I had some thoughts based on my experiences with lower level zones. I found as an 80 in rare gear mobs died too quickly and fights were not a challenge. I feel that downscaling needs looking at with a possible stat cap also applied based on the stats you could obtain in the zone at that level. Moving on from this I have another suggestion.
I had an idea that material gathering should just be harvesting ‘ore’ and ‘tree/wood’ (plants should be left as is. as zonal differences should count). The chance for specific kinds of ore would be based on a combination of player level and level of tool (which I believe has a level requirement anyway). This would make gathering in low level zones beneficial for higher level players and reduce the focus on being in Orr for gathering.
Example would be a level 80 player (now properly downscaled to meet challenges in lower zones) could approach a node in a starter zone and get mithril with a low chance of orichalcum using orichalcum tools but using the basic kit they would get copper. Lower level players couldn’t harvest high level mats because of the level restriction on the tools and exploring could be more consistent and less grindy.