Game Improvement - Suggestions
8) better (more) skills, something to make a real build
1. Rare Crafting materials need there own Slot Taking up pointless bank room.
2. Character > character Trading.
3. Opening Map while Gathering Needs fixing sick of losing my ore…
4. Events Fixed/Quests/Skill points.
5. Dungeon finding system.
Traits pages (even if they costs silver for change from page to page)
Preview in trade post
This :P
i wont lie guys i tryed to read all of this forum but it just has to many hits. things i would like changed when in
World vs World i would like the camera angle to be able to go farther zoom out and not change my angle when i click on one. and maybe a option to fallow treb shots to know your hitting right spot.
i would like custom UI the current one is very chunky i always find myself running in to problems with it.
i would like option in World vs World to just have it Auto loot for you then putting it in front of me then just spamming that F key.
anyways that it for me you guys cover almost all my ideas that need to be fix
Remove loading screen when you are using waypoint in same zone? why loading in first place when you are just porting in same zone?
I made threat about it earlier, but it died away with 19 views and 0 replies. I can’t think of anything negative about this suggestion, hence the repetition.
I would suggest an increase in drop rate for long-living monsters, the same way they have an experience bonus now (maybe reduce the experience bonus a bit to balance). This does allow for farming materials, but forces the farmer to search every nook and cranny of the map/world, which is exactly what the developers intended.
Additionally, I would guess a system like this would require human intuition and reasoning, and thus makes it incredibly hard to script for bots.
First of all I’d like to thank Anet for a good job on the game. A mmorpg in a long time that makes me want to adventure and where I’m still having fun after the “free month” has gone :)
This is my personal list of suggestions that has been popping up in my mind lately when I have been playing, they are the suggestions that comes from the top of the suggestions pile in my head and something which I constantly wish that would be in the game when I play.
Here goes:
Toggle AoE abilities into TAoE abilities (target based AoE) - A toggle option that you can turn on/off just like fast cast, that would make the ground targetet skills to behave like targeted abilities. No need to change anything on the skills them self, just make the skill be cast on center of the current target when the skill is being used if this toggle would be on.
Before someone claims it’s OP, actually it would be a conscious self nerf. Example, if I would use grenade kit on Engineer, and used this targetting method, I would throw the grenades in middle of the target, so when the target moves it would be already left the zone where the grenades falls, and I would do no damage untill it was so close that the flight time would beat the movement time of the target now.
This would simply be a quality of life option for those who simply like to open combat with AoE spells, it would remove the constant need of manual targetting followed by activating the autoattack because AoE skills does not activate it. I find this a nuisance on Engineer with a couple of different weapons and kits and also on Necromancer where I like to open combat often with AoE skill.
The current targetting is not hard, that’s not the reason, it’s actually more efficient since you want to “think ahead” when dropping AoE in combat, it’s simply to remove tedious elements of the combat if you feel like it mainly PvE in mind for opening combat and for static fights.
Ghost cursor/reticule when holding down the right MB - checkbox option like the fast cast option in the menu. This would be a much needed option for the current fastcast AoE targetting system mainly PvP in mind. Currently when I move my char with right MB held down, the cursor dissapears and it’s hard to target with fast cast AoE spells.
Open extra hotbar - UI element that I could toggle on and choose how many slots it has, for food, potions, emotes, etc.
Toggleable guild names - Let people toggle on/off the full guild names that would appear beneath the player names instead the little tag. The community lacks a big chunk of identity when people run around with just the little tags after their name that does not say much!
Option to save guild pane window into different tabs besides the default one.
Option to toggle class symbol and level in friends panel.
Character name change consumable in gem shop – I’ve grown to dislike some of my character names and would like to be able to rename them. It’s my own fault and I’m more than glad to pay for the change :)
Engineer: Make the swap weapon button to toggle between the weapon set and last used kit - Currently you can drop your kit with the swap-button but then have to use separate key to go back to that kit.
Engineer: Remove self knockback from overcharged shot and rocket boots - The abilities are too risky and frustrating at the moment imo. You disable your self while using them, which is very annoying and un-called for in my opinion. Lower the damage if that’s what it takes. When I use rocket boots no matter if in PvP or PvE the enemy in either case seem usually to catch me up while I’m collecting my self from the ground.
Sure I get a stunbreaker but what’s the point with the leap when I’m stunned for so long in my destination that I get caught on anyway.
Engineer: Mortar. Do something about it - Seriously, grenade kit beats mortar at the moment pretty much overall. I cant think of a reason to use mortar over grenade kit at the moment, other than the ability 5 on large battles, and even then supply drop propably is better for elite slot anyway. It needs more range. It needs more bang. It needs more hitpoints. It’s supposed to be an elite skill and right now it’s really hard to find uses for it besides luls.
Maybe a complete rework? Turn it into a kit for more constant and reliable use perhaps?
Engineer: Separate Elixir X into Elixir T(ornado) and Elixir O(gre) - I dont know anyone who likes it currently because of the randomness. It’s not an appealing elite skill at all, when you expect to have something powerful and reliable like most of the elite skills in the game.
unless there’s an up/downvote system they won’t be looking at the innumerable posts in this thread
anyway let’s give it a try: there should be more types of pvp matches, with more players, for example CTF or a large scale pvp-pve map (alterac valley)
Get back the old Soulbind method.
I think Gw1 personalization\soulbinding was pretty neat, ok it worked only on weapons but the idea is the same. Just soulbind on use gold\exotic weapons and armor and let decide players to soulbind the rest, greens included. You can give (i.e.) the old 20% bonus damage for weapons on personalization and a +5 defence per piece of armor.
Show Dynamic Events and players on map
I think that Dynamic Events + other players = fun. Therefore I often look for these two things. With huge maps, finding both can be quite difficult, and this quite often results in Guild Wars 2 leaning towards a solo player experience for me.
If Dynamic Events and maybe even other players could show up on the map, it would be easy to both find something to do and someone to do it with. And as a plus, you could choose if you want a heavy or lesser populated event.
I don’t know if this has been mentioned before, and I don’t have the time to read through all the posts.
But I find vista hunts and such amusing and would like to see more of this.
Like for instance I have many friends playing other MMo’s, not that it really matters, but they always talk about “oh I found a really rare item lying around and by clicking it I get transferred to an instance where there an elite boss that I have to kill, and when I kill it I get an uber rare title and a sweet weapon skin”. This is just an example, I don’t know which game that is, some sort of camel, but things like that, that have random spawn points, and only 1 item out in the whole world at any time, hidden really good and that item when found spawns a boss for only you to kill would be soo much fun. Or collecting Rytlock figurines around the world to get a title.
Also, the fact that you have strayed waay to far from gw1 is something I find to be a little minus. Although I get that good and warm nostalgia feeling when I experience or find something that was kind of a big deal in gw1 ( see what I did there?) like Charr Carvings. I would like to see those Rare weapon skins that were randomly dropped at an extreme low drop rate, like the Dryad bow from Rragar’s menagerie, Obsidian edge and so on. These weapons does not need to have great stats or something like that, just the unique skins. So far the only really unique skins I have found in the game is either from buying with dungeon tokens or through mystic forge, and I am not a fan of the latter, sitting around crafting and putting things in a well and maybe get a slightly better item, I would rather have my combat prowess and effort worth the while. An example of this might be giving the Dragon champions a “set” of weapon skins that have a 0.004% chance of dropping from chest. Like giving The Shatterer Crystal based weapons, Tequatl could have those fleshy undead weapons from the Afflicted in Cantha and so on. All of this might (as I said at the start of the post) have been mentioned earlier, but this can’t really be said enough.
I would also like to toss an other little thing in there,,, reduce travel cost……
Although this is by FAR the best MMO I have played, with the exception of guild wars the original game.
Keep up the amazing work, and I can’t wait to dress up to walk around stealing candy from kids and poke Mad King Thorn again
Best of luck in the feauture.
Karma awarding dailies
Being a casual player one of the things I love (sometimes hate) more than anything in this game is the daily achievement part of the game, since I can only play for 1 or 2 hours a day it helps me have a realistic goal every time I log on and it helps incredibly well to level up (the part that I sometimes hate is when I go onto an alt and the dailies have been done already by another character /sadface ).
Could you guys implement a new set of dailies that reward karma? We could have some goals that would “reward karma irl”, so basically helping others, stuff like revive people, help on dungeon story modes (this would also help lowbies once the game has become old and veterans no longer care for story modes), killing champions, and some other player assisting goals.
1) Standardized Bank access in Heart of the Mists since we occasionally get items such as bags or consumables that can’t be deposited in our PvP locker.
2) Team colors remain in tPvP but allow for our dyes to be seen in casual sPvP matches.
Increase party cap to 10 in pve please (or at least 8 like GW1). 5 persons is not enough even for a small guild.
YES, please! Only 30-person guild, had an event with 7 people and had to do 2 parties. It was painfully difficult to keep us all together.
To make it short, make it possible to disable traits in your traitwindow. With that I dont mean the ones you can choose, but the ones you get automaticly.
Somtimes you just dont want to vanish into stealth when you are at 25% hp, sometimes you dont want to drop caltrops when you dodge and I think there are other classes which sometimes want to have some of their traits disabled.
Match server population more closely to WvW cap or develop more maps.
It is very frustating to be unable to play WvW being in the queue for more than 2 hours, knowing that some players are AFK / botting in the zone taking a slot and doing nothing.
We have move our guild to another server, but after several days where we “only” waited for about an hour we are now waiting 2 hours + again.
Since this we have lost many players who might only return to the game if they can access WvW.
Though it has already been said, I wanted to re-iterate for emphasis.
It would be nice to to have an option that dims or reduces the graphics of many spell particles in the game except your own, so you can actually see what’s going on. This could be extended to show only your group’s particles as well, or only the monster’s, or none at all.
I’m finding as a melee fighter that when I get up close to a monster or enemy, my ability to correctly perceive that enemy (their actions, inactions, weaknesses, animations, effects, etc.) is inversely exponentially proportional to the number of other players involved. Further the constant flashing is causing my eyes strain.
1) Make exotic and other affixes of armors and weapons attached to stats instead of skins so when i want a skin from a blue item i can still have an exotic item.
2)Please make Tier 3 Cultural armor have exotic stats and affix instead of rare! I mean the whole set cost 99 gold at least make it worth the money.
Rarely do I care enough about a game to go through the effort of typing up a list of functionality I wish were there. To their merit, They’ve already added at least half of the things that were on my list before I got around to typing this up. This means they’re paying attention to their customer base and I have hopes of seeing at least some of the following in game.
In no particular order:
Except this one, which is the most important to me:
Being able to Undo Transmutes
While grinding for every set in the game has certain appeal, In the meantime, I’d like to be able to change this hideous gear I have on to look like something else, then change it back later so I can show off the effort I put in to get it Just another stone to undo would be fine. A Looks tab would be ultimate, but I’m sure they can come up with something that fits in their view of the game that works.
Previewing from the AH
While it’s possible to go get item codes to link to yourself in game so you can preview an item before spending your hard-earned gold on it, it would be so so much nicer to simply be able to preview it right from the Trading Post list!
Bags of loot
PvP bags should be added to inventory instead of left on the ground where you stood before you were completely annihilated inside an enemy’s base, where you won’t be able to get before they despawn. I’m sure I’m not the only person who cares more about survival or finishing what I’ve started to run around mid-battle collecting little bags of loot. rarely am I standing still long enough to pick them up while they’re in range any way, given the high mobility demanded by pretty much every encounter. I would love it if these little bags of glory would magically appear in my bags.
Map completion from other zones
Being able to see zone completion stats on mouseover would be fantastic. Having to travel to each zone to check completion statistics is very inconvenient and often costly (over 3silver per destination at level 80).
While we’re on completionist neuroticism: Achievements
I would love to be able to easily see the last achievement completed because I’m often absent-minded when the little award pops up above my minimap. I’d like to say that I love that achievements existed at launch, though, unlike that other game, which added them long after I completed them all without awarding proper credit after the fact. I like being able to care about achievements in this game without being kitten off at the same time!
Tradeable general goods
So often have either my husband or I run out of gathering tools or salvage kits. It would be so nice to be able to say “Hey! I Have some you can borrow!” without immediately then saying “Oh yea… can’t trade. You’re SOL. I’ll wait while you run through all those veteran exploding risen chickens to get more tools. Muahahaha”
Items automatically stacking into and out of the Bank
Can’t really say much about this. My bank is so incredibly disorganized that I’m not sure what I have in there! it would be nice to just double click and “oh! that was added to a pre-existing stack! I have 103 of those suckers!”
Separating/Combining stacks of salvage kits
Maybe i’m the only kitten person who clicks from different stacks them tries to combine the leftovers to no avail. No can do!
Chosen categories and sort order reset on Guild Roster
If I add an achievement point column then sort by it, it doesn’t remember how cool it was like that and reverts back to default every time I re-log.
WvW Repair Costs
While I’m sure those on consistently winning servers like Henge don’t have as much of an issue with this, but I’d like to at least break even in PvP. I can take one look at the map and tell if I’m going to make gold, break even, or lose gold. While I understand the repeated beating I took while being bent over at AH broke straight through my pants, paying for it over and over gets a little tiring. Especially because I was too dead to pick up those little goody bags (see above).
Speaking of PvP, Queue Pops don’t seem to persist
There may be a trick to this that I’m not aware of, but on several occasions, my queue has popped right as I click on a vista or something, then doesn’t reappear. I open the PvP tab and don’t see anything like a Join Match button or anything. And I’m wondering if there’s some sort of penalty for not accepting immediately because my queue seems to last forever after this happens.
I would like to see the ’’Slayer’’ titles max level increased to infinity. By all means give a title etc at a certain level, but let the ‘’kill count’’ keep on increasing with kills.
The same could also be done by some of the other ‘titles’, such as reviving downed players, salvaging etc
You get a revolving achievement for salvaging after completing the main achievement; just in case you didn’t know.
- Duel! A way to challenge anyone anywhere!
- Structured PVP > Team Death Match
- Show/Hide All Dmg ( Including dmg dealt or taken by players outside party/guild)
- Show/Hide Health Bar Numbers
dueling dueling dueling dueling dueling!!!!!!! also an inspect function would be AMAZING. and i dunno if anyone said this but freakin sharks in raid on the capricorn are way to OP…underwater fighting is already difficult…either hard nerf the dumb sharks or (preferably) take them out completely…i should be taking 90% of my hp sharks when another player has been attacking me just as long. thanks for the great game though
I don’t know if it’s been said before, but I would like to see trait templates like the build templates in Guild Wars. Of course you will have to pay a certain amount of silver to set that template, but it would make it way easier to change traits before going into a dungeon (e.g. guardian offensive or support)
See you all in-game
i forgot some stuff. trading post previews would be nice. if possible linking dyes after you’ve already used them would be sweet. bigger parties and perhaps bigger dungeons (a higher amount of people than 5) maybe 10 would be awesome? also i dont know if this is just me but i think teleporting to waypoints is way to expensive. a lot of them are like 3silver plus and as someone who doesnt really deal with the trading post too much i run out of money because of teleporting.
Thanks for the great game Anet, really enjoy it But there are a few things it would like to see:
An option in the gem store or something like that to change your name, appearance or maybe even race.
More endgame content, like bigger dungeons with more people and the option save your progress so you can continue another time.
Different hairstyles you can buy at a barber(*) or in the gemstore.
Travel price reduction. Especially with world exploring its very expansive!
Karma armor to expensive. 42k karma for one piece is kinda high priced imho.
Something to quickly change your traits, kinda like second spec. I have an offensive Guardian but to play supportive would be nice to, but I just cant change that easy
Thats it for my suggestions
Shattered Souls |
Ring of Fire
Hello, first off, i’d like to say i like GW and i like GW2. But i find the game lacking some features that could save players’ time and help them have better game experience :
- Group finding : i think this feature is basic for all MMOs. Without it, like actually in GW2, people have to get in front of dungeons/events/quests entrances or in capitals to search for groups. Would be nice if we could choose from a list of group events (champions to defeat, gathering items…), or a list of discovered dungeons (or those a player can enter), or simply descibe the event we want to do (ie : trying to complete a SP challenge too hard to do in solo, but no one’s on the map). Also, a guild grouping would be nice : having a guild groups tab, accessible only to those representing the guild, showing guild members in groups not full, or those wanting to form a group consisting only of guild members.
- Inspection window : being able to inspect the gear and attributes of friendly players (that means not those of ennemies in PvP or WvW) is essential when trying to create new builds or find better gear (one can’t know what gear someone has based on his appearance thanks to Transmutation stones).
- Saving builds : i’m essentialy doing PvE and Dungeoning, but i still changed attributes a few times (got a pet tanking build, and a dps build for my ranger). Would be nice if i didn’t have to check my excel sheet each time to see what attributes/traits i need for the build. Also, coupled with inspection, one could check someone’s build, and if they like it, save it.
- The bank stack limit : honestly, i don’t know why you keep the bank stacking limit at 250 (using chars per slot?), but i think we should be able to stack more than 250 items in the bank (not inventory, only the bank). I usually level up my char to some point before trying to level up my jobs. And by that time i usually have several piles of same wood/ore/ingredients that take up too much space in the bank. Actually, i only have ~15 stacks of those in the bank tab, but that already is taking up too much space seeing how i have only a few free slots left.
- Guild Bank Collectible tab : i put some collectibles i know i will not be using anymore in my guild’s bank so other members can use them, but with all the other items, it takes up too much space. I don’t mind if it’s a researchable upgrade, but you should add that tab to the guild bank too.
- Personalisable Jobs Sub-Tabs : what i mean by that is that when i’m leveling up my jobs, i usually do the discovery, because of obvious reasons. But then, each time i swith to crafting tab from bank/discovery tabs, the subtabs seems to be ordered randomly. So each time i have to close all the sub-tabs to find those that i want. I’d be glad if i could close the tabs that aren’t useful at that time, place the useful tabs on top, then swich to discovery, discover an item, then go back to crafting tab and i see the sub-tabs in same order/state as they were before i switched tabs (state being closed/open).
- Using the Charisma/Dignity/Ferocity trio : Truthfully, when i saw we can choose those in character creation i was thrilled, i thought the behaviour of our character will be changed by those, and the actions available, or the personnal stories will be influenced by those too. But instead, i discover it doesn’t influence anything other than dialog choices, and even then, only a few (really didn’t see much of those even though i’ve spoken to many npcs). I think you should make those 3 more important troughout the game, like the char changing his way of behaving or speaking depending on which one is dominant or not (ie a third of each means the character is balanced and is speaking politely, but Charisma being dominant, and the other 2 at same level means the character behaves like a leader loving moderately agressive justice).
- Moar Aquabreathers : i was really shocked to see that, even though there are aqua breathers vendors, there aren’t that much vendors, nor different kinds of aquabreathers. Moreover they aren’t craftable. WHY? I mean, they ARE gear, and the stats on them are used in character’s stats, so why can’t they be crafted? And since this game puts emphasis on looks, why doesn’t it have more aquabreathers skins?
Ehmry Bay
Second Part of my post (yes it’s long)
- Customisable weapons : i talked about this while i was testing the beta, but it would be nice if you created more skills for weapons and made weapons customisable. Like buying those skills with SP, same as profession skills, but they can only be put on weapons. And would be nice to be able to get rid of the main/fast/condition/cc/aoe skill sequence. That way we could have one char specialised in aoe, and another in single target skills. That would also make builds more fun to build. Now, attributes do add bonuses to skills, but some do to only 1-2 skills out of the 5 depending on the weapon. With the new system, we could make builds first, then choose skills depending on the attributes, and vice versa.
- Making tabs for all crafting ingredients : what i mean is i got some destroyer shards and other similar items (destroyer silvers, piles of vile essence, glacial silvers…), and i have to keep them in the bank tab because there is no tab in the collectibles tab. Although rare, they still are ingredients for crafting, so why not put them into collectibles too?
- Salvage/Upgrade items : Though i find salvage really nice, i find it weird not being able to break down higher end ingredients to lesser ingrediens (ie Bone -> Bone shard). The same way, why can’t we, trough crafting, obtain superior ingredients from lesser ones (ie Bone shard(s) -> Bone). I know we can already do this in the mystic forge…but the price for doing this is too ridiculous, and i think doing so trough crafting is more logical than relying on magic from the forge.
- Stow Pet/switch behaviour hotkeying : i honestly don’t understand how you can hotkey every pet’s action except stowing the pet and changing his behaviour (agreessive/passive). It’s been so annoying playing the ranger when i’m in a situation where i have to use one of those buttons fast. For example the griffon rookery run : i almost went berserk on my keyboard because many times when i fell from high (usual occurence in that area), i couldn’t stow the pet fast enough to avoid combat with griffons, which in turn slowed me down so i had to redo the run. While i’m at it, please, Please, PLEASE add an option so we can choose if astowed pet comes out each time the char takes damage. It’s been annoying the hell out of me.
- More guild upgrades : First , i’m pretty sure more are being made, but i still wanted to say it. When i check the architecture tab of the upgrades, i feel it’s a waste to spend 10k on leveling up to get only one upgrade available. Even more when there are NO upgrades on the level like Architecture level 1. It’s the same for other tabs, only the WvW tab seems to have a satisfying amount of upgrades per level.
- Pet Names : if possible adding a client side file where pet names are stored. It’s a pain to rename pets each time i change them to adapt to the environment. It’s probably the reason why i see so many generic pet names (juvenile [race of the pet]).
- Minimap icons : many times when i went gathering components, i had hard time distinguishing between wood icons and the map (ie brown shades of Plains of Ashford). If possible add an option to not change the scale of the icons when zooming out/in on the minimap.
- Detaching the chat windows : i’ve taken habit of displaying multiple chat windows at once so i can follow important chans, like Guild and Party when i’m doing dungeons, or Main and Team when doing WvW. Would be nice if it was possible to detach and position separately any chat window.
- More mail slots : i think, 10 slots for mail, except npc mails, is not enough. I receive regularly spam mail from gold sellers (which i report and delete), and i also receive mails from people in my guild or my friends. Sometimes they send me items for rerolls, or items needed so i can craft them what they asked. And having to pick up all items i don’t need at the moment only to get to the mail i want, is bothersome most of the times. I don’t mean to ask for deleting the limit, but raising it would be nice.
- Cash on reception : i read the first few pages before posting this, so i know some people asked for it, and i want to reinforce the demand : having the cash on receive system would complete the trading part of the game. For example : how can someone be sure the player they crafted the item for will pay for it? Putting it in trade will just add to the price, and someone else can buy it instead of the one that asked for it. And sending it just like that, doesn’t guarantee the receiver will send money in return. Especially if it’s an expensive item. Trading post is good, but it doesn’t cover all transactions.
Ehmry Bay
Last Part (finally)
- Seeing pet skills without choosing it : here is one pointless thing : having to chose the pet, THEN and then only, being able to see it’s skills. I don’t, and probably can’t remember all pets and their skills, so being able to see pets’ skills before i choose would be nice.
I think this is all for now.
Edit : One urgent thing to add : character counter when posting, because it’s hard to divide up a post without knowing how long the actual post is.
Ehmry Bay
Decrease the aggro radius of all mobs when they’re underwater.
Remove all and any evade skills off of underwater mobs; looking at you Inquest Assistant.
Add new types of stat distribution in PvE (not sPvP as it would most likely cause balance issues): stuff like CON/Tough/Vit, Con/TOUGH/Vit, Con/Tough/VIT, Healing/Condition/PRE, etc. Basically just more stat combinations, just getting every possible mix-up for 3 offensive, 2 offensive + 1 defensive and 2 offensive + 1 defensive would be great, too.
Remove the ability to make or place seige weapons in any pvp jumping puzzle.
Pets need to stay dead when killed and need to be recovered in order to res them just like players, they do not need to slink back on their own like they currently do. Pets also should not be summonable in combat or make the cooldown on summoning a pet more than 5 minutes in combat.
Pets, to include mesmer pets that are not on elite timers provide a beyond huge advantage no other players have by providing reliable mistargeting, this needs to be fixed. The advantage is to great verse other non target skills in relation to what pets have as attack and utility. The argument that “tab” target or aoe is a simple crutch that holds no water as an argument for the people using pets ans they do not want to see this huge advantage go away.
I really would like to play WvW, but I’m on Henge of Denravi and have terribly long queue times to the point where I don’t really bother anymore, it’s almost like an entire part of the game is just unavailable to me. I would like to leave Henge of Denravi to get onto a lower population server, but I don’t want to go to a server without my friends, and they don’t want to leave the server without our guild upgrades, which won’t transfer over.
TLDR: If we could transfer guild upgrades between servers or have guild upgrades go across servers since the guild exists across servers, more people would be willing to transfer to lower population servers, including me and my friends.
- improve black lion trading post by adding tooltips to every item in it (this would work the same way it works in the invenotry) and if item is in armor/weapon category – the option to preview it from trading post.
- add a feature to “inspect” someone else items, while standing close, this way you wouldn’t need to spam chat box everytime when someone asks which armor do you wear.
I would like the game to be more solo friendly, especially for melee classes. When i want to do an event or pass through a group of mobs there is never anyone around to help. Some of the areas are starting to feel very lifeless of other players, bots not included. I need more survivability if im going to carry on playing alone. As it is im starting to rely more on the bots than real players, and when happens you know something is wrong.
This was probably suggested a billion times already, but i’m going to suggest it again!
Please add a Barber Shop! I would love to be able to change my hair/face, ect. whenever I want for a small fee of course. (10s or something.. maybe base the price on how much the character is changed.)
Also on another note.. Please allow us to see our own names. What good is a title or a 100% completion badge if we can’t enjoy staring at it! =P
(edited by Samooryesord.2017)
1) Instances for guild quests
2) More things to do as a guild
3) Guild scoreboard (comparing guilds)
4) Fortress and castles that can be owned for a week by a guild (an visited for socializing)
5) Guild halls & guild wars like GW1
6) Guild Armor sets
(edited by beren.6048)
More emotes! Like /kiss, /flirt, /insult and so on and so on
I’d like to see at least the possibility of changing the key bindings of weapon skills and utility skills. From first GW I have the habit of binding the skills I use most with first five (or so) keys – the rest is just too far for me to hit. The end result is that I rarely use my utility skills (preferring sygnets there) – and that even aggravates my problem with too small skill choices.
And, for the love of God, I’d like to have some kind of acceptable ‘looking for party’ tool, e.g. like that from old GW. You know – to communicate that I’m looking for people for AC, and not just to do whatever else oyu can.
(edited by Velg.3170)
veteran and higher versions of risen abominations could use some tuning in the rate they stack frenzy, especially in lower lvl zones where your character does not have so much power to be dodging effectively and is more squishy, these guys can easily stack 10+ frenzy stacks fast and then they wipe 15+ ppl easily ( generally instant knockdown into stomp, 2 shotting everyone ), and as the number of ppl in lower lvl zones decreases, these types of mobs and more and more impossible to deal with
Not sure if it’s been suggested yet but there should be a way to see when the last time someone in your guild was online, like in the first guild wars. The same thing for the last time represented would help too. This would make managing your guild a whole lot easier.
There are a few things that spring to my mind that I would want to see added in Guild Wars 2, aside from what is already planned and added (which is, mind you, AWESOME!). I hope I’m not just repeating the words of others with this post, but…
- I would like to see a bit more progression in the crafting of weapon models. Of course there’s room for the standard weapon model and the “native” one (i.e. Krytan, Shiverpeak, etc.), but it wouldn’t hurt for default Weaponsmithing to feel as varied as Armoursmithing in terms of what the player actually produces. As a Weaponsmith it doesn’t matter whether your weapons are bronze or darksteel, their skin does not change. If possible (and I don’t know how the rest of you feel about this), I’d love to see the same system used in Armoursmithing, tailoring and Leathercrafting , wherein equipment forged from new materials has a new look to it, applied to Weaponsmithing, Artificing and . I think that would make the discipline a lot more enticing for lower level player.
- Here’s a suggestion for a “barber” system. I’ve been hearing a lot of people asking for a way to change your character’s appearance in terms of haircuts, choice of face, etc. Why not introduce a system in which the Asura have developed a series of Tonics in different forms to change your character’s appearance. You could call it Asureal! Because Guild Wars 2’s worth it!
Think of these tonics as a somewhat cheap (to keep them accessible) Gem Store product. They would work through alchemical magic, transforming the parts of your body you want changed, into whatever you desire.
An alternative to the Gem Store suggestion is to distribute these Tonics as rare loot. You could split up their functions as such:
> A “body lotion” for the body features; skin colour and/or fur colour (Tan-in-a-can!), body shape, etc.
> “Shampoo”, or hair dye, for… well… the hair costumization.
> A sort of skin care product parody I can’t think of for the facial details.
And that’s the pretty much the high and low of it. You’ve done an excellent job so far in delivering us this fun, engaging and detail-filled gameworld. Thank you for that Anet. I look forward to what you’re going to add to it in the near future!
Suggestion: Ability to choose what character to enter a battleground with.
Example: Queue with any character, then when the queue pops, you have a character choice.
I’d like to level alts while waiting to enter on my 80.
A few suggestions:
1. lower WP costs it’s too expinsive!!
2. Re-customization, add it to the gem store call it a "Rebirth token/orb/doll "etc…
3. I would REALLLLY like to see my hood that i started with (Thief) perhaps you should add the starting class eq to the trait vendor of said class and make sure they cant be salvage and are worth nothing (same as their price).
4. I saw a post about dungeons that are about exploreing old dungeons from Gw1 thats a fantastic idea that i would love to see happning.
5. More skins for weapons and armor (all weights)
6. Second Trait set (just like weapons)
7. More information at the guild menu (last login/just logged in etc…)
(edited by Naor.5106)
Fix orb hacking in WvWvW or get rid of the orbs altogether.
Mentally Disturbed – [MD]
Sanctum of Rall
My 2 Karma Points:
- If I leave the game in invisible status, I’d like the game to remember when logging back in.
- I’d like my characters to look the same in character select as they do in game. Especially ones in town clothes/costumes that are naked in character select.
- Right click-Target = Bad. Need a toggle please. Scenario during combat: “Where the h*** is my mouse cursor? OH..there it is waaaaay over there suddenly parked on the left side of my screen?!?!?”
- Right click names in mail to block gold spammers. Some of those names are hard to read. (i.e IlIlIl <- ililil )
- More emotes. /kiss =)
- More outfits in the shop! (especially short/full length dresses)
- Less ‘in-effective’ food recipes (i.e. Pigs Feet=2% chance to apply break-wind emote if your standing on your head stacking marbles) <-exaggerated
- Skill bar for consumables.
- Move the weapon swapping toggle a little further away from the skill bar. Us clickers stink as it is and it’s making us stink more when we inadvertently swap weapons at a critical time.
- Thank You!
(edited by Dwarfstar.4928)
The auto-attack being a burst (channel) causes it to miss an entire burst sometimes when only some should have missed. This doesn’t seem to be related to range or invul (says missmissmissmiss etc.) and is probably a bug, but it would be less problematic if the attack was simply a very small ‘puff’ of flame with a high ROF.
The burning duration should be divided up between each hit as well, so you don’t only set things on fire if you land the last part.
This thread is insanely long so there’s no way I’ll be able to get all the way through. That said I’m just putting my thoughts here, and I apologize if its a repeat.
- Dying after Victory: I have had a few incidents where I’ve died of lingering effects after taking out the enemies at hand and have the whole fall-over, fight for life thing going on even though I no longer had enemies to try to struggle with. Essentially its just a prolonged death and I’d prefer to either die right off the back or alter the struggle to attempt to save.
- WwW Commanders: While I think its cool that they’ve gotten such a rank I would really appreciate it if they didn’t show up on my map. At all. When I’m exploring new cities and such its really annoying to have these blazing icons all over the place and pulling on the map corners, etc. I don’t mind the icon above their head in general character display, but I think slapping them onto the map is going a bit too far. If they must remain on the map some sort of explanation on the map list of ‘things of notice’ would be nice, as I had no idea what they were for a while.
- Necromancy: My favorite class for far. I’m having a blast! I like the various effects, however the Axe and Horn set is my favorite thus far, but they lack the glamorous of other weapons and other classes. It would be nice if the actual appearance of the dagger could change while leveling, different shades and colors at the very least would be nice but actually designs, which other weapons do, would be great. After 40 lefts of waving a Axe around its rather sad that it has a lot of power, but it looks exactly the same as the default axe I started with when I created it.
- Worthwhile Crafting: Thus far it seems that the crafting skills are really just helpful for leveling, but the materials that can be made really aren’t worth the effort. Also in order to progress with it at all it exceeds what I would consider to be a tolerable amount of farming. I spent several hours, after having done so a few times prior, in the hopes that I’d finally farmed enough basic cloth of all things only to find out that it didn’t go very far at all. While I love the game in general, I fail to see how such effort in crafting is worth it thus far.
- Leveling with friends with different races: While this is likely asking too much, I personally wish I could make a character to level with my friend but lack the ability to join with them until we’ve gotten to a higher level. The concept of being a Ambassador for your race and sent to level up in another starting zone could be rather fun.
- Looking for Group list: This is one of the big parts of the game that is confusing me. It seems to me that the only way to try to get into a dungeon is to market in the general chat list, which happens a lot anyway, but it would be quite nice if there was a program to assist in properly display thing of ‘oh look, this list of players say that they’re all looking for -this- specific dungeon’ rather than having to hunt them all down. As a result to this, actually, I’ve yet to have the fun of getting into a dungeon. I actually have brain damage so my speed-reading no longer exists and the codes used for the various classes and locations that I’m not familiar with, etc, make it essentially impossible for me to know whats being said, much less keep up with it all.
- Audio hiccups: On my Asura female necro, I’ve had the weirdest voice changes through the game. For a while I thought I was close to another necromancer in battle, but when it finally happened in a cut-scene (she got a creepy weird deep voice) I finally gave up and made the report. Its actually come out as male as well, and I’ve started to make a point to look around to see if there are other necromancers nearby casting only to see the field empty. Again, I’ve already filed it but I’m interested in knowing if this has happened to anyone else or if I’m just in a special world of ‘oh she’s definitely going insane’.
- Preview Armour/Weapons/dye on the trading post. – This would save disappointment for those who are buying for cosmetic reasons only to realise they wasted a small fortune on something they dislike the look of.
- Helper NPCs in storyline quests should be more useful. – This is something you should fix soon. I understand you want the player to feel more powerful and a hero… but really it gets annoying to revive the same NPC’s repeatedly 5 times on the same quest.
- Waypoint costs need readjusting. – You have enough money sinks and +3s per teleport? no no not on. 1s should be max price.
- Add a token collection tap in the bank. – This would not only be convenient, save bank/inventory space but make sense also. Since you collect them making them collectibles.
- Add an LFG channel. – This would me dungeon party finding that more faster and easier.
- Better party group mechanics. – How about seeing who is party leader? Or making someone else leader?
- First person view. – This would add more immersion, get people to explore a lot more and encourage them to take more screenshots.
- Numbers or Percentages on healthbars. – This will add more strategy to your combat and lets the player see the damage they are doing.
- Option to customize own UI. – 99% of players would want this.
- Need a Duelling Mechanic. – 100% of players want this.There have been over 20 times where I have wanted to test my abilities against another player and vice versa.
- Epic Raids once a week. – You could implement epic scale castles, fortresses or zones where players can access once a week as a set time and raid with their guild for some hack and slash mayhem with over 100 enemies and when taken over, can display guild banners or something.
- View Gear of another player – This would make everything more convenient so I don’t have to bug another player bout what his gear is.
- Key Bind 3 Different keybinds. Loot, Resurrect and Interact. – Time after time, I have resurrected a useless NPC instead of looting.
- Face to Face trading like gw1. – There have been countless times where face to face trading like GW1 would have been easier, safer more convenient.
- WvWvW Ground/Water Mounts. – Dying and then walking to the battle is so brutal no feeling on gw2 matches how boring and grindy that feels… I use run skills and then feel worse when they run out. You could add a kitten ghost horse that runs on grounds and water.
- Player Housing. – I can not express at how much this would improve your game. It adds more immersion than the other 90% of the game. It could also be another money sink and you could even sell furniture through your gem store
I would love to make my own house in my home instance and make it like a mini castle with statues along a long hallway with armour on them and red carpet with a massive statue of zhaitan as my centrepiece. This will get people to play longer and provide another end-game.
- Barber Shop – Either do what u did with GW1 or put in an in-game barber shop where players mess with hair/facial hair options. If not, a magical guy that allows you to remake your entire characters(without changing race or gender).
- Carry all weapons equipped – This would add a sense of realism and lets you show off all your weapons.