Game Improvement - Suggestions
Engineer class rebalance suggestion:
#1. The single shot damage for the default weapon + the other engi skills is ridiculously under-balanced in comparison to the other classes.
Ex: mesmer, theif, and warrior all do up to 6k (6,000 damage) criticals with a single hit using only Blue level equipment, while as for engineer only does cirticals of 800 damage for one hit using default weapon skills while wearing all Orange level equipment, this is severly unfair and needs to be rectified. I have even been defeated by novice level mobs in 1v1 combat because I was incapable of outputting enough damage.
Solutions to rectify damage unbalance for engineer:
1. Replace the single shot skill with an automatic fire skill so it shoots like an autorifle (seeing the amount of technology in the game its only logical that an engineer is capable of using an automatic rifle) and give it to pistols too so they can have something in respect to uzi’s.
2. Or Have higher level rifles and pistols for engineer class give a rapid fire bonus.
3. the special skills for the default skills on the weapons need higher critical bonuses
4. The elixir gun also needs to be fixed. To the players it has no use other than healing and even the healing on the gun is sub-par. Currently it is a waste of skillpoints to unlock. (give elixer gun skills higher values)
5. While the flame thrower may be for AOE damage, its outputting damage is still subpar. Atleast increase its maximum criticals to 2.5k-3k (without might)
6. Weapon stats for owned weapons do not transfer over to bundles on activation. this makes buying weapons for engineer pointless because the bundle is only dependent on the stats of the players armor. Even getting a legendary weapon for engineer would be pointless, To rectify make the stats increase from the equipped weapon(s) boost bundles too, other wise an engineer can play the entire game without ever having to obtain a single weapon out of necessity.
7. The grenade kits are significantly weaker than the flame thrower, they should receive some kind of damage re balancing too.
#2. Engineers being technologically affiliated it makes more sense to allow engineers to have robotic minions too. I have seen rangers with robotic pets even though they are not Technologically affiliated. It would balance it out if only engineer was allowed to charm technologically affiliated mobs, and remove the ability to charm technologically affiliated mobs from rangers. -IF engineers are not allowed to charm tech-mobs, then allow engineer to construct steam robots.
Even if damage values for engineer aren’t rebalanced at least make it seem more tech affiliated. like giving engineer Uzi’s, Auto-riffles, and Steam constructs. The turrets are a nice addition but they are kinda weak for practical uses.
I’ve searched the forum but didn’t found the following simple suggestion about the camera. In Guild Wars (“The First”), when I’m moving the camera with my right click, I can start the click and dragging movement anywhere on the screen, even on the UI. In Guild Wars 2 however, if I start the movement over a part of the UI (skill bar, mini map for exemple), the camera movement will be completely ignored. What I would like to see is the same behaviour than the one implemented in GW.
tl;dr: Allow the dragging and control of the camera to be started from anwhere on the sceeen (even on the UI)
+1 for the opportunity to save builds!!!
It was extremely useful in GW1 and would be even more useful here, as you also have to change the traits also whenever you want to play another role, especially in PvP. That makes the flexibility of the professions quite useless :-(
Anarchistic Gaming [AnaG] / Die Randoms [Rndm]
Abaddon’s Mouth
First off i would like to say that this game is so awesome and incredibly addicting, in my opinion its better than any other mmo that I’ve played.
My only suggestion is that i beg the developers to please, PLEASE remove the item and gold restrictions.
This is my only suggestion for the game, because it is not fun when you can not craft items and send them to the friend your leveling with, or when all of a sudden can not get the items out of your friends bank that was sharing some of there bank space with you. Specially when your guild wants to help out a beginner player, like me, and give them a better start by making some nice armor or weapons, or even sending out a few coins. This kind of restriction only hurts the legit players.
Please, please do this, it would make the game so much better. Thank you.
So most things I’d like to see have been said already.
- Preview gear and weapons on the trading post.
- Helper NPCs in storyline quests should be more useful.
- Please stop auto moving my characters on the character select screen. at least leave them where we first created them or let us order them ourselves alphabetically or something.
- Add titles to the three orders for each rank that you get. Only cosmetic fluff but it was disappointing when I discovered I got nothing for it. More titles in general would also be good.
- Waypoint costs need readjusting. A reduced cost for completing a zone you can travel to would be nice.
- Add coloured borders around items depending on their quality.
- Let us know who the party leader is and let us transfer leadership if possible.
- Option to sell back karma gear and weapons, dungeon armour and weapons if the wrong item was bought by accident.
- Add the trading post fee to the total selling value rather than having to manually do it.
- Dungeons need tweaking. Keep the challenge but graveyard zerging should have an alternative.
- Lower health of trash mobs and some damage. Boss health needs to be reduced before it just gets boring.
- More interactive encounters rather than tank and spank.
Party changes would be great.
Option to sell back would be great. Would love to see sell/buy back tabs in vendors. Don’t know how many times I’ve bought something on accident or gotten rid of something I wanted.
- I want to see HP of mobs as numbers eq mob has 1987hp/1987 and also in %.
- Option to customize own UI
- Inspect players!
Customizing the UI is always nice. I like to be able to put things out of the way more or where its easier for me if I use it more.
I can’t count how many times I’ve wondered what someone else had equipped!
• Vendor auto filter. On by default. If I cannot use it because of profession (not level), do not show it.
• World Map: Turn on / off items from legend.
• Player to player trading in person.
- Mounts – this would open up enormous customization potential for players, and would be a Gem store windfall.
- Player Housing – Full on, no-holds barred player housing system! Check out WildStar and RIFT for starters, plus legacy stuff such as EQ2 and Star Wars Galaxies
Mounts are something that would be great.
Player housing, I would love love love to see that in GW2. That was something I wanted as soon as I started.
Looking on the pages before this I found some things I agree with as well:
-Remove armor class restrictions – My solution would be to make all armor classes available to every class and have different bonuses assigned to each one e.g. heavy armor gives the most defense but has no other bonus. Medium armour gives medium defense but gives X% crit chance. Light armor gives little defense but gives X% damage increase. Or something akin to that.
-Combining heavy, medium, and light armors – For example, transmuting a light armor skin onto a medium armor. You can create some cool outfits if this where possible and will allow players to create some very unique looks.
-Remove soul bound – Its annoying to repeat things just to get more of the same just to use on a different character. Account bound seems fair and is more than enough. Soul bound is over doing it.
-Fishing mini game – There is lots of water. Lots of fish. A fishing game could be fun.
-Deposit/withdraw “ALL” button at the bank.
Had too much stuff in my first post. :P
Besides what I’ve quoted I’d like to see:
-More ways to sort the trading post. Specifically for armor, e.g. medium, light, and heavy.
-More things used as crafting should be considered “collectibles.” My bank is pretty much full of just crafting supplies that aren’t able to be stored in the collections, e.g. Onyx sliver, ball of dough, etc. (I think it should include some of the parts you make, e.g. glove lining, cookie dough, trident head, etc.)
-Guild halls. Accessible for all members despite server.
-Going with the above, some kind of PvP between guilds would be pretty kitten cool.
-More types of guild armor. Personally I don’t care much for the current ones (and they are pretty dang expensive!) but would like seeing a guild emblem on some better looking armor.
-Costumes like in GW1! I loved some of them from that, and I also liked that you didn’t have to pay for it again if you wanted to use it on a different character, or on a different piece of armor. Honestly 500 gems for armor that can be applied once seems a bit excessive.
-Tattoos for races other than Norn. Overall more customizations would be nice.
-Also along the lines of the above, a place in game to change your character. Or even in the gem store like in GW1. Personally I would like to add a last name to my character, I forgot to do so when I created him.
-More noticeable titles. At first I didn’t even think people could choose titles. Then I accidentally clicked on someone and noticed they had one.
-Dyes unlocked for entire account. Would be so nice.
Please ArenaNet:
- More level 80+ areas full of D.E.
- More Races (kodan)
There has to be more content for high level, cause the only maps with people in them, are the ones in Orr….
Another very IMPORTANT thing to take into consideration, is that a harder enemy is not one with 1 billion HP that does the same attack over and over. Make them with less health but a lot more challenging in approach.
I like difficulty, and one should expect that in Dungeons and Boss fight´s, but you should have to be skilled to beat them, not just patient to stand there wearing out massive HP.
BTW more DUNGEONS and respective Sets))))
It seems like the game doesn’t have a target lock in it. I tried playing with the lock autotarget option, but holding down a key while in combat is strenuous and I still lose my target when I click something else. In combat it’s frustrating to lose your target due to a misclick. and it’s something that occurs quite often. For example, during tournaments it’s important to keep moving and to be aware my surroundings by keeping track of enemy players and aoe on the ground. What happens often is that I lose track of my mouse pointer and I misclick the ground by accident, and by doing so I have lost the target I was about to finish off. Although I have tried to work around this by mapping buttons to keys, the drawback is that my aoe becomes slowed because it can only be guided by my mouse. I was wondering if there was something being done about this?
Secondly, it would be nice to have custom UI. It would make the game play more efficient and less chaotic by localizing key areas on the screen.
Not sure if these have been posted, but here goes:
A Wardrobe. For combat gear and town clothes.
For combat gear, character based and town clothes account based (or character…)
It’d be nice if these could be like the dye panel. simply select the gear you have stored and presto! it’s equipped.
For town clothes, same as combat, except that if another character on your account has the item, you can’t equip. this can be rectified by adding more “licenses” to the outfit.
I’d be 100% ok with these as a gem store purchase too, even per character… The problem is that i can’t buy all of the town clothes for each character because well, it equates to a large amount of storage space. even the original town clothes can’t be purchased which means i have to hold on to them if I want to make my award winning [Grease Fire].
in response to a earlier suggestion:
- Inspect players!
- Preview build of another player
I would prefer this to happen much later in the game (read years later). It’s bad enough that some people aren’t allowed in because of what class they are, but if you add these options in, then you can get removed/not invited/not accepted simply because you aren’t min-maxed correctly according to the FOTM.
I have a valuable input on ranger’s pet bar, f1, f2, f3 and f4. You should change the places of stow pet and the button to change the pets aggression style from defend / avoid combat. I’ts just logical to have them together. With the times you tend to be tricked, and then you will be all jamming f4 thinking it’s ready , when obviously it’s not. Please and if you do, thank you.
Race Change
Some people after unlocking all their Elite Skills may be unhappy with their race/appearance. For example " After playing on my human warrior I sure wish I could become a Norn Warrior instead without having to get all my equipment again"
However due to some personal story complications there would have to be a few requirements.
1) You have to be level 80
2) You have to completed your story
3) You have to have at least 1 racial elite unlocked
After choosing your new race you would pick your story/appearance, etc but simply have a pre completed personal story. (so you cannot do an entirely different story without making a new character)
Racial Skills would also be refunded for skill points allowing for new allocation.
I think this would be appealing to many people (including myself) who are unhappy with their RACE but simply do not have to time to start from scratch again and hit level 80 and farm exotics. Its a great option for a casual gamer who is dissatisfied with their choice.
Allow keybinding the SHIFT key (draw/pin in map) to another key.
Add keybinding for the new PvP window.
How to logically add a little PvP in to the PvE environment:
With the game title being ‘Guild Wars 2’ it only makes sense that we should be able to declare war on other guilds. Why not add a ‘Rival Guilds’ tab where you can declare war on other guilds (who can accept/decline). Once both guilds agree to become rivals they become flagged to each other for PvP in PvE environments.. I feel this will provide a platform for many players out there who want to be able to take part in smaller scale skirmishes and challenge other guilds in PvP in a persistent world environment. WvWvW and sPvP cater to people who enjoy the large scale battles and more competitive esports type PvP, and should be kept separate.
For the players who are happy exploring the world without player conflict it’s simple, they would just opt to join a guild that does not have any rivals (PvE guilds).
I think that this type of PvP is missing from the game, and this is a great way to implement it in a way that makes sense without stepping on the PvEer’s toes or implementing entirely new server types.
After killing a Champion show a window with the damage everyone’s done, would be cool to see who did the most and compete
Do something about WVW..
quote from
Players should not be punished or unable to experience and view the same content as everyone else because they play at a different time. They too are paying customers.
This is not saying that we are against any adjustment to scoring, or against developing another mechanic to improve the capping system. This is simply saying that we will not be changing WvW based on some players’ idea of off time hours.
- Players need more rewards for WvW.
- Players need to be given opportunities to break out of their base when they are trapped in by a wall of arrow carts.
- Guilds need a better reason to claim and HOLD objectives.
- Commanders need to be rewarded for their success and need to be able to reward their followers in turn.
- And so and and so forth.
Sadly you are missing the main issue. Imagine playing on my server, where the night population in WvW is non existent, and during peak hours it’s full with queues (like most servers I presume). Now, if you can only play during peak like me, then you will usually get in with a minimal amount of patience, and experience fairly balanced teams. However, if you still want to play on my server, but you can only play during off-peak due to physical location, work hours and so on, then you’ll be met with 0 potential points in an unbalanced game with hardly any other players on your team – which means the exact opposite “experience”. I would probably never play WvW if I had to play off-peak.
Now to my main point, the reason I said that you are missing the main issue is that you are essentially just trying to incentivize players to play during the night (off-peak). Most people don’t really have that luxurious option. So it’s not really going to fix the problem itself.
The problem itself is that although a lvl1 versus lvl80 in WvW should be slightly unbalanced, Server 1 versus Server 2 versus Server 3 should be balanced at all times in terms of “server strength” in order for it to be enjoyable to people playing off-peak. What this means is that as I see it, you have a few options:
1 Either scale the potential points up for the server that is outnumbered so that the effect of night capping is much smaller
2 Or reduce the minimum amount of players to the server with the least players (so that it is actually balanced).
3 Or increase the difference between maximum players of servers during peak to even out the effect of night capping
4 Or simply make the outmanned buff so that players become more powerful, and can give some meaningful resistance during off-peak.
I do however agree that options 2 and 3 are quite bad choices. My personal favourite is 4, if it is implemented correctly: for example higher attack/health but not healing or something clever like that. There should also be other options that I can’t think of right now.
PS: I love you ANET.
Other than that,
*Legendary defenders in WVW should hit all pets.
*Give elementalist back a very small cooldown on the downed ability Vapor Form, to prevent it from being used unintentionally due to lag (trying to press ability 2 while alive, then dieing and using Vapor Form unintetionally instead). A good cooldown would be 0.5-1sec, which would not affect balance.
*Air attunement trait (25trait points) Electric Discharge should now longer hit yellow/neutral monsters. It is very frustrating when one switches to Air attunement to run away from a zerg, but Electric Discharge hits a neutral monster – which puts you in combat and reduces runspeed (which gets you killed).
*Clipping in WVW………………………………. need I say more?
*One should be able to sort the guild rooster by account name.
I’ll be back with more some other time, since I care about this game
oh, the forum code needs some review: notice the top saying “JonPeters.5630:
Matt Witter.6982:” it should say “Loke.1429:
Matt Witter.6982:”
The fact that I have to manually move and click AoE effects is a bit of a gamebreaker for me. I actively do not use Staffs or Longbows because of this. Elementalists also are a no-go for me.
I know I could use fastcast, but then it means I can’t choose to click on the skill anymore.
I know I could press the button, but I am mainly a clicky kind of player.
These skills also mess up camera control in my experience.
Why not let us have the option of enabling it to autocast ground spells at our current target? Even add it so you can right click a skill to force it to ground target so we can choose.
Options are the spice of life. Let us Choose!
the storyline difficulty is to hard, in order to finish the quests without dying, you need to be 10 level higher than the quests. this makes the rewards useless. Doing the quest at the suggested level means dying repeatedly which in turn means a massive repair bill!!! Both of these are stink and as such I do not do the storyline quests anymore. The dev team need to either make quests easier or not stick us with a repair bill if dying in the storyline quests!!!!
It would be nice if it was easier to report bugged events.
Suggestion: Maybe enable right clicking on the event window with a report option? Which would then auto-fill everything but the “description of the issue”.
Make Mini Pets usefull – Add a slot in the character so we can put a Mini pet in. If we could rename or even customize it, it would be great and probably would increase mini-pets sales.
I know mini-pets are collectibles, but if I place one in my bag, I want to keep it there. When “Deposit all Collectibles” is used, all pets return to the bank. That means you have three choices:
1) never use the mass deposit option, but go through and individually right-click each deposit;
2) run back to the bank after each mass deposit to recollect your pet;
3) never use a pet to begin with, just leave them as a collection in your bank;
I don’t like any of those options. I want to have a pet that stays with me. Could we get the “Deposit all Collectibles” to be ‘…all collectibles but pets?’ The title doesn’t need to change, just the action. I want to purchase more pets, but am holding off for the time being. Knowing that I will loose access to my pet every time I leave city limits (because of managing inventory) greatly reduces the attractiveness of making any further purchases.
Hello, one thing i would love to see is having a NPC somewhere in each of the starting areas that would be able to change just your hair and hair color. No need for a complete character make-over that u pay a few dollars for as I’ve heard guild wars 1 had. Just being able to pay a few copper or silver or whatever for a quick hair change. I think just that would be really cool.
I think for space saving if consumables could stack more. Banker golems don’t stack at all and items like salvage kits could use a little help. Yes they stack up to their own cap, but say if I got 2, then why cant I combine that stack. This way you don’t have to waste a whole slot for an almost used up kit.
First, let me say that this is an awesome game and I really appreciate all the hard work that so many have exerted.
I also would like more armor and town-clothes skins. It would be cool to see more racial stuff and even more plain stuff. I am not a big fan of armored bikinis or ulta-short skirts for fighting or casual wear.
I would also like to be able to preview items on the Black Lion Trading Post.
I would like to see a gemstore item that allows me to alter appearence and especially my last name! I am still miffed that the last name I chose was rejected yet I see others with a similar one: -dottir.
And now for my current pet-peeve:
The Patching Screen’s Download Percentage.
It’s a minor thing, I know. But on my primary internet connection I have to pay for data. It would be nice to know if the download is going to be in the hundreds of Mega Bytes so I can take my computer to the office or something.
As it is right now, the percentage display is far from accurate. It has displayed fifty percent at one megabyte when the total download ends up being a hundred megs in size. It doesn’t seem to refer to file numbers either.
Make this percentage reading accurate, or just do away with it.
Thanks for your time.
1. Would be nice if conversations from party and guild chat save just like Say, whisper and map do when I switch character or disconnect from game back to the character select screen.
2. I wish that the clothes color dyes were for the account instead of unlocking them all for each character.
Something that annoys me greatly and that I also don’t feel will ever be addressed unless someone speak up about it is the following:
Why aren’t we allowed to fully rebind actions to our mouse buttons or ESC for that matter. In a otherwise rather well done client, we are still forced things like game menu on ESC or targeting on mouse1 and 2 no matter what we’d like to have there instead.
My suggestion is simply that you “unlock” these keys (and other keys that I might not know of myself) and add their actions (if needed) into key bindings for us to have proper full customization possibilities when it comes to the controls. This is at such a profoundly basic level of good game design after all. So please, do something about it.
Before I make a couple suggestions, I would like to thank everyone at ArenaNet for all what they do to make the game great. Below are a couple suggestions/concerns of mine.
- More guild related content: Why isn’t there a focus on larger scale dungeon cooperative play? I like 5 mans/explorables, but many people in my guild would like to have a coordinated larger effort within instances that are very challenging.
I brought many of my friends over from past games and they thought that there would be a ton of guild related PvE content. A form of explorable mode for larger scale guilds would be a great addition. We want a challenge as a guild.
- Dynamic events need to be harder: I would like to see dynamic events that actually push the player to their limits to encourage better play. It seems a large portion of the events can mindlessly be done with ease.
- The AI of creatures in events need to be smarter: They need to shatter our defenses and make us more vulnerable for failure. When more people do events make the creatures use more skills with increased health. Killing mobs with groups is too boring. There isn’t any challenge with just aoe’ing everything.
Some events have mobs with tons of health that don’t do anything to challenge the individual/group/guild.
We want harder content overall. Give us challenges to conquer. Failure is good. Give us goals to set. We love your game, but please find some way to make content really challenging. Please find more ways to reward the guilds that seek challenges.
(edited by ZeroRaiNs.7154)
There should be Historical 14th & 15th century armor and weapons for all.. armor is fitted to a armouring jacket. Please research this and make it happen please.
- Preview Armour/Weapons on the trading post. – This would save disappointment for those who are buying for cosmetic reasons only to realise they wasted a small fortune on something they dislike the look of.
- Add a “dungeon token” collection tab in the bank. – This would not only be convenient, save bank/inventory space but make sense also. Since you collect them making them collectibles.
- Better party group mechanics. – How about seeing who is party leader? Or making someone else leader?
- First person view. – This would add more immersion, get people to explore a lot more and encourage them to take more screenshots.
- Damage reflect numbers. – People who play tanky roles can tell how effective they are at negating damage. you could add it as a tickbox in the options UI.
- Need a Duelling Mechanic. – 100% of players want this.There have been over 20 times where I have wanted to test my abilities against another player and vice versa.
- View Gear of another player – This would make everything more convenient so I don’t have to bug another player bout what his gear is.
- Key Bind 3 Different keybinds. Loot, Resurrect and Interact. – Time after time, I have resurrected a useless NPC instead of looting.
- Player Housing. – I can not express at how much this would improve your game. It adds more immersion than the other 90% of the game. It could also be another money sink and you could even sell furniture through your gem store
I would love to make my own house in my home instance and make it like a mini castle with statues along a long hallway with armour on them and red carpet with a massive statue of zhaitan as my centrepiece. This will get people to play longer and provide another end-game.
- Barber Shop – Either do what u did with GW1 with a micro-transaction or put in an in-game barber shop where players mess with hair/facial hair options. If not, a magical guy that allows you to remake your entire characters(without changing race or gender).
- load/save traits. – This would be one of the best and most used features. Of course you could charge us but it would be nice and convenient. That way we can pay a small fee in-game and change our entire build on the fly to something more suited to the next dungeon boss battle.
- in-depth stats – What? no overall “Magic find percentage”?
- In-game PING meter like gw1. – Everyone would like to know their ping on the main UI like in a corner you could have a small coloured bubble like gw1.
- no stack limit to collectibles in bank. – I have so much iron yet I dont want to sell it amoung other materials and they now eat up bank space etc.
- Money sink casino in-game. – This would be cool if you had a casino in like a crazy place like in the sky that you could do crazy mini games for gold and have a tiny chance to win something worth of value.
- Dungeon & Jumping Puzzle timers. – You could set up Leaderboards on your site for the fastest dungeon runs on the different modes and the fastest jumping puzzle runs too.
- HD screenshots. – Bring them back. They looked soooo nice.
- costume slots. – THESE WON’T MAKE TRANSMUTATION STONEs OBSOLETE. You could have a set of slots next to your armor slots that you put your costume/outfits in so you don’t have to keep transmuting an outfit you paid real money for. OR you could have the costume slots buyable with gems in the store or via your character and everyone starts with the helmet costume slot and has to buy the rest of the slots. And you could make profit by making the slots costly like 400 gems each.
- Pet names that save. – Adds immersion and is awesome.
- Better mapping ui. – It would be nice to hover our cursors over an asura gate on the world map or mini map and have a popup come up stating where that particular asura gate goes.
- spvp/wvwvw/tpvp spectator mode. – Would be nice to fly a camera around and watch wvwvw battles and spvp skirmishes.
- .Platinum rewards – Sure we have copper, silver, gold rewards. But how about a platinum reward for the best player during an event? You could give them a goodie bag that has a chance to get gold, karma, booster, mystic coins or shards etc.
- ADD Hardmode. – Could you allow use to replay our personal story in hardmode that is as hard as a dungeon and you’re required to be lvl 80? We could access the missions from our storybook.
- instant matchmaking for wvwvw. – Not everyone does WvWvW for their server. can’t you have a overflow wvwvw server so people can play wvwvw instantly? then while they are on the overflow they are qued for their server.
- festival hat/costume maker like in GW1. – Please. Can we have an NPC that will craft us a festival hat or costume that we have shown them previously? It saves bank space and real money.
- server guesting. – play on any server as long as your friends are there? you lied…
- Make dyes ACCOUNT BOUND. – You said dyes are account bound… you lied again…
I’d really like to have more Gear Stat varieties. I don’t know why we have the current ones, e.g.: Knight gear = Toughness, Power, Precision.
There are predefined combinations from crafting, karma or different kinds of tokens, however these do not cover all possible variations.
For example I would badly badly need Precision – Toughness – Healing Power gear, yet this simply does not exist.
I’d suggest to make players able to get any kind of stat varieties they want from at least one of the above mentioned sources!
Alternatively you could make the Fine Transmutation Stone so that it allows you to select one-by-one which three of the combined (six) stats do you want to keep.
(edited by Tyrel.2043)
More fancy looking gear, better rewards and faster throwing animation
Suggestion on Bot control
Authenticators randomizes your password every time u login
Randomized questions at login simple but easy to understand questions for a real player.
Kick vote for AFK and Botters in WvW
Create Prison NPCs that take the questionable bot into custody, once reported x number of times, all player activity is now suspended till reviewed by GMs, player reported has time to revoke report if theyre not afk.
Remove the awful squeak that Human Females have on numerous abilities. Greatsword all abilities, Hammer ability 2-4, Heartseeker, and I’m told Rifle abilities for Engineers have it on at least one ability. There are normal combat yells/grunts/noises on most abilities, please add them to ALL abilities so that we aren’t constantly squeaking like little yiffing girls. Hoping this gets seen by a dev since they don’t seem to pay any attention at all to the race sub forums.
This game is so far the best mmorpg game i’ve ever played, i almoste like everthing in it. The only thing i wonder is if you could make capes in the game? I don’t think that could be so hard to make and it would make you feel much more heroic using capes
Can you make capes in the game? So far the game is awsome, almoste everything in the game is perfect. But cape is a such little thing that gives your character a big bonus about looking good, i hope ArenaNet can fix capes in the game, maybe for next update or expanison if there will be any..
Firstly, I absolutely agree with this:
Player Housing. – I can not express at how much this would improve your game. It adds more immersion than the other 90% of the game. It could also be another money sink and you could even sell furniture through your gem store …This will get people to play longer and provide another end-game.
And here’s my list (In no particular order):
Show all weapons all the time
Just a small detail I would like to see. It would be nice for roleplaying, and maybe for showoff. If the weapons would be equipped in the same spot (example: greatsword and hammer), why not create a new slot just next to it?
Also, I would like a visible quiver for bow users. The arrows shouldn’t appear out of thin air, right?
Faster charr run animation
It is kinda bugging me how slow the Charr out of combat (quadruped) run animation is. I would appreciate if it was played a little faster. It would make it feel like I’m traveling faster too, thus making traveling more fun.
Roar and growl emotion
As a Charr, I really miss this, especially a roar emotion.
It has been said before. A barber that could change a characters appearance.
I would prefer if it didn’t cost gems, but gold/silver.
If my thief can get a permanent (well, almost) 25% speedboost, why not implement mounts? They could even be sold for gems, thus earning more profit.
Their speed boost doesn’t need to be much, just enough to make it feel as if it is traveling faster.
Character description
Just a little box in the hero panel/window where one could write a description about the character, that other people could read. This would be great for rp.
Wear or transmute lighter armor
This would be great for rp and to customize characters more.
Possibility to move skills around on the skill bar + more skills
I would love to be able to move skills around to fit my playstyle. And something I really miss is more skills. Not more weapon types, but more skills for each weapon. More skillbars would make me really happy too.
Pet names staying
Pet names disappearing when changing pets is making me sad.
It gets tedious to constantly write the pets name over and over again. I like to think of my pets as if they each had different personalities, and pet names disappearing kinda ruins it.
Centaurs a playable race
I must admit I don’t know much about their lore in gw2, but I’ve always wanted to play as a centaur. Although they would be quite a problem if mounts were implemented.. But personally I would choose centaurs before mounts. Maybe because I’ve never ever seen centaurs as a playable race in an mmorpg, while mounts are very common.
Couple things I would like to see in the near future:
- Cloaks/Capes - Warriors and most of the melee classes look incomplete without a heroic cape or cloak, along with the other professions needing that little extra fancy look. I guess this is more of an eye-candy implementation.
- Self-Targeting - To see character’s name, guild name, titles, achievement star on screen and anything else of importance. Something that should have been implemented from the start.
- A 10sec Kill-Death Camera (PvP/PvE) - Optional. Just a means to see what was the faults in dying and what resulted the death in the first place. A way to strategize in PvP perhaps, learning your enemies techniques and what not. Must be lag friendly ofcourse.
- Loading Screens improved - Often I find waiting more than a minute to load a single area, especially cities I understand its a huge space of data to be loaded but maybe some sort of improvements to speed up the process of loading can be looked into.
- Party Leadership - In most cases people will leave due to the long periods of time spent doing dungeons. By passing the leadership from one person to another, this would eliminate many bugs that happen quite often in an instance environment.
- Dungeons reworked - I know dungeons are meant to be difficult, but to the point where its ridiculously impossible, not to mention spending hours and hours of just accomplishing one path. Please make it more time friendly and less punishing. I understand its a money sink to draw players to spend and earn less. That’s great as it eliminates the Independence of being more rich than the other. Just a slight change in the difficulty of the dungeons could make alot of the players happier and less depressed about their failed efforts.
Sea of Sorrows
I have a small list of thing that would be cool to have in the game
1. Guild capes should be brought back from the last game. Nothing like running around with a unique cape. (The guild armor isn’t that great in my opinion)
2. Guild halls should be brought back. With the new cannons and stuff it would be cool to storm someones guild castle or protect your own.
3. A quiver as an option for the armor back slot. (The animation is already there of the character taking an arrow out of the quiver why not actually make a quiver?)
4. Better targeting system. My character often switches targets or stops attacking when i turn the camera to look at something else and this is annoying because my character will start shooting at a mob that i wasn’t even fighting. Also the auto targeting often targets enemies extremely far away and not enemies that are closer. So my pet runs off and attacks the wrong target. (so maybe enemies closer in range have a higher auto-targeting chance then ones far way)
5. Tailoring can make town clothes or a place to buy different town clothes.
6. Auto switch to town clothes
7. Better drop rates for crafting items or at least some enemies drop more than one item. Lets say you kill a spider and get two venom sacs instead of one.
8. Place to get a haircut/ dye your hair
9. Get rid of Invulnerable and just give bots that can’t get to you health regen.
10. Bots tend to stand in one place alot. Sort of ruins the feel seeing 20+ bears standing around doing nothing.
11. Add a trading post in Hoelbrok and other main cities.
12. More enemy variations. Most enemies (trolls, scales, etc.) look exactly the same just different colors. Maybe add some spikes or something to scales of different regions Make them more unique.
13. Bring back the Zaishen Menagerie or something of equal value. Something about being able to switch between 50 different pets on will feels weird.
14. Add some armor for the pets. Like maybe a collar or something. Nothing to big just to change the stats.
15. Pets like to wander off extremely far distances and drag enemies, so maybe shorting their strolling distance.
16. Mini-pets should not take up a bag space. They should have their own slot underneath the accessories and rings slot in the hero panel.
17. A looking for group party search thing.
18. Be able to make alliances with guilds. Maybe a rival system as well?
19. This has been said but WAYPOINTS cost less money and you get free revival for the nearest way point. Nothing like dying, having to pay to revive then having to pay to get your gear repaired. It sucks.
20. The tanks and motorcycles that you see in orr (the charr ones) should be put into WvW.
21. I know there shouldn’t be mounts in PvE because of all the waypoints but WvW would be cool to have some mounts (I don’t know if this would work in this game i just like riding on dragons and sheet.)
22. Bigger enemies! Nothing like taking down a group of giant elephants. (all the enemies are human sized.) There are no big enemies besides the Gigantic enemies like dragons and giants. What i am saying is there are no ,well elephant sized enemies. (I like killing big things)
For the last one, did you not see the Oakhearts? They’re at least elephant sized, sometimes moreso.
Also, 15 is definitely one of my pet peeves. It’s worse with Minions.. my necro’s minions are really stupid. About a third of the time, they don’t attack what I attack, and instead stand there uselessly. It’d be nice to be able to command minions.
First off i would like to say that this game is so awesome and incredibly addicting, in my opinion its better than any other mmo that I’ve played.
My only suggestion is that i beg the developers to please, PLEASE remove the item and gold restrictions.
This is my only suggestion for the game, because it is not fun when you can not craft items and send them to the friend your leveling with, or when all of a sudden can not get the items out of your friends bank that was sharing some of there bank space with you. Specially when your guild wants to help out a beginner player, like me, and give them a better start by making some nice armor or weapons, or even sending out a few coins. This kind of restriction only hurts the legit players.
Please, please do this, it would make the game so much better. Thank you.
What’re you talking about when you say you can’t craft items and send them to a friend? Do you know how to use the mail system? And it’s THEIR bank account.. why should you be able to get in it? That’s what the guild bank accounts are for.
Make a Wardrobe in your home instance. You can unlock a armor by putting a armor in. After doing that the armor is destroy, but now the armor look is save in the wardrobe.
When you use the wardrobe to get a saved look, it give a white armor with the saved look without any stat, soulbound. You need to use a transmutation stone to mix that look with the armor stat you want.
Seen a lot of complains about MF gear because people use it or otherwise feel like they are “losing out” on drops. So I suggest to restrict magic find to accessories only. It will still allow the concept to stay and some players will still be “less powerful” for using MF accessories instead of other attributes but it will be less of an issue. Drops rate would need to be adjusted to compensate for the new MF cap.
Collision detection, invisible walls in the jumping puzzles are making things frustrating. I’ve had many falls because I did land on the target platform, but slid off some invisible wall. Fix the cursed camera. Forcing the camera through the back of my head because a wall or stalactite is nearby and then vibrating it so I can’t even effectively orient isn’t helping in challenging jumping puzzles. I don’t mind challenge, but I don’t need the difficulty increased by lousy game engine invisible walls or fences on environment objects and outright camera-screw.
Mad King’s Clocktower is another good expample of the problems with the invisible walls and camera in the game. It’s challenging enough with the time-constraint without making me miss jumps because I hit a pixel that caused me to slide off the target platform, or where I can’t see where I’m going because the camera is run through the back of my head…
Disable “rightclick” to selecting a target…It´s pissing people off when you are turning your character by holding down rightclick and when released it either unselect the target or swapps target depending if your mouse ends up on another character.
Its a really dumb feature and should be removed. Why would you have controlling the camra and selecting target on the same key?!?!?!. Isent Leftclick and select closest target hotkey enough do we really need a third?
This is fubar…. =)
Continue to have special events like Halloween.
There is very limited pve stuffs.. it is either farming karma, or dungeon, both is quite sick if your there just for farming. There is not so much things you can do as a group or individuals, well maybe dragons.
spvp is okay if you enjoy it… so the only other thing is wvw.
The Halloween offered a new thing to do… the dungeon is fine, the events that build up is good too, some games are like the mini games of WC3 lol. I like the MK popping up of LA once a while, if he really eventually comes out, it’ll be awesome, but not sure what type of event it’ll become.
Also like to see the stores be tangible too, while gem store only used for services e.g. booster pack, transmutation stones. Fashion, hair, gear etc could really use a shop and vendor in LA.
Stop message suppression in inner guild mail.
Ability to send guild mail indicated in permission in ranks.
notification when people come online (ability to turn off notification if needed)
MOTD in guild chat when you log on.
The armor and weapon system are EXTREMELY restictive. For a game with the premisse of ’’revolutioning’’ the MMOS, thats one point where it has failed really hard. Almost all classes i see around are bored of their armor type, or want diff weapons for diff skills. I wont get deep into that because if you see the suggestion part, there are a LOT of topics about this, including 2 that i have made are were totally ignored.
dont know if its been suggested. but i would like the option to gift gems to other players. as i wanna reward my members who go out of there way to help the guild
I feel that the exploration achievements should have some way of stacking across characters on your account. In other words, each character on your account pools their exploration together and everything is shared. My guardian is only at about 50 % world completion, and I am already dreading the fact that, when I make an alt, I will have to basically restart and follow my exact footsteps again. Not only is this a pain, but I fell it also will discourage players from wanting to create a new character and to continue to play the game. One benefit of stacking the exploration is that it will actually encourage players to create new characters. In order to explore racial starting areas such as Queensdale for the Charr, why not create new Charr and begin leveling it while exploring as well. Now you have a new character around level 10 or so, and you are also that much closer to world explorer o your account. This will increase the time people will spend playing the game total. One problem with this that I am aware of is the fact that exploring is a great way to level up. With that said, maybe if you are leveling an alt in an area one of your previous characters has already explored you could still get all the experience from the way points, tasks, poi. etc, however they would not add to the world completion.
Let me know what you think.
The return of high definition screenshots would be most welcome =)
Here are a few suggestions from an old guild wars 1 and a current tournaments player:
- key bindings profiles – its extremely hard to play both an elementalist and a guardian effectively with the same key configuration if you dont have a naga mouse for example
- interface customization same as in guild wars 1
- make tournament tickets a collectible item, its very annoying to have to switch characters just so you can register for a paid tourney
- stop allowing character swaps after you enter a tournament game, its not a big problem right now but imagine a couple of months down the line when good teams will look for the smallest edges in games and you will start to see teams change classes and builds two or three times before the start of a game on a map so the last one to change wins…
Thanx and i hope you will consider my suggestions, these are small adjustments but they will make our pvp experience much better.