Game doesn't really feel "Play your way" at level 80.

Game doesn't really feel "Play your way" at level 80.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Biscuithammer.8615


Okay, so I’ve been trying for about a week to work up to the 30+ gold needed for my first exotic set and I’m finding that it’s really hard to earn money unless you do ecto farming on Orr. Other than that I’ve seen no way to get rewards that scale to your level. To complicate matters farming is supposedly limited by an algorithm. That discourages farming, but whatever. If that’s how they want to play that’s fine by me. I on the other hand really do not like dungeons or mat farming. I think to compensate for this and to encourage people “playing there way” that rewards need to be more appropriately scaled for dynamic events. With armor repair, waypoint, and resource costs the way they are I think it’s perfectly reasonable for dynamic events to give out around 7-10 silver, as opposed to the 2 or so it seems to currently max out at.

Game doesn't really feel "Play your way" at level 80.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Biscuithammer.8615


I had also been throwing around two other ideas that might help with this:

Mystic slot: something of a variation of the mystic forge. In this case you simply toss in x-number of Mystic coins and you get a chance at high-level loot. The percentage increases with each coin.

Daily dynamics: in short, you get a bonus for completing your first dynamic event with a Gold rating. Or alternatively the gain will point you to a specific event that you need to complete. This has the added bonus of encouraging people to go to places they might not normally travel to.

Daily event:

Game doesn't really feel "Play your way" at level 80.

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


Armor damage should have a durability-like value. And then the damage it takes would depend on the area and the monsters that defeated you. Instead being just two stages.

That way getting constantly defeated in your level 80 armor against the horribly bad designed Power Plant Elemental won’t feel so bad, as it’ll be level 15 damage (for example, 250 durability for level 80 gear, the enemy that defeats you is level 16, you get just 16 damage in the gear), and it’ll cost less than being defeated by level 80’s.

No exceptions!

Game doesn't really feel "Play your way" at level 80.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Phy.2913


Should be more consistent with what scales and what doesn’t. Levels scale based on area, costs don’t.

Maybe it’ll get worked out.

Game doesn't really feel "Play your way" at level 80.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shpongle.6025


yea i agree i need more money too

Are you Shpongled?

Game doesn't really feel "Play your way" at level 80.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Biscuithammer.8615


yea i agree i need more money too

It’s not so much about needing more money but about having more ways to make money at comparable levels to those who farm.

Game doesn't really feel "Play your way" at level 80.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Setch.2398


You can buy the exotic gear at the karma vendor outside the Orr Dungeon and other places in that area. Surely you can play your way and earn karma?

SOR – [Boss]

Game doesn't really feel "Play your way" at level 80.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Biscuithammer.8615


The problem there would be the costs (each piece costs 30K plus karma or so) and the fact that your stat choices are somewhat limited.

Game doesn't really feel "Play your way" at level 80.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Biscuithammer.8615


The biggest problem I’m seeing is that nobody seems to do dynamic events once they reach the level cap outside of the “kill x swarms of whatever” events. But people only do those so they can farm. The events themselves give next to no incentive for max level players to complete.

Game doesn't really feel "Play your way" at level 80.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ubrasaur.7103


The problem I have is that at level 80 I am highly incentivized to only play in Orr. I really want to see the rest of the world, but to be able to save up for exotic armor etc. I have to stick to Orr. At this point I’ve been reduced to logging in to see if any shrines are contested, if they aren’t I log out.

I know I wasn’t alone when I interpreted “whole game is endgame” to mean that ones you reach 80, the whole world is open and rewarding for you. This is in line with Factions and Nightfall of GW1 (since the bulk of zones were max level zones.) The current system just locks high-level players in place.

I think my favorite solution would be to bump up the rewards for lower zones, but also be more aggressive in the down-leveling to make sure the challenge is there. If that is too risky of a change then maybe a “hard-mode” so you can opt-in to being down-leveled more with appropriate rewards in return?

This is my biggest concern with the game right now.

Game doesn't really feel "Play your way" at level 80.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kriemoon.7453


I think anet will adres these concerns in the coming months. They did with guild wars were players complained about the boring weapon choices and then they added furnace sorrow and introduced unique green weapons.

Later when there wasn’t enough end-game they added hard-mode.

Later they added even more content with Guild Wars Beyond.

And these were all free updates, I’m not worried at all Anet will continue this line of awesome