Giftable Gem-store items

Giftable Gem-store items

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ciijay.2916


The idea of giving people a surprise gift of gems isn’t new, but with Valentine’s Day around the corner I noticed that there was the newest bouquet of roses in the gem store ready to be used as a toy. An in-game item that would be sweet to give to my friends, even my significant other as a surprise little gift. To my dismay however, it was account-bound.

Now I understand why things from the gem store are account bound – it would be unfair for people with more money to buy these things and simply sell them on the trading post. That would ruin the economy. But still, what if we want to give a guild mate something from the gem store for their birthday? Or even gift them gems.

I think that there should be some sort of option within the gem store that allows you to either buy it for yourself, or to send it as a gift to another person. Or to even an option within the “currency exchange” to send people gems, if you want to give them a surprise gift in that form.

What do you guys think? Too much to implement? Any possible alternatives to this sort of situation?

I just really want to buy my man some roses for Valentine’s Day and get my friends a self-style hair kit if they need it!

Giftable Gem-store items

in Suggestions

Posted by: HonoredMule.5873


Indeed, the Bouquet of Roses seems an incredibly appropriate Valentine’s Day addition rendered inert and pointless by the lack of gifting.

Giftable Gem-store items

in Suggestions

Posted by: Anat.1765


I actually just bought gems, hoping to give my gf the backpack, but I can’t… first time I’ve been actually deeply disappointed in the game.

Giftable Gem-store items

in Suggestions

Posted by: Anat.1765


I can’t even send her the gems to buy it, sigh…

Giftable Gem-store items

in Suggestions

Posted by: Amadan.9451


i suggested once a “buy item as a gift to [name]” feature in the gem shop

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Giftable Gem-store items

in Suggestions

Posted by: Anat.1765


Is there anything funnier than “I want to give you money but I can’t” as a consumer experience lol

Giftable Gem-store items

in Suggestions

Posted by: LizLemon.7843


OMGosh. I so agree. I wanted to send a box of fun to some friends of mine. How cool right? Yet I could not. Really stupid on Arena Net’s part. I’d buy gems all day if I could send gifts. Harmless little fun items that don’t affect the game should be gift- able.
Me thinks A-net has all developer geek,s (meant in a nice way), and no marketing gurus.

Giftable Gem-store items

in Suggestions

Posted by: Amy.6427


World: Sanctum of Rall
Guild: [FKL]
Main Character: Amanda Lockheart/80/Thief