to enjoy my surroundings and just go for a stroll or gather stuff and just not use said waypoints, but on foot it can be slow. Just would be nice to have an option;

- TP preview and general UI improvement;

- mini pets should have their own slot same as rings and accessories;

- quickslots ( macros if you want ) for emotes in the UI;

- personal houses;

- and yes, kitten profanity filter;

- tons of stuff what other people already mentioned.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rok.2963


Please, please implement the option to change the order of weapon skills.

I am fully aware of the complications of this, since one may put the 4th weapon skill (which is derived from the offhand) in the first slot, then later on change the offhand weapon; I am aware of this, but I am also sure that you can still find a workaround. But this option is simply a must to play PvP competitively and efficiently with minimum confusion and pain in the head.

How come? Well, it does not help at all with a crowd-control skill like the slowing sludge uses the 5th bar slot (and its shortcut), then when I change from a 2H weapon to two 1H weapon, all of a sudden my alternative crowd-control skill (like the net shot) is in the 2nd bar slot, using its different shortcut!

This, with trying different classes too, becomes really confusing, and mastering the game becomes far too complicated for how it can potentially be with some intuitive bar-change and shortcut change options.

For me, I am a shortcut person, not a clicker, so even if you keep the weapon skills where they are on the bar but at least somehow give me the ability to give shortcuts to skills in the spellbook or hero menu, then I’ll be satisfied, but a “clicker” won’t, I think, because he will need that skill in the same spot he is used to when he wants to produce that specific effect.

So at the end of the day, it would make most people happy if you just allow us to shift-click skills or spells to change their placement permanently, and the game always remembers where we placed the skills with that specific weapon combination.

And frankly, I think the Guild Wars 2 is becoming successful and popular enough to simply need addons. You can limit what an addon can do, but at least let the community and fans help you in customization like this! It would take a lot of work off your back and give it the fans & community. Addons aren’t necessarily about making the game easier or automating it, but many addons allow players to customize skill placement and even the aesthetic look of the game…what’s wrong with that? Nothing! Please do allow addons, just limit them if you want.

Thank you!

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Yozoh.8179


  • Features:
    - Dueling. — Please add this.
    - Inspect: The ability to inspect the gears & build of other players like Diablo 3.
  • Combat:
    Skills should be more responsive.
    I understand that a Greatsword should swing slower than a 1-handed sword, but it feels as if there is a fraction of a second delay between hitting the 1-8 key and the initiation of the skills animation. Not sure if it’s my internet or the server lag, but I download at 2-3MB/sec, and am standing in a map/area with barely anyone around. This is very frustrating for someone who wants to be competitive — a fraction of a second really matters as it can determine whether or not you’re able to reflect an incoming projectile before it reaches you.

– Make skills more snappy
– Cut down animation time.

Example: GW1 interruption skills — it is surprisingly fast and great for competition.

(edited by Yozoh.8179)

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Raging Bull.5048

Raging Bull.5048

After discovering some areas of the GW2 world I must say this:

the bulk of GW2 world looks pretty generic. Plains, hills, trees here and there, swamps… Fine, you can’t do without those. But I feel like GW2 lacks more unique areas that people can remember. There ARE some of those, I’ve seen one yesterday and I loved it (kill me now, but I can’t remember what area it was), but they are too far in between.

The area I saw was a tunnel that goes up the mountain with one side open, and I could see the abyss bellow on my left side as I climbed up. Then, as I came out of the tunnel, I stumbled upon some suspended planks that served as a suspended bridge, of some sort. It was awesome.

We need more memorable places. More in each area. More densely placed. Not just hills and plains.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Aevic.9675



  • Spirit Weapons: Can we get a Duration on the icon or somewhere to show much time is left on said spirit weapon? I find it frustrating when my sword is about to expire and I forget to use it’s second ability to maximized damage.
  • “Hold the Line!”: Ability is still bugged and doesn’t play a sound file as a shout. Needs a fix it’s been like this since release

(edited by Aevic.9675)

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Arcane.4950


Thanks Arenanet for making the best MMO in 5 years, to continue this success i ahve a few suggestions:

1) Officer chat – basic requirement in MMO’s would really like to see this added.

2) Large scale PvE instances – dynamic events are fun but the mechanics are basic and its very low skill zerg gameplay. Instances are 5man limit so there is really no large scale endgame PvE. Please add 40man instanced dungeons with a single huge boss that has complex mechanics.

3) More sPvP variety, different tournament types, different modes to the standard domination and official tournaments!

4) WvW Queue Position! Having to queue is annoying but understandable for balanced large scale WvW. However the queue system seems totally random. Several times I have queued for hours to have someone in my guild that queued after me get in before me. Please add “You position in the queue is XXX” to the cursor hover infomation and limit the queue to one borderland at a time.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Surmaturma.4823


Would love to see group-join on minigames like keg brawl and naturally an update on minigames

<3 the game!

“To Rasa Sum – and back again!”

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Safire.9143


Option to see normal player lvl in scaled location.
In-game PING meter.
Cash on Delivery Mail /Trade.
More PvP modes !!
More minigames.
Minigame joiners in mists like spvp joiner.
Raids/or hc dungeons for more than 5 ppls.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: dartmor.3714


I am passionate mmorpg player and my fav class is rogue/thief. I played DAoC, i played WoW and now i am playing Gw2. Also, i am game designer.

I really love to use invisibility and backstab my foes. I don’t care about effectivness, i just love this playstyle. And Gw2 provides what i need ( for example, i couldn’t use that playstyle in WoW; even when they maked Shadow Dance ). But there is some problems that affects my fav build and i can’t enjoy it.

First of all, i spam “Cloak and Dagger”. And i don’t understand why my initiative is used when my foe is out of attack range and automatically says “miss”. Sure, now i use it carefully only when my foe is close, but that’s not very comfortable.

The main problem is that while i am in invisibility – i can be attacked by aoe. And because even normal attacks are some kind of AoE, it’s totally not fair. Stealth – is the core of my build , but when i enter in it, i am easily attacked and knocked down. Because of that i have to spam Backstab right after i get stealthed , otherwise i will be punched / knocked down or something else. So , please make a special Trait somewhere in Shadow Arts:

It can be named: “Shadow / Dark + Cloak / Sanctuary” , personally i think the best is “Dark Sanctuary”

It makes thief invincible while in stealth ( because stealth can be used only for 3-4 seconds and it can’t be spammed , i think it’s fair ).

And i don’t really appreciate the idea that i can’t trigger stealth right after i used backstab, so maybe another Trait in Shadow Arts that allows Thief to trigger stealth right after leaving it could help ( it sounds very logic as a Trait , but i am not sure about balance; maybe it should be restricted to 1-2 uses in 60 seconds – so you can reenter stealth right after leaving it only 2 times every 45-60-80 seconds ).

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: LanceHavenbay.2067


-Aggressive pet function; pet attacks any hostile targets nearby, but your target takes priority. (It gets tiresome having to recall a target every time I kill something, on Guard he wanders about between targets.)
-Give us an option, perhaps a checkbox under options, to view pet buffs/conditions.
-Increase event difficulty/foe types in events that have been Zerged. (Right now you just spam aoe at 30 million baby spiders. Have them flank us at least!)
-Give Diamond Aegis a more reflect/Glowing surface. I feel like it is very dull for a Diamond shield.
-Add Fiery Dragon Sword to HoM PvP rewards, it is missing.
-Send mail address properly listed. When I click on a character, to send mail to them, it lists their account name, and I have to delete it and type their character name anyways. Basically I’m composing a letter every single time. Make ‘Send Mail’ specifically address that characters name in the ‘To:’ field.
-Seriously need more armor variety. Everything looks the same or similar. The only really cool armors I have seen are a result of drinking a tonic. Each zone (Yes, each and every zone) having a unique armor design drop for it would be amazing. The item would be soulbound and dropped at your level. To prevent exploiting and selling items farmed at low level zones. That in itself would help make armors less boring.
-Costume slot for Gem/How Rewards? Transmuting feels broke, since I always have to go to HoM just to transmute a single piece of armor. Transmutations should be saved for making basic armor look like basic armor, exotic, exotic. HoM/Gem armors should have a separate category. Especially because if you buy an armor, you don’t want to rebuy it if you run out of stones.
-Larger variety of town clothes. Trench coat, etc.
-More Dynamic weather. I have come across rain twice in my entire time playing. Please make it more frequent, or more diverse depending on my zone. Add blizzards to the Shiverpeaks, dust storms to rocky, dirt covered areas, etc. Make it feel like we are actually in that environment.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Burdoc.2865


Just a quick suggestion for one ranger pet. The hyena.

The hyena I feel is being cut down in power, literally. Its power is cut in half compared to the rest of the canine breeds. If I knew more about the power/stats of the hyena ally shout, I wouldn’t complain as much if I knew (if it does make it indeed make balanced).

Secondly, why doesn’t the hyena ally follow my character? The elite abilities of the ranger i.e. Thorn Wolf, the druid spirit, the follow your character around. For a limited time. The hyena ally just stays put, in a small area. I could attack something with my bow, but it wont charge at it, nothing.

I get it, its a shout ability and shouts are a limited area of effect. But the fact that the hyena power is already cut in half, it requires the assistance of the hyena ally at a constant basis.

I would like to see the hyena get a power boost.
The hyena ally show its stats.
That other elite/skill based pets show their stats.
The hyena ally follows my character just like the other pets.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: BioHazard.2147


Black Lion Trading Company

Character Reset(15$-20$=Gems)
*Retain Map Completion
*Retain Inventory
*Loose Story Mode Completion
*Slot skill points LOST for racial abilities
*Cultural Items retained, unequipped
*Creates Item(Character Reset Tonic), When item is consumed you are bumped to character creation screen
*Race Change Available
*Character Customization Available
*Includes Name Change

Name Change (5$ = Gems)
*Creates consumable item, when consumed displays like pet name bar (validate to make sure no duplicate names)

Story Mode Reset (5$-10$=Gems)
*Comes as consumable – “Alcohol” (Black Out)
*Moves you to Character Story Creation
*Loose all Story Mode progression, Loose all Order affiliations (weapons + armor)

Weapon Skins (1-5$=gems)
*Creates a Weapon token you can use for transmutation
*GuildWars1 Skins + Player base skins
* Does NOT include Heirloom items
-Cash on Delivery mailing

(More to come)

(edited by BioHazard.2147)

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Feralblade.6384


Dungeon token rewards just aren’t worth it as they are.

A full set costs over one thousand tokens, and a dungeon run only gives what, 20~25 tokens? Before the reward reduction system, token rewars were already very hard and boring to get. It demanded many days of pure dungeon grinding just to get enough for a single piece of armor. I though the point of GW2 was to eliminate the grinding, boredom and repetitive routines, right? What’s more repetitive than having to run the same dungeon over 50 times just to get a single set of armor? (actually, just to get the skin, since we can get similar armor — stat-wise — by just buying it at the TP).

Now with the reward reduction, it’s just not worth it anymore. You can’t grind the same dungeon for tokens, running the same dungeon every day just for tokens is boring and the items are just too expensive.

Either drastically reduce the item prices or give an alternative (like guaranteeing a “one-armor-part” token after each dungeon branch). The current solution basically doesn’t justify the token rewards.

On a side note, an Inspect option (to see other people’s equiped items) would be nice, too.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: murapix.9832




  • Display minion life on UI
  • Ability to control minions ie. Don’t attack, attack this enemy, etc.
  • Healing out of combat
  • Fix the minion AI – they still don’t always attack, and still have trouble attacking inanimate objects


  • Pet names don’t stay
  • Button to make pet hold target


  • Display turret life on UI
  • Ability to tell between personal turrets and others



  • Increase mob health and damage – I can easily solo a veteran 2-3 levels higher than me by sitting still and spamming skill 1
  • Increased difficulty on events with higher participation – after a certain point, enemies die instantly from all the aoe damage

Ascalon Catacombs:
I’ve only done AC on story mode, but it still seemed a little imbalanced

  • Decrease trash mob health a little
  • Increase the damage and/or the amount of different mechanics for the bosses
  • Make the Lovers easier – even when they are separated, they do too much damage – they were the only bosses where our whole party wiped several times

Game Improvement - Suggestions

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Posted by: Tygra.4570


Please make karma account-wide. It has no use at all once we have bought our karma gear in Orr.
Right now WvW players are sitting on thousands of unused karma.

It wouldnt give any advantage to “toons” since you still have to go to Orr to buy the good stuff, and still need the level 80.

Regards, Tygra.

The French Flair [FF]

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Denokiller.4395


There needs to be a ingame way to report bots, something that will make it easyer for you to investagate, and easyer for us to report. and if you could offer a “bounty” on bots that would relly help getting them out of the game

Section: Exploits
Subsection: Possible ingamebot
then it should list your location (game server ,map etc…) along with a screenshot so they can act faster.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rehk.6574


Need more detailed tooltips for stats on the character screen.

(Defense = number does not really tell us what it does. We need information on what is mititgated and by how much, so us the formulas)

Add a show detailed tooltips mode / hide detailed tooltips mode

Add detailed tooltips for skills, and tactics

(The problem here is that say one skill will say….10% chance to proc _________. Then gives no description of what ___________ does.)

*Pets in general need their own window to moniter health, of course, give us the option to hide it for those that dont want to use it. *

Allow the linking of skills and traits into chat

Please give us weapon slots for all possible weapons we can use on our character.
Instead of the “R” button swapping between one and two, have a Dial that pops up on mouseover and lets us Switch between All available weapon loadouts

Shadowstep for Theives and teleports in general need to be actual teleports, and not just “instant run to that spot abilities”. Theres needs to be a little bit of grace on the Z axis given so that we can shadowstep and teleport over small holes in the terrain and over short obstacles.

Currently +crit% on weapons does not show if its working on not on the character stat screen, no way to tell if its a visual bug or actually not working at all.

Lastly, I’ll just say that certain item and skill descriptions, need to be more descriptive in general. Obviously some people might not like to be bogged down with “too much” information. But the option needs to be there for the sake of understanding game mechanics.

An ingame “Game mechanics and formulas manual” would go along way to helping people find this kind of information to determine what specs to use, what stats to get, what things stack, what doesnt, etc etc. gw2 Wiki is a good source for some of this, but it sure would help to have it also there in game somewhere.

Currently, Im not sure that I can Structure PvP with a group of friends and not be split up when the game starts. This is annoying, please find a fix. (I want to play with my friends, not against them) [I understand tournament mode allows for this, but we shouldnt have to resort to tournament mode to play together all the time in spvp)
This is just a wish, and obviously would take some work, but please consider adding in Battlegrounds with a larger variety of player team sizes. Example


This could be done with the same maps, just allow for different modes and more players, or done with all new maps. Either way. I really beleive this is somewhat needed as some people have computers that can easily handle Spvp, but not handle World vs world at all. Some type of balance between the two to give an option to participate in “large” battles while not having the possibility to be overwhelmed by HUGE amounts of players slowing performance would be AWESOME.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Eluvium.2307


  • Map Annotations

Every now and then I run across a spot that has a nice supply of a particular food item all clumped in one area or is just otherwise resource heavy. It would be nice to be able to annotate the map with a little peg or ‘pushpin’ with the ability to add a short description of the reason it was ‘pinned.’ This way it would be far easier to remember, “Oh yeah, that’s where I found that particularly scrumptious clump of spinach.”

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: proteininja.5891


This post will highlight a few minor annoyances that have bothered me since I started playing this wonderful game.

  • Issue #1: Walking to bodies and hitting the “F” key are unnecessary steps in the looting process when a player already plans to pick up all loot drops.

Decisions are what make game mechanics fun. I decide whether or not to kill a goat. I decide what skills to use when fighting the goat. These decisions can change regularly during a session. I decided 3 weeks ago that I wanted to pick up every single drop, but I am still forced to take actions for something that is no longer a decision.

Solution #1: Implement a true auto-loot system.

Loot is already instanced in GW2. There is no race to the body to see if I can grab the loot before someone else. Why must I be forced to constantly stop and pick up items that I already want in my inventory? Players who choose to pick up everything should be able to check an option that moves loot directly into their inventory when they kill something.

In GW2, inventories are large and because of “Deposit all collectibles” and stackable trophies players are rarely punished for grabbing up everything under the sun.

  • Issue #2: The two ranger pet behavior states are insufficient for pet management in dungeons.

If the pet is set to aggressive, then he aggros anything in his threat range and attacks. This is obviously not acceptable for dungeons where pullsmust be managed with extreme caution. If the pet is set to passive, then this no longer a problem, but it becomes a chore to constantly retarget the pet on new mobs especially when there are several low health mobs.

Solution #2: Add a third “intermediate” ranger pet behavior state.

In this state the pet will behave passively until you begin attacking. After you start attacking the pet attack’s whoever you are currently attacking and stops attacking when you stop. The pet can be manually retargeted to another enemy, but always goes to your target if you begin attacking a new target. If you tell the pet to retreat then they will come to your side and stay there until you issue a new command or you begin attacking a new target.

This will help immensely with pet management in dungeons. Passive mode will still give the best pet control as it will be much easier to give your pet targets independent of your own , but for the rest of us who just want their pet constantly in the fray, but not pulling aggro between fights this new behavior state will be a major improvement over the current choices.

  • Issue #3: Upon reaching 80 players are unmotivated to explore and adventure in very low level areas.

I play regularly with my girlfriend and after about two weeks I began to get pretty far ahead of her in content and in level. I will still go back to her areas and help her though the content because I love her, but most players don’t have that extra motivation when it comes to helping guild mates. Low level areas are extremely inefficient for character progress when compared to Orr. This results in Orr being overpopulated and the rest of the game world eventually becoming underpopulated.

Solution #3: Scale money, karma, item, and experience rewards for all dynamic events, monster kills, map completion, and heart quests so they are comparable to level 80 explorable areas

I enjoy the low level dynamic events, but since my level is already adjusted I feel it would only be appropriated to give comparable rewards to Orr Monsters Kills and Dynamic events when killing and adventuring in low level areas. Not equal rewards. Just enough to make it worth your while to help lowbies complete content and 100% starter areas. Also, weapon and armor drops are underwhelming. Weapon and Armor drop loot tables should be dependent upon player level and little else.

The rewards should be less than those of the higher level areas, but there should be at least a tiny chance to get a very good drop when doing low level areas. If I know there is a 0% chance of getting a good weapon I will have no hope. If there is a .00000001% chance, then at least I can dream.

  • Issue #4: Running from the crafting tables and mystic forge to the black lion trader NPCs in order to retrieve money and materials is an unnecessary annoyance.

When a player is adventuring there should be some barrier to them getting anything they want immediately from the trading post, but when a player is crafting in lion’s arch there is no reason to deny them access to goods or profits from the trading post based on their map location.

Solution #4: Allow the “Take all” button to be used from anywhere in one of the five main cities

Alternatively, move the black lion trading post NPCs to the area between the mystic forge and the crafting tables.

Thank you very much for your wonderful game, and I hope this issues list and its suggestions help you in your quest to make the ultimate online gaming experience!

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: destructus.6045


Ok I am sure most people don’t like the way it is set up at the moment. I’m all for the skill vs gear system but atm what I think you are lacking is a decent score card. The glory points earned at the end of a game mean nothing to anyone but the player earning them. I don’t feel it in anyway reflects how well someone has played. You have all different people playing this game, some are damage dealers, some are solo players, some are just trying to win the game, maybe the score card could show things to reflect what individuals are trying to achieve. By showing damage done, killing blows, over all kills, solo kills, damage taken etc people are going to feel like they did well in the department they are playing for. As it is a player can top glory gained just by running point to point flipping battle objectives and not even fight a single person. If you want people to play you have to make sure they feel like they are achieving something and since gear is not an option, some kind of pvp recognition in the way of scores has to be the motivation.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kunzi.3975


Bank and soulbound items.

Issue: When using the bank I personally throw character specific soulbound items in. Such as Mining picks/Dungeon Tokens. You are unable to take them out on other characters, or see which character put them in.

Solution: Instead of listing an item as “Soulbound to another character” would it be possible to have it read “Soulbound to (character name)”

This is only a minor annoyance but for people that play multiple characters this can be slightly frustrating to remember what belongs to who.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: chimecat.9082


Orr is really painful to be in. There are too many Risen too close together that aggro from halfway across the map and leash twice as far. I would love it if there was at least one road running through the place that offers relative safe travel. I understand that the level 80 areas should be more challenging, but it’s miserable just to try to get around the map.

As other people have said, waypoint travel costs are too high.
I would like more options for hair styles for all races.
If we can’t have p2p trading or COD, maybe we could have private sales on the trading house. That way you can choose who you sell your item to without having to use the honor system.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Slaven.3721


Make Mini Pets usefull – Add a slot in the character so we can put a Mini pet in. If we could rename or even customize it, it would be great and probably would increase mini-pets sales.

Maybe have pets who auto-loot, carry more items, give certain PvE buffs that have a long cooldown. I like the idea.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Aevic.9675


Mini Pets:

  • Make a Pet ‘Journal’ or ‘Storage’ that can be accessed from anywhere. Also, make them consumable and account wide like they already are. That way they do not take up inventory space.

Race Change:

  • As stated above, retain all map exploration and everything that does not involve personal story.
  • Reset personal story, as there is so much replay ability in this game, this isn’t a bad thing for the player to go back and play another story.
  • Cost is up to you but this should not be free obviously.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Redbyte.4897


I really enjoy sPvP, especially the capricorn map.
So my suggestion is i’d love to see alot more done with water combat in sPvP.
Also be nice to see simular things for the water like with the land, for example. Capricorn map has the cannon, Map with clocktower has treb etc.
I’d love to see under water types of seige weapons and more underwater based combat.

(edited by Redbyte.4897)

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Talsi.1469


Hi all,
here is my list:
1) Item prewiever for trading post
2) Add filter to divide light/medium/heavy amor at treading post.
3) Guild “message of the day” showing in chat as soon as I log-in (used to be in GW1)
4) Character makeover (gem store service) and add more options for character customization (hairstyle, beards, tattoos etc.)
5) Add “Transfer orders” gem store item allowing you to change Priory/Vigil/Whisper fraction or make their specific armor and weapons account bound (not soul bound) so that I could buy the armor with alt.
6) Add overview on “in progress” events to map (m), so that it is visible from any point of the specific map, not only from specific area of the map.
7) Better loot from explorable dungeons and world bosses.
8) Make dyes account bound.
9) Characters appearance should be the same in-game and in character selection – i.e. in character selection, the complete armor is always visible, regardless of my option on hide/show head or shoulders
10) Add Inspect function and add filter who can inspect us (friend, guild mate, everyone).
11) Add skin variety (skins, stats, rarity) to Armorsmith and Weaponsmith vendors – it is the same from lvl 1- 80). Also, unique Armorsmith skin at Granite Citadel would be sooooooo cool.
12) Add save/load template for equipment, skills and traits for sPvP – as it was in GW1.

“Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity,
and I’m not sure about the former.” Albert Einstein

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Draghmar.2594


I wrote this in topic that I’ve created but maybe here it won’t go away so quickly:

I have an idea to make game better for everyone.
I remember seeing somewhere posts about level downscaling leaving player too powerful for area his was at the moment. I noticed that too. It was even more problematic when I entered Norn lands with my Charr. I could kill everything without any effort…and that’s just boring.
I know – exploration. But I would like to explore with some challenge all the way.
But I know that there are some who like to go easy route and like to get feeling of superiority on starter areas. That’s why it’s best to make tool to combine both approach.

Make option to change level of difficultly.

Yes, it’s that simple. All you have to do is make something like “Normal”, which will be exactly like it is now and “Hard” that would lower character level for about 2-3 more levels.
That shouldn’t be too complicated to implement since you already have downscaling.

Please make this change.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kalypta.1073


Some ideas I had about tonics:

- ability to craft minis from tonics;
- possibly add a benefit to tonics, i.e. increase rare items gathering chance, or more exp while crafting while under the effect;
- once transformed you no longer aggro the species you are transformed into – could be fun for exploring;
- add armor recipes that require a tonic – maybe masks, that have the appearance of the tonic creature;
- make the tonics tradeable.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lonewolf Kai.3682

Lonewolf Kai.3682

I have a suggestions list that came from the Rangers forum. This is a formal request by the ranger community as organized from here:

This is a list from people who want to see new pets added to the system for either an update, expansion, or even a black lion buy.

My personal suggestion is to add more of the monsterous pets like the drakes. For example, I’d like to have a Ridgeback Scale as an amphibian pet. I’d even pay RL money ala Gems at the Black Lion for it, even if it had the same abilities as other pets (ie just a skin-over like the HoM pets).

So for example, my #1 request is a Ridgeback Scale.

Here is the current request list by the community broken down into types:

-Large Ridgeback Scale
-Any Mythological Creature

-Branded Creatures
-Any of the weasel family: Badger, Wolverine, Ferret etc.
-Warbeasts of Harathi Hinterlands
-Tropical Birds: Parrot, Macaw, etc.
-Cliff Bat
-Lion: Male and Female versions
-Longhorned Sheep
-Other subtypes of canine
-House Cat
-Translucent Wolf Spirt
-Swarm of Insects: Bees, Hornets, Wasps, etc.
-Large Praying Mantis
-Prehistoric Creatures
-Sabertooth Tiger
-Alpine Stalker

-Lighting Fish (Deep sea types?)
-Goliath Tigerfish
-Wels Catfish

In general, to be able to charm any creature out there would be nice.

Also, one thing that bothers several people is that the pet size does not change at all. A pet should grow in size with level ala GW1.

Purchaseable simple new skins (like the HoM pets are skins over top existing pets), armor, accessories, etc. for pets from the Gem Store was also suggested by several people.

“Be like water” – Bruce Lee

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Smitty B.7132

Smitty B.7132

My suggestion is more of an improvement or fix on something that’s already present in-game.

The Engineer ability [Hidden Pistol] and its alternate ability are really cool, but the effect of them is kinda killed when the barrels of the guns are pointing straight upwards in my hands and not at my enemy.

Seems like a simple enough fix that shouldn’t go unnoticed.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kalypta.1073


I would like to see a feature that allows us to create “fashion sets”. Specifically:

- each wardrobe would be linked directly to the armor the character is wearing and have let’s say 3 sets available with more unlockable with gem store items;

- we would be able to apply a skin to each armor slot in a set;

-to apply a skin to the slot one would require a transmutation stone, same as it is with gear now;

-changing between sets would require transmutation stones as well.

As of right now, I have two sets of armor with unique looks – the gem store medium armor set and the lvl 35 racial armor set. I crafted two sets of gear to apply those skins to, because I like playing with both depending on which one I feel like wearing that day.
When it comes to crafting lvl 80 armor set I really wouldn’t want to craft 4-5 just to have a variety of skins I can wear.

Also, having a wardrobe would allow for faster switching and free up bag space of all the gear. If needed, it can even be a purchasable bag slot.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sayuri.1268


I would like an option for my ranger not to use pet in combat, and maybe grant rangers a small buff to make up for lack of pet dmg. Some times pets can be great bear tank and so on, but how ou guys have the targeting system one misfire with my bow in battle will cause bear to run off and agro more mobs. Maybe like when i hit store pet, he wont come out till I want him out, not just when I enter combat.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: FourthVariety.5463


Remove all the “because games are like that clutter”, such as:

1. Remove teleportation costs.
Too annoying, if you want goldsinks, create better ones than that. Meeting friends on a whim is always better.

2. Remove armor repair.
In the open world, it only hurts those player who are weaker to begin with. Dungeons are better off, if players had a limited pool of repawns to use.

3. Allow full trait respec outside combat, remove unlock costs.
The little character development left beyond 30, should not be hindered by unlock costs. Changing traits means you are willing to try something and learn, why would anybody punish that by associating costs?

4. Right click friend → teleport to location
Playing with friends = #1
The music, the story, the graphics, the rest = very distant second.

5. Replace all instances of Soulbound with Accountbound.
I want the game to reward me, not one aspect of me I am representing in the game.

6. Replace junk loot with direct money drops
No, I won’t buy those extra slots, thank you. With that amount of people to sell to, all this type of loot does is to waste mouseclicks.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: lady.4075


the minis are in the inventry and when you clear your inventry out of collectibles the minis go too plz find a way to be able to keep the minis with you i hate to run back to the chest every 5 minutes to get the minis

thank you