Gear grind vs Skin grind, please discuss.

Gear grind vs Skin grind, please discuss.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Raksha.8049


Let me ask you this, to those of you who are happy grinding skins but not grinding gear, please explain to me this concept because both are one in the same, ethier way, you are grinding a treadmill.

Alternatively, why can’t we have the best of both worlds?

Why can’t those of who like grinding skins, go grind skins.

Why can’t those of us who like character and content progression, go grind that?

Why can’t Anet cater to both crowds?

Why do you feel you need to participate in something that does not directly effect your ability to farm your skins?

The way I see it, Anet has always stated they wanted to cater to many types of different players during the creation of GW2 and this is exactly that.

Grinding skins, gear, content, stats it doesn’t matter. The fact is, Anet allows many different play styles here to accomplishment what they enjoy doing most.

So my advice is, go do what you enjoy, because nothing is stopping people from doing one or the other nor does one require the other to complete.

Gear grind vs Skin grind, please discuss.

in Suggestions

Posted by: pregnable.1954


Mostly because WvW uses pve gear.

Skins do not mess with WvW balance and stats do.

Gear grind vs Skin grind, please discuss.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Akari Storm.6809

Akari Storm.6809

Gear grinds imo usually create barriers or gates to content. Skin grinds, usually involve a baseline (ie max stat weapons across the board) that doesn’t require the player to feel like one day not played= one day behind every other player, at cap mind you.

I enjoyed GW1 to a great degree and had no problem hunting for particular weapons that I wanted even though weapons/gear and levels were capped out at lvl 20 .

I enjoy GW2 to a great degree and will continue to have no problem hunting for skins, not something I have to do to see content, but enjoy it nonetheless. However, if at cap there was the gear hunting treadmill, in order to see content at cap I would most certainly have to gear chase for upgrades, and then gear chase some more for upgrades to my upgrades. I personally don’t need that motivation to keep playing this game.

There are plenty of gear chaseringdingring games out there already anyhow. Not Anets vision.

People seem to forget the 2 that follows Guild Wars. People want to turn this game into some other game instead of enjoying the world presented to them.

Gear grind vs Skin grind, please discuss.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Naqaj.6219


Other players will not refuse to group with you just because you don’t have a specific skin.
They will refuse to group with you if you don’t have a specific level of stats.

The problem isn’t how you aquire the items, it’s how the other players treat you if you don’t.

Gear grind vs Skin grind, please discuss.

in Suggestions

Posted by: GADefence.5634


“Other players will not refuse to group with you just because you don’t have a specific skin.”

Actually, they will. If you reskinned your ascended armour they’ll kick you for not having it. If you ping it, I assume it’ll be good until people start posting max tiered ascended/infused armour on forums that people can spoof pinging with. Then you’ll be kicked for not having “ascended looking” ascended armour.

Eliteists are a weird bunch.

Gear grind vs Skin grind, please discuss.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Wreckdum.8367


Skin grind optional. Doesn’t affect gameplay.

Gear grind required. If you are going to play at end game it’s pretty much required to have the highest level/strength gear or you’re handicapping yourself.

I don’t get handicapped by having an ugly weapon or armor.

Rex Smashington – 80 Norn Warrior <Tyrians United Retard Division> Yak’s Bend
“That big kitten Norn with The Juggernaut”

Gear grind vs Skin grind, please discuss.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Raksha.8049


So am I missing something here or have I noticed that the orginal complaint is not with the actual gear grind, but how you are treated if you don’t have x gear?

Also, the argument about being handicapped based on gear is moot, because if that was the case, then a Level 1 character would have a leg to stand on when fighting Level 80’s in full Exotic gear in WvW.

Gear grind vs Skin grind, please discuss.

in Suggestions

Posted by: GADefence.5634


“Also, the argument about being handicapped based on gear is moot, because if that was the case, then a Level 1 character would have a leg to stand on when fighting Level 80’s in full Exotic gear in WvW.”

The only reason that doesn’t happen is because people can’t form parties in WvW. People are already complaining over the fact WvW will be more unbalanced, but the fear is where you -can- get kicked, which is PvE.

If people COULD kick ban you from WvW for an hour and inspect you, WHOAH BOY would it happen a lot.

Gear grind vs Skin grind, please discuss.

in Suggestions

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


Why can’t Anet cater to both crowds?

Jack of all trades master of none. The fear (or might I saw the eventuality) is that ANet will focus more on one or the other or not give enough attention to either.

Gear grind vs Skin grind, please discuss.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Raksha.8049


Why can’t Anet cater to both crowds?

Jack of all trades master of none. The fear (or might I saw the eventuality) is that ANet will focus more on one or the other or not give enough attention to either.

Thats why I think it is a tad early to throw the baby out of the bath water.

Up to now, Anet has done a pretty good job at catering to everyone, alas, the end game content is a little lacking, which they even addressed in thier latest news update.

Gear grind vs Skin grind, please discuss.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Oboro Donryu.6124

Oboro Donryu.6124

I will not take part in a constant hunt for this better armour level 80 armour should be just that not this constant need to upgrade ill find something else to spend my time and money on

Gear grind vs Skin grind, please discuss.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Raksha.8049


I will not take part in a constant hunt for this better armour level 80 armour should be just that not this constant need to upgrade ill find something else to spend my time and money on

Why should it? Please be more elaborate.

Gear grind vs Skin grind, please discuss.

in Suggestions

Posted by: castlemanic.3198


Gear grind prevents players from reaching content because those who have the gear instantly kick any non geared player.

Skin grinding is NOT necessary, and a player won’t get kicked for having ugly gear.

Gear grind vs Skin grind, please discuss.

in Suggestions

Posted by: keeganrms.6301


“Other players will not refuse to group with you just because you don’t have a specific skin.
They will refuse to group with you if you don’t have a specific level of stats.”


The beauty of GW1 was, yes, there was a cap for gear and weapons but what ultimately defined a player is how they used their skills and the environment to its fullest potential. The meta-game was ever-expanding and ever-changing.

With Guild Wars 2 being so environment-driven, I was hoping that even the hardest of Dungeons could be overcome by cunning and an innovative implementation of the game mechanics. Instead, not having good enough gear will forever keep me, the casual/moderate player behind everyone else. Things like enemy invulnerability and profession-related conditions/bonuses having no effect on enemies (I steal from an enemy in a dungeon and they’re immune to the skill I get from them?!?!). Enemies can only be taken down in certain ways by certain means. There’s no fun in that. Yes, it may be challenging. Yes, it will keep the 35-hours-per-week players busy. But that kind of design also holds the 5-hours-per-week players back from enjoying endgame content.

Hard Mode, Skin-not-stat-focused item grinding, graduated dungeon difficulty, meta-game:

These things gave hardcore players something to play towards while allowing casual players to experience all the content available without an excessive grind or any sort of expertise.

Long post from what may seem like a butthurt player. Fear not. I love GW2 and my complaints only apply to endgame. Arenanet seems to have forgotten that all players who reach endgame aren’t hardcore players. A better-than-best implementation system will only weed out the casual players and retain those hardcore players. Most people play games because they are fun. Some people play games so they can beat them.

The day gear progression becomes so far ahead of me that I can’t play any new content is the day I stop playing. I hope that day never comes and, frankly, I doubt it will. I am just concerned for the future of the game, as any devoted player should be.


Gear grind vs Skin grind, please discuss.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Drunken Mad King.8193

Drunken Mad King.8193

Let me ask you this, to those of you who are happy grinding skins but not grinding gear, please explain to me this concept because both are one in the same, ethier way, you are grinding a treadmill.

Alternatively, why can’t we have the best of both worlds?

Why can’t those of who like grinding skins, go grind skins.

Why can’t those of us who like character and content progression, go grind that?

Why can’t Anet cater to both crowds?

Why do you feel you need to participate in something that does not directly effect your ability to farm your skins?

The way I see it, Anet has always stated they wanted to cater to many types of different players during the creation of GW2 and this is exactly that.

Grinding skins, gear, content, stats it doesn’t matter. The fact is, Anet allows many different play styles here to accomplishment what they enjoy doing most.

So my advice is, go do what you enjoy, because nothing is stopping people from doing one or the other nor does one require the other to complete.

I’m sorry but your failure to understand they are not the same thing at all.

Example 1. Lower End Gear (due to gear treadmill). Monsters and Opponents do more damage and kill you quicker therefor making you less useful.

Example 2. Not having the most current skin (due to skin treadmill). Monsters and Opponents cannot do anything different to you.

The result being that in skin treadmills if you don’t like a skin you don’t have to do anything unless you want to. In gear treadmills the further you get behind on the treadmill the less you will be able to do in the game.