Give new accounts 1 free server transfer

Give new accounts 1 free server transfer

in Suggestions

Posted by: TooBz.3065


Hi. As stated, as world transfers become gem shop items, please consider giving each new account (or accounts created after some arbitrary date) a free world transfer pass.

Many people want to get on full servers but can’t. Instead, they join another server and start playing, knowing they can switch later.

However, if new accounts can’t change worlds without a fee, it increases the likelihood that they won’t play at all.

I realize that without free world transfers, its unlikely that the full servers will ever not be full, but at least it gives new players a chance.

Anything I post is just the opinion of a very vocal minority of 1.

Give new accounts 1 free server transfer

in Suggestions

Posted by: domxnik.1453


Yes, this is a good idea. Or they could allow one last free transfer for everyone when the update comes out for those who maybe didn’t make it in time, or those who are just starting the game.

Anvixy- 80 Ranger

Give new accounts 1 free server transfer

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dhraiden.9215


I’d like to see this. It’s my fault for my not researching it initially but I did not know which server was (unofficially) for RP and selected a server at random on creation. Now that know Tarnished Coast is more for RP other servers, that’s where I’d like to go…except it’s full.

For new players after 1/28 when free transfers expire, this would be helpful to have, say up to one month from their activation.

(edited by Dhraiden.9215)

Give new accounts 1 free server transfer

in Suggestions

Posted by: Decomposing Brains.7538

Decomposing Brains.7538

completly agree with this, many players will come into the game and then end up finding friend x is on server y, but i already got in server z… for worse the new player is on NA while the friend is on EU… even tho guesting would allow them to join in EU/EU or NA/NA this new player would not be able to play with his friend unless paid a transfer…

Also i believe this free transfer should be a bit “not free” aka they would remove the value of transfering to a lower pop world from the price, making it free to transfer to a low pop (this would partially solve the NA/EU problem, wich is gona be the worst for new players) but still discouraging the transfer to bigger servers

Alice Calieru
Thief – Support
Never drink with the apothecary, you can’t know what she puts on your drink…

Give new accounts 1 free server transfer

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tears.5627


Yes, this is a good idea. Or they could allow one last free transfer for everyone when the update comes out for those who maybe didn’t make it in time, or those who are just starting the game.

I wish moving my entire guild to a lower population server would be worth it. Seeing as guild upgrades are server based for some stupid reason. That being said, really good idea! I need my friends on my server! =)

Running Axe on Necro since April 27th, 2012 (Before it was cool)