Gem Store Expansion

Gem Store Expansion

in Suggestions

Posted by: RaZaC.1963


Hello everyone,

I’d like to give some input on what i would like to see in the Gem Store in the future.
For now, the amount of items you can buy is very limited and I think that’s a shame. I’d be very willing to buy some gems, however there isn’t anything I would want to spend my gems on.

Here follows my list of suggestions:

  • Ranger pets (PvE only?);
  • Character cosmetics change (no race/(sex?) can be changed for obvious reasons);
  • Weapon skins;
  • More armor sets;
  • More town clothing;
  • Capes (store only items?);
  • World travel tickets, go to any waypoint “x” amount of times;
  • Emotes (Gangnam Sytle);
  • Add a title for people that spend allot of gems in the store (not real money).

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Now to make this Topic a bit more interactive I’d like to see YOUR idea’s on Gem Store Expansion. I’ll edit your idea’s into the OP (under your name if requested) how crazy they might be.

Your Idea’s:

Gem Store Expansion

in Suggestions

Posted by: Alexoir Alvisthron.7318

Alexoir Alvisthron.7318

I love these ideas.

“Sometimes I like to lay under my bed and pretend I’m a carrot.”

Gem Store Expansion

in Suggestions

Posted by: Siam.1278


I think its better to implement Ranger pet costumes instead of more pets.

Gem Store Expansion

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kana.6793


I think its better to implement Ranger pet costumes instead of more pets.

I love this! I want to give my pets a Christmas hat!

Gem Store Expansion

in Suggestions

Posted by: Pecar.1236


or there can be Race change or hair/body

Gem Store Expansion

in Suggestions

Posted by: FanFu.3920


I totally agree with you. I sent a support thingy to ArenaNet and asked about if they will lett us use Character Customization after entering the game. And they are working on it, even changing names.

Gem Store Expansion

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zaith.9132


Transmutation stones to give armour the look of town clothes (including those bought at the gem store)

Special armour skins and/or additional armour slots that are only for when swimming. (An alternative armour set, or a scuba suit/surf suit)

Underwear cut styles/prints (jockies, briefs, hearts, shamrocks, duckies)

I love pet costume ideas… but it seems a lot of work to customize each item for each model

/me tips transmuted tier-3 crafted hat