Gem Store

Gem Store

in Suggestions

Posted by: jinsei.5178


More Gem Store Items should be avalible in another way aswell!

I think you should let us be able to choose more if we want to use the gem store to get certain items. We can already get boosters and other things through daily (Eventho I am so unlucky and barely get an extra thing that can come with a coin and karma jug).

The make-over for example…
I am a player who is constantly working on getting that perfect look. It helps me enjoy the game even more. However, now that I know the Make over service is only avalible through gems I’m a little dissapointed (I don’t know if u can get it by finishing daily, but I’m not that Lucky anyway).
It’s not just the make-over. I have noticed I need ALOT of fine transmutation stones to get the right armor look with the right stats.

It is just so annoying I can only get those items with gems. These are items I would wanna use daily and I cant unless I spend a fortune on a permanent hair make over scroll?! Seriously?


Do not force us to spend hours in in dungeons farming the gold and spend our pennies on gems… It’s something I’m really not comfortable with. We can’t all farm the gold to get gems specially not with current prices. You cant even get 1 gem for 1 silver anymore. Thats messed up. It takes to much time… Time I rather spend on Exploring the world. Crafting my armors already takes a lot of my time and money.
Also I’m not a welthy person that can just take out a creditcard and charge money every week.

I thought you guys wanted to make the game for the players… no more forcing us to do things we dont want like gringind etc…

Come on :/ an ingame barber shop would be so awesome… A way to get fine stones when u need them ingame without needing a heap lot of gold would be so awesome. Okay maybe its not a heap if u wanna buy 5, but I did math and 25 would be 16 gold… If I look arround not everyone is able to get that just like that. You can make comments on it lik well then ur just nto doing somethign right in the game if u cant get that much gold, but putting time in the game also has alot to do with it. Not everyone plays it all day. Some people only have a few hours a week.

Just let us be able to get the items in a different wa aswell :/ and people who wanna spend money and get certain items quicker can still do that too.

Also Armor skins shoul not be a one time use… Yes you can use transmutation stones but once your level 80 then you have the issue of getting more gems again for the bloody fine stones… So I gotta wait with that awesome armor skinn till I hit lvl 80 and finally got the armor stats I want… So annoying…

Once you bought a skin it should eb avalibel anytime u want it. Like HoM Skins. HoM Works perfectly!

Same goes for the Festival hats and Costumes people buy. I don’t wanna have to buy extra space so I can collect it all. GW1 had an awesome npc where you could get any costume or any hat that u had unlocked at any time you wanted!!! THAT WAS AWESOME!

Why is it not in GW2? You really gonna make it hard on us… make us switch that one outfot we buy on all our 8 chara everytime ? Make us buy another cus we are sick of putting it in the bank all the time?
! ! …

Come on Anet… Your game is so awesome but these little things … It could be close to perfect

Note to Self: Be Nyappy!

Gem Store

in Suggestions

Posted by: Disig.7169


Spending money on gems kind of the point. It’s how ANET gets money for the game. How else would you suggest they make money other than forcing a subscription? They can’t make this game awesome on peanuts.

Gem Store

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zonzai.2341


I’d rather pay a sub.

Gem Store

in Suggestions

Posted by: jinsei.5178


All I am saying it allow players to choose weather we wanna pay for it or not… I still feel like being forced to spend money :/

Note to Self: Be Nyappy!

Gem Store

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fildydarie.1496


I’d rather pay a sub.

One of my friends does. Every month he buys $10 worth of gems.

Hutchmistress of the Fluffy Bunny Brigade [FBB]

Gem Store

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nappychappy.7046


I’d rather pay a sub.

15 a month is a ton cheaper than what I paid thus far, but ANet will keep individuals wealth down to enforce gem purchases with RMT. So I can see prices getting much worse, gems will yield more gold, but even more gold will be required to achieve any game-related goals and new players will be forced out of the game unless they to participate in RMT.

Let’s be honest for a minute here.. It’s not fun to just play a game, just playing gets boring awfully fast.

I hope ESO is half as good as WoW and sub-based, I will be jumping ship.

One of my friends does. Every month he buys $10 worth of gems.

10 dollars is worthless in Gw2, takes 20 dollars, or more to pick up a few runes. I am not giving ANet money just so I don’t have to play the game, I want to play the game, but it’s either you pay, or go with out.

You are using 21 of 100 infractions ermm, PMs.

(edited by Nappychappy.7046)

Gem Store

in Suggestions

Posted by: TheDaiBish.9735


They’ve given you a choice: Spend cash or use gold.

They need some things cash-shop exclusive to generate revenue. If you put everything in-game, the cash-shop wouldn’t generate as much revenue.

However, I agree that costumes, armour skins and such should be one-time unlockables, as opposed to just unlocking them on every character.

10 dollars is worthless in Gw2, takes 20 dollars, or more to pick up a few runes. I am not giving ANet money just so I don’t have to play the game, I want to play the game, but it’s either you pay, or go with out.

As someone who hasn’t converted a single gem into gold, I wholeheartedly disagree.

All of my gear was crafted, all of my runes bought with saved up gold. And that’s not playing a massive amount either.

The only people who feel the need to do that are the ones who have no patience.

Life is a journey.
Time is a river.
The door is ajar.

(edited by TheDaiBish.9735)

Gem Store

in Suggestions

Posted by: uknortherner.2670


It’s interesting that Nappychappy mentions WoW. A boxed game with a $15/mo sub AND a cash shop.

I stole a special snowflake’s future by exercising my democratic right to vote.

Gem Store

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nappychappy.7046


It’s interesting that Nappychappy mentions WoW. A boxed game with a $15/mo sub AND a cash shop.

A cash shop that sells cosmedic items only and doesn’t nerf the economy so that people turn to the cashshop to progress in the game.

Salvage has been nerf’d.
World Drops have been nerf’d.
Chests have been nerf’d
Dyes have been nerf’d.
Does MF even work?

What has been added for the players? Fractals, what hasn’t been nerf’d? Fractals, what is needed to progress in fractals? Gold, where do you get gold? Gem Shop, where do you get 250 globs of ecto? Gold, where do you get gold? Gem shop.

You like to play in the open world? That is all you get, an open world. You want reward for playing in the open world? It’s going to cost you gold, but you can’t make gold playing in the open world so – Gem shop.

You wanna play like a gold farmer for gold, fine, but know this, you will be punished with endless anti-farm coding.

15 dollars a month is a discount compared to this model.

You are using 21 of 100 infractions ermm, PMs.

Gem Store

in Suggestions

Posted by: MilitiaMasterV.7216


As a person who’s regularly played subscription games for years now (About 7 months or so on Runescape as a paid member, 2+ years on WoW, 1 year on LOTRO, 6 months on SWTOR, and a few other games for small periods of time), I actually quite agree with most of these comments.

I joined Star Trek Online and played for a couple weeks and loved it enough that I threw down for Lifetime Subscription, and I haven’t even really played it that much. (I went to pay full $300 price, and they were doing some stupid thing with their accounts and wouldn’t accept my CC…then a ‘deal’ dropped it to $200 and it went through…they basically screwed their own company out of $100.)

This game, I was quite willing to toss some money at the gem store to support the company. Then I noticed the dyes were character bound, and made a thread asking them to re-address the issue. It’s now had over 5,000 views and 200 some comments and not a single word from the staff members and I’ve proceeded to use in-game gold to buy all the gems required for all the account storage space and a single character bag slot and character slot instead.

I just basically used my last saved portion of gold to buy one more character slot to try out a mesmer before I leave the game. (I almost have 6 80’s now. 2 80’s, a 79, two 74’s, and a 64.)

I’m really saddened to see greed has taken over companies so much that they aren’t even willing to listen to their player-base and would rather ‘milk’ them for what little they can get out of them rather than keep them around with stuff they want.

SWTOR played the same nonsense game…leaving a trail of breadcrumbs just big enough for players to keep ravenous and hoping for more, then they went F2P. Guess where that box is now? Tucked in the top shelf of my closet and probably won’t be pulled out again.

Is this what Arena-net wants for their game?

Gem Store

in Suggestions

Posted by: Seraki.2753


Or at least let us customize the amount of gems we want to buy. Per one remark here I think I will be looking at sub game again also. Spending so much more per month like this.

Gem Store

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zorby.8236


I..Don’t understand why one would necessarily exclude the other? O.o
Why not have it in both CS and in game?

  • Got no time but real cash? CS!
  • Got more time but not a lot of money? In game!
    It was my understanding that that was part of the reasoning for gem/gold conversion…

Some other points I’d like to address:

  • CS only skins/costumes, I see no problem with that, although 1 time use skins are a bit..hmm…
  • Craftable simpler town clothes, I love this idea!
  • Hair/Total makeover kits, Hair kit costs almost as much as Total kit, I find it slightly unproportional. I don’t see a problem with Total being CS only and Hair being in both CS and in game.
  • Fine stones, as I voiced in another thread, the option to combine many basic stone would be nice…

Everything is already, technically, obtainably by gold anyway…

~This is the internet, my (or your) opinion doesn’t matter~