Game Improvement - Suggestions

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: DonVadim.1968


Make use of possibilities skill system creates
Skills that character currently use depend on weapon character currently wields. Its good system but I think it is not using its full potential. This game almost asks for special skills obtained from rare weapons. For example lets say there is guardian-only legendary/unique rarer exotic greatsword. Player that wields this weapon would have his skill Binding Blade changed into Vacuum of Light which instantly pulls all enemies in range into user and burns all targets instead of dealing direct damage + have got cooler effect. Such weapons or even armors could create more pve character customization

Move trading post closer to crafting stations
That or add waypoints directly near crafting stations and Black Lion Traders. It is just plain annoying when you have to run between trading post and crafting stations for every single thing bought.

Make waypoint usage cost independent of player level
Its really annoying for new level 80s to move between waypoints. I think teleporting to low level zones should be much cheaper. For example teleporting to queensdale should cost significally less than teleporting to cursed shore, no mater how high is your level.

Make drop rate consistent
Right now I feel that during first 30 minutes of the game each day, drop rate of items is significally increased but then literally all the good drops stop and there is no reason to keep playing on high level character. Every day I could get like 3 yellow drops in cursed shore during the first 30 minutes and then absolutely NOTHING drops for the rest of the day. Drop rate should be the same no matter how long you play.

Buff drops from chests
Seriously, it is REALLY disappointing to get 3 blue items from glorious chest (or whatever its called) after huge meta event chain (like cleansing temple of grenth or fighting way to the arah entrance).

Fix camera
I think that’s self explainatory. Camera works terrible, especially near walls and during jumping puzzles. Also adding first person view would be great.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Siecje.5032


Here is my list:


You can’t steer (movement) with right click when the map is up
You cannot walk and have the Escape menu open

Nourishment should show
It should tell you who is resurrecting you instead of a noble soul

Buffs and heals don’t count to get gold in an event
Your own task completion should be shown as a percentage to easily tell people how close you are to completion

Inventory Management:
Why do crafting mats go into your inventory period?

World vs. World:
In World vs. World you should not be able to finish someone, when someone else is already finishing them. Or is should be a channel and it should work faster with more players and reward all players channeling the xp and kill.
You should be able to use trebuchet etc of another team. Why not if you captured the area?
In World vs. World gates should not repair when the area is contested. In my opinion you should have to manually repair the gates, they should not re spawn during a fight and cut off the attacking reinforcements.
In World vs. World you should be able to queue as a group

Pet Management:
Pets names do not save
All pets in your party should be the blue party colour
Why does it say you can charm other players pets?

Why do guild members randomly stop representing
The Guild Roster should say invited by whom
When you are in only one guild you should automatically represent it

Also why don’t vistas save in World vs. World? Does it depend on which waypoint you

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Arctus.9706


Haircuts. PLEASE.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: nokra.9123


First of all i want to announce that i am a german. So this post could contain some English bugs

In my opinion GW2 has a lot of stuff that has to be fixed. But in this post i dont want to blame bugs. I want to give you ( Anet ) a small review about my needs.

First of all – please give us a Trade function. Also i realy need a function to inspect someone. I want to look at other people. I want to check out the Runes, the traits, the gear etc.
In next place i want to give you my opinion about the downed function in PVP. It is just not balanced! But let me give you an example: I ( Thief ) just came into a 2v1 situation. But i am looking forward to win that. So i start to kill the first person. A Mesmer for example. At this point i have no chance to finish this guy. I have to chase the other guy. But i am in a lot of trouble right now. The Mesmer just hit me in his downed state for like 800. So this guy works like a condition. At this point i have to kill the other guy ( with the mesmer condition ), finish him ( 3 times if he is a Thief ) and finish the Mesmer (3 times! ). This cannot be your intention. In PVE i love this funtion, but in PVP it is just annoying. But this is just my opinion.

In the last place i want to give you my point of view about the PVE. I am sad. Our Guild just tryed the Citadel of Flames about 1 hour ago. And i am just sad. But let me show you what happed. We just arrived at the first Boss ( left side ). We dont have any knowledge about him so we just pulled him. Our group just died in one second. After this explosion of damage we decided to kite him. Our Ranger pulled the boss and run around like a chicken. We do our best range DPS and killed him. After this boss we just facerolled over the rest of the dungeon. Please balance this! But this is not what i want to talk about. After the Dungeon was done. We decided to try the exploration mode.
For those of you who doesnt tryed the third option. Dont do it! In the first room you have to activate 5 torches. All at the same time! ( 5s ) But the problem is the respawn rate of 15 seconds. And the whole room is filled with monsters. With one hour Teamspeak speech and an awesome tactic we just beat this! Just to realize that the next step of the Quest is just like the first one. Unacceptable.

After we rage quit this Dungeon i started to google a solution for our problem. I found a video with people beating this dungeon in less than 20 min. just by choose the second option.

Last but not least, here some things that aren’t balanced:
- Guardian down state spells!
- Warriors second Greatsword spell
- Rangers second Longbow spell
- please give the Voidzone a better look! ( In PVE with 100 effects you cant even see anything! )

I hope i could get a statement from you Anet

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: RealityFix.9138


I made this suggestion on reddit but it didn’t get a lot of views.

The UI for the thief (or any class) could be a tad better. The utility skill box could have an option to allow it to be placed somewhere else on the screen (where the player wants to put it) and also allow it to be scaled up or down. Also boons/status affects could be done in the same way. This would allow for newer players to understand what is happening to them easier and when they believe they have the visual ques down they can simply set them back to default.

This would help the thief a lot to see what they stole in the middle of combat. And I mean A LOT. At least in the beginning when you’re not used to the items that pop up.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Moderator


Please keep this thread focused on purely suggestions only, not discussion or value judgments of others’ suggestions. Discussion will threaten to derail this thread into off-topic conversations, and at that point, we will have to lock it. So please, stay focused, stay on-topic—suggestions only! Thank you.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Strikerpogz.3412


Suggestions and adds: (Please read this Anet)

- Please enable duels on both PvE and PvP map
- Let us examine other player’s gear, traits and skill build
- Add WvWvW official rankings online. And reward for being the “Top Server” on US or EU
- GvGs would be a great addition for the next expansion
- Also, adding mounts would be a great add.

(edited by Strikerpogz.3412)

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Teabaker.9524


An option to remove ability queue. This is really annoying on the thief :/

Some bigger points:

-The gear gained in sPvP should be given based on skill and rating, so there should be a Elo-system in the game. Atm it’s just time and luck. But i’m sure this is already on it’s way.
-Arena. I think it could be great and fun. 2v2, 3v3 or 5v5.
- More gear. I don’t want a gear full of vit, power and toughness with my warrior. But well, there is only that, unless I farm tons of mats and craft it (which is kinda boring tbh).
- not sure about this last point, maybe someone should give his opinion on that: I have a geared lvl 80 warrior and when I get home in the evening I want to play WvWvW. However, the queue is very long. I’m also sure that there is a lvl 3-9 player who just wants to get some easy levels. So shouldn’t a geared lvl 80 player have priority over a lvl 4 thief? I mean, the lvl 80 can for sure do more for his server. Also shouldn’t a group of guildies have the possibility to queue together and have priority over players who play without coordination?

Like I said, i’m not sure about the last point.

EDIT: A possibility could also be to give a guild WvWvW-points, based on the capturing they did in WvWvW. A higher rating gives a guild faster queuing-times. I mean, they did a lot so shouldn’t they have priority over others?

EDIT2: Also duels. Please. Add an option, which disables dueling for the people who don’t want to.

(edited by Teabaker.9524)

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fred Fargone.3127

Fred Fargone.3127

There is a summary at the bottom for the convenience of the people too busy to read the wall of text. This is the copy of the suggestion originally posted in its own topic for conversation purposes, as this topic does not allow conversation. Therefore, I do not feel like this being a double post.

Wall of text
So, as we all know the devs are pretty busy with… everything… at the moment. However, there are a lot of players who want to get in WvW, standing in queue and wondering if they can leave the computer for a few seconds. Or go exploring, start a dungeon or start a party with guild members while waiting in the queue.

At the moment there is no way to know if you need to wait just 5 more minutes, or 5 more hours. In fact, if you forget what map you were in queue for, there seems to be no way to check that. Like if you wanted to tell your friend to come along, but have already queued for 3 hours (yes, that happens a lot) and just plain forgot what you were in queue for, there is no way to check it.

So, I know me and a dozen other players did similar suggestions during BWE’s, but here is another one:

Add /queue chat command. Since the devs are busy, making a fancy GUI section for queue information is probably taking quite long. However, lacking vital information like this increases stress and/or frustration levels, which could be easily avoided by giving the player that information. ( I cannot seem to figure out why the queue information was not shared in the first place. )

All it really needs to do is to fetch the players spot in the queue and then print it in chat, which should be pretty easy to do. Shouldn’t take no time at all to code.
It could look something like this:
You are in queue for:
Eternal battlegrounds, #1429
Lions Arch, #59

That would save a lot of time “waiting”. I know you can just go ahead and play while in queue for WvW worlds, but not knowing how much time you have left before you get in kinda spoils that for me. I usually just end up standing AFK in LA. If I knew it is going to take 3 hours, gee, I would go and play through a dungeon. Don’t want to leave midway.
Also, if I only log in to check if I can get into WvW, I would save whole lot of time by not having to hang around waiting if I can see that that aint happening.
End of Wall of Text

In short:
Add chat command for checking your current spot in queue:
You are in queue for:
Eternal Battlegrounds, #1332
Lions Arch, #32
Adding this should be quick solution to the total lack of queue information, while devs work on a GUI version. Its so simple that even I could code that (give that I had the GW2 source code and some documentation).

People who can argue often offer a good and meaningful conversation about the subject.
People who can’t tend to call the opponent troll, scream something utterly incomprehensible
and finally result to personal insults.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kairotic.6728


Fact: GW2 rewards players based on the current quest/event they are completing and “adjusted” level, not based on their “actual” level.

Fact: GW2 charges repair/travel costs based on “actual” level, not adjusted level.

Fact: GW2 is punishing players for questing in “adjusted level” zones. I am a completionist and I find myself always broke because my rewards are not scaling with the costs of in game travel and repair.

Suggestion: Quest/Event rewards should equal the players “actual” level, not “adjusted” level.

(edited by Kairotic.6728)

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chase.6285


I understand this game is NOT wow, so please dont troll or flame. I’m merely stating my opinions on what will probably make this game more enjoyable for all.

I understand the game is trying to move away from a gear/stats based PVP system (structured PVP), and i wholeheartedly support this, as it does then require the players to learn their class and winning means you need skill rather than HOURS of game time clocked on grinding. The idea of different tiers and different looking armor is great. Here’s where my problem comes in though. IF the game is based around how characters looks, why is there no option to view them? yes you can see what they are wearing, and it might look EPIC, but thats it, there is no inspect option to see a more detailed view of your legendary looking ally. This is a feature that I think will vastly improve the game, and make working for cool looking gear that much more rewarding. An online armory would be my second suggestion as that would take it to the next level of epicness.

BUT please im not saying this game is less superior to other MMO’s out there. GW2 has followed its own formula, and it WORKS! I really enjoy playing it. I just think this could be a really cool implementation into the gaming experience, and I know quite a few people who feel the same way.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: AcidicVision.5498


Suggestion for guild UI:

Move the Add Friend and Kick from guild options away from each other in the click context menu! Lol, people keep getting accidentally kicked from the guild.

Or at least have a click to confirm for things like kicking and blocking.

The Kismet

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ganadorf.3460


Please Let Us Move Skills To Different Slots On the Bar

I don’t like not being able to do this
A quick example: Greatsword I hit Q for hundred blades, but when I switch to Rifle, Q is the slowing shot, so I have my stuff bound the way I want it for the Greatsword, but not how I want it for the Rifle
All I want to be able to do is move the slowing shot over one slot, to where I have it bound to 3, and move the fast shooting one to Q
If there’s some big reason why moving skills to a different slot on the bar would be game breaking, then please let us bind keys specifically for each weapon. This would take a little longer to set up, but still solve the problem

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ogny.4570


Something that I’d think would be awesome is to have some sort of application for Android and/or iOS phones for the Black Lion Trading Posts.. an app where you can buy / sell and browse the different items.. and when you log in to the actual game you just pass by a Trading Post NPC and collect the profit. That way all the Trading Post sharks trying to make money and/or the common player looking to find a bargain on the cheapest piece of armor can do this with ease from the couch while watching a movie or for the players with Wife/Husband and kids to be able to do this from her/his cellphone whilst spending time with their families.

Just a thought. Keep up the good work!

It’s better to ask a question and feel dumb for a
second than to not ask at all and feel dumb forever.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: clink.4936


please increase collections stack size.
please allow custom map markers.
please break up the interaction functions like…
F=npc/item interaction

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: LoreChief.8391


I have a list, but there’s much more than this.

-I’m referring you to my already existent thread as well as my blog post for more information on this.

-Weapon Kits don’t keep up with standard weapons, due to them losing stats the second they equip kits like the flamethrower. Fix this!
-Mortar doesn’t have enough range to justify the name. It’s got a pitiful range, and should be easily twice what it currently is.

-Remove the LoS requirement for steal, and the shadowstep mechanics. I should be able to hop through walls to attack an enemy, up cliff faces, and over gaps.
-I want a mid-term length stealth skill in addition to the bit-piece stealths. Something like the spy from Team Fortress 2’s version of stealth would be just peachy.
-Get rid of our traps tree and replace it with something more fun. Either that, or let us lay down multiple traps of the same type when their cooldown wears off (or just give us 3 charges of traps to distribute where we see fit). Traps are boring as dirt.
-Give Thieves more weapon choices. The few we have quickly become boring and stagnant, especially when 2/3rds of our slot skills are some variant of a passive skill.

-Fix the talents that aren’t stacking. Illusionists Celerity doesn’t stack with any of the phantasm cooldown reduction traits. Additionally, Duelist’s Discipline is about worthless of a master trait when it only affects one skill in the pistol tree.
-On that last note, we need to be able to dual wield pistols, because only having 2 pistol skills is crap, and lookskitten with things like a scepter.

Thank you for reading,

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ubung.7423


First of all, preview working on the trading post. Really would make life easier.

Secondly, larger dungeons as well as the 5 man option. 10 and 20 man version prob sounds good. Or maybe 12 and 18. A couple of options either way.

My idea is taking the current dungeons already in the game and adapting them for larger groups. Increasing the amount of mobs / strength of mobs, to scale with the size of the group. Maybe even add some cool mechanics. Trying to go with an idea that affects other people who dont like raiding in as small a way as possible. So this could be rewarded with the same tokens as the dungeon group meaning people dont have to do the larger group sizes to obtain the same gear.

Its just an alternative method of doing the dungeons for people who like that sort of thing.

Lastly it would be nice to be able to create groups in pve that are larger than 5 people. I would like to be able to group up with more people out in the world when doing the larger DE’s than is currently possible. The benefits of being able to see the other persons dot on the map and the ability to join the same overflow shard are essential to group play.

Would be so much easier to organise my guild / friends if I could invite them all to the same group. Id like to see an increase in the group size for these reasons regardless of if they implement larger dungeons.

(edited by Ubung.7423)

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: ionite.6234


Reduce dungeon exotic armor and weapon token costs.

Right now, it takes 69 runs(30 tokens for one run, 20 for every subsequent one, 1380 being the price of a full set) just to get a full exotic dungeon armor set. At that point, you’ll not only stop having fun with the game, but will hate it with a burning passion.

I understand they’re not supposed to be easy to obtain, but even a month would be overkill for a non-legendary. If you do one run per day(I wouldn’t be able to do more) – and considering most explorable modes aren’t fast at all – this will take over two months of running the same dungeon. This is the very opposite of fun.

And then there are weapons.

And then there are legendary items.

And then there is normal gameplay and events.

And PvP.

I also wanted to make some effort to make some of my alts look good and deck them in dungeon armor, but NO, it isn’t allowed unless you’re playing 24/7 and doing nothing but running dungeons over and over again and doing nothing else in your personal free time.

What happened to the “no grind” promises, Anet?

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: moonslightv.6704


*Crafting bags-A spot in your inventory that allows storage for JUST crafting materials. Its annoying having noodles, icing, dressing, etc taking up bag space and I have no more room in my bank to put them!

*Allow trading among players with regular trade windows

*Fix the ranger pet names not staying after you name them.

*Ramp up difficulty or make the bigger Dynamic Event encounters more interesting like the Shatterer and Shadow Behemeth. Right now they are pretty easy to beat.

*Send an e-mail notification to a Guild Master that their upgrades are finished.

Just a few things off the top of my head.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: SpedalFlux.1520


Please remove the ability to shift+click skills into chat during combat. A lot of people like myself are used to using shift as dodge and manually clicking some skills (usually skill 7, 8, 9 and 0) on the screen, its not being noob to click skills, its years of habit from various other games that is hard/impossible to change, we find it suiting to our playstyle and there is no disadvantage in clicking skills to fight. now the problem is that very frequently, I would dodge and click a skill at the same time, then it pops the skill into chat, so I have to manually exit the chat then resume combat, and I can tell you 90% of the time that results in a death, its like being stunned for 5 seconds, from the time i realised what has happened to the time i clear and exit the chat, im long dead. please just take away the ability to shift+click skill descriptions into chat whilst in combat mode, its not like anyone is ever going to suddenly discuss to their friends about a skill description in chat whilst in mid-fight in a 1v3. thanks Anet

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: fixit.7189


A few ones off top of my head that aggravate me:

- make seperate keys for looting and interaction with objects. ie. when I drop turrets on my engie, if I try to loot stuff near them it picks them up. So with long CDs on turrets, you can understand how this is frustrating. This effects all my classes, like in a giant event zerg where I go to loot and keep picking up banners etc.

- reduce the WvWvW wait times somehow. Dunno what to suggest, something is needed to reduce it. Waiting 4+ hours is not fun and even worse if you want to do it with guild/friends.

- fixing of clipping issues with female Asura armors and make more DISTINCT looking sets. ie. my lvl 80 female asura has very limited options when it comes to armor variation; they all look more or less the same. You can’t miss match them either since they are all different shades so you have to pick a set and only use that if you want to look uniform. And then, as said, you encounter clipping issues where hair and body parts show through the armor skins. I’d like to look super cool on my Asura; on humans, these gears look 100x better.

- better search options for armors on the TP. Needs to have at the very least a pull down menu that says: heavy/medium/light armor. In beta there was an option I think was removed in retail here that was “Show only what my character can wear”. Want that back thanks!

- At least one more pure level 80 zone, if not more. Currently this zone is utterly packed most the time due to it being the only real lvl 80 zone. More zone choice would be real nice and will also help split up the lvl 80 population a bit so we are not crammed into one slim little zone doing the same 2 events over and over.

- Touch up on above point: make the lvl 80 dynamic events harder or at very least give the mobs more life. It’s a race to tag stuff during these since there is so many players spamming and stuff dies in .01 seconds. Infact mobs are usually dead right as they appear. It’s so easy, there is bots hanging out at certain event locations in Cursed Coast 24/7 reaping the rewards with no fear of death.

- More karma sinks. The lvl 80 karma gear for say light armor has this bizzare mix of stats that makes no sense. Plus it looks super fugly on my Asura. Beyond that, not much to spend karma on other than salvage kits.

- Some sort of video option so I can increase how many characters/enemies I am able to see on screen. Right now, it gets passed a certain point and mobs and players disappear totally. I have to stand right on them to see em. I run 50+ FPS on max settings during events, so I am fairly certain my computer can handle it. Perhaps this is a problem I can fix somehow on my end? Or is this a server mechanic to limit load…

(edited by fixit.7189)

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Leo.7942


I absolutely love this game so far, but there are a few things that I think would make it a lot better—

  • Ability to change character appearance later in the game. This is very important to me, as I love my sylvari, and have already made it to 80 and done a lot of the content, but I’m not happy with the way I originally designed her. I know this was an option in GW1 and I would love to see it in GW2.
  • Lower respawn rate, and more sensible placement of enemies. Another very important one, especially having just completed exploration of the Cursed Shore (and nearly Malchor’s Leap, except for one bugged skillpoint). When I’m fighting on my engineer, it takes me a long time to bring down enemies, particularly if there’s more than a couple. Between the room needed to kite and the respawn rate, I find myself fighting groups of four, five, or more undead at a time, and by the time I’ve killed one another has respawned.

Those are my two main suggestions—the ones I’ll have a hard time waiting for. Beyond that, here are a few things I’d suggest—

  • Allow us to preview items on the trading post.
  • Allow us to speak to more than one guild at a time.
  • Don’t make waypoint cost scale with level, or at least not so much. There have been times I’ve been tempted to not do things with friends because the cost of travel was so high. I also find myself going through the Mists a lot, and then Lion’s Arch, instead of directly to my destination, which is an unnecessary hassle.
  • Increased drop rate for fine crafting materials. Every step of the way to 400 in crafting feels like a grind. My engineer is a hunstman and leatherworker, and I find myself constantly short of the fine materials I need to advance to the next crafting tier when I finish a zone. Instead, I have to return to areas I’ve already completed and grind for hours. It’s not fun, and it feels out of place in GW2.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: zenryoku.9825


Expand the loot table and make loot have random stats like in Diablo 2 and Torchlight. Loot in this game, like every other MMO, is boring and predictable. I’m aware that you can put gems in slots to customize gear to a point, but have the drops be a lot more random would be great!

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Frigzy.8731


Hello, as a former RvR player in DAoC, I have some serious remarks concerning the camera usage in GW2.

First person view and unwanted targeting have been mentioned before.

What I want to mention is:

  • Full camera control settings: There’s only 4 controls regarding the camera even though you are using a lot more buttons than you can edit. Also the “free camera” control is very confusing. It doesn’t seem to do anything. Maybe add a tooltip to what it really controls.
  • Targeting during panning: Since panning is set on the left mouse-button, it’s impossible to pan and click on a desired target at the same time. Especially since releasing the panning button while running auto-turns the camera back to the original position.
  • Set & Reset camera position: Part of the auto-turning problem has to be resolved with allowing to Set a camera position to which you can instantly switch by pressing the appropriate button(=Reset). This should also allow players to stop the auto-turning while running because they can now instantly get back to the desired or original camera position just by pressing a button.
    Not having this option is also making camera behaviour in general feel really clumsy. Especially after performing mobility abilities, you’re often getting awkward camera positions which can not be resolved due to the lack of a camera reset option. Being forced to either use your mouse to pan, or actually move your character to get back into the normal camera position is really harmful for PvP play since it takes up precious time that would normally be used for controlling your actual character, rather than your camera.

The clumsy camera control, as well as

1 – spell effects filters example – show mine only/show group only/show all
if not filters then a way to adjust the spell effect separately

are probably my biggest concerns regarding GW2 overall. Especially for PvP and WvWvW, fixing this would give the game a way better overall feel. Thanks for your consideration.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zen.1740


No face-to-face trading. I mean, this game has been in development for like 6 years. Did it just slip your minds?

No cash-on-delivery trading system via mail. Do you expect to just take turns emailing things to people with no way of tracking items, and trusting the other person to keep their word? Really? Again, did this slip your minds?

No dueling. It’s 2012, even F2P games have it. Even unpopular flopped ones.

No PVP balance. Thieves can teleport all around the map, go invisible and reappear with full health, stun and have more burst damage than Warriors. They are the new Paladins of Guild Wars 2. Mesmers can spawn illusions with seemingly more HP than I’ve taken from other classes to kill them, and they can spawn like 4 or 5 of them. Seriously, do you play thieves or mesmers? Is that why? You nerfed the Warrior’s Hundred Blades greatsword build, yet kept in the 4K eviscerate, and left thieves alone to be meta.

Very little monetary reward for events and quests. Ooooh 1.8 silver! Nice! Next waypoint travel costs 2.8 silver. Uh-oh!!! (See next point).

Very high travel expenses compared to rewards. I don’t care about you tryhard powertraders that have like 100+ gold because you are a parasite that steals profit from the economy or you 100% the entire game in 6 days.

Moderators that suck, and will not roll back the servers to remove any (even just 1) exploited karma or item that people have gotten away with, just because it falls short of their arbitrary cut-off limit. How about you release some of your metrics to the public showing how much wealth has been accumulated/stolen by exploiters that escaped your moderation?

NPCs with names like (new string) breaking immersion. Why did you release the game in beta? Colin said it would be released when it was ready, but it wasn’t ready.

Linear PVP maps like the boat one. It’s a 90 degree corridor.

An annoying help pop-up that appears on the screen every time you spawn in PVP. Seriously, it’s just annoying. How many paragraphs do you need, just to type ‘This is a PVP map, capture the 3 areas to gain points. You win when your team has 500 points’

No variation of PVP game modes. None of your team likes Capture The Flag?

Broken skill challenges. I mean really, what have you been doing all this time? Maybe if you worked on the game instead of playing it all the time, these basic systems would not be bugged. Try fixing that one in Orr, the spectral blade challenge. It’s been reported like 3 times and is still bugged 10 days later.

Graphical glitches. It’s like being inside the matrix watching the terrain warp (the deja vu scene). Missing terrain like SW:TOR had, moving the camera around makes half of the things on the screen disappear in certain places. Players appearing in front of you as you move around The Grove, because everything seems tessellated and the environment loads in front of your eyes, you see flowers growing instantly as you run around).

The worst camera ever to have been implemented in any video game in history. It likes to refuse to move when your head is near a rock, it especially likes people getting mad over it, when you are in the downed state and cannot turn your camera around to target enemies. It sucks not having the ability to zoom out further, or to go first person view.

The downed state is a stupid idea. If you die, then so be it. Do you really want everyone to have to die twice? And then wait for around 15 seconds for a spawn? Is this the new Battlefield, but one step further in excessive waiting times? PVP = waiting to have fun.

PVP that requires zero skill. Numbers matter, nothing else. Except as long as you choose your character to be a thief or mesmer. You get stunlocked with the same purple chain animation all the time, end up in a huge cluster**** of fire spam in the middle of a slideshow as terribads button-mash to kill you. Oh and no matter how much you try to move or roll away, smash your keyboard or mouse, it just refuses to move).

“We just don’t want players to grind in Guild Wars 2,
no one enjoys that, no one finds it fun.” – Colin Johanson
R.I.P. in piece, Guild Wars 2, August 2012 – September 2012

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zen.1740


Not being able to spawn at any waypoint because it’s contested. Did you honestly think it was a good idea to have to get a raid together just to kill waves of NPCs to clear a waypoint all for the sake of getting through your story, or to points of interest? This is just stupid design, especially in Orr, if you play at times where no one is online. The waypoints get captured again 30 minutes later anyway.

Events do not scale properly. Tequatl the Sunless is boring, just like the other dragon I forgot the name of in the story at Lion’s Arch. He stands on 4 legs and roars, then stands on 2 legs and raws, and hits the floor and roars. A real dragon would have literally ripped the island apart. This was the turning point in the game where I started to see more and more flaws, get bored and have less interest in continuing the story. As for the event of Tequatl itself, around 3 or 4 players turned up for it and it was literally impossible. The NPCs spawned every 30 seconds or so, in waves and it was impossible to get even near the seige equipment, let alone the dragon). All of which just added up to dying a lot, running around in underwear trying to do a dynamic event, and listening to the NPC that keeps shouting the same thing over and over again to call out his attacks).

NPCs spawn too quickly. There is no need at all, in your personal story line to have to start at checkpoints way back in the map, and have to fight your way through waves of respawned enemies in your underwear over and over again (because of an obsolete game design of armor repairing and high upkeep costs compared to rewards from events), just to get to a green marker on the floor. In Orr the game is almost unplayable. I have zero interest in fighting any of the NPCs, they are all boring, have annoying snares and by the time you’ve killed one of them (20-30 seconds) and moved to the next mob to fight it, it’s respawned behind you again.

You lied about the design of GW2. You said that NPCs would be doing things. You made fun of other MMOs by saying they have NPCs that stand around idle, and that you don’t think that’s OK. You said that GW2 would have NPCs doing events, being active and moving in groups. Yet you go to Orr and it just looks like Northrend in World of Warcraft, with thousands of boring NPCs just floating in the water or stood idle waiting to troll players with stunlocks, snares and unwanted aggro. You can get that in any generic F2P MMO on the market.

“We just don’t want players to grind in Guild Wars 2,
no one enjoys that, no one finds it fun.” – Colin Johanson
R.I.P. in piece, Guild Wars 2, August 2012 – September 2012

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zen.1740


All of the thank-you emails from NPCs are uninteresting, especially when you run past an event you completed 5 minutes ago and see the same NPC standing in the same place.

The Norn males look horrible. They aren’t muscly, just someone stretched a human model in the moddeling application and added more mass. They look flabby and cartoonish.

There are many places and events in the game where you see clone NPCs. It’s immersion-breaking. Norn in Hoelbrak, or ‘old woman’ NPCs who look 30 years old, stood next to other NPCs using the same model.

Allied NPCs are useless. They attack like once every 5 seconds, do very little damage and only half of them revive each other.

Reviving people and NPCs takes way too long. It’s almost pointless, since they run off and die again so easily, reviving them is not even worth the effort. Since they help so little, you may as well kill things yourself, because they split up and run away from each other and aggro more mobs. So allies feel like a burden. You said it would be worth reviving them to aid in events like a year ago, but now I just run past fallen allies, because they are useless.

The horrible community that will send you death threats for giving criticism of Guild Wars 2 (but on a positive note, this is not due to the design direction of ArenaNet, simply a negative aspect of the experience).

The underwater combat. No amount of words can express how much I hate the content under water. Your weapons aren’t as good, your movement is slower, the enemies seem to have more health or stay alive longer, and it just feels really awkward and annoying. It’s basically trying to kite in a small circle as to not aggro another 100 kraits or fish to attack you. It’s so depressing to have to swim past events and miss out on karma just because of how awful the underwater combat is. PLEASE leave it out of the expansions. I’m all for cool dungeons set under water, but at make them on land under the water.

Not that we’ll get a reply from anyone on the development team though. They’re probably all driving around in their sports cars that they bought with the pre-purchase money. Beware the dangers, next time a developer tells you to give them money for a video game 6 months before you even get to play it. They aren’t obliged to give you what you want, if you do that. Nor are they obliged to ship the game that they wanted to. Money speaks more than buzzwords and marketing hype.

For every good thing I can think of for Guild Wars 2, I get annoyed and can think of 2 bad things. I just hope some patches can fix some of these issues, but then again patches don’t usually fix design decisions, the ones that do are normally called content updates.

“We just don’t want players to grind in Guild Wars 2,
no one enjoys that, no one finds it fun.” – Colin Johanson
R.I.P. in piece, Guild Wars 2, August 2012 – September 2012

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: dver.2985


My .02 to add to the discussion… I’m really enjoying the game and think Arenanet has done SO many things right, but there are a few issues I have.

Revised Cosmetic System
This is a HUGE one for me. For a game that does so much right to empower the player Arenanet really dropped the ball on this one. The player should always have full control of how their character looks. Everyone from Arenanet should go look at LOTRO’s system. It’s the gold standard. Any item you can legitimately obtain in the game should be eligible for a free cosmetic look. Just drag it into a cosmetic slot and your stat gear automatically/instantly gets that look. Town clothes, class armor, everything. Heck LOTRO even goes as far as to let any class equip any type of armor (Light, Med, Heavy) and it’s wonderful. It costs nothing and can be done at will anytime. The diversity of looks in that game are astounding and the rich community that’s built up around various cosmetic looks is amazing (so many fashion websites). They’ve monetized it as well so there’s no loss here. It’s win win all around.

I understand the desire to make money with transmutation stones, but there are much better ways to monetize cosmetics in my opinion. If you follow the LOTRO model and add cosmetic slots you can sell those. You can sell “town” clothing cosmetics (like they do now, but actually usable in combat), etc and on and on. There’s no way I’m ever going to obtain enough transmutation stones to keep a consistent look from level 1-80. It’d be crazy and that frustrates me to no end. I mean the dye system is fantastic, the armor designs are cool. Why on earth can’t I have a town clothes look in combat?!! Why would you restrict the cosmetic system to transmutation stones other than to make money? It make no sense to me and is incredibly anti-player. Heck even the Guild Wars 1 HoM armor at least allows you to continuously keep the look, but the implementation seems kinda hacked in compared to a simple separate cosmetic slot/paper doll system.

Please fix this!

Dungeon Finder
Yes I know this is always a huge controversy, but it’s so essential for casual players like me. I have 2 young kids and limited play time. I want to experience all the dungeons. I don’t have time to get involved with a huge guild or sit around shouting for a group. I want the cross server (so there’s always a bigger pool to choose from) button for the instant group.

I don’t even think the concerns from other MMOs are that similar since the group dynamic is so different in GW2. This is just a really nice convenience option.

Let me see my own name above my character
This is minor, but for the love of all that is holy it drives me crazy.

First Person Mode
I don’t really play MMOs in 1st Person anymore, but would be nice for screenshots. Not sure if there is a way to hide the UI either yet, but that would be a plus if it’s missing for the same application.

Inspect other players
If I see a cool piece of armor or weapon I’m curious what it is and would love a way to quickly see that.

Barber Shop
With so many cool character customization options it seems like a shame to never be able to try out other looks on my main char. This would, for a small fee, let you change your character’s look including hair styles, colors, skin, racial adornments etc. Basically the same options from character creation.

UI customization
Would be nice.

Cheaper Teleport Costs
Seems excessive given how slow most characters run and how much the game promotes the ease of travel.

Visible Cloaks (and a way to hide them)
Maybe these exist, but I’ve not seen them yet.

Trading Company Notification when an offer you made is accepted
I had no idea I had a bunch of stuff waiting for me.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: fixit.7189


Another suggestion:

During large scale events; reviving, healing, and generally supporting should count towards bronze/silver/gold rewards. Plus maybe it will also tag mobs for loots. Like last event I was in where I spent majority of the time reviving downed players and cycling support abilities. Ended event with bronze and next to no lewt since I spent most of the time helping other players. Right now, it’s better just to DPS than stop and revive people. DPS = more rewards and loot. Support = no rewards or loot. So why play support? You will notice many cannot be bothered to help others due to this. I can see this can be perhaps exploited but perhaps not if this can be re-worked a bit.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Leontes.7204


TL;DR: Suggestion: Simply switch the meanings of the words “Defense” and “Armor”.

Here’s why;

In the Hero pane, I feel that from a streamlining perspective, the relationships between Power/Weapon/Attack and Toughness/Defense/Armor are inconsistent in their nomenclature.

In the first case…
Power + Weapon Strength = Attack

Which we can loosely interpret as, “Natural ability + gear element = overall effectiveness in striking”. In this sense, your overall ability to attack others increases either by statistic or by gear, which is consistent design and makes sense to the common user.

However, in the case of Armor…

Toughness + Defense Values = Armor

Does it strike anyone else as odd that “armor itself” has a Defense value and not an actual Armor value? It’s confusing to say “I got some Armor with X Defense” rather than “My helmet has 100 Armor”, especially when the scores are calculated additively anyway without any hard mathematics involved at that level. Your “armor” doesn’t really increase when your natural Toughness does, but you could argue that your Defensive skills would. A Mesmer will never have “high Armor” because they wear Light, but they could have a “high Defense” by pumping Toughness. This is way easier to understand than the current model.

It seems as if this observation of mine was your initial intention anyway, because this weirdness is reinforced by hovering over the Attack stat in the Hero pane, where it says that Power “Increases Attack” which is true, but hovering over Toughness reads that it “Increases Defense” which is entirely untrue as Defense is a fixed stat based on your class’s armor type. In that case, half of the work of my suggestion is already done.

Now, all you have to do is change the words. This way, we will have Stat + Gear = Ability consistency and Attack and Defense will sit very cleanly as the final sum of all of these equations.

EDIT: Oh, also, why are the item prefixes in PvE different from the ones in PvE? Knight’s in PvE is Power/Precision/Toughness and in PvP it’s Power/Precision/Vitality.

Lol, why?

(edited by Leontes.7204)

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Xpiher.5209


Xpiher’d GW2 Suggestions (going to shift though this thread and update it)

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Aven.7295


Something on the tradeing post that Shows how much money is being taken off by a successful sell.

i dont mind that its there, i just want to see how much im loseing

Aven Scorchfield, lvl 80 Guardian
Server: Maguma
Guild: Judgement [Eye]

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Hissatsu.3174



I must start with expressing how much i am LOVING the PVE aspect of GW2, even though i’m PVPer. I hated PVE in every game i played except Darkfall. PVE was always easy, boring grind, you could do it with pinky finger of your left foot. In GW2 i really enjoy PVE, even basic simple mobs (well, Darkfall is still superior in that aspect, but unfortunately inferior in many others…)

That said, DE system is even more awesome. Each location has a story, and that story often leads to a big kitten boss that you have to take down with ~50 to 100 people. And its huge, and its great.

That said, GW2 offers a termendous improvement over other games. While in WAR you are turned into 1hp 1dmg dealing turkey if you try to enter location of a lower level, and in WoW you just oneshot everything in lower level locations, GW2’s downscaling means you actually can enjoy every single content in the game when you’re max level, instead of being tied to your narrowed “max level content”. So, at max level you could fight all those cool bosses in the world, that are awesome, huge and give nice loot chests when down…

Except, you can’t. Because you have no idea where the event is currently up, and where it isnt. This, in my opinion, is a HUGE PROBLEM. I can’t stress enough how huge. It feels like you have all that stuff but you can’t get it because… its too pricey to jump around locations looking for bosses to be up! Waypoint cost (if used like that – jumping from locaton to location unti an event is found) will be way too much, even gold contribution chest wont cover it. This means that the game has all sort of great content, but you cannot enjoy it. You are missing it!

Guild Wars 2 desperately needs some sort of Dynamic Event finder system. I can see several ways of implementing it:

1) When you complete location to 100%, or maybe when you discover whole location, you can always see all event markers on it from any point in the world.
2) Rift style event finder, where you have a list of world bosses that are now up and can instantly (for a waypoint cost of course) teleport to the event, or can teleport to a random event (for lesser cost, probably)
3) World-wide chat channel
4) World-wide LFDE system, where people can browse a list of people who willingfully marked themselves as “seeking an event” and whisper them where their help is needed

I know some people think LFD (dungeon) system is really needed, but this one is needed even more! Because, in case of dungeon, its not going anwyhere. Its always available there for you! Just find a group, no hassle. In case of dungeons, you can afford to spend time grouping. DE will be finished by the time you learn about it that way.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: VictorTroska.3725


Ability to turn around camera with holding down mouse left button and not selecting anything untill you actually release button. (Ammount wrong targets I accidently selected during fights is huge.)


Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: DippyDragon.3180


Just some simple things from me:-

- More emotes, a lot more emotes.
- Split the 2 types of kneel emote and give everyone the option of using either.
- A variety of sitting emotes
- A curtsey to compliment the bow
- Hugs & kisses – Yes, I know that’s going to be darn tricky with the 8 foot range in character heights, requiring multiple skeleton animations to cope with height differences, but I have faith that Anet can get this right.

Please Anet, show us that you have will and the innovation to make this happen. Just look what you did with characters standing on uneven ground – that was mind-blowing.

~~ The Tarnished Coast ~~
[i7 6700 Skylake – 32Gb RAM – 240GB SSD – GTX970 – Corsair Water Cooling]

(edited by DippyDragon.3180)

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zoneh.7902


Today I played the story mode and it got to me. The story mode of this game feels less like GW1. GW1 missions were great to play again because of bonuses. You had bonuses to achieve, sometimes those were time focused, the other time it was just additional content to clear. But it was fun gathering them, striving to do better every time. So when you made a new PvE character and went back to do the story for progression, you still had fun because since you already know the story, you could enjoy the game part of it with a goal using all the experience you got by playing your first character. GW2 story line is too easy and is not fun to repeat. Not only that, but I feel it haThe GW2 dev team came up with a great idea of having medals in events and that’s the system I’d like to apply to the story mode quests. The fact is you get gold too easy in events. You’re just there for 1/3 of the event and you get it. In story mode quests I’d just make it really hard to get gold with alot of bonuses to complete along the way. That way the story mode has great replay value and feels more action packed.
What do you think?

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Alex.7408


irst off, I’d like to thank ArenaNet for the amazing game, really enjoying every minute of it so far. Here are some small things that I’d like to have implemented and changed in the game. Only minor things that could make the game a bit more fun.
A better way at customizing it. What I have in mind is, an option to be able to change the chat font, colour of the different channels, etc. For an example, I would be able to change my guild chat from yellow to green, from one font to the other.
I’m enjoying PvP a lot right now. Stuff I had in mind is a better queue system. Right now when you open the sPvP tab, you have several different servers listed from which you can choose from. I think it looks a bit messy, especially since most of the time servers that are listed as empty actually are full.
Play Now option is decent, but it also isn’t working for me always. So I’d guess that’s a bug to be fixed. What could be cool is instead of listed servers we’d have maps listed instead, and a random option. And then you just queue up/enter to the closest best server.
Another option I’d enjoy is queue as group. I enjoy playing with my friends, and it could take a while until we all get on the same server. This could be considered pub-stomping in some regards, but I don’t think that would be a problem with the balancing system the game currently has, in which it shuffles the players. Playing against them would be fun too, and for the more serious stuff there are tournaments.
That’s more or less it, I think. I don’t know if this stuff can be implemented in a patch, or in a future expansion. If you guys feel like adding some of your own suggestions, go ahead. :-)

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: shufti.2854


I’d like armor pieces which I have hidden in-game not to show up in the log-in screen. For example, I keep my helm hidden at all times, yet when I log in to GW2 to start another fun playing session I have to look at that hideous thing on my lovely Asura ;_;

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Redfeather.6401


It would be nice, if at level 80, players had access to racial skill trainers and secondary profession trainers.
They could sell tomes to teach select skills. Maybe a few from each profession, and a couple from each race and sell the tomes for 10 skill points each. The tomes would be soulbound too, so they can’t be traded.

I think a lot of players will not spend 200 skill points on legendary weapons. So the increasing pool of skill points earned in the core game are probably going to be spent once a new expansion comes out in order to immediately gain any new skills that offers.
If there was a skill point sink that offered progression similar to GW1 PvE, I think it would be very attractive to people who enjoyed PvE skills and secondary professions in GW1.

This suggestion would only be for PvE. I understand that sPvP needs to be more tight in what builds are available.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vibe.2861


Change the 25 bleed stack limit

This really should be one of the first things the devs should do. The current 25 bleed stack limit per mob makes it impossible for condition based builds to do any real damage in big events and thus recieve any kind of reward for a fight even though you’re there pressing skills the entire time.

I play a Conditionmancer (Condition based Necro) and it’s practically impossible to recieve any kind of medal on big dragon fights or any kind of big fight for that matter. I can stack 15 bleeds in seconds on a single mob. That means 2 conditions based players can easily hit 25 bleeds limit and thus render any other condition damage useless. On big fights there’s just so many people with conditions the stack is maxed in a second and the direct damage I do is just terrible. I’m finding myself switching weapon sets for big fights just to get that bronze medal, even though my traits don’t support it. This shouldn’t be like that.

There is no sense why there should be a global 25 bleed stack limit per mob. The condition damage is the same as direct damage, just dealt over time. Noone is going to deal more damage than they would if they played solo anyway, if the bleed stack is removed/raised/changed.

This is very gamebreaking for condition builds right now and really should be top priority.

Proposed fixes:

  • Remove bleed stack limit
  • Introduce 25 bleed stack limit PER PLAYER on a single mob

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mouse.6903


1)The UI for skills bar. Would like to be able to swap skills easily, swapping skills in options mess up skills in other mode like underwater, down and death shroud mode, even my other characters, need to keep swapping them back and forth.

2)Pasting of item names in Trading post and not reset my search whenever i change tab from selling item, buying items and collect all. Armor searches should be subclass into light, medium, heavy instead of head, shoulder, chest, pants, shoes.

3)allow for keyboard navigation for conversation boxes like W,S to move from option1 to 2 and F to confirm options like pressing Enter.

4)Make less conversation boxes, less clicks for us, when we click merchant we do not need conversation box before the buy/sell box comes up. Like having swift in the city, it would be much easier if we get swift when we get close to the npc, instead of having to talk to it.

5)There is no need for an additional UI to show inventory when opening the bank. I would prefer having my bags open, double left click to use it, right click to store it.

6) when i have my map open and close it it doesn’t have to zoom back to my location then close. The situation, having my map open browsing around, under attack click ‘M’ to close map, takes some time to zoom to my location on map then closes, didn’t have enough time to survive.

(edited by Mouse.6903)

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Solitary Shell.4618

Solitary Shell.4618

Add the ability for higher tier gathering tools to harvest lower-tier stuff better.

Example: Iron mining prick can harvest 25% more copper before reaching the 0 limit and dissapearing.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Master Roland.2349

Master Roland.2349

Suggestion: Timed runs for jumping puzzles

Jumping puzzles are really cool. It is clear that a lot of time and love has gone into them. As a player, I would like to be motivated to do them again and again. Whenever I do a puzzle for a second time, I find myself trying to speedrun it. While it is already fun to pass by another player and show him some dance moves on the way to the top, I think it would add a lot of competition (and fun repetition) to include timers in the jumping puzzles. There could be achievements for a specific fast time per puzzle, or in a grander scale a leaderboard of daily / monthly / friendlist / overall fastest times. I think this would mean more people would spend more time in the jumping puzzles, enjoying the beauty that is.

Timed runs do bring up a some issues. These are the ones I came up with and how they can be resolved:

  1. Problem: There needs to be some sort of start / finish mechanism.
    Possible solution: the mechanism could include start / finish zones, or an npc or object that needs to be interacted with to start and stop the time.
  2. Problem: That would mean there is a roadmarker in view at the start of a jumping puzzle, while to goal was to explore and find them yourself.
    Possible solution: Hide the markers until the player has finished the puzzle for the first time (no timed run the first time a player does the puzzle).
  3. Problem: The puzzles may not have been designed for timed runs.
    Possible solution: Leave the current jumping puzzles as is, but when you start designing new puzzles keep timed runs in mind.
  4. Problem: Different classes have different bonuses they can use, like a higher movement speed, or stealth to bypass enemies. This gives those classes an unfair advantage.
    Possible solution: Give players an object they need to carry from start to finish that allows all of them to have a speed bonus and a stealth ability. Possibly disable all other skills of the player.
  5. Problem: Cheaters.
    Possible solution: Either find a baseline runtime and ignore anyone that ‘runs’ faster, include waypoints, or make sure other players are not affected (timed runs only for achievements).

Almost any platform game uses timed runs. Super Meat Boy is one of those examples that really motivates you to keep trying to go faster. I hope Guild Wars 2 may include something similar in the future

Thank you for your attention!

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: iniside.4736


Repost from another thread.

First of all.
1. Please add option to queue for all battlegrounds at once. On Far Shiverpeaks which is really crowded EU server it’s hard to get into single map. At this point, I don’t care which map i get i just want to be in.
Now gameplay suggestion.
1. On WvW there should be resource generation outposts. These outpost would generate gold, karma, experience for players who control them.
2. Those generated resources must be transported to your main keep. on map. Only when caravan reaches an keep, players get generated resources.
3. To make things even more interesting, mines (short for resource generation outpost), would be linked to closest keep. If you want to control them, you must control keep. If you loose control over keep, you do not automatically loose control over mines. Enemy must take them one by one.
So while is not possible to take mines without taking keep, it’s still possible to block enemy resources by killing caravans.
Another idea is special ability called hm “Call Caravan”. When you kill enemy transport, it’s possible to summon your own transport that will take enemy resources and start transporting them for your faction. To not make things to easy, your own caravan will spawn in closest controlled outpost/keep and start travel from there.

Also. Please make events fail to ultimate failure state more frequent. Add something like when there is to long win streak over single part of event it is just impossible to win any longer and it will be pushed way back to ultimate failure. At this point with each loose event will be gradually easier back to the normal difficulty level. But, if players manage to push it on higher difficulty they will get more rewards.

Also. If event is stuck on single objective (defend), please make it more… distributed. Instead of battle on single spot, it will be better if people have to defend and attack multiple side objectives, like sige machines, resource transports, barracks spawn etc.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zeldain.5710


Targeting Behavior

This is a simple one, I think.

Change the behavior of targeting so that it selects a target upon MOUSE UP rather than MOUSE DOWN. As it is, it’s VERY easy to lose your target by clicking anywhere on the screen in the heat of battle (or even just casual questing) and very difficult or near impossible to get it back.

The reason using the left button is important in combat is that it lets you rotate your camera independent of your character.


Game Improvement - Suggestions

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Posted by: patasde.6087


atm only:
make Intance matching system to find party for dungeon easy or at least some LFG tool for dungeons

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Phaze Delta One.2834

Phaze Delta One.2834


Make Guild Founder have the ability to kick/demote other Guild Leaders.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: hiccups.3790


Hey everybody,

Currently im trying to complete all the maps in the gw2 world. But i need to jump to each map to see if its completed unless i make a paper notice which map i already completed.
My suggestion is, make a little green check mark on each map which the character already completed. That would help the overview.

Beside that… great game, Arena Net.

yours sincerely, hiccups

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ashariel.8490


A single one, to uncensor the dungeon Arah heavy armor for female characters as it was in the beta. Unless of course you had a viable reason for censoring it specifically at release and not the other skimpy armor types, it’s unjust not to offer a long term objective (dungeon armor) to those who like displaying revealing armor on their characters.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Solitary Shell.4618

Solitary Shell.4618

Hey everybody,

Currently im trying to complete all the maps in the gw2 world. But i need to jump to each map to see if its completed unless i make a paper notice which map i already completed.
My suggestion is, make a little green check mark on each map which the character already completed. That would help the overview.

Beside that… great game, Arena Net.

THIS THIS THIS. Or add the ability to see any map’s completion when hovering your mouse in the world map.