Get rid of the constant diminishing returns throughout the game!

Get rid of the constant diminishing returns throughout the game!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Deathwhispr.8210


The new anti-farming, anti-event, anti-dungeon reward changes have made the game into a massive time sink in order to actually get any sort of rewards, which barely offset the gold sinks in the game (repairing, traveling etc.). With the new changes to dungeons, they are universally not worth doing because you get less reward than the cost of a couple of repairs.

The anti-farming system also makes it incredibly unfun to go and collect materials or try and make money, giving you junk items or nothing for dozens of kills after only a few minutes.

The event diminishing rewards discourage even participating in events, since you get horrible rewards, usually less than what it cost to travel there in the first place.

Dungeons were barely worth doing before given the horrible drops and mediocre money reward, and now with the new “we don’t want you to have fun” dungeon changes, they’re guaranteed to lose you money and waste your time.

All these changes simply serve to alienate normal players and make the game into a giant unfun time sink where your time investment is rewarded with nothing or a few coppers at best.

Please ArenaNet, for the love of all that is great about GW2, get rid of these anti-fun changes.

Sad to say, but Anet is turning Guild Wars 2 into the next FF XIV. Anyone who played that at release knows the restriction to crafting and leveling. If they continue to micro manage everything the player base will find another game. I hope they change this current idea of restricting people from grinding.

This game should be able to adapt for all types of play styles, not just Casual.

Revenge Is A Meal Best Served Cold

Get rid of the constant diminishing returns throughout the game!

in Suggestions

Posted by: SHM.7628


I have to reiterate this. The only way this will ever be acceptable to me is FULL rewards for FULL participation. You simply do not punish players for simply playing.

I can’t believe my eyes that I am even reading that one player has the notion that there should be any punitive measure for legitimate players actually playing the game how they want.

Honestly, I feel duped by Anet at this point. Anet encouraged us in reporting botters exploiters, etc. and I did so. What did they do? They took our rewards away. You can forget about getting my cooperation in the future until you fix this. Frankly, an apology is in order.

Get rid of the constant diminishing returns throughout the game!

in Suggestions

Posted by: GideonWilhelm.5709


Sad to say, but Anet is turning Guild Wars 2 into the next FF XIV. Anyone who played that at release knows the restriction to crafting and leveling. If they continue to micro manage everything the player base will find another game. I hope they change this current idea of restricting people from grinding.

No, the playerbase won’t find another game. The vocal minority who does nothing but whine about how they can’t farm one zone will find another game. And i’m pretty sure the rest of us are fine with that.

This game should be able to adapt for all types of play styles, not just Casual.

When ANet said “Play how you want”, they meant you have 5 ways to earn everything in the game:

1. Exploring the world and completing dynamic events event to event, zone to zone, moving on once you’ve done a bunch in an area.

2. Gathering and crafting, trading what you’ve gathered and crafted up until you can afford to throw some stuff into the Mystic Forge and get yourself some exotics.

3. World vs. World. That one’s pretty self-explanatory, but maybe it stands to be said that you get TONS of PvE rewards in World vs World that don’t diminish. And don’t whine about bad world balancing, we’re only in the first month and they’re still experimenting with matchups and rankings.

4. Dungeon runs. There are 8 story dungeons and a total of 27 dungeon paths to run through across all of them (not 27 dungeon paths each). If you know what you’re doing and are actually careful and use teamwork, the dungeon rewards can be great at level 80 without being a gold sink (pretty sure I spent about six silver my last AC run with random people and had a net profit of 30 silver after selling drops)

5. Cooperating with guildmates to experiment in the forge or work together in any of the above activities to maximize your enjoyment and profit from all of them.

Just because five or six people in this thread, or maybe fifty or sixty people on this board, are willing to participate in the “remove diminishing returns so I can farm Orr” circlejerk, doesn’t mean the millions of other players throughout the game are experiencing these problems, and it doesn’t mean that if your wishes aren’t met then the game will become a ghost town. Nor does it mean ANet backed down on their promises, it just means you need to play by their rules.

If you want to grind one single zone over and over, go play World of Warcraft. Guild Wars 2 is about seeing the entire world time and time again, taking it all in, and having fun within the rules and realm that ArenaNet has set up for us. Go farm zombies somewhere else, and don’t let the door hit you on the way out.

Get rid of the constant diminishing returns throughout the game!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dronin.3957


go play in another area when the code (if it even exists) kicks in for you…

this is not hard…

I shouldn’t have to manage an anti-farming system to play the dang game. I didn’t buy Anti-Farming System Simulator Wars 2. That’s absurd.

lol…. epic

Get rid of the constant diminishing returns throughout the game!

in Suggestions

Posted by: SHM.7628


Sad to say, but Anet is turning Guild Wars 2 into the next FF XIV. Anyone who played that at release knows the restriction to crafting and leveling. If they continue to micro manage everything the player base will find another game. I hope they change this current idea of restricting people from grinding.

No, the playerbase won’t find another game. The vocal minority who does nothing but whine about how they can’t farm one zone will find another game. And i’m pretty sure the rest of us are fine with that.

This game should be able to adapt for all types of play styles, not just Casual.

When ANet said “Play how you want”, they meant you have 5 ways to earn everything in the game:

1. Exploring the world and completing dynamic events event to event, zone to zone, moving on once you’ve done a bunch in an area.

2. Gathering and crafting, trading what you’ve gathered and crafted up until you can afford to throw some stuff into the Mystic Forge and get yourself some exotics.

3. World vs. World. That one’s pretty self-explanatory, but maybe it stands to be said that you get TONS of PvE rewards in World vs World that don’t diminish. And don’t whine about bad world balancing, we’re only in the first month and they’re still experimenting with matchups and rankings.

4. Dungeon runs. There are 8 story dungeons and a total of 27 dungeon paths to run through across all of them (not 27 dungeon paths each). If you know what you’re doing and are actually careful and use teamwork, the dungeon rewards can be great at level 80 without being a gold sink (pretty sure I spent about six silver my last AC run with random people and had a net profit of 30 silver after selling drops)

5. Cooperating with guildmates to experiment in the forge or work together in any of the above activities to maximize your enjoyment and profit from all of them.

Just because five or six people in this thread, or maybe fifty or sixty people on this board, are willing to participate in the "remove diminishing returns.

I don’t know what boards you’re reading. There’s only a handfull of people with your your opinion. 99% are against this. The only reason I can think of to not be against this is if your a fanboy who feels any change to the game is an anathama.

I’m not calling you a fanboy perse. However if you find yourself defending their position on every thread, regardless of what it is. You might actually qualify. You ever hear the old saying if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it’s probably a duck?

I just don’t see how you can be for punishing players who actually play and do events. Frankly, the diminishing rewads thing is broken anyway, it pops up randomly. I’ve had it kick in after one event.

Stop blindly defending Anet. They are the first ones to say there will be tweeks and adjustments as they go.

Get rid of the constant diminishing returns throughout the game!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Loosifah.4738


Either that or he was one of the ones who farmed the hell out of the dungeons before they made the change and already has his gear and money.

Get rid of the constant diminishing returns throughout the game!

in Suggestions

Posted by: GideonWilhelm.5709


I don’t know what boards you’re reading. There’s only a handfull of people with your your opinion. 99% are against this. The only reason I can think of to not be against this is if your a fanboy who feels any change to the game is an anathama.

99% of people who whine on these boards, maybe. Also 99% is a number you just made up. The majority of players are satisfied with the game, and so they see no reason to even look at these boards.

I’m not calling you a fanboy perse. However if you find yourself defending their position on every thread, regardless of what it is. You might actually qualify. You ever hear the old saying if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it’s probably a duck?

I’m gonna have to point at my profile and mention that this is the only thread I’ve commented in about diminishing returns being just fine the way they are because, if you’re farming one zone over and over, you’re playing it wrong, go play WoW instead if that’s what you wanna do.

I just don’t see how you can be for punishing players who actually play and do events. Frankly, the diminishing rewads thing is broken anyway, it pops up randomly. I’ve had it kick in after one event.

I’m for punishing players who do the same event over and over. I’ve seen tons of players who never hit the DR cap because they do dynamic events all over the world rather than just farming one thing.

Stop blindly defending Anet. They are the first ones to say there will be tweeks and adjustments as they go.

Oh, yeah, they’ll be the first to say “hey, tweaks and adjustments to come” because they want to fine-tune the game, and that’s great. But “tweaks and adjustments to come” does not mean “oh snap, there’s some folks who came here from WoW and are mad because they can’t farm one zone. Lemme fix that for them. There we go.”

I’m not blindly defending ANet. I’m defending the game they made. I don’t want to see them lift the diminishing returns system because then all I’ll see is a bunch of level 80 chumps farming Orr all day and all night. I want to see people using the entire game world like ANet intended. The diminishing returns system is like your mom shutting off the internet to get you out of the basement for a while; it forces you to go out and at least see a little more of this world you live in.

I’m Commander Shep-… sorry, I mean Gideon Wilhelm, and this is my favorite “actually use the rest of the world, ya chump” system in gaming.

Get rid of the constant diminishing returns throughout the game!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Loosifah.4738


Not everyone who farms for equipment came from WoW Gideon. Pull the stick out of yourkitten

A lot of people will farm specific monsters for specific drops(you know, totems, bones, bloods, etc.) because they need those specific items for crafting. Or they’ll find a good place to farm monsters for drops because there’s a good respawn rate on said monsters. There’s really not a whole lot of other ways to go about getting the crafting mats or making money. Sure you can farm nodes from zone to zone to sell on the TP, but then you’re just exchanging one method of farming for another. Just because YOU don’t think people should be able to farm to make money; doesn’t mean that that’s how it should be.

Sure there should be measures in place to stop botters and hackers from exploiting(you know, like putting in a system like game guard to prevent 3rd party programs for example.)

Get rid of the constant diminishing returns throughout the game!

in Suggestions

Posted by: SHM.7628


I don’t know what boards you’re reading. There’s only a handfull of people with your your opinion. 99% are against this. The only reason I can think of to not be against this is if your a fanboy who feels any change to the game is an anathama.

99% of people who whine on these boards, maybe. Also 99% is a number you just made up. The majority of players are satisfied with the game, and so they see no reason to even look at these boards.

I’m not calling you a fanboy perse. However if you find yourself defending their position on every thread, regardless of what it is. You might actually qualify. You ever hear the old saying if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it’s probably a duck?

I’m gonna have to point at my profile and mention that this is the only thread I’ve commented in about diminishing returns being just fine the way they are because, if you’re farming one zone over and over, you’re playing it wrong, go play WoW instead if that’s what you wanna do.

I just don’t see how you can be for punishing players who actually play and do events. Frankly, the diminishing rewads thing is broken anyway, it pops up randomly. I’ve had it kick in after one event.

I’m for punishing players who do the same event over and over. I’ve seen tons of players who never hit the DR cap because they do dynamic events all over the world rather than just farming one thing.

Stop blindly defending Anet. They are the first ones to say there will be tweeks and adjustments as they go.

Oh, yeah, they’ll be the first to say “hey, tweaks and adjustments to come” because they want to fine-tune the game, and that’s great. But “tweaks and adjustments to come” does not mean “oh snap, there’s some folks who came here from WoW and are mad because they can’t farm one zone. Lemme fix that for them. There we go.”

I’m not blindly defending ANet. I’m defending the game they made. I don’t want to see them lift the diminishing returns system because then all I’ll see is a bunch of level 80 chumps farming Orr all day and all night. I want to see people using the entire game world like ANet intended. The diminishing returns system is like your mom shutting off the internet to get you out of the basement for a while; it forces you to go out and at least see a little more of this world you live in.

I’m Commander Shep-… sorry, I mean Gideon Wilhelm, and this is my favorite “actually use the rest of the world, ya chump” system in gaming.

BS. The forums are 99% trolls and fanboys. The fact that this post has gotten so much traction means its actually legitimate. Also, you seem to convieniently miss the facts (repeatedly) that the diminished rewards system kicks in randomly and in a lot of cases almost imediately. Regardless of what events you do and where.

You are just not very objective in your defense. You know what, if people want to farm level 80 areas by doing events (not exploiting) then they should be able to do as they please. Those people are few and far between anyway. Most like to explore and see the content. ( you’ve argued with those people)

No offense, I probably won’t go back and forth with you anymore, because you don’t seem swayed by any opinion regardless of its value/ truth.

Get rid of the constant diminishing returns throughout the game!

in Suggestions

Posted by: GideonWilhelm.5709


BS. The forums are 99% trolls and fanboys. The fact that this post has gotten so much traction means its actually legitimate.

Not quite, this post has gotten so much traction because I’m here debating you.

Also, you seem to convieniently miss the facts (repeatedly) that the diminished rewards system kicks in randomly and in a lot of cases almost imediately. Regardless of what events you do and where.

Maybe that’s because you shouldn’t be farming the same events over and over. Try doing different ones in a series, or going to an entirely different zone.

You are just not very objective in your defense. You know what, if people want to farm level 80 areas by doing events (not exploiting) then they should be able to do as they please.

But that’s not what ANet wants them to do with their game. Which brings me back to my past point of playing by the rules of the game you’re in.

Those people are few and far between anyway. Most like to explore and see the content. ( you’ve argued with those people)

If I’ve been arguing people who like to explore and see the content, then they’re doing something wrong, or this argument wouldn’t be happening. If you’re hitting the diminishing return cap, then you’ve been doing one event way too many times and should try doing something else next time you log in.

No offense, I probably won’t go back and forth with you anymore, because you don’t seem swayed by any opinion regardless of its value/ truth.

No, most of what I’m saying here aren’t opinions (except for the DR thing being fine). When every player in my guild is making bank just fine through normal, legitimate play across the entire game world and careful application of resources without farming a select set of mobs or dynamic events, as well as several other players and guilds I’ve spoken with, then I’m pretty sure your argument of DRs applying to the entire world is faulty, and you’re probably only getting them in a new zone as an extension of the anti-bot, which would stop bots from just porting to new areas if they notice the DR.

Not everyone who farms for equipment came from WoW Gideon. Pull the stick out of yourkitten

That kinda was a harsh generalization, and I apologize. But my point there is that you need to get out of traditional MMO mindsets to appreciate this game rather than whining about how you can’t sit in an area and grind forever.

A lot of people will farm specific monsters for specific drops(you know, totems, bones, bloods, etc.) because they need those specific items for crafting. Or they’ll find a good place to farm monsters for drops because there’s a good respawn rate on said monsters. There’s really not a whole lot of other ways to go about getting the crafting mats or making money.

Crafting. Dynamic Events. World vs World. Dungeons. Gathering. Jumping Puzzles. Your Guild Mates.

Sure you can farm nodes from zone to zone to sell on the TP, but then you’re just exchanging one method of farming for another. Just because YOU don’t think people should be able to farm to make money; doesn’t mean that that’s how it should be.

Ah, no, that’s not just how I think it should be. Clearly that’s how ANet wants you to play their game: use the trading post, it’s there for a reason. Do dynamic events, there’s hundreds of them for a reason. Explore the whole world, it’s freaking huge for a reason. And that reason is so that they have room to force you to stop standing in one spot mashing 1.

Sure there should be measures in place to stop botters and hackers from exploiting(you know, like putting in a system like game guard to prevent 3rd party programs for example.)

Lemme stop you right there. I have played tons of games like WarRock, Maple Story, Mabinogi, and Borderlands PC that use PunkBuster and GameGuard. Third-party software like PunkBuster and GameGuard only work to an extent, tons of hackers and botters have found ways around them, not to mention they can be a resource hog if not implemented properly.

Get rid of the constant diminishing returns throughout the game!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Loosifah.4738


Yeah…well putting in caps of item drops isn’t doing much to get rid of botters or hackers either. Sure they’ll get less drops, but that’s a far stretch from removing the problem.

Get rid of the constant diminishing returns throughout the game!

in Suggestions

Posted by: GideonWilhelm.5709


Yeah…well putting in caps of item drops isn’t doing much to get rid of botters or hackers either. Sure they’ll get less drops, but that’s a far stretch from removing the problem.

The reason they try to counter-bot is because botters are 1) the laziest way to play and 2) the easiest way to destabilize an economy in a game.

If the botters are still there but aren’t getting any drops, ANet still wants to get rid of them, but they can focus on more important things first. Like bug fixes and content for you to play instead of farming one spot and hitting your DR cap all day.

Get rid of the constant diminishing returns throughout the game!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Loosifah.4738


Yeah I saw some of those hacks in action. Melee players attacking monsters from 100 feet away and then teleporting to them.

Get rid of the constant diminishing returns throughout the game!

in Suggestions

Posted by: GideonWilhelm.5709


If you’re playing legitimately and not farming one spot, and instead going all around the world doing dynamic events one at a time (like you’re supposed to), there will be no DR for you. I still can’t believe how hard that is to grasp.

And before you cry again about them telling you how to play, that’s kinda the point. ANet wants you to explore their world, and the DR cap is their way of forcing you out of a zone you’ve just been farming in, so that you go somewhere else and play with other people.

It’s the social aspect of the game. If you don’t want to go out and be social, then once again, maybe this just isn’t your game.

Get rid of the constant diminishing returns throughout the game!

in Suggestions

Posted by: GideonWilhelm.5709


diminishing returns on farming is just plain idiotic.

If I’m farming irl, and its harvesting season, the amount of corn I get from spending more time in the combine isn’t decreased simply because I’ve been harvesting CORN for the past three weeks.

Thanks, I needed a good laugh today. Not sure how reality factors into a high-fantasy video game.

Get rid of the constant diminishing returns throughout the game!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Loosifah.4738


Again you’re assuming that the DR won’t kick in if you’re going from zone to zone. At the moment that’s just not the case.

Get rid of the constant diminishing returns throughout the game!

in Suggestions

Posted by: tiennen.6890


diminishing returns on farming is just plain idiotic.

If I’m farming irl, and its harvesting season, the amount of corn I get from spending more time in the combine isn’t decreased simply because I’ve been harvesting CORN for the past three weeks.

Thanks, I needed a good laugh today. Not sure how reality factors into a high-fantasy video game.

So, do you have a logical explanation why you would progressively get less from killing mobs over and over again?

no? kkthanxbai

Get rid of the constant diminishing returns throughout the game!

in Suggestions

Posted by: GideonWilhelm.5709


Again you’re assuming that the DR won’t kick in if you’re going from zone to zone. At the moment that’s just not the case.

But that’s the thing. It won’t. Otherwise there’d be a ton more activity on these forums all the time about it. I’m not assuming anything, it’s proven that if you don’t stay in one place and farm, you’ll be fine. Just don’t eventeventevent Oops, hit my cap. better go somewhere else.

do the event once, go to another region, do events there. It’s not hard. It’s how it’s meant to be played.

Get rid of the constant diminishing returns throughout the game!

in Suggestions

Posted by: GideonWilhelm.5709


diminishing returns on farming is just plain idiotic.

If I’m farming irl, and its harvesting season, the amount of corn I get from spending more time in the combine isn’t decreased simply because I’ve been harvesting CORN for the past three weeks.

Thanks, I needed a good laugh today. Not sure how reality factors into a high-fantasy video game.

So, do you have a logical explanation why you would progressively get less from killing mobs over and over again?

no? kkthanxbai

Because it’s a game in which the point is to not stand around killing mobs over and over again.

Get rid of the constant diminishing returns throughout the game!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Loosifah.4738


It’s still an idiotic idea to have them tell you “If you kill x amount of monsters in this area you won’t get any drops/karma/coin.”

I understand they want you to explore the world, but even with 100% map completion people will have preferred area’s to make money.

Taking the nazi restrictive approach to gaming isn’t going to make people want to keep playing if they hit a cap for killing x monsters in said area and can’t get anything else out of it.

Get rid of the constant diminishing returns throughout the game!

in Suggestions

Posted by: GideonWilhelm.5709


Taking the nazi restrictive approach to gaming isn’t going to make people want to keep playing if they hit a cap for killing x monsters in said area and can’t get anything else out of it.

I wouldn’t call it a Nazi approach because it’s not inciting genocide. In fact, by forcing you not to murder tons of one monster in an area, I’m pretty sure it’s anti-Nazi.

But no, seriously, if you’re mad because you can’t just sit in one area and kill one thing over and over, go play something else. We won’t miss you.

Get rid of the constant diminishing returns throughout the game!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Loosifah.4738


I’m not going anywhere. I enjoy the game; I’m simply expressing my opinion(which is shared by many of the players) about something that I feel needs to change for the better.

Get rid of the constant diminishing returns throughout the game!

in Suggestions

Posted by: GideonWilhelm.5709


I’m not going anywhere. I enjoy the game; I’m simply expressing my opinion(which is shared by many of the players) about something that I feel needs to change for the better.

So then enjoy the whole game, not just a couple of farmy areas. This system isn’t going anywhere, no matter how many people complain, because for every one of you that whine about it, ArenaNet knows that at least a hundred more are happy with it and don’t care to see it changed.

Get rid of the constant diminishing returns throughout the game!

in Suggestions

Posted by: tiennen.6890


diminishing returns on farming is just plain idiotic.

If I’m farming irl, and its harvesting season, the amount of corn I get from spending more time in the combine isn’t decreased simply because I’ve been harvesting CORN for the past three weeks.

Thanks, I needed a good laugh today. Not sure how reality factors into a high-fantasy video game.

So, do you have a logical explanation why you would progressively get less from killing mobs over and over again?

no? kkthanxbai

Because it’s a game in which the point is to not stand around killing mobs over and over again.

Who are you to tell me how I play my game?
The “point” of the game is subjective to whomever is determining what it is.
I could just as easily say the “point” of the game is to buy stuff from the cash shop and run around the city in my town garb looking like a throwback from a Rocky Balboa movie.

Get rid of the constant diminishing returns throughout the game!

in Suggestions

Posted by: tiennen.6890


But no, seriously, if you’re mad because you can’t just sit in one area and kill one thing over and over, go play something else. We won’t miss you.

Actually, I’m pretty sure that ANET will, seeing as how their entire cash shop model of income RELIES on players being willing to spend money on this game. In other words, they need PLAYERS in the first place.

The argument of “We won’t miss you” is probably the most ignorant thing I have ever seen about the MMORPG genre’s playerbase.

Truthfully, YOU won’t miss anyone being gone, but the company who owns the game most certainly will.

edit: Sorry for the double post, figured the thread was moving faster than that.

Get rid of the constant diminishing returns throughout the game!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Boyakasha.4928


I think most of you are missing the point, Its not that this system is wrong but rather that it has been deployed too late. It took for some of us to get our full exotic set few days but it might take way longer for people that just did hit lvl 80. I for myself do not like this system, im all about efficiency and this is ruining my gaming experience . (If it has been implemented since launch i wouldnt mind.) Whats next ? Stop sign for jumping puzzles ? “You can not do more than 1 jumping puzzle every day” .

Boyakasha Ironbeak, pleased to meet you.

Get rid of the constant diminishing returns throughout the game!

in Suggestions

Posted by: tiennen.6890


Whats next ? Stop sign for jumping puzzles ? “You can not do more than 1 jumping puzzle every day” .

This is how I’m feeling about this currently. If ANET wants to restrict my progression from playing this game, I can think of plenty of other games out there that would be GLAD to have me playing their game for hours on end.

And you can guarantee that I am not the only one.

But, I really hope that ANET does the smart thing here, otherwise a good chunk of their playerbase will probably leave.

Get rid of the constant diminishing returns throughout the game!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Loosifah.4738


It doesn’t help that the rewards you DO get from playing “legit” and not farming(Say dungeon drops, or dungeon chests) aren’t worth much as is.

Get rid of the constant diminishing returns throughout the game!

in Suggestions

Posted by: ChairGraveyard.2967


If you’re playing legitimately and not farming one spot, and instead going all around the world doing dynamic events one at a time (like you’re supposed to), there will be no DR for you. I still can’t believe how hard that is to grasp.

And before you cry again about them telling you how to play, that’s kinda the point. ANet wants you to explore their world, and the DR cap is their way of forcing you out of a zone you’ve just been farming in, so that you go somewhere else and play with other people.

It’s the social aspect of the game. If you don’t want to go out and be social, then once again, maybe this just isn’t your game.

You’re just repeating yourself now. Please leave the thread, you aren’t contributing anything to the discussion except a broken record.

Everyone in this thread has mentioned multiple times that the DR is not working how you think, and that it’s impacting NORMAL GAMEPLAY.

So give it a rest. We get it. You love diminishing returns and think that no one but you should be rewarded for their time in the game.

Get rid of the constant diminishing returns throughout the game!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Aeonica.3768


I’m not going anywhere. I enjoy the game; I’m simply expressing my opinion(which is shared by many of the players) about something that I feel needs to change for the better.

So then enjoy the whole game, not just a couple of farmy areas. This system isn’t going anywhere, no matter how many people complain, because for every one of you that whine about it, ArenaNet knows that at least a hundred more are happy with it and don’t care to see it changed.

There are probably thousands of players that don’t even know about it. I check patch notes but I barely check forums ever, so I just found out about this whole thing. Ignorance was bliss… but this game has got a long way to go and it’s still great.

I wouldn’t be so quick to say a certain system or mechanic isn’t going anywhere, it’s only the beginning and there have already been some major changes within the first few weeks. It’s in Anet’s best interest to listen to the cries of the player base in some respects, we are investors too and they know this.

The DR system will probably just need to be rebalanced, so that it doesn’t infringe on the enjoyment of normal players too much, while still held in place to deter farming, botting, etc. Have patience all and enjoy what you can in the meantime.

Get rid of the constant diminishing returns throughout the game!

in Suggestions

Posted by: raphaeldisanto.5478


I’ve never noticed diminishing returns on dynamic events, only on traditional single-mob/area farming.

Get rid of the constant diminishing returns throughout the game!

in Suggestions

Posted by: tiennen.6890


I’ve never noticed diminishing returns on dynamic events, only on traditional single-mob/area farming.

Theyre there, trust me.

Get rid of the constant diminishing returns throughout the game!

in Suggestions

Posted by: raphaeldisanto.5478


Then you must be doing something different than I am. I run around Frostgorge all day, farming for crafting components, doing all the events I can find, and I never notice any diminishing returns.

Get rid of the constant diminishing returns throughout the game!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Xzen.2160


The power players and Boters already have a way around the system. The only people it hurts are average players that just want to farm mats for crafting or to make a little money that they need if they ever want to have a legendary.

Get rid of the constant diminishing returns throughout the game!

in Suggestions

Posted by: SHM.7628


It’s still an idiotic idea to have them tell you “If you kill x amount of monsters in this area you won’t get any drops/karma/coin.”

I understand they want you to explore the world, but even with 100% map completion people will have preferred area’s to make money.

Taking the nazi restrictive approach to gaming isn’t going to make people want to keep playing if they hit a cap for killing x monsters in said area and can’t get anything else out of it.

There’s still a few ways to work around it for now. I simply refuse to put the work in to get shorted on the rewards..

Get rid of the constant diminishing returns throughout the game!

in Suggestions

Posted by: dirtyklingon.2918


it’s more efficent to work part time 2nd job at mcdonald’s in canada and spend that money on gems for gold than to actually play gw2 and work towards your exotics through in game activities.

isn’t that great?

who doesn’t love wow clones?

Get rid of the constant diminishing returns throughout the game!

in Suggestions

Posted by: ChairGraveyard.2967


@dirtyklingon, agreed, that’s precisely the problem.

Get rid of the constant diminishing returns throughout the game!

in Suggestions

Posted by: SHM.7628


it’s more efficent to work part time 2nd job at mcdonald’s in canada and spend that money on gems for gold than to actually play gw2 and work towards your exotics through in game activities.

isn’t that great?

That’s sad. You’re right. I don’t mind supporting the gem store with a few purchases if I like the game. If I don’t like the game I won’t spend. I won’t play either. Its not even about the money. Its a game. If it isn’t fun then what’s the point?

Get rid of the constant diminishing returns throughout the game!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Edenknight.9284


Just from reading the first page, the amount of ignorance alone is overwhelming in this thread. You see things like, well I’m level 10 and I haven’t seen this problem so you shouldn’t have “powered” through to level 80 and enjoyed the game more or “you shouldn’t kill monsters fast because I don’t know how and it makes me angry you found a way to effectively farm items”

People are going to arrive at level 80 at different times, there is going to be some initial housekeeping items that a fresh 80 is going to want to do – sPVP, WvW, Exotic set, Some Explore Dungeons, 100% Map Complete, the list goes on. Well let me tell you, that when you are done with those initial tasks you will understand completely what the OP is talking about. I currently have 100% world completion, my full exotics and backups, and working my way towards my legendary and I’m by no means some ridiculous hardcore gamer that only plays GW2 all day. The OP is correct, and some of you low levels, or fresh 80’s who are reading this thread will soon realize – The DR system needs to go. It’s a poor way to get rid of bots, control the economy, and poor philosophy in general. When you start seeing some skins of cool looking exotics or legendaries that you may want to farm up for, you will go try to collect some items naturally and realize that you hit the cap in a matter of minutes and get crap loot for a long duration. I even wear 166% Magic Find so I hit the cap from farming within -minutes- of beginning to farm.

Fix this system now, remove it completely – Add a captcha every 30 minutes that pops up for farmers, I don’t care. I see more and more people complaining on a day to day basis because more people hitting 80, realizing these systems are in place, and getting very annoyed when they want to gather items of any kind.

(edited by Edenknight.9284)

Get rid of the constant diminishing returns throughout the game!

in Suggestions

Posted by: dirtyklingon.2918


aion had captchas in south korea. the botters had defeated it within hours of it going live. lulz

who doesn’t love wow clones?

Get rid of the constant diminishing returns throughout the game!

in Suggestions

Posted by: ChairGraveyard.2967


aion had captchas in south korea. the botters had defeated it within hours of it going live. lulz

All the more reason to just remove the DR system entirely, since it as well is doing nothing to deter bots, since they are just circumventing it by cheating.

Get rid of the constant diminishing returns throughout the game!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Edenknight.9284


That’s fine if they beat captchas. It could be one of many bot deterring mechanisms they place in the game. The main point here is that no matter how many anti-bot mechanics are in game, none of them should have a direct downside for legitimate players.

They won’t get rid of bots 100%, no game ever has. They can add a few systems in place to deter bots and maintain a decent economy without punishing people for playing the game how they want to.

Get rid of the constant diminishing returns throughout the game!

in Suggestions

Posted by: ChairGraveyard.2967


Edenknight, yep, that’s all I ask, is that they fix the anti-bot stuff to not constantly impact legit players, as it’s doing currently.

Right now the DR systems aren’t even affecting bots at all, so it’s obviously pointless to keep them how they are.

But regardless, whatever anti-bot solution they end up on, it needs to affect legitimate players either not at all or to such a small degree that it’s not an issue. Right now it’s only affecting legit players and is incredibly obvious and noticeable after even a few minutes of normal gameplay.

Get rid of the constant diminishing returns throughout the game!

in Suggestions

Posted by: SHM.7628


Just from reading the first page, the amount of ignorance alone is overwhelming in this thread. You see things like, well I’m level 10 and I haven’t seen this problem so you shouldn’t have “powered” through to level 80 and enjoyed the game more or “you shouldn’t kill monsters fast because I don’t know how and it makes me angry you found a way to effectively farm items”

People are going to arrive at level 80 at different times, there is going to be some initial housekeeping items that a fresh 80 is going to want to do – sPVP, WvW, Exotic set, Some Explore Dungeons, 100% Map Complete, the list goes on. Well let me tell you, that when you are done with those initial tasks you will understand completely what the OP is talking about. I currently have 100% world completion, my full exotics and backups, and working my way towards my legendary and I’m by no means some ridiculous hardcore gamer that only plays GW2 all day. The OP is correct, and some of you low levels, or fresh 80’s who are reading this thread will soon realize – The DR system needs to go. It’s a poor way to get rid of bots, control the economy, and poor philosophy in general. When you start seeing some skins of cool looking exotics or legendaries that you may want to farm up for, you will go try to collect some items naturally and realize that you hit the cap in a matter of minutes and get crap loot for a long duration. I even wear 166% Magic Find so I hit the cap from farming within -minutes- of beginning to farm.

Fix this system now, remove it completely – Add a captcha every 30 minutes that pops up for farmers, I don’t care. I see more and more people complaining on a day to day basis because more people hitting 80, realizing these systems are in place, and getting very annoyed when they want to gather items of any kind.

What he said………….You didn’t even bring up legendary stuff. You hit the nail on the head.

Get rid of the constant diminishing returns throughout the game!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Derek.9021


Just from reading the first page, the amount of ignorance alone is overwhelming in this thread. You see things like, well I’m level 10 and I haven’t seen this problem so you shouldn’t have “powered” through to level 80 and enjoyed the game more or “you shouldn’t kill monsters fast because I don’t know how and it makes me angry you found a way to effectively farm items”

People are going to arrive at level 80 at different times, there is going to be some initial housekeeping items that a fresh 80 is going to want to do – sPVP, WvW, Exotic set, Some Explore Dungeons, 100% Map Complete, the list goes on. Well let me tell you, that when you are done with those initial tasks you will understand completely what the OP is talking about. I currently have 100% world completion, my full exotics and backups, and working my way towards my legendary and I’m by no means some ridiculous hardcore gamer that only plays GW2 all day. The OP is correct, and some of you low levels, or fresh 80’s who are reading this thread will soon realize – The DR system needs to go. It’s a poor way to get rid of bots, control the economy, and poor philosophy in general. When you start seeing some skins of cool looking exotics or legendaries that you may want to farm up for, you will go try to collect some items naturally and realize that you hit the cap in a matter of minutes and get crap loot for a long duration. I even wear 166% Magic Find so I hit the cap from farming within -minutes- of beginning to farm.

Fix this system now, remove it completely – Add a captcha every 30 minutes that pops up for farmers, I don’t care. I see more and more people complaining on a day to day basis because more people hitting 80, realizing these systems are in place, and getting very annoyed when they want to gather items of any kind.

This. I hate these kind of systems. You never punish the player like that.

Get rid of the constant diminishing returns throughout the game!

in Suggestions

Posted by: dirtyklingon.2918


That’s fine if they beat captchas. It could be one of many bot deterring mechanisms they place in the game. The main point here is that no matter how many anti-bot mechanics are in game, none of them should have a direct downside for legitimate players.

They won’t get rid of bots 100%, no game ever has. They can add a few systems in place to deter bots and maintain a decent economy without punishing people for playing the game how they want to.

captchas don’t impact bots, but they annoy real people.

so captchas and other like minded anti botting systems, like this cool down on drops, are the same stuff really. stuff that impacts only legit players, and doesn’t affect botters at all.

the thing that impacts botters is enforcement. and ncsoft has shown an unwillingness to deal with their botting problems for 10+ years. which is why unlike swotr wow rift and so on that you rarely or never see bots in public spaces, you see them in spades in l2 aion and now gw2 all over the place right out in public.

cuz they’re like gangsta who wave their hands in the air liek they just don’t care. and why should they? ncsoft would rather take measures that impact legit players than deal with bots in meaningful effective ways.

who doesn’t love wow clones?

Get rid of the constant diminishing returns throughout the game!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jia Shen.4217

Jia Shen.4217

The thread is too long and full of line(s) of discussion or debate that is making my eyes glaze over hoping that the thread contains the info and constructive criticism for making the system better. Remember GW1 had to implement anti-bot systems to prevent complete economic collapse. But because it was added too late the damage was already done to the economy for it. So it only makes sense to me that if botters and some players have discovered some uber easy way to gain massive amounts of gold vs the vast majority of players that they would do that here as well in order to prevent complete economic collapse. After all it isn’t that they are anti-farming they are anti gaining coin much much faster than the average player causing economic problems or worse economic collapse.

Now to the question. What is the threshold for the anit-farm botting stuff to kick in? The reason I ask is I’ve farmed single mob types in a small area for an hour or two for fine mats (blood for example) and not had any anti-farm botting stuff kick in to reduce the drops to almost nothing. I can only assume that, at least in part, it is the rate at which the single type is killed. In GW1 it was in part repeatedly going into a single zone solo and repeatedly killing the same type. And breaking that up with “normal” game play would allow legitimate players to continue farming.

And now to the constructive criticism for making this better so that it doesn’t “accidentally” hurt the legitimate player over the bots and small portion of players effectively duplicating bot like activity without using a bot? Unfortunately using a captcha system is not the way to go because RMT gold seller companies have employees that man the PCs the bots run on to fool systems that attempt to identify the bot by using systems that check for the existence of the player. This also doesn’t prevent the small portion of players who effectively duplicate bot like activity for the similar reason of the bot farmers from doing the same.

Get rid of the constant diminishing returns throughout the game!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Loosifah.4738


I think it more effects armor/weapon drops.

Get rid of the constant diminishing returns throughout the game!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Edenknight.9284


The thread is too long and full of line(s) of discussion or debate that is making my eyes glaze over hoping that the thread contains the info and constructive criticism for making the system better. Remember GW1 had to implement anti-bot systems to prevent complete economic collapse. But because it was added too late the damage was already done to the economy for it. So it only makes sense to me that if botters and some players have discovered some uber easy way to gain massive amounts of gold vs the vast majority of players that they would do that here as well in order to prevent complete economic collapse. After all it isn’t that they are anti-farming they are anti gaining coin much much faster than the average player causing economic problems or worse economic collapse.

Now to the question. What is the threshold for the anit-farm botting stuff to kick in? The reason I ask is I’ve farmed single mob types in a small area for an hour or two for fine mats (blood for example) and not had any anti-farm botting stuff kick in to reduce the drops to almost nothing. I can only assume that, at least in part, it is the rate at which the single type is killed. In GW1 it was in part repeatedly going into a single zone solo and repeatedly killing the same type. And breaking that up with “normal” game play would allow legitimate players to continue farming.

And now to the constructive criticism for making this better so that it doesn’t “accidentally” hurt the legitimate player over the bots and small portion of players effectively duplicating bot like activity without using a bot? Unfortunately using a captcha system is not the way to go because RMT gold seller companies have employees that man the PCs the bots run on to fool systems that attempt to identify the bot by using systems that check for the existence of the player. This also doesn’t prevent the small portion of players who effectively duplicate bot like activity for the similar reason of the bot farmers from doing the same.

Jia, thank you for a sensible post for once for someone who is skeptical. It’s conversation like this that I will bother to respond to because it’s not just utter crap being spewed like most people who just say “Deal with it”

The economy thing does make some sense, I understand a need for control over some players or bots to reach large percentages of currency over an average player. I believe that if the system is unchecked at all, it will make most (farmable) items dirt cheap and most (unfarmable) items skyrocket in price because of difficulty, rarity, and demand. They clearly do not want that to represent their economy though, I get it and it’s fine. The problem here is that the anti-bot coding is harming legitimate players much, much more than a bot is getting harmed because I can only play for 2-5 hours a day while a bot doesn’t care (or has circumvented the coding completely) and this is just plain unacceptable game mechanics.

On to the anti-farm coding threshold question – Exact mechanics are unknown, only speculation has been brought out from varying sources and people. Some people believe it’s zone-wide, some people believe it is mob type specific, I’ve seen reports of every flavor. I personally know that when I’m wearing 166% magic find, I get loot like MAD for about 10-15 minutes tops. Then suddenly – Grays…grays everywhere. It completely shuts down and makes me just want to log out for the day because it’s incredibly frustrating to only get 10-15 minutes of effective farming in. Am I going to go to a different zone? No. Why? Because the level 10 monsters drop level 10 loot minus a very, very low chance to drop a 70+ green/blue so no thanks on that whole system completely. I hope that gives some insight to your question.

As for the captcha thing, I now understand that it doesn’t work – that’s okay. I was just using it as an example for other measures that legitimate players could deal with without getting punished. I’m sure that there are other mechanics out there that combat/reduce bots somewhat.

(edited by Edenknight.9284)

Get rid of the constant diminishing returns throughout the game!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Middlebud.7295


because for every one of you that whine about it, ArenaNet knows that at least a hundred more are happy with it and don’t care to see it changed.

So there are a bunch of moronic twits out there who are happy when other people can’t play the way they want to, even though said hobbled people being able to play how they want would in no way negatively affect them? That, to me, sounds like a hugely cynical view of the Guild Wars 2 playerbase. But then, I guess certain people with utterly deplorable, totalitarian views might just think such a thought process is normal and imagine many others share it.

Edit: Really forum? You can’t render Chinese characters?

(edited by Middlebud.7295)