Gem Store Items in Achievement Panel.

Gem Store Items in Achievement Panel.

in Suggestions

Posted by: captaincrash.6528


I think it would be a good idea to put cosmetic skins (Kasmeer’s Staff for example) in the Achievement panel alongside Zenith skins if you have purchased the skin with gems on your account.

I’ve accidentally lost a few of the things I have bought from there and there is no way to get them back, other than buying them again, and even that is problematic since they may have been retired.

Putting them in the Achievements panel would be helpful so you can generate the skin(s) whenever you like (since you paid premium for these it should not be a big ask) and for all your characters as well.

I don’t think this will be a problem since people can just transmute the skin over and over again anyway. Granted, that costs Stones, but paying to use an item you’ve already payed for is a bit low in my opinion.

This could work for Armour skins as well.

Crash ~ Charr Reaper

Gem Store Items in Achievement Panel.

in Suggestions

Posted by: AzureShiron.7658


I think they said they would like to impliment something like this already

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