Gemstore item to restore account bound status
i agree when ppl place an item on one character and find out that a new one suites it better what now? at the end u would end up with a bunch of items that u couldn’t do anything with. and if anyone suggests to transmute to an item that is low enough which i heard to be working-back items don’t have that low requirements which i believe are usually the biggest issue.
Actually you can get a white back strap to transmute appearance onto. You can’t keep stats, though, any more than you can on other skin transfers.
The question is whether stats should be transferable. I don’t see why not. You can only use one alt at a time, after all. But it might be a game gold sink to make people duplicate effort to get similar high end items for more than one alt. (This only works when you -can- get more than one. I’m looking at you, gas mask).
I salvage my soulbound items when I replace them then earn/buy a new one.
If they make it a gemstore thing, okay, but I don’t really see the need to do this except for legendary and ascended gear. Exotic/Masterwork/Rares are, for the most part, cheap enough to just replace. If you want the design of one of the 150g ones, maybe you can find a different design you like. There’s the orders, each race, and also various other karma ones you might consider that no one thinks about. Not to mention all the dungeon ones which take about 2-3 days to earn.
well NO. its bullkitten sry the tp it self is a bullkitten cause as far as it seems it works like an opentrade market prices escalate to the peeks that basically only people with the same kind of money as those who sell them can reach. if thats what u call buying a new one thats pathetic because if i already got a desert rose-which is not that expensive btw- why should i buy a new one if simply want it on a different character. not a new one the same one on a different character. the same thing should be possible with dyes. some sort of dye remover that allows u to get the dye u used back. account bound ofc otherwise it would be extremely unfair but u could use it on a different character. pyre dye is a good example of why this is not fair. i am not going to pay 200g for something i already bought for 30g because someone got greedy