General dislike (moved by author)

General dislike (moved by author)

in Suggestions

Posted by: koshi.3297


Anet, you need to fix a lot stuff. Consider the lack of raving reviews, and people saying they’ll “stick it out”.

1) Improve description of combat attributes. Why do I have to go to third-party sources to understand the basic mechanics of combat attributes?

2) Story and game experience mean nothing if I can’t express my own goals. I want to make a good character for combat, but there seems to be no tactics involved in character development. It feels like everything is railed and you end up with a level 80 thief like any other level 80 thief. There’s too little to discover about character combat, and what there is in only shallow discoveries because the descriptions are too vague for anyone to make a tactful decision.

3) Everything is too safe. GW1 was good because a team could dominate an arena or the ladder and there was some social permanence. GW2 just feels like an arcade where there’s little significance in anything.

4) Referring to #2, but significant enough for it’s own point, lack of diversity and tactics and as a result: lack of intuitive centrism. GW2 feels like it was made for autistic children. There’s a lot to memorize but nothing to understand.

Please, just get new developers/developer; something! If I just wanted to talk to people I’d use some chat program or something. I need some strategic gameplay, not grinds and event grinds. I can’t play this.

Off topic:
Moderator Notes:
Spamming + off-topic + rant.
Please refrain from off-topic posting. If there is a topic you would like to discuss, feel free to create a new thread in the appropriate sub-forum.
The topic was locked.

Guild Wars 2 Discussion Forum, not that much off topic. You could’ve just moved it…

It wasn’t spam, I stated in the (very short) thread that I used the edit button and the forum made the extra threads. I even went and deleted them afterwards.

And this isn’t a rant, I’m giving very good constructive information to help because I want the game to be good.

To all those who posted against me, if you don’t want to read criticism then WHY DO YOU READ THESE KINDS OF POSTS. It’s obviously not meant for you (it’s for people who care and are interested in these sort of ideas and for the developers).

General dislike (moved by author)

in Suggestions

Posted by: koshi.3297


I should’ve edited the main portion for this particular forum. But w/e, too late now. Sorry.

General dislike (moved by author)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Berelain.2308


To all those who posted against me, if you don’t want to read criticism then WHY DO YOU READ THESE KINDS OF POSTS. It’s obviously not meant for you (it’s for people who care and are interested in these sort of ideas and for the developers).

can ask you the same question

Guild Leader Gwens Red Iris Flowers [GRIS]
Commander Berelain sur Hoiya
Far Shiverpeaks

General dislike (moved by author)

in Suggestions

Posted by: koshi.3297


No you can’t. When people do that in my thread it only goes off topic.

I’m sorry that I’m really crass.

General dislike (moved by author)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Berelain.2308


No you can’t. When people do that in my thread it only goes off topic.

I’m sorry that I’m really crass.

you just withnessed that I could, so dont tell me I cant

But now to get it ontopic:

1) I’m fine with the current discription, lots to find out yourself and the little information you get is enough to play

2) That you experience no tactics is because you haven’t tryed everything out yet. There are a lot of tactics involved in this game, you just have to figher out what suits you.

3) thats pvp, not my thing, so no comment.

4) same story as 2, that you dont use tactics doesn’t mean they aren’t there to use

Guild Leader Gwens Red Iris Flowers [GRIS]
Commander Berelain sur Hoiya
Far Shiverpeaks

(edited by Berelain.2308)

General dislike (moved by author)

in Suggestions

Posted by: ElemenZ.5486


Yeah, same logic as in patriotism:
“if you ain’t one of us, you are one of them” (meaning a terrorist).

So if you post a suggestion (constructive criticism) instead of just screaming like a fanboy how awesome and flawless the game is, you are instantly labeled as a
“flaming, ranting, caps lock raging keyboard warrior”.

That’s no good.
Just saying.

General dislike (moved by author)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rizzy.8293


I think secret world did it right with their dungeons and skills.

They took the old guildwars mechanic i:e builds but based on what weapon you’re holding and added it into a persistent world.

I thought guildwars would have done this too, allow you to choose your a small variety of skill 1 – 5 attack skills for each of your weapon types.

The only real memorization youd have to do is with the Elementalist who has a lot of differrent attunements and weaponry.

Otherwise if you see a thief with pistols you know hes just gonna be spamming 1 + 3
if hes running daggers, 4 1 3 5 1 spam 2

Ranger Longbow … 3 5 2 1

Combat is a bit stale which explains why a lot of people tend to stick with zerging in WvWvW and why I avoid it.