Gathering HUD

Gathering HUD

in Suggestions

Posted by: SpeedFiend.4521


I was gathering mid-level mats and this hit me: Color the border around the gathering prompt that shows up while standing next to a node based on the material and your equipped gathering tool.

Quick example:
Orrian Sapling/Copper logging axe = red border, indicating you won’t successfully gather
Platinum node/Mithril pick = blue border, indicating the gathering tool is of higher quality than the node
Mithril node/Mithril pick = yellow border, indicating you’ve got the exact right tool for the job.

A small change that I’m sure won’t be too hard to implement that will save a lot of people from accidentally ruining nodes. This is especially true in the case of harvesting cooking materials, which are plentiful and hard to remember, thus making “all lesser plants” particularly useless as a tooltip.

Gathering HUD

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kitty.6219


I think this idea is amazing and very useful. One-too-many times I got ruined <whatever> because I forgot what kind of tools I’m using and the HUD says NOTHING about it, no warning before even attempting to gather.

Just change the “Gather”, “Mine” and “Chop” color message to red if you will get nothing, blue if you have a better quality tool, and green it’s just the right tool.

How hard can be that to code, eh?