Get rid of the win-button skills.

Get rid of the win-button skills.

in Suggestions

Posted by: LoreChief.8391


Not every class has access to them – and those that do rarely use anything else. It’s a cheap/quick way to say “haha I hit one button win I win I win I win!”.

-Pistol Whip
-100 Blades
-Unload/Rapid Fire (to an extent)

Over half the people you see in spvp are thieves and warriors, specifically because they have access to these skills.

Sure you’re thinking “but wait! there are lot of other viable builds that those warriors and thieves are using! there’s no way they all using 100 blades and pistol whip all the time!” But you would be wrong. I’ve even seen warriors and thieves claim to be using a different build, WHILE they are simply 1-shotting people with their cheap moves.

Now you’re thinking “but wait! there are a lot of ways to get away from those skills. they have weaknesses too!” You would be right! However, for most of those classes that can break out, they can only do so if they spec/skill specifically for the purpose of avoiding those skills! So what’s being suggested is that we just waste all our utility so that we can counter 2 skills? Seriously now?

Thieves and warriors both have the ability (and they utilize them as such) to pin you down/prevent you from escaping before using these OP combo’s that dish out 15-20k+ damage. You can’t ignore it, and you can’t say I’m lying – because everyone here’s seen it in action.

They need to go, simply put. Replace them with something else. Shift the focus/balance off of these skills so that warriors can get back to utilizing their plethora of weapon sets and skills, and Thieves can go back to their usual rotation of D/D spamseekering!

-Everyone who is not a warrior/thief

Get rid of the win-button skills.

in Suggestions

Posted by: UnderworldSkull.1863


If you can’t run, face them head on. A lot of these hundred blade user’s are glass cannons. I’ve only played warrior exclusively in PvP and use a sword and shield and have no trouble dealing with these players. I do get beat by them every now and then, but I don’t expect to win all the time. If I want to get away from a fight and they keep pinning me down, I think to myself, “Alright well running isn’t the answer.” I begin to attack them head on and by using my shield and utility abilities combined, I’m able to block their “OP combos” and destroy them while they’re waiting for their cooldowns. I too use abilities that make it so they can’t run so when they come at me and fail, it’s their turn to try and survive.

The two warrior shield abilities (don’t know names off the top of my head) really help counter these bombardments of fast attacks. The 4 ability for shields interrupts them and 5 blocks.