[Gameplay] Add weapon-swap to All Classses

[Gameplay] Add weapon-swap to All Classses

in Suggestions

Posted by: jeremo.2491


My wife last night said, i’m going to delete this dagger and focus, cause I never use it. I asked her why she doesn’t and she said it’s too irritating to have to open up my hero window and drag over those to replace my staff when i want to do more single target damage. Because groups change so often so one minute we are fighting a veteran, and the next 10 guys at once. So it’s better to just stay using a staff the whole time.

I had no idea elementalists didn’t have weapon swap like my necromancer. I know why my necromancer has weapon swap, so that i can combo off different abilities and weapon sets. And I understand why elementalists can’t swap because they have their 4 different attunements to swap between.

I suggest they have weapon sets they can switch between while “OUT OF COMBAT” not during combat like I can with my necro. That would give her the ability of being able to judge a fight and go, oh okay we are going to be doing a bunch of aoe, let me switch quickly to my staff. But then the moment she enters combat she can’t switch back to her dagger and focus. That way you don’t have crazy combos going off with elementalists.

It’s no different than having her open H and switch there, but she can do it much more efficiently. The key is not allowing elementalists to switch during combat. And then you’re golden. You wont have to balance anything by adding that in.

[Gameplay] Add weapon-swap to All Classses

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rinbox.2570


agreed with out of combat swapping. in combat swapping is OP but out of combat makes sense. i am hoping for this change as well. its annoying to switch from inside my bags all the time so i dont bother doing it

[Gameplay] Add weapon-swap to All Classses

in Suggestions

Posted by: jeremo.2491


The really hardcore players will do it, or have a keyboard macro outside the game (which is not recommended) but this is a simple function and i hope i’m not overlooking how this could be over powered.

[Gameplay] Add weapon-swap to All Classses

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rage The Numbers.7943

Rage The Numbers.7943

Out of combat swapping makes sense and is needed for elementalist.

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[Gameplay] Add weapon-swap to All Classses

in Suggestions

Posted by: Replect.3407


I would appreciate if you would comment in this thread, not because I want to see that thread on the top, but I think it provides a solution that would help every single player, no matter what class!

Second, this is actually the 9th thread about elementalists or engineers asking for an additional weapon set… With the solution in the linked thread, everyone should be pleased and the forum wouldn’t be flooded with many, but small threads about this kind of topic!

If you agree and comment in the linked thread, you would increase the chance that ArenaNet gonna hear us, one thread with more comments is certainly better than many small ones… :-)

(edited by Replect.3407)

[Gameplay] Add weapon-swap to All Classses

in Suggestions

Posted by: TottWriter.8591


I can totally get behind this. As long as it is kept for out of combat switches, it should be okay – we have a little arrow to switch skills above their slots, why not one for weapons too?

To buy character slots or not to buy character slots. That is the test of my restraint.

[Gameplay] Add weapon-swap to All Classses

in Suggestions

Posted by: Basjohn.2870


Absolutely agree.

Sometimes I KNOW I’m going to need my staff for this huge world boss or event but instead I have to go into my inventory to switch weapons while putting my precious daggers muddeled up in my bags, switching back to them being even harder and sometimes selling or salvaging them being the worst.

Out of combat weapon switching is ABSOLUTELY needed on Elementalists. We even effectively get less inventory space without it if I’m being pedantic.

3 other things to consider are: Lightning daggers 1-3 are terrible and I don’t know anyone who useses them except by mistake (4-5 are useful if unpredictable). Arcana attunement swiftness buff is EXTREMELY underwhelming. I channel lightning out mykitten and get 5 seconds of speed but a Guardian yells “Retreat!” and gets double+???
and lastly on my out of topic moan list: Conjured weapons NEED to remember auto-attack settings. This was not an issue in the beta but is suddenly now one and makes being a DD ele even harder when you can’t rely on your conjured weapons. (Though weapon swap would make it so I finally don’t HAVE to have a conjured weapon taking up a slot.

[Gameplay] Add weapon-swap to All Classses

in Suggestions

Posted by: Replect.3407


I don’t want to spam, but a hint at this thread again, solution for everybody, not just elementalists!

Why so many threads for single classes, if all could have something for this weapon changing stuff…

[Gameplay] Add weapon-swap to All Classses

in Suggestions

Posted by: Video James.9218

Video James.9218

Woah woah woah, slow down now. You’re forgetting an important detail.

Each class only has about 5-6 spells for each weapon set. Elementalists have almost 24. Allow weapon swapping for Elementalists, and that changes to 48. 48 spells.

I play an elementalist and I know how much raw damage I put out. Effectively doubling that potential output is ridiculous. I know no weapon swapping seems kind of unfair, but think about how many advantages you’d gain over everyone else.

Now out of combat switching, like some of you including the OP are suggesting, I can get on board. But for those who want combat switching, don’t expect it any time soon.

“My father hunted me as a child…perhaps it is time to hunt MY boy.”

[Gameplay] Add weapon-swap to All Classses

in Suggestions

Posted by: Replect.3407


@Video James
First, he is talking about weapon swapping out of combat! But I think you already got that… :-)

Second, read this and say that this wouldn’t be a nice thing? :-)

[Gameplay] Add weapon-swap to All Classses

in Suggestions

Posted by: jeremo.2491


@Video James
I think he definitely read the topic and not the message No worries.

I didn’t know that there are other classes who don’t get weapon-swap just like i didn’t know elementalist didn’t. I heartily agree this should be a feature for all classes.

Should I change the topic to say Add weapon swap for all classes?

[Gameplay] Add weapon-swap to All Classses

in Suggestions

Posted by: Replect.3407



Well, other classes (apart from elementalist and engineer) have 2 weapon sets they can swap in-combat with one button click… But there is no way to change one of these 2 weapon sets out of combat without messing around with the inventory to some degree… As soon as we want to change one of our 2 weapon sets, we have to do the same like you with your 1 weapon set…

As already said, there have been quite a lot of threads concerning that and I still think that my solution (this thread) would help every single player, no matter what class… So, that’s why I link to that in any thread that talks about additional weapon sets for elementalist and engineer!

I think you agree that it isn’t great to have a lot of small threads about this concern, if we could have one that gets the necessary attention… I don’t care which one that is, but mine seems so far to be the only one with a general solution, for everyone! :-)

[Gameplay] Add weapon-swap to All Classses

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kira.8695


Please please add this for elementalists and engineers too! I am in the "I never use other weapons cause getting them out in my hero pane is too annoying. It covers most of the screen so you can’t see if you get attacked, and it’s time consuming and tedious especially when you consider the fact that for most ele weapons you have two switch in both a main and an offhand, and that one of those can be either and you have to drag and drop if you want to be sure it ends up where you want it. Example, you want to swap from dagger(m) focus(o) to scepter(m) dagger (o). Tedious and needlessly time consuming, especially if you have a favored second set. A toggle weapon sets out of combat ability would be an excellent solution.

[Gameplay] Add weapon-swap to All Classses

in Suggestions

Posted by: jeremo.2491


I’m fully fine with them merging threads, and i think they should. It seems that the area “currently” with the most attention from devs is the account area due to all the hacked accounts. Hopefully when it calms down we can get some responses or action on some of these items. I’m sure they are reading them, just don’t have time to post a response to every single one. So hopefully if we make enough noise it will get this implemented.

[Gameplay] Add weapon-swap to All Classses

in Suggestions

Posted by: mystic.9816


Totally agreed on this!
Elems need out of combat weapon switching!!