Gems for level 80 - please take my money.

Gems for level 80 - please take my money.

in Suggestions

Posted by: treyalsup.4627


One of the great things about GW1 was the ease to get any character to the endgame. You could also spend money to unlock all the skills for PvP. This was great for me.

I currently have one level 80 character, a warrior, but I would really like to play a different character at times, while having access to 70 trait points.

One thing I am not doing is grinding another character to 80, especially as any time I had to do such an activity is now committed to mandatory dailies.

2000 gems for a level 80 character sounds about right. I still have plenty of gearing to do once there.

Please take my money.

Gems for level 80 - please take my money.

in Suggestions

Posted by: dani.1956


Get to work lazy !

Gems for level 80 - please take my money.

in Suggestions

Posted by: synch.2980


Your character is automatically leveled to 80 for sPvP play – no fees required.

For WvW you can use gold purchased from gems to pay to craft your way to level 80. There are websites with the cheapest paths to max the various crafts, assuming you don’t have a bunch of materials lying around from your Warrior. It’s not instant, but it’s not anywhere near as time-consuming as leveling through normal gameplay. If you do it with a crafting XP booster, and do it near the end of the week before WvW reset, you can take advantage of the buffs to speed things up even more.

While you won’t have all the traits, running with a zerg in WvW is a pretty effective means of leveling. If you play or craft to, say, level 30 or so you’ll have your full skill bar and while you won’t have exotic-level gear you should be able to make a solid contribution to the fight.

Other than that, you’re pretty much out-of-luck. They’ve said nothing about plans to allow you to buy levels directly, and it’s not a widespread practice in MMOs. I certainly wouldn’t expect it to arrive anytime soon.

Gems for level 80 - please take my money.

in Suggestions

Posted by: treyalsup.4627


I am lazy but I have discretionary income. That spells opportunity Anet!

Seriously I can buy gems>gold> just about anything in the game. Why would this be any different? Is there some skill involved in getting to level 80?

Gems for level 80 - please take my money.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Catisa.6507


pay to win … bad idea, terrible idea, horrible idea.


Gems for level 80 - please take my money.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sepreh.5924


Easy solution

1. Buy gems
2. Convert Gems → Gold
3. Buy materials
4. Craft your toon to 80


Legendary Sepreh, Necromancer
[SYN] Synyster Legion | Dragonbrand Server
Youtube Necromancer

Gems for level 80 - please take my money.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Retrospek.4583


Easy solution

1. Buy gems
2. Convert Gems -> Gold
3. Buy materials
4. Craft your toon to 80


This is correct. You can purchase the materials on the trading post (and some with your main thru Karma vendors) to level 100% from level 1 to 80 by crafting. There are 8 professions, and without boosters and other outside buffs for crafting, you can gain 10 levels per profession. Every character can level all professions to 400, so you can essentially buy a level 80 toon this way.

Gems for level 80 - please take my money.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Drawing Guy.3701

Drawing Guy.3701

One of the great things about GW1 was the ease to get any character to the endgame. You could also spend money to unlock all the skills for PvP. This was great for me.

I currently have one level 80 character, a warrior, but I would really like to play a different character at times, while having access to 70 trait points.

One thing I am not doing is grinding another character to 80, especially as any time I had to do such an activity is now committed to mandatory dailies.

2000 gems for a level 80 character sounds about right. I still have plenty of gearing to do once there.

Please take my money.

Umm, dailies are stopping you? Daily, dailies can be done by any character at any level. Dailies can easily be handled with little diversion, especially since the selectable daily. If you’re talking about daily dungeon/fractals, those have no punishment for doing it today or tomorrow, as the worst is it would only delay getting items for the char you’re not playing at the time anyways.

So there is no reason to not start a new char unless you hate the quick leveling system here so much that you have no desire… and as people have said, sPVP all chars are 80 no matter their standard level, so you could play around with an 80 with 70 trait points day one.

Gems for level 80 - please take my money.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Adine.2184


At least you admit your lazy that’s the first step to recovery after all. Getting to level 80 is a little time consuming but i would hardly consider it a grind . a grind was the Voltaic Spear Farm getting to 80 is cake in comparison

Gems for level 80 - please take my money.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ryan.2856


If you dont want to spend the time to level up you’re playing the wrong game.

Gems for level 80 - please take my money.

in Suggestions

Posted by: marnick.4305


So you want to pay gems to skip the endgame, only to have a level 80 toon for said end game?

I do not understand.

Besides, it already exists. 2000 gems buys you well over 20g. That should get you to 80 and beyond with crafting.

If I can’t play Guild Wars 2 at work, I won’t work in Guild Wars 2 either.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto

Gems for level 80 - please take my money.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Numenor.3280


Crafting your way up cost more like 60 gold… Its about I believe 5-8 gold average for a profession. Not to mention cooking is a pain in the butt to do.

Anyways if you do plan to craft your way up, a good guild on how to do it would be this website.

Gems for level 80 - please take my money.

in Suggestions

Posted by: treyalsup.4627


pay to win … bad idea, terrible idea, horrible idea.

How is this pay to win? This is pay to play (the part of the game I want to).

Converting gems>gold>exotics is much closer to pay to win and its in the game already. A noob level 80 character isn’t winning anything, its just skipping the PvE leveling process.

Gems for level 80 - please take my money.

in Suggestions

Posted by: treyalsup.4627


Easy solution

1. Buy gems
2. Convert Gems -> Gold
3. Buy materials
4. Craft your toon to 80


This is correct. You can purchase the materials on the trading post (and some with your main thru Karma vendors) to level 100% from level 1 to 80 by crafting. There are 8 professions, and without boosters and other outside buffs for crafting, you can gain 10 levels per profession. Every character can level all professions to 400, so you can essentially buy a level 80 toon this way.

Right so the option kind of exists already, only you’ve just replaced one grind with a shorter, less fun grind (leveling by crafting). I’m just saying Anet should streamline this process.

Wasn’t the point of free-to-play models (other than make money) that players could spend money to save TIME.

Gems for level 80 - please take my money.

in Suggestions

Posted by: treyalsup.4627


If you dont want to spend the time to level up you’re playing the wrong game.

Yes, Anet should listen to this. There’s money on the table they are passing up and will likely go to another game.

Gems for level 80 - please take my money.

in Suggestions

Posted by: roachsrealm.9284


Give me your account for a day. I will gladly take your money and craft a new toon for you to level 80. It takes about an hour per crafting discipline. Cooking takes 3 for additional resource gathering. I charge 20 bucks an hour.

lmao this post. play the game man. if you just want max level, go to PvP. if you want it in PvE, play the game, hurr durr!

Smitten Mittens (The Gothic Embrace [Goth], Fort Aspenwood)

Gems for level 80 - please take my money.

in Suggestions

Posted by: treyalsup.4627


Give me your account for a day. I will gladly take your money and craft a new toon for you to level 80. It takes about an hour per crafting discipline. Cooking takes 3 for additional resource gathering. I charge 20 bucks an hour.

lmao this post. play the game man. if you just want max level, go to PvP. if you want it in PvE, play the game, hurr durr!

Sounds great! Other than that is against the terms of service!

Anet has done a good job, I think, of eliminating most of the reasons to go to gold farmers / character levelers. This should just be another way.

BTW I do sPvP all the time. I have one level 80 and 7 level 2s. See Anet, I love giving you my money for things like character slots!

Running a level 10 in WvW is just not an option- or at least, not a good one.

I am playing the game, almost daily, for a few precious hours. I just want to be able to give more money to Anet to play the aspects of their game I want to play.

Gems for level 80 - please take my money.

in Suggestions

Posted by: roachsrealm.9284


Give me your account for a day. I will gladly take your money and craft a new toon for you to level 80. It takes about an hour per crafting discipline. Cooking takes 3 for additional resource gathering. I charge 20 bucks an hour.

lmao this post. play the game man. if you just want max level, go to PvP. if you want it in PvE, play the game, hurr durr!

Sounds great! Other than that is against the terms of service!

Anet has done a good job, I think, of eliminating most of the reasons to go to gold farmers / character levelers. This should just be another way.

BTW I do sPvP all the time. I have one level 80 and 7 level 2s. See Anet, I love giving you my money for things like character slots!

Running a level 10 in WvW is just not an option- or at least, not a good one.

I am playing the game, almost daily, for a few precious hours. I just want to be able to give more money to Anet to play the aspects of their game I want to play.

Yeah, I’m aware of the terms of service. I would not do this for you regardless. I have my own account. Sarcasm abound!

The journey is part of the experience man. Why pay to skip over half the fun?

Smitten Mittens (The Gothic Embrace [Goth], Fort Aspenwood)

Gems for level 80 - please take my money.

in Suggestions

Posted by: HELLruler.4820


Why would you pay to get lvl 80? Getting to the max lvl does take some time, but I think it is essencial, you learn many useful tactics, best ways to build your character.
There are so many f2p pay to win games, why you decided to buy GW2? O.o

Gems for level 80 - please take my money.

in Suggestions

Posted by: treyalsup.4627


I haven’t skipped over “half the fun”. I’ve leveled a character to 80. DONE IT! Don’t want to do it again.

I feel the PvE leveling process has nothing left to offer me.

Playing multiple characters in WvW is something I still want to do in the game and I will pay money to spend my time this way.

I’m considering leveling a character exclusively with WvW but this would have been much more viable at launch. Now the vast majority of characters in WvW are level 80 with exotics so I don’t really want to be an NPC in their game. Though being a fresh level 80 would still be at a gear disadvantage…. so that’s probably more gems>money hmmm…. that’s more money for Anet….

Gems for level 80 - please take my money.

in Suggestions

Posted by: treyalsup.4627


Why would you pay to get lvl 80? Getting to the max lvl does take some time, but I think it is essencial, you learn many useful tactics, best ways to build your character.
There are so many f2p pay to win games, why you decided to buy GW2? O.o

What you learn in the PvE leveling process is PvE. It’s not PvP. In fact you learn bad habits in PvE.

I have no interest in pay to win games. What made you think that? Do you equate having a level 80 character to winning? If I have a noob level 80 character am I going to dominate the rest of the playerbase? You’re being silly.

You just want others to suffer as you have suffered.

And if you were serious about being against “pay to win”, you’d be against selling exotics in the trading post.

What you are really championing is the “time=power” economy that most MMOs embrace. GW1, to its credit, did not use this model. GW2, sadly, only maintained that philosophy for the sPvP aspect of its game.