Giant swimming tank next to LA bank

Giant swimming tank next to LA bank

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cletus Van Damme.2795

Cletus Van Damme.2795

For people with the underwater legendaries.

It’s only fair, right?

Magumer Ranger

Giant swimming tank next to LA bank

in Suggestions

Posted by: savagehenry.6457


As a professional legendary enthusiast I heartily endorse this.

Giant swimming tank next to LA bank

in Suggestions

Posted by: Astral Projections.7320

Astral Projections.7320

There are the sewers……

Giant swimming tank next to LA bank

in Suggestions

Posted by: WhiteAndMilky.2514


I often walked by the bank and said “Where the heck is the darned pool?!”


I play all the things 80. Pew Pew Pew. Killin joor commanders.
4 Warriors, 3 Rangers, 3 Mesmers, 2 Engineers, 2 Guardians, and Necro, Thf, Ele
-Beastygate Beast Milk, OG BG Veteran Native

Giant swimming tank next to LA bank

in Suggestions

Posted by: Arus.1482


Please allow equal rights for those of us with flippers, thanks Anet.

Giant swimming tank next to LA bank

in Suggestions

Posted by: Astral Projections.7320

Astral Projections.7320

Imo, it would make more sense for the people who have underwater Legendaries to be able to equip and wear while on land. It would be something most people would only do in town as I assume you wouldn’t have access to your weapon skills but it would let them show it off and have the footprints and other special effects.

Maybe another swap weapon button that brings out the underwater weapons.

(edited by Astral Projections.7320)

Giant swimming tank next to LA bank

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bismuth.3165


A permanent aura would be something nice

Jeeha (ele) and Jeeha The Warrior
Is currently emotionally unstable because Breaking Bad is over