Game Improvement - Suggestions

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Thedrake.4307



-When my target dies and I use a skill, sometime an enemies rather far is targeted despite he is too far to get hit, so he wouldn’t get aggro. However, the pet still goes to the enemy, and I have to call him back in time before he bring one, or maybe a group of enemies to me.
The suggestion is either making the pet attacking when I deal damages to an enemy, or make the pet attacking only if the enemy is in range of my weapon when I start to attack, since I will hit him anyway.

-A skill or something to rez our pet.

-Since I have the bound effect from the traits, the water became my enemy. If ever by mistake I go in, my pet disapears and the bound effect reset.

-Why can’t canine go underwater? o.o I can see felines but not canine underwater…


-When I select a kit, the first skill of the weapon would be in auto-attack.

-It would be nice if we can shoot Elexir F on allies too. The only way to grant swiftness outside of the battle is with Elixir B… with about 50% of chance to give swiftness.

-Kit refinement should works underwater too.


-Artillery barrage is just pitiful… about 1500 damages on enemies in a zone, maybe more if we are lucky. For an elite skill, it’s really few…


-Making a speciality system like on WoW. I saw we can build our character in a lot of ways… if we can get 2 or 3 specialities, and for each speciality, saving our traits and skill bars would allow us to play in different ways our character depending of our mood, situation and such…

-Allowing us to duel another player!

-Adding a macro system

-Adding mounts

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Aramean.2354


There are a lot of pve zones where the respawn rates seem too high. Straights of Devastation is one that comes to mind but there are portions of all zones that have this problem. If I’m fighting with a friend, we kill a mob, start on the next mob and have the one behind us join the fight partway in. It’s hard to move forward on maps when the enemies respawn at that rate. I think this would solve much of the ‘too dense’ issue that other players are bringing up.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Exarch.5389


- Pet names don’t stick to the pet. Please make it so that when I name my pets their names stay with them on swap out.

- Bring back evolving pets. Pets remain as “Juveniles” from 1 – 80. (e.g., when I re-equip a pet, they are “juvenile” whatever) At 80, I’d like to be able to equip pets for the situation much like I do with my skills – need more DPS – bring out the Dire Bear, want more CC equip the Elder Lashtail, etc, etc. This would also add a more depth to pet system in that you have to work at training the pet.

-Make Story Mode of each dungeon soloable with scaling rewards and difficulty (and I don’t mean give more to groups; I mean give less to people who decide to do the story mode alone). I’d like to be able to experience the story of the game without always having to worry about the group dynamic.

-Currently, once a heart quest is done, it’s finished – you just ignore it and move on – never mind that there are still spiders trying to eat the farmers. I’d like to see a system where you can earn small amounts of karma for continuing to help in the area of heart quest. To keep people from using at as a means of “farming” Karma, keep the rewards very small (i.e. 1 karma for doing something that would normally add to the heart and limit the total amount a player could earn). It adds to the idea of helping out in the world.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Azulia.1745


These suggestions (found if many other games)
These suggestions would improve player interaction and game play:

Guild Suggestions:
-Ability to send Guild Wide Mail
-Ability to send Officer Mail
-A Chat channel for Guild officers
-a Log in or log off indication in guild chat of members
-Message of the day being auto posted in guild chat upon log in.
-A last log in time for guild members in roster
-List of other guilds your members are representing or members of.

Party Suggestions
-Transfer Leadership option
-PLEASE allow more in party for group events and WvW with guild and others. 5 is not enough
-PLEASE PLEASE a follow option (sometimes we must bio break, answer the door, help our kids, this is very useful and in 90% of games)
-Have party members more visible or blinking on world map. Lil blue dot tooo small.

-Friend log on notification
-Duels among party members
-Be able to inspect party members or others

-Ability to change appearance at a barber with fee (hair & color)
-Have emotes directed towards people “Azulia waves at Fluffy”
-Inspect players (you can have players have ANON option if they do not want inspection)
-Duels (request duel option where player can accept or decline)
-Ability to wear a title after or below your name (titles are great, Why can’t we display what we earned?)
-Wardrobe option in hero tab

Helpful Combat Options
*Ready Check that leader can see (each player gets pop of box with ready or not ready)
*Target Assist Window (small window where you can add party members and see what target they are hitting) Look at LOTRO’s
*in Dungeons, let leader indicate who can CNTRL+T (target call)

-Ability to highlight and copy chat (to copy links and paste in browser)
above is really useful and needed.

More EMOTES!!!!- Let them indicate what player they are directed to

Thanks for listening, I feel these suggestions could be simply implemented and would really help the overall feeling of the game and player interaction

~Azabella~DragonBrand- Ministry of the Crescent Moon-

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Eli Stormstrike.8637

Eli Stormstrike.8637

To reduce queues and balance server populations;
1. Remove WvWvW as part of the World Completion achievement, which would make sense since WvW isn’t technically part of the world as it resides in the Mists, or mirror the borderlands with one another so that each server can complete their map on their respective borderlands. Currently, there are lots of people flooding queues in order to do non-PvP-related activities, in part not contributing to the battle and in part blocking other people who want to participate in WvW from getting in.
2. Make the Eternal Battlegrounds jumping puzzle a non-PvP area, e.g give everyone the starting area “Determined” buff, and compensate for this through automated traps perhaps, in part to discourage camping and griefing, in part to ensure people who are in WvW just for the puzzle finish it fast and move on to join the battle or leave WvW to allow others to come in.
3. Remove crafting nodes from WvW, in particular the orichalum and rich orichalum mining nodes in the EB jumping puzzle, and create some form of faster AFK-removal system.
4. Establish a queue system that allows us to automatically queue for the map with the lowest queue time, and allow us to see a map of WvW before queue’ing up.
5. Incentivize server transfers so that server populations are spread somewhat evenly, don’t penalize guilds by stripping them of their upgrades and influence, for example, and ensure low-population servers always have a low or free transfer cost when transferring from high-pop servers and vice versa.
And this next one is sort of related to another suggestion, which is to remove Karma from WvW entirely and substitute it with a new WvW currency, with badges being incorporated into it, a fluid currency, simply called “Honor”, which would function in the same way as Karma in PvE and Glory in sPvP. In part to not motivate people to queue up for WvW simply for PvE-related activities and in part to provide some other form of motivator for WvW players by giving them a ranking system and a separate currency, which should be given at the same rate as Glory and Karma, rather than being a rare sight dropped in bags from time to time.
Also, Karma should be made an account-wide currency, and maybe the same should be true for Honor, in part to not dissuade people from creating a new character, e.g if you’re farming for a legendary weapon.
Guild Halls & Hall of Monuments
So, for those that don’t know, guilds in Guild Wars 1 could purchase Guild Halls, where merchants, upgraders and others could be accessed and one could meet up for some activity or queue up for Alliance Battles and Guild vs. Guild(which also needs to be implemented), and these should definitely be implemented in Guild Wars 2, e.g unlocked through the “Architecture” tab using influence.
It could be tied into a Hall of Monuments, which was a place in Guild Wars 1 to store your achievements, weapons, armors, titles, accolades, companions, pets, miniatures etc., where each member has a home instance in the Guild Hall that functions similar to HoM. At the least, it gave us some overarching, coherent goal, for example one could display one’s sPvP rank, statues for defeating endgame bosses, and so on.
Also, what should be displayed in the Heart of the Mists is one’s sPvP rank rather than level, and please remove blue, red and green dyes from sPvP and WvW, since it ruins the point of the endgame, which is to get awesome gear, by making us ugly.
I don’t know about others, but the people I’ve talked to thusfar, in guild chat and other places, tend to be next-to-broke all the time; dynamic events have diminishing returns, anti-farm code kicks in when killing mobs and so the only way to make money is through farming crafting mats and selling them on the TP, and that’s mostly the high-end materials, e.g orichalum, or fine materials, e.g claws and venom sacs.
After discounting repair costs in WvW and WP costs to participate in meta events, I usually break even or make about 50s-1g a day, and that’s if I play for quite a few hours. Most of the money I’ve made is through one-time sources, e.g finishing a zone.
This is the first game I’ve played where there is no source of steady income; WoW had dailies that ensured you were never broke, SWTOR had insane credit drops and rewards that kept you above water and most other games aswell have reasonable monetary systems, whereas GW2 lacks dailies, has lacklustre rewards, has anti-farm codes all over the place and huge gold sinks in the shape of WP and repair costs.
We need some form of daily system or other source of steady revenue.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: PeAcE.5281


Hey guys, just a couple of suggestions on improvement/new additions, if you think these are thing you would like to have, please like the my post (: Thx

1) The flying merchant consortium. Various group from all of the world have banded together to create the flying merchant city. This is a level 40+ only city that was created by all races in order to promote trade and unity. Membership within the consortium comes at a premium of 50s per month. Players are able to set up player shop’s (must remain at location, so this loses the convenience of the trading post). The player is able to sell item’s that they own or buy new items from other players. If they are buying an item they must have at least one of said item in their inventory currently.

The flying merchant city takes 7% of all sales made if the player is NOT a member of the consortium. (ONLY Sales made and NOT a member; meaning the player doesn’t lose any coin if nothing sells and if they are a member, then they do not lose any fee).

2) Improvement to Trading Post Interface; add the ability to put items up for auction. Start bit at some coin value and then leave the item in the trading post for 24h, 48h or 168h. Once a bid has been places on an item, the player is no longer able to remove it; but must wait for the auction to end. Trading Post still takes its regular 5% listing fee and 10% sale fee.

3) Improvement to Trading Post Interface; add the ability to put items in trading post (for sale) for a specific amount of time; 24h, 48h or 168h. At the end of the time period, if the item does not sell the player is returned their item as well as their 5% listing fee. If the item sells then the trading post takes its regular 5% listing fee and 10% sale fee.

4) Dungeon ownership and competitions. Each week a guild can attempt to earn the right to challenge the dungeon owner by doing a time trial, the guild with the fastest time(that beats all 3 paths) earns the right. There are two guilds competing now, the current owners(defenders) and the guild that won the time trial(attackers).

Limit the number of players to say 4 parties of 5, so 20 players. Remove all mobs and bosses from the instance. Have a core at each side of the map that the opposing team needs to destroy in order to win.

Defenders need to kill the Attackers Core once to win.
Attackers need to kill the core best 2 out of 3 tries.

Being a dungeon owner rewards the guild with say 10%, or 5% or 1% of the total coin that the dungeon earns per week.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: lionsflair.6479


  • Preview gear and weapons on the trading post. Ever since the trading post has come up I’ve been browsing it often for upgrades, but right now it is very difficult to predict how gear or weapons will render based solely on the icon.

This ^ please please please!

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Aaarrrggg.7415


Little thing, but I’d love to see a “mute” button on the personal story cut scenes.

Why? Well, my husband and I play together in the same room, so one of us is constantly having to mute their computer during the cut-scenes and then turn it back up again quickly when the action starts (I’ve tried leaving it off altogether, but it’s surprisingly hard to play without any sound.)

I’d like to be able to toggle the cut-scene sound off on one computer and only listen to it from the other. Maybe it could be located at the bottom right where the “Skip” button normally is. So I could mute all of his story dialog and he could mute of of mine. That way it the voices will be coming from the correct person and not being echoed, out of sync, on the other.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: asperbianca.3196


In response to Azulia:

Ability to send guild wide mail: Would save a lot of time delivering messages to guild mates. Wish I had this feature in the other games where I was a guild officer…

Ability to send officer mail: A mass mail to the officers or a single mail to an officer? Either way, I believe it would be feasible to just use the normal mail feature, but that’s assuming that there aren’t many officers either.

Chat channel for officers: I think it would be easier to implement player created chat rooms rather than coding to identify which guild members are officers and which aren’t to prevent non-officers from accessing the chat channel.

Logging notifications of guild members: The only way that I can see this not being an annoyance is if there is a toggle for it.

Last three listed in guild suggestions I wholeheartedly agree with. Please keep in mind that I am not currently in a guild in GW2, I haven’t found any that interest me enough to want to join; my opinions are based on leadership experience in guilds from other games.

All of your party suggestions have my agreement. I play this game with my BF, and we both have children, and I can’t tell you how many times one of us would have to go AFK in the middle of something, which means that the other has to stay put to make sure that no one dies. But yes, that little blue dot is so hard to find some times.

Friend log on notification: You already have this, you just have to activate the game messages in your chat box. However, I would suggest making it a stand-alone feature that can be toggled via the friends list rather than the game messages. It is rather annoying to get spammed by “Obtained 1 Mythril Ore” when all that you want is to know when your friends log on.

Duels among party members: If duels were to be permitted between players in general, then this wouldn’t be necessary.

Gear inspection: I have always been wary of this feature. Yes gear does help a player, but I have seen many players, in this game and others, with less than par gear, outperform players with endgame gear. My concern with implementing this feature, in this game, is that it will enable the player base to become more discriminative when forming parties, i.e.: “Looking for Ranger for SE. Must have upgraded rare equipment. Link gear if interested.” This would put out all of the rangers who don’t have the gear being requested, even though they are a better skilled player. The only place where I foresee gear inspections being a feasible option is when a guild wants to partake in WvW, where gear actually does make a difference to a degree.

Ability to change appearance: Would like it if it included additional options on top of what you had available at character creation.

Emotes directed towards people: You can already do this with the command: /me (insert action). For example, /me waves at Fluffy. would be displayed as Trameria Waves at Fluffy.

Inspect players: If it’s just the stats, then I would agree, as long as it has a toggle to block inspections. But gear, please refer to the previous section.

Titles: Yes! If we earn it, why can’t we show it off?

Wardrobe option: I would imagine that it would free up inventory space, right?

Ready check: Would this just be for entering instances? If not, then I can see it becoming an annoyance in the world map.

Target assist window: I do not think that a window is necessary. There is already a target calling system implemented in the game, and I think that if someone needs help with a mob, then they would be able to call for assistance. Adding yet another window will just clutter up the screen for players with small monitors (I am not included in this group).

Leader designated target caller: This should be doable just by talking it out in party chat or through a VOIP program such as Ventrilo, Teamspeak, or Mumble. This opens up the possibility of abuse from the squad leader in designating party members as target callers who do not wish to call the targets. If a team cannot reach a mutual agreement via chat or VOIP then they should not even be trying to work together in the first place.

Highlight and copy chat: I would be more interested in seeing how this would be implemented. I am not saying that it is a bad idea, I personally like it and can see its usefulness; we don’t always have a pen and paper ready at hand to write things down.

More emotes: I would like more emotes, but everything listed can be done through the /me command. If anything, I would prefer that the emotes be changed into an action menu that can be accessed through a button at the end of the chat bar. Instead of typing out what you want to do, you would just click on an icon in the menu and hit enter. But I think that would require more coding than just throwing in a few new ones.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: asperbianca.3196


Suggestions of my own:

Ranger pets: Make pets stay stowed until called out. It’s a bit aggravating having to re-stow a pet when you fall.

Player embraces: This is a feature that I really miss from a previous game I played. Please allow players to be able to hug, and kiss, one another. For example: Bob wants to pick up Mary, so he sends the request. Mary gets the request to be embraced by Bob and approves. Bob picks up Mary and is now cuddling with her. The request window does not need to be too large, just big enough for it to be seen by the receiver.

Marriage system: I have seen this requested by numerous players and, in a way, I would like to see it done as well. As mentioned earlier, I play this game with my BF, and in the last game that we played together, we were married. Not to be too touchy feely on the forums, but I miss being referred to as his wife. Now, if a marriage system were to implemented, I would hope that there would be restrictions set for it. Some suggestions would be:

- Must be X level to marry
- Marriage must be done in Lion’s Arch (since it’s the hub of the game)
- Marriage will cost X to be done
- Divorce will cost X to be done (should be a percentage of the cost to be wed)
- If player x is the one that gets the divorce, then player x must wait x amount of time before being able to get married again

Of course, a marriage system would have its benefits, like:

- Gold, EXP, or drops would be better if married couples were within x amount of range of one another
- Added, quick, daily that would reward the couple with a random prize appropriate for their levels
- Titles that can be displayed over the character’s head to indicate their in-game spouse. This feature would have a toggle switch so that the players can choose to have it displayed or not and a switch so that players can choose whether or not they can see the spouse’s name displayed over other player’s characters.
- A chapel to host a ceremony that is attended by all of the major NPCs in the game as well as players that are invited by the couple. The chapel should be located outside of the bustling center of Lion’s Arch to help reduce lag for players with low end machines. Ceremony would cost x amount of currency to host; decorations, invitations, and events would all be extra; completion of the ceremony would award the couple with an exclusive set of town clothes (that cannot be traded or sold) and the guests with rewards appropriate for their levels, adjusted to reflect their participation in the ceremony events. The ceremony would not be required to get married, but it would be required to obtain the town clothes.

Mounts: I have seen this requested numerous times and do not think that it is necessary with the amount of waypoints to get everywhere, although I would admit that it would be nice to have the luxury of riding a mount across large maps like Wayfarer Foothills and Lornar’s Pass. IF this feature were to be implemented, I would suggest that:

- Not usable in cities.
- Require x amount of currency to be purchased.
- Require maintenance, i.e. food, water, and healing if needed; maintenance will only be required while the player is online.
- Will display a level of AI; the better it is cared for, the better it will perform. Basically, if you starve it, the most you will get out of it is a slow walk.
- Will be able to swim, but they will move much slower.
- Movement will adjust according to the terrain.
- Adjust in size according to the rider.
- Can be purchased via a stable inside the starting areas. Different mounts will be available for purchase depending on location: i.e., you will not get the same mount from Metrica Provence as you would in Queensdale.
- Account bound upon purchase and take up an equipment slot rather than an item slot.
- Will fight or flee, depending on how well it is take care of. I.e., it will fight if it is properly cared for and flee if it is not.
- Cannot be revived upon death. They can only die if they fall from high places; if their health gets too low in combat or exploration, they will return to their “bag” and will be un-usable until fed and watered. If a mount were to die, the player would have to wait x amount of time before being able to purchase a new one.
- Must be appropriate for the theme of Guild Wars 2.

Town Clothes: Would like a wider variety of town clothes to choose from; more feminine ones would be real nice. Also would like to be able to display town clothes outside of cities without losing the ability to combat if desired. We can wear our armor in town, and use skills, so why can we not do the same on the world map?

Chat spam feature: Set it to where a player cannot repeat the same message within x amount of seconds. Last night, for example map chat was spammed for a while by one person recruiting for their guild; any other communication that was attempted was lost in the spam.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: asperbianca.3196


Suggestions continued:

Dailies: Add a random variety to daily rewards. At level 80, for example, there is little need for fine transmutation stones, so I don’t find myself working to complete dailies anymore.

Map Completion: Make the rewards for map completion appropriate for the actual level of the player instead of the adjusted level. At level 80, I have no need for level 39 items.

Activities: Please put in more activities; the keg brawl isn’t enough.

(Sorry for the numerous posts, the limit prevented me from posting everything in just one post).

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dana Hawkeye.9724

Dana Hawkeye.9724

Titles in General: These need to be displayable, or what is the point? They also need far more tiers to them, something that we can go for over a long period.

Orders: When the ranks were awarded, we should be given them, to be able to display, otherwise what is the point. Also NPC dialogue should reflect that we do have these ranks, its common courtesy. A wearable badge could also be included denoting said rank, ie: Priory = Magister.

Armour/clothes: Add recipes so town clothes can be made. Can we have some of the GW armours back in as they were simple, had clean lines and were nice looking.

Waypoints are far to expensive, or at least have one asura gate in each zone so one can cheaply travel to Lions Arch/Divinity/home city and back to zone.

Mail: Have a (dropdown) personal mailing list.

Legendary gear: To have truly legendary gear, use GW items, like Drago’s Longbow or Rago’s Flamestaff etc. also FOW armour.

Scouts of Tyria [SoT]

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: slarur.5421


1. Free travel to waypoints discovered in Lions Arch
Reason: Now i just enter WvW and enter the Lions Arch Azura gate there
2. Respawned hostile creatures recently killed becomes “yellow” for a short period after they respawn or longer respawn time.
Reason: I don’t want to kill the same monsters on the way back
3. Do not attack “yellow” monsters when using skills that hits multiple foes.
4. Make all crafting materials collectible.
5. Drop items on ground for party members to pick up
6. Inspect players

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Athlai.3685


Please allow us to re-customize our characters. Maybe not everything, but just the hairstyles.

Many hairstyles/colors look better in game (or vice versa) and I would gladly pay gems to change the look of my character. I’ve spoken to a handful of people about this – and they all agree. This would help generate revenue for you guys – so win-win!

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Superpal.4961


In Guild Wars 1 you would click on waypoints and a short text about the place’s history would show. I very much miss this and would love to see a short text appear on both waypoints and most importantly on points of interest./POI It would give the game story that much more depth and will be more rememberable.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Aevic.9675


City Wide Trade Chat/LFG:

  • Make it so there is a channel when you enter major cities: Lions Arch, Divinity’s Reach, Rata Sum, Black Citadel, The Grove, and Hoelbrak. This makes it so more people can be spread out in cities and still be able to talk to others and get groups together. Having everyone crammed in Lion’s Arch is fine but I’d like to hang out in whatever city I wish

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: XenoNanashi.1562


Improvement to the legendary weapons and how they are obtained:

from what I’ve seen the legendary weapons have to be obtained through alot of grinding, and I think it’s a shame for what story or adventures that can be told from these weapons.
I don’t think these weapons should be based on a price but make it feel like a journey, not a destination.
an idea like the pre-legendary weapon Dawn, you take it to a certain zone and somehow and like at a certain time when a sunrise will appear the sword will change and be one step closer to being into a legendary weapon.

Another idea related with Dawn is that when using the mystic forge and instead of getting the actual weapon, you get like a stone that works somewhat like the Hall of Monument Stone but works similar like the Mesmer’s Portal Entre/Exeunt and when you click on it one, it will display a portal underneath your feet saying somthing like “a portal to great power has appeared” and will display on map chat notifying players around and appearing on the map like a Dynamic Event so they can gather around, the click on the stone again to open the portal to then enter the zone.
The portal will remain open for like 10-30 seconds and when everyone enters, the one who opened the portal, everyone will be scaled up/down to his/her level and will enter a realm of the weapon that person wishes to obtain, but that weapon has taken a physical form, either a super natural being, or Gods within Guild Wars 2.

You and everyone inside of this realm goal is to defeat this being for whatever reason, and since I’ve meantioned Dawn in order to make the legendary weapon Sunrise, the boss can has a very unique mechanic like defeat him fast as possible but if the sun starts to rise and shines on your enemy, more abilities will be unlocked for it and gains buff, also having unique mechanics etc. So you must find large objects to block the sun from shining on to him while he might try to prevent you from doing so.
After the battle when the poweful being is defeated, you will obtain you’re legendary weapon for you’re hard work, and the people who helped will get a chest with good treasures inside like money, great armor/weapons, or rare crafting materials.

I see great potential for the legendary weapons to be so much more than a fancy weapon with a price tag on it, it can be a great experience and somthing to remember by and possibly a story to tell and maybe potential for the dungeon armors too and to not to draw away from making some of these unique.
Grinding can be a boring experience to some if not alot, but this can definately be a step up from getting away from the grinding and more adventures to remember.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Materia User.4851

Materia User.4851

Lessen the attack power of the risen megaladon champion by fort trinity. I know of nothing that can withstand a single attack from it, and as a result no one is attempting it. It’s rather sad to see an event never being done, and so close to the fort as well. You can only dodge so much, so saying to simply dodge out of the way, only works twice, then your out of luck.

More dynamic events with multiple objectives and less with a single powerful enemy.
The reason for this is because I notice that in big dynamic events with a single boss, it feels as if my contribution is meaningless. The events though that need you to defend multiple objects or areas though make the groups use their heads a little and spread the forces out. It also means that I as an individual can attempt to stop or delay a weak spot that I see during the event.

This one is a rather big one imo: Make it so that reviving people during an event contributes to the progress of it.
A lot of people ignore dead people for 2 reasons: The first one is the amount of time it takes sometimes means the event is over before you fully revive them, and the second reason is because you aren’t contributing to the event and probably will get bronze or worse if you spend time reviving people. Eventually people will ignore dead folks entirely, and it will be less of a team/group type of game – I know that isn’t what you want.

The last thing I would ask is that you fix the WvW queues… I know that the official stance is to wait it out until the initial surge of popularity for the game dies out and things sort of even out – but how long will this wait be if for example things don’t settle down? I’m sure things will settle somewhat but I feel that perhaps your underestimating how large the audience may be. If it’s 500 now and there are 2500 people trying to get in and then 1000 lose interest – it still would be too full. There are also folks like me, just waiting for the day it finally does work – that’s another initial spike to be wary of.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: ReinoudM.5931


Add the quiver for Bow users!

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lalangamena.3694


events and skill challenges should reset themselves after few hours

some events or skill challenges are getting broken, the NPC missing or not moving.
and it is fixed only after server restart.

for easy fix this , every event and skill challenge should reset automatically after few hours. (hard fix is to remove the bug …)

easy and intuitive LFG/LFM tool for dungeons

today players spam the local chat with LFG shouts, this is bad because there are players in different maps, and the local chat is spammed.

there are very few dungeons in this game, so implement a very easy tool every player that want to join a specific dungeon will start dungeon group that will state the dungeon and the mode (story/explorer) and other people will see the group and join, the creator of the group will accept or reject request.

(very similar to Turbines DDO LFG tool, which is the best LFG tool in any MMO I ever seen.)

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sir Richter Belmont.3258

Sir Richter Belmont.3258

this post is TL; DR

a lot of things have been said and i am not going to and repeat most of them, though i have input on some things:

1:- when searching in the TP, it would be nice to search per armor type, it has happened so many times that i would by a different gear catagory (heavy, medium, light) because it is still not split

2: repairing gear in my point of view is way more imported to be reduced than way points, since the last patch and less rewards you would get more broken then spending on waypoints.

3:- I would love to VIEW ONLY my bank and collectable when i am on the field, if i am going to grind something, might as well know how much i have,

4:- inspecting other players, weapons and builds,

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sir Richter Belmont.3258

Sir Richter Belmont.3258

hmm i cant edit,

5:- please let me add people that are not on my friend list or not in my guild, it is a waste of time to go press P and then type there name, its just plain ……..

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: snadam.9018


Feature’s that would greatly improve my combat experiance:

-allow color change to the onscreen cursor. I use the smart cast option and in larger events I sometimes lose sight of where my mouse is aimed. I’d love to set this to a color that contrasts the majority of spell effects in the area.

-add a hot key bindable comand to disengage target. If this is already in the game I can’t find it. Currently the only ways to disengage a target are to run far enough away, swap weapons or select a new target. The problem is, sometimes there’s only one target in the area and your playing as an engineer or ele. It can be very frustrating fighting a foe with confusion since you can not quickly disegage. This also counters the great duel utility of certain skills. I have many times tried to use ride the lightning as an escape only to accidentally zip right back to my target. Please allow us a single command to disengage all targets.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Seras.5702


When I played my first GW2 BWE I was overwhelmed by how many skills the elementalist had. Of course, it was a brand new game and I’d put in a grand total of 5 hours playtime with the ele, so of course I wouldn’t have all the skills down.

Fast forward a month. My main is a Ranger and it’s such a great profession. But I’m only lvl 40 and I’m getting bored with the limited number of abilities I have access to. I find myself constantly swapping weapon sets just for variety. I’m chasing down tameable pets just so I have access to more utilities. I want to buy all of my unlockable skills (even if I won’t use them) just so I have more options.

There is no other class that I prefer over the Ranger. However, I think I’m going to reroll a Guardian for variety’s sake.

In summary: I need more abilities. Give each weapon a pool of abilities from which you can choose the 2, 3, or 5 to equip. Add at least 10 more utility skills per profession. Make traits a bit stronger and more impactful on the gameplay. +10%dmg to Greatsword isn’t gamebreaking…it’s less than you’d get in GW1 from “customizing” the weapon. Not to mention that traiting to add dmg to a particular weapon is odd considering the focus Anet has put on wep swapping. And elites need some love. Most of the time they’re just thrown in at the end of a build, rather than a part of it.

Flixx Gatebuster, Orwynn Lightgrave, Seras Snapdragon
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Greatheart.6817


~~ Accept Rez dialog – Sick of going afk and finding myself with totally broken armour because people keep ressing me.

~~ View WvWvW map outside of WvWvW – I need X, Y, Z POI’s for my map completion, currently I have to queue for each zone and manually check it.

~~ Able to view/plan Traits and Utility skills before being able to unlock them.

~~ Account wide Karma.

~~ Dual Spec professions like GW1 – Waiting for my Warrior/Guardian combo!

~~ Some sort of daily for coin. – Doesn’t have to be easy or short just something on a daily basis to make 1g or so. “Daily Explorable Dungeon” for example. Randomly selected dungeon each day and if you complete it you get bonus coin. (No items) A 1g reward would actually make playing the dungeon worthwhile… for the first time atleast.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: WasAGuest.4973


Improved Food system:

Have the characters auto eat the food that is in their bags by whichever food is on top. This will add some more value to having the food as it’s a constant buff as long as there is food in the bags.
EQ had such a feature and later in the game, having the “right” food on hand for the buff made high level foods more sought after.

Having to constantly remember to eat the food and knowing you’ll likely forget (so don’t bother with it) lowers the value a great deal.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Deihnyx.6318



First let me thank you for this fantastic game. As a Guild Wars 1 fan I enjoy it a lot !

I have a few suggestions that would mainly increase the RolePlaying experience of this game. (because yes, it’s an MMORPG !):

- A RP channel: A separated channel for people who want to play their character with a bit of roleplay.
- Mobs in the guild’s hall: I know this is a bit insane and quite unusual for a MMORPG… But it would be great to add a guild amelioration that allow people with the required rights to… add ennemies directly in the guild’s hall (like if they were GMs). Benefits are numerous:

  • New set of droppable items that anyone in the guild can use to add new kind of ennemies to use (with rare etc)
  • A training system that – of course – shouldn’t give xp or gold, it’s just for fun – or RP
  • A new feature that never existed in any game
    An alternative would be to add modes like an invasion mode directly in the guild’s hall

Now a few ideas to help improving the game even more:
- Channel for guilds we are not representing: Maybe this is too much asking… But I found the multiple guild system was GREAT, because it allows me to play with americans and europeans friends, I’d just like to be able to talk with all of them at the same time !
- HomeServer X2: Okay… The main reason to limit server switching is because of the WwWwW… Now american servers never play against europeans servers, right? So why not allowing us like… 2 homeservers? one in america and one in europe? Even if it’s something I’d have to pay for, I’d love to be able to play with europeans and americans without having to switch all the time.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Joker.6158


Here are a few Suggestions for Guild Changes that IMHO should be reviewed.

1 – The guild emblem (by itself) needs a 4th colour for background. On my case I wanted the background graphic to be the “Black Brush”, but since when you press “G” the emblem background is always shown black, making the background graphic disappear if you want it black too or any dark colour.

2 – Could be just me, but the prices for One Time Only Use for guild armors are quite expensive. Making very few people actually want to do it. On gw1 capes were “free” and on everyone. While I don’t mind paying for the guild armor, prices would be better if it was more accessible, goes also for the backpack. I know you can use transmute stones to keep it, but I really enjoyed the Cape on Gw1, and I like this approach too, just think there could be something in between

3 – The permission “Admin lower ranks” need to be split. I really don’t mind giving people the ability to recruit people on my guild, but the power to kick and promote lower ranks is not something I want to give it too much around. This seriously could and from what I heard around has been a big potential for Drama.

4 – Mini-games (Keg Brawl). I like to make guild events, since the feature of renting PvP servers are not yet ready (which I expect to be implemented sometime), I would very much like to have fun with Keg Brawl with my guildies. While I understand that no one wants it to be queueable with a party because that will just make powerful premades teams, I don’t see a reason why we can’t have sort of a option to play with guildies only. This goes for sPvP and any mini game there.

which brings us to:

5 – Making guild events, like I did last week with me Hiding around Lion’s Arch and having guildies find me for rewards was very fun. But sadly the preparation to get everyone to the same overflow was quite…hard. Hope it either gets better, or some better suggestion on how to handle that.

6 – We could have a separated permission about withdrawing gold from the guild bank. As of know anyone who can withdraw from the the guild stash can actually just steal the money.

7 – We need either a bigger message of the day, or a special Guild Tab (Even if it’s thru upgrades called “Guild Board” where the guild leader can set a few more things, little set of rules, maybe the vent/mumble/TS info and a little more. The Message of the day is too small for anything.

8 – A tool (even if by gem shop) to re-enter the TAG name of the guild. Saddly I messed that up and instead of MoS I put MoF, after waiting quite a few for a ticket response, they said It wasn’t possible to change. But I DO want to change it.

9 – Maybe bring back the possibility to click links? (Click builds like gw1). Not for the click, but for the ability to copy and past. It’s most useful!

These are a few suggestions I would like to make, and I really think its worth reading and having it. Thanks for reading.

As for other people asking for more abilities forget about it, you ain’t getting it now. Maybe way later on another expansion.
For the one asking for second profession, also forget about it. Never going to happen (too hard to balance).
Inspect also will probably never be a part of the game. They want social aspect of the game, if you want to know something just ask.

That’s just what I think, not really putting the idea down.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: freedomind.6308


Hello, I have a few I’d enjoy that would be sprinkles on the ice-cream for me. I have no idea what it would take to implement these, but here goes:

  • A wider variety of Titles. Or titles can be added to the achievements that do not have any. An example of a wide title variety is here, from Forsaken World:
    Guild Wars 2 has much more potential for fun titles as the game has so much to work with, from it’s innovative new features to the simple things and also lore.
    Titles with grandeur can be set to the more challenging game achievements and simpler ones can be for completing things of lesser difficulty. There can be quirky ones as well, there’s lots of room for ideas on what they could be for.
  • The ability to see your character headings when clicking on your own character. I suppose it could be for clicking only and not always visible, in case others don’t want to see the headings. Or if possible it could be permanent with a toggle option inside the options panel.
  • A Guild listing- perhaps there could be a tab within the guild panel that holds a list of guilds open for new members on each respective server. There could be a request to join button along with a small text box for a short message to accompany a request.

Doubtful Suggestions:

  • Sit emote upgrade- More than one sit emote option may be quite handy e.g. /sit, /sit2 & /sit3 for three kinds.

That’s all I have so far, thanks for reading.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: dchsknight.3042


I would like suggest a LFG tool. HOWEVER I would like Global names to be involved. like we already have for Cross Server friends and guilds. This way we can pick and choose who we want or do not want to play with. This will help gather a larger community and encourage alliances. It would also be good to, for the purposes of parties, to be able to party with guilds and friends from other servers for dungeons and PVP; while still maintaining a Global name base.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Infectedwraith.7521


First of all, I’m getting really fed up with the targetting sytem in this game. I constantly find my targets being switched on me. Sometimes it switches over to another player and I haven’t seen an option to lock on to a target. Also, while I was downed today, I targetted the enemy with the lowest health and yet ended up attacking the one with the higher health. Basically, I feel the targetting system needs some serious work. Right now, it seems to be a source of greif.

Another issue I’ve been having is with the aggro. If someone runs far enough away from an enemy that enemy shouldn’t be turning around and hitting the next nearest player but rather going back to their spawn location. The other issue is it feels like enemies see and start attacking from a rather long way off. I find myself constantly getting into situations where I’m fighting one enemy, then three, barely manage to kill them, and then have another three on me then dead. For a game that encourages dodging and moving to stay alive, this just doesn’t make sense to me. I mean dodging just to aggro another enemy and finding oneself overwhelmed is nonsense especially since one can’t count on another player being nearby to assist. So, it’d be nice to see some adjustments made to aggro in this game and to give some classes the ability to taunt enemies into attack them.

It would also be nice if enemies couldn’t attack players while they are in the waypoint circle and vice versa. I personally think it’s just nice to have a garaunteed safe spot to have my character whilst I go AFK or reduce the window too look up something on the internet.

Wouldn’t mind if excess skill points could be used to display nodes, trees, and harvestable plant locations on the world map though without displaying what type. Or at least, as we find nodes and what not they remain on the world map until the locations are reset.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sir Richter Belmont.3258

Sir Richter Belmont.3258

I seriously dont know if this has been said in the past days or not but it should:

I have max a character already, sadly i made the mistake of having a warrior for a first, don’t get me wrong warriors are insane damage, but is flmsy as a twig. after that i took the time to try every range class, and i came to the conclusion that they are somewhat OP (don’t get me wrong, when you see the damage ratio between the two class its laughable, but the survavablity and the damage over time because of there death is what makes them OP as F)

what I am basicly saying, heavy armor needs to be boosted a lot, not a bit, a lot, even going into the definsive tree does not help at all, instead the usuall 2-3 hits, they will laugh and say “awww he is cute, here is 2 more hits, now die”, its not like the inquest that are SE in path 1 which u are meatbags, or first dredge champ in path 2, that is a serious meatshield,

Boost heavy gear, so that people don’t die in 3 hits!

Edited by Moderator: Excessive use of caps

(edited by Moderator)

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ziggy.7319


you shouldn’t be allowed to suicide run bosses in dungeons, the way point should be contested or the boss should reset.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ruor.1936



  • it would be really awesome if the Dye Collection would be account wide. Bit annoying to get 4XX dyes for each character you make.
  • Also make them special items you buy from Miyani at the Mystic Forge account bound please!

(edited by Ruor.1936)

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: SeTHBeaRz.3456


I love dynamic events, especially those that require large of amount of players to complete (e.g. Dragons).
Sadly the only way I can know about the events is when I’m actually close enough to it when its up.
It would be awesome if ANet could provide us with notifications across the world of Tyria when a huge world event is up.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jexos.8264


Probably mentioned already but I’d like to see:
-Duels: weather in sPVP lobby area or anywhere in general
-Trading: mailing gets kinda annoying since you can only have up to 10, plus if you want to trade with someone you don’t know this is safer to avoid scams
-Preview from TP

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: juno.1840


Suggestion 1: Add option for ground-targeted skills to automatically be placed at target’s location. There’s already an option for “fast” ground targetting, but this is different. In large battles, I have a very difficult time seeing the ground-target (or even finding my mouse). This would make ground targetting much easier if I have a target selected. If I do not have a target, then use the existing targetting options to further refine the decision. That way some ground-targetting can still be manual without a target selected (or to an automatically aquired target based upon options).

Suggestion 2: Add an option that makes it very easy to see my mouse cursor in combat. This could include options for a very bright mouse cursor (possibly animated) with a very dark outline (maybe configurable line width). Maybe I’m just getting old, but I can’t find that cursor in the heat of combat!

Part of me thinks that someone in ANet was thinking “hey, wanna see something funny? Watch this…”

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dezert Stormz.7248

Dezert Stormz.7248

Preview On TP so u can see what ur buyin know its said alot of times but its just missing out there :S

Game Improvement - Suggestions

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Posted by: Aaarrrggg.7415


Training yards. These would be areas (or instances) where everyone was PvP. They would solely be used for practicing your PvP skills amongst friends. Just like the quests where you duel NPCs, it would be impossible to die. When your health reached 0 you would be downed for a set amount of time before jumping back up to full life. Instead of a “finish” option, opposing players could “lead a hand” to get you back up quickly (to keep it friendly and sporting.)

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: ManLove.2457


okay, i might be ticked that i cant use a bow like in GW1 where u could be higher than the other person to do moar dmagae but ur current system to stop this mechanic is broken in underwater, even if im on the same altitude as the enemy. this has often resulted in my death b/c i was doing nothing but wasting time.

If you can see this then I broke something badly…

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ghanima.6503


Some fairly simple improvements would be to give players the ability to highlight or know which locations they are missing when exploring a zone. Points of Interest in particular can be difficult to locate – some I have been supposedly standing on top of, yet the game fails to acknowledge this. Then I wonder if it is underground, but when I click the “underground Tyria” on the map the point of interest fades. So, something should be done about that. It can be really frustrating.

Waypoints should not cost anything, or if they do keep them in the copper range.

Hair / sylvari glow dyes

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rena Windor.3680

Rena Windor.3680

Something I would like to see is a 3rd party API system. Kind of like what EVE Online has. That way I can create guild related tools that check to see if you are in the guild or not, also query characters different classes they are playing. It would also allow me to setup auto permissions on Team Speak.

Also maybe a few days notice on when files are going to be patched and what is going to be in there, kind of like a patch notes section with an issues and general comments thread to them. That way you get better feed back on what is going on with the patch and if you have to roll another one super quick you can update that and people will know what you have done. Then you do what you are doing now through twitter and facebook.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Quadeyes.1047


For the Engineer that uses gadgets (Flamethrower, elixir gun, toolbelt) that have an auto-attack function; It would be great if the UI remembered the “auto-attack enabled” setting, when switching back and forth between main weapon and gadgets.

Ex: The flamer is a great weapon, and I have a ton of fun torching everything! But if I switch to my weapon and back to the flamer, the auto-attack enabled setting is gone, I have to manually enable it each time with the mouse.

Sorry, english is not my mother language, I dont know if anything i wrote makes sense to you, but I tried.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: madhat.7610


Item preview at trading post. Recently I had an idea to go to TP and buy some items just to change the look of my equipment. But I discovered that there is no preview.

Cyrillic symbols in chat font. Just pleeeeease. The fact that I need to use transliteration to communicate with other russian speaking players brings me down. It’s totally uncomfortable because there are many different (and sometimes confronting) ways of transliteration and sometimes I don’t even understand what other people say.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: elvawien.2307


Forming a party for dungeons:
A system that allows you to form a random party required for specific dungeon and mode (explo/story)…basically all people that want to go to specific dungeon just sign in in queue and wait for system to find other people for the same dungeon and form a party for you….why the idea ? map chat is pretty much spammed by people looking for groups and its quite time consuming…. this system would be practical

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Flakey.4892


Please increase the Field of view from 65 to 100.
Please let my character look the same on the characters screen as ingame. I mean if i deselect showing of headgear please also dont show headgear on the characterscreen.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: synk.6907


The two-characters-talking style of cutscene is really bad, imo, but I’m guessing there’s not much that could be done, if anyone was even willing on the team, about that at this point.

I’d like to see more variety in emotes. I know, real high priority, right? ha. I am assuming more are coming, based on how some I’ve tried don’t tell me "unknown command" at the moment. But it would be nice to have more than one dance per race. An MMO that does this "right", in my opinion, is Star Trek Online. There are several available, and you are free to perform any of them.

OK real stuff now.
Let us move more of the interface around. While I never felt the need to customize the UI with addons like in other games, part of that was due to GW1 letting me resize and reposition virtually everything. Being able to size and move the chat and map/compass is a nice start to this.

I mean, in general I do like the UI layout, but it would be nice to know I could alter it if I preferred.

Per-character hotkeys could be great, too.

The Trading Post UI really needs visual work. The font is terrible, things can’t be resized, and there’s no means to preview items. Functionally it does what I’d expect, though.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: D I V A.6018

D I V A.6018

There is a great need of a punishment for rage-quitters in sPVP. Most matches will witness rage-quitters leaving their team punished for their own failure.

I think GW1 did just fine… leave once, okay it can happen. leave twice and you are banned from PvP for 10 min. (increasing)

Sometimes I do not understand why you erased so many awesome things you had going in gw1 for gw2… Why is there still no “save build” option? I am confused.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Midnightjade.3520


Suggestion to improve Elementalist: respecify which Staff skills are Combo Fields and which are Combo Finishers.

Currently Water has 3 Fields and no Finishers, while Earth has no Fields but 3 Finishers. Switching attunements to access a Finisher often takes longer than the duration of the Combo Field, leading to over-reliance on skills #7-9 (eg Aura Blast).

Simplest way to fix: add Projectile Finisher attribute to #1 skills in Fire, Water and Lightning (Fireball, Water Blast, Chain Lightning). In Earth attunement, switch skill #2 (Eruption) frmo Combo Finisher: Blast to Combo Field: Earth.

This will allow Elementalists to more easily self-combo, increasing their flexibility when soloing and allownig them to better help the group when in Dungeons.

Onyx: Norn Guardian 80. Queen in Tatters: Asura Mesmer 80.
[The Flameseeker Prophecies] 4/11/13
Itinerant, no guild.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: browolf.3825


make it so you can see which borderland people are in, in the guild view. “World vs world” by itself isn’t particularly helpful.

Piken Square forever