Give people PvE CONTENT.
So basically, you want GW2 to resemble other MMOs? Raids, mounts, vertical gear grind and so on. No thanks.
No i want it to have goals to achieve at 80.
You call for more armour tiers, mounts, “raids” and more dungeons when most people struggle to pull together non-elitist groups for the existing dungeons.
Sounds like copycatting other MMOs to me. Mounts have no place in GW2 and gear grind would make the game a tedious chore to play because it simply allows the elitists to lock out anyone without the super-duper gear. The only reason why gear grind exists in other MMOs is to keep the user subs rolling in.
Again, no thanks.
Oh right, please, explain what’s the procedure to get legendaries and exotics? Uhmm i think grinding is the correct word that describes it, but yet, you telling me that GW2 is not about grinding…. aaaaight
First, where’s you’re evidence that it’s only satisfying a tiny portion? Anecdotal PM screenshots don’t count. As is CJ said that they’ve exceeded their expected core base, and that it’s rising. They must be doing something right.
You know, you could go into a bit more detail with some of these suggestions.
Better reward systems? Like, how better? What would they entail?
As for the rest:
- Content takes time to create. However, this is something that will be added to over time. Suggesting more content is like suggesting Christmas come in December.
- We’re more likely to get more permanent content after they’ve gotten all of the first holidays out of the way.
- Bugs take time to get fixed, and tend to have a priority system depending on a number of factors. Gamebreaking bugs that stop progression tend to come first.
Time is a river.
The door is ajar.
Rey is right. There are no big goals to achieve at 80. Played 2 months, reached lvl 80, done 100% map, and that was it. I know GuildWars wants to keep older players in GW1 and the new players or kids who wants to play Guild Wars to buy GW2. I was expecting something extraordinary from GW2 but it’s lame. I remember when i played first time GW1 there was like no other mmorp, was a real experience and a nice skill combined game + dungeons. Allot more fun, more difficult, allot more things to do after you did lvl 20.
Hello ReyStar from GW2Wire ^^ Glad to see u posting some new stuff, my view on end-game content is that they should make sure u can actually play everywhere on the map and have the same rewards (i mean from mobs/gathering/events). That would already fix the problem with being in 3 zones all the time instead of exploring tyria. After that i would like to see the gw1 dungeon type back. A dungeon that’s like a zone where you have to complete like 8-10 quests in order to recieve the end-chest that gives atleast 1 goldy & an ectoplasm. It should take 45min-1h to complete, so in the future when people know how to do it, can speedclear it in 30min. So when you actually have skill, you save time as a reward also. It has to be difficult though.
PVP is just a means to an end I say. More PVE content is a welcome sight if it comes. Why is PVP a means to an end? Mainly because PVP is all about ego boosting and tearing down social communities, rather than bringing them together, etc. Sure, you have ranks, and whatnot, but isn’t that still means to ego boosting? I mean, if someone was the top PVPer, wouldn’t they want to boast about it? Sure, they earned it and whatnot, but that’s all PVP is good for really.
If there are equips and perks you can get just from PVP’ing, then there’s something wrong with the game’s developers. Sure, they can get more money by forcing people to spend money to get in-game coin to get better equips to help get to the top, but that’s on the publisher’s end more so than the developer’s.
I’ll never join any guild that forces me to PVP / OpenPVP. Speaking of OpenPVP, it’s a lot worse than normal PVP I’ll say. OpenPVP allows one to attack someone without their consent, and often, this results in players camping specific choke points, etc. (Jumping puzzles, hidden alcoves, etc.) Further, if you don’t have an AOE attack somewhere, stealth users will get the best of you, always.
That’s why you’ll never see me set one foot into Wv3.
(edited by Iyeru.5240)
More content?
August/September – Game Release
October – Halloween
November – Lost Shores
December – Wintersday
January – Upcoming fractals update
It has content, it is adding content, just because you are bored does not mean everyone is done with everything. Not all players play 12 hours a day.
- More dungeons give it time
- Dungeons with bigger groups wvw has big groups, zerg train dungeons will be terrible and boring
- Fix the God kitten bugs that still exist everywhere i totally agree with this but give it time too
- Better rewarding system since the current one is just for laughs rewards for what? and check the blog post from 2 days ago where it is bringing in new rewards
- More tier amors, give people something to progress in PvE ascended will be the only tier they will add, it has been stated, stats are fine and even if you did do content that was lvl100 and needed a +200 boost on all your stats the chances are you would probably be scaled down anyway, the game is about skill not stats
- Maybe mounts (kinda a controversial matter) definitely not, that is what speed boosts are for
- Faster patch updates !! that is your computer mate, my initial load upon release was gonna take an estimated 15-18 hours, after stopping it, upgrading pc, it was done in just over an hour
I would suggest having a look at Guild Wars 2 in the Months Ahead which looks very promising. Other than most MMOs which have huge patch updates every couple of months, GW2 has been offering and will continue to offer updates on a monthly basis. They might be smaller than the updates known from other games, but we get them more often.
I think the future will also open up a lot of the zones which were accessible in the original GW but currently aren’t in GW2. The remaining Jungle and Magus Falls, parts of the Shiverpeaks, the Crystal Desert, etc.
There are also the other Elder Dragons which, I think, we will get to see before the other continents are opened, as most of them seem to have settled in Tyria. None of them seem to have settled in Cantha or Elona, which currently have their very own problems they need to deal with.
Anyways, I’m looking forward to the future.
I agree about adding in more game content into GW2. What I would like to see is more dungeons, plus to have the difficulty level brought down so that you are not dieing in them contently. The repairs cost too much to be dieing like that all the time in dungeons Also I would like to see better cash rewards at level 80. For a level 80 quest to only give 3 silver at completion is disappointing
I would also like to see better drops from the dragons. GW2 looks awesome, I love how the combat system is, better then other MMOs, but what I look for in MMOs are goals to achieve. GW2 is lacking in goals.
I agree about adding in more game content into GW2. What I would like to see is more dungeons, plus to have the difficulty level brought down so that you are not dieing in them contently. The repairs cost too much to be dieing like that all the time in dungeons
Also I would like to see better cash rewards at level 80. For a level 80 quest to only give 3 silver at completion is disappointing
I would also like to see better drops from the dragons. GW2 looks awesome, I love how the combat system is, better then other MMOs, but what I look for in MMOs are goals to achieve. GW2 is lacking in goals.
There’s a goal:
Don’t die constantly
Time is a river.
The door is ajar.
Yes more endgame content please. The only thing I’m doing now is making new characters.
Some of your suggestions are questionable though.
- Mind elaborating on the reward system? Not sure what you’re talking about specifically.
- More tiers of armors just sounds like gear grind tbh, no thanks.
- Mounts… remains to be seen I guess. I think we’re in a good place as it is right now
- More tiers of armors just sounds like gear grind tbh, no thanks.
Getting your lengendaries and your exotics isn’t grinding?
But giving you the ability to constantly improve your gear so they can keep you busy with PvE is called grinding…
So, you got ur exotic set and that’s it. You have absolutely nothing to do PvE wise..
You see..thats why i find it hard to chat with people on official forums, cause they are just fanboys.
Are you seriously saying that anybody who disagrees with you (and offers up reasons why) are fanboys?
Hate to break it to you, but that’s not how discussions on a public forum work.
Yes because some things, are pretty obvious….it’s a fact..
Make all achievements , legendary , dungeon master , you got alot to make ! Doubt you even got over 2k achievement points !
There you are, i found a nice article:
This is going to seem like a bashing thread and I am sorry for that. I really hope GW2 does well, while I have my favourite MMOs I am not one of those people who fanboy’s theirs over all others. That being said I just wanted to confront some of the hype and very high expectations of Guild Wars 2.
The main thing I hear is all this talk of how the dungeons and zone content will constitute enough endgame content. Let’s consider three points about dungeons first.
1) I find it extremely difficult to believe that eight dungeons will keep people entertained for more than a short length of time. Sure there will be more at some point in the future, but over what time scale and how many at a time and how long are those meant to last? Many players are used to progressing from dungeons to epic raid settings with deep lore driven story and bosses out of legends, with gear upgrades to match. Now you will be running the same eight dungeons for an indeterminate but probably quite long period with only cosmetic rewards.
2) While there are features to prolong the dungeon’s length such as story (hard) modes and the dungeons can be randomized in some ways, these will only serve to delay the inevitable boredom. Repeating the same events in a different order or slightly different path will not detract from the monotony of the same bosses, surroundings, events, etc.
3) Without gear upgrades there is very little incentive to keep clearing dungeons, once you’ve seen it, achieved what can be achieved and gotten whatever cosmetic items you need, what is the point? Furthermore, without gear upgrades you will eventually find the optimal method of clearing a dungeon… and then it’s the same every single time. In other MMOs with gear progression your technique changes as you gear up. Initially you use CC, LoS pulls, and so on. Later you brute force it, and later still you chain pull wildly while the DPS try to balance running with AoEing. You won’t get that in a gearless game, you’ll find the optimal method and that’s it.
Moving onto the dynamic world content, I struggle again to consider this to be worthy endgame content. It is somewhat like returning to Elwynn Forest and completing the quests you missed. Granted the Dynamic Events will mix things up so that it is different and the world feels more alive than a bunch of NPCs standing around telling you to kill ten boars, collect ten boar spleens, but in effect you are revisiting leveling content. I’m sure that people are going to cry ‘But it isn’t leveling content, it’s all endgame content’ or some such, but really it’s going to feel like it did while you were leveling up, because it is what you were doing while leveling up. And, just like SWTORs story leveling experience, the novelty will wear off. There is a limit to how much ArenaNet will have scripted, and sooner or later you’ll see it all.
All of this is not to say that GW2 is not without merit. It’s combat system and graphics are a major step forward (though, TERA already has it beat, in both those departments, sorry), and I actually love the sound of the Dynamic Events that will be taking place continuously throughout the game as a method of leveling. The PvP sounds great because there will be no gear disparity, it will be all skill based, though I suspect that the complex interactions that are touted as a major selling point will be beyond the grasp of most PuG PvP groups. It’s hard enough to get a battleground full of players to move as a group, let alone set up walls of fire and shoot arrows through them in a coordinated fashion. I also have reservations about ArenaNet’s ability to deal with latency in the face of WvWvW scale battles, initial reports seem a bit mixed and honestly no MMO developer has ever tackled this successfully to my knowledge.
Ultimately I feel that this game is for the super casual players, by reason of it’s very limited amount of endgame content, with limited replay value. Many of you right now are thinking ‘of course it has no sub’, and, ‘hell yes, super casual – that’s me’. A lot of you are dead wrong. You think you’re casual, and by many people’s standards you are. But believe me, many of the points I have raised above will come to haunt you and without meaningful endgame content you will become bored and (re)turn to other games. I honestly believe that it would take a truly casual player to find enjoyment in this game.
Yes because some things, are pretty obvious….it’s a fact..
No, that’s your opinion – A million miles away from a fact.
Also, at least provide a source for your copypaste:
That user comment was written in June 2012. A lot has changed since then.
(edited by uknortherner.2670)
Yes because some things, are pretty obvious….it’s a fact..
No, that’s your opinion – A million miles away from a fact.
If you would do some research you would have seen that its not just my opinion and its not a mile away from a fact.
Good day to you, and success!
In the online websites often complain at the lack of in-game
mercenary, especially when you have to do quests from the personal stories that have to do alone.
And as the enemy by many Level up your character – the enemy kills very quickly. The hero has no time to even scratch.
I am happy to play with the players, but the language barrier(I am writing to you via Google Translate) and the lack of other players’ characters, where I do the job, makes me (and my fellow) to perform tasks alone. The presence of mercenaries, or Heroes, could facilitate playing.
It is true that you do not want to translate the game into Russian and paste into the chat translator.
I did not mean that. Just a scheme of movement, which was in the GW-1, when the server receives a command from the mouse that moves a hero for a new game is more appropriate.
All the more so in a game high dynamics of movement and combat. A diagram of movement, which adopted the new game is more suited for slow play and where the enemy can not run fast.
I hope you take into account your in
(edited by Lara Kroft Rus.3954)
Do not state opinion as fact. There is content, granted there could be more, but we will get that eventually. You may not like that there is no gear progression, but a lot of people play this game because it is NOT there.
Vanity was more than enough to keep a lot of people playing for years in GW1, so it does work.
I will simply say. You don’t pay a monthly fee for this game, if it does bore you, take a break. Come back for content, when it is added. Me and many others find this to be a fantastic game. Yes there is room for improvements here and there and more things to do. But I for one rest assured that things WILL come.
Hopefully mounts and gearprogression wont though. Because that has no place in this game.
Yes because some things, are pretty obvious….it’s a fact..
No, that’s your opinion – A million miles away from a fact.
Also, at least provide a source for your copypaste: user comment was written in June 2012. A lot has changed since then.
Let me first just say haha, BURN!!
I will assume by fanboy you meant me because I responded in a civilised and logical manner, I hate to hand it to you Reystar but are you ever right? I have been disappointed with a lot of in game features of this game, does not stop me enjoying playing it but, because I disagree with you does not make me a fanboy. You made countless references over he next few posts to other MMOs, most notably WoW and since mounts are a key piece of WoW I will assume you were a huge WoW fan, played it to death, got bored of it and now want GW2 to have the functions of the game you liked.
Think of GW2 as a girlfriend; don’t try to change her, she is who she is and if she changes it will be on her terms, if you can’t accept her for who she is then move on to a new one or back to your ex.
If you are not enjoying yourself with the current content then don’t play, it really is that simple. Everybody else is putting in hours the same as you but they are not bored yet, as someone above said, come back when it has content you want to play.
Side Note: I’m gonna make you my pet and call you “Reystar the Attention-Deficit Demon”
Turial that last bit made me lol so hard xD but its funny though how when someone dissagrees with another its an instant FANBOY!!!
On a side note it does need a few more things like more dungeons and bigger dungeons, but I know they’ll come with time. Right now I’m taking a break and playing a few other games then I’ll be back.
I wouldn’t say no to more dungeons, or more stuff overall in open world to do. But for the love of all fluffy kittens (not censored btw) don’t intruduce gear grind…that’s why I left my previous MMO. Can’t be asked to have my gear that cost a bucket of gold to make become outdated and useless, like every patch…
(I wouldn’t mind some form of hard mode raid, but not something I’m pushing for)
Yes to more content! No to gear grind!
Or…you can get yoru exotic set and now explore and kill and enjoyt he world…JUST TO HAVE FUN! What a novel concept! Nothing to build for, nothing to constantly check on, nothing to boost your ego (tier climbs and such are a pvers version of an ego trip). Just go and have fun. Get rid of the carrot and just enjoy.
I agree that dungeouns need to be lowered in difficulty, and should be variable (a duo should be able to run them for less reward) and they should make it so creatures don’t leash to eliminate the speed run method currently inside of dungeons.
Rey is right. There are no big goals to achieve at 80. Played 2 months, reached lvl 80, done 100% map, and that was it. I know GuildWars wants to keep older players in GW1 and the new players or kids who wants to play Guild Wars to buy GW2. I was expecting something extraordinary from GW2 but it’s lame. I remember when i played first time GW1 there was like no other mmorp, was a real experience and a nice skill combined game + dungeons. Allot more fun, more difficult, allot more things to do after you did lvl 20.
did you guys not do your research, before you purchased the game?
the devs said, at the beginning, “this is not about getting to 80 THEN starting endgame. we want the WHOLE game to be endgame.”
so. you got a toon to 80, and now you twiddle your thumbs, wondering what to do? if you want vertical progression, this isn’t that game. it was never intended to be — it was intended to be a “the journey is the destination” type of game.
I would have to agree with the OP, there does need to be more things to do once you hit 80. We all know what the dev’s said about the whole game been endgame, and yes I had a fun time leveling my first character and I still enjoy leveling alts.
Right now as the game stands there is no purpose to run dungeons except only for the skins (thats even if you like the looks of a dungeons armor). Fractals is only good for ascendent gear and even then its only rings, and amulets I think. There are people out there including myself that would like to have something there at level 80 to aim for.
The one simple fix I can see that would make it better is make the exotic gear from dungeons have higher stats to the exotic gear you can make though crafting. And before someone says all exoctic gear is supposed to have the same stats because its the same quality or whatever, let me ask you this. If that is the case then why in other games is there different stats on epic quality gear? Its all epic yet different stats.
32Gb Ram
Geforce GTX 660Ti
(edited by Sarevok.4836)
Everyone slams mounts. Honestly I think they would be awesome, not for the speed boost but for the pure idea of riding a mount and looking cool. Sorry but a guardian or warrior riding a horse, necromancer on some kind of minion ext would be fun, also give room to make each class even more unique than one another. I understand WoW has already done it, but perhaps a new system? Just don’t knock it right away. As for the rest of what you said, just give it time. They worked many years before game release, and Guild Wars 1 was repetitive and dying so they needed to release it. They have a lot of work to do, and I’m sure they will since i doubt the defeat one dragon will be the end of guild wars 2…….
…why in other games is there different stats on epic quality gear? Its all epic yet different stats.
Key phrase. In other games.
That’s the system other games have chosen to adopt.
The system that GW2 has chosen to adopt is that you have multiple ways of getting max armour.
Also, if you look at dungeon armour, they have stat combinations not available through crafting.
As for a gear treadmill (what people have been calling a gear grind), that isn’t content. That’s a system. In a traditional MMO:
Raids and Dungeons are the contnet.
Gear treadmill is the system that keeps you playing the content while the devs produce more content.
Time is a river.
The door is ajar.
First of all I have to say, Turial you made me spill my coffee I was laughing so much, one of my favourite posts of all time
In regard to what the OP is saying, I disagree. I’ve been playing this game a lot since launch and often fell like there aren’t enough hours in the day to get all the things done I want to. I think the problem your facing is (as many others have said) your coming from a game like wow with the same mind set. I accepted exactly what GW2 was and what it’s trying to do from the off.
The developers have recognised that making players run the same dungeon hundreds and hundreds of times for an infinitesimal chance to drop a piece of armour (carrot) is not the way the genre should grow. This isn’t progression, it’s insanity.
It comes down to what you find fun and entertaining. I love just cruising around. The zones and seeing what events spring up, even the ones I know sometimes surprise me with new twists. For example in beta I tried to stop the attack on the portal in Metrica Pronience, we failed and moved on. Yesterday while leveling my Asuran Elementalist I did the same event, we just managed to save the portal and were prompted to go through with a whole new hidden section to take part in.
Also I love listening to the conversations between NPCs, some are genuinely hilarious.
Another part of the game which I find very enjoyable is all the hidden jumping puzzles and dungeons. All are so well designed its amazing there are so many. There are also hundreds of various mechanics used for the events and story quests, not just kill this and kill that.
Even the story quests can vary and change depending on your choices, this in itself offers hundreds of hours of replay.
On top of all this and the many other things to do (crafting, sPVP) there is WvsW which is in essence and fully realised siege warfar system, with supply lines, structures to cap and NPC races to win over. Even for people getting bored the blueprints are there for a huge amount of fun in the future.
I guess what I’m saying is, if your only interest is dungeons that keep you pressing the bar for rewards like some kind of cyber monkey, this is not the game for you. ArenaNet are trying to push boundaries and do things differently and for the most part they have been very successful.
Hey guys, as someone who just recently reached lvl 80, let me turn the question around: What are you doing with your lvl 80 characters? I am not so much interested in what is missing but what you found fun. What kept you coming back. Any hints?
Hey guys, as someone who just recently reached lvl 80, let me turn the question around: What are you doing with your lvl 80 characters? I am not so much interested in what is missing but what you found fun. What kept you coming back. Any hints?
I’m mainly leveling my Elementalist this week but when on my 80 Mesmer I’ve been going through my story quest. We have a few members want to get Arah done so were all trying to get there together.
On top of that I always do a few jumping puzzles, I read up on them in the day when I can’t play and then get a group together in the guild – they are always far more fun with a group.
Another thing I’ve been doing is looking for photographs for our weekly photograph competition, this week it’s Waterfalls so I’ve been trying to remember where I’ve seen some good ones.
Once I’m done with all that I’ll usually try and get into a dungeon run, I’ve still only seen half the dungeons in the game never mind all the various routes through them!
But yeah, I’m loving this Elementalist so that’s gonna keep me busy for a few weeks
I think the game needs more variety of content to do at all levels not just lvl 80, they’re working on it though so give it time and im sure we’ll be happy with what they add.
As for more dungeons and such well certain zones could use something along those lines but im against the huge party idea as the 5 man concept is fine as is, maybe add mini dungeons that dont require a 5 man squad aswell that way players exploring in duo or trio groups could tackle them without needing to bug people in /map or /guild(sometimes theres nobody on in your guild).
The rewards for storyline and taking down champions could use a tweak i agree but im sure eventually this like other issues will be dealt with.
Armour types i would like more of but not stat based additions just a bigger variety of skins(same for weapons) as i feel we have enough elitist fools ruining dungeons/fractals because of the current gear treadmill without needing to add more.
The only mounts i think would make the game more fun would be allowing asura rangers to ride their pets
Make the regular quests harder instead. Right now they are a little too easy and it get’s so repetitious (spelling?) and boring after a while. The environment and the storyline works fine though.
And don’t change the dungeons. It’s a great thing they are challenging! Makes it feel rewarding just doing them, no matter what you get.
In short: I want to think when I am playing, not just mindlessly pressing 1,2,3.
First of all I have to say, Turial you made me spill my coffee I was laughing so much, one of my favourite posts of all time
Thank you, I aim to please, lol.
Getting back to the actual thread of demanding more PvE content; PvE is really only a third of the game, PvP and WvW count also so they have a lot of work to do in all areas so it can be hard to focus in one area or release content there without releasing content for the other parts also.
There is in PvE; dungeons, dungeon armors, dungeon weapons, legendary weapons, cultural armor, your personal story, jumping puzzles, keg brawl, world completion and numerous achievements to max.
Part of the problem is not the lack of content but the fact so many players are coming from other games like WoW or GW1 and expecting this game to have the exact amount of content as what they are used to. Hate to break it to you but you just came from a game with 7 years of content, you should not expect GW2 to have that much content yet, they are adding stuff little by little and in 7 years time you may never what it is you used to play before GW2, that is what usually happens. I still get nostalgic over the first Age of Empires game but I doubt I would spend more than an hour on it if I did reinstall it. Do any of you even remember how much content was there in the early days of GW1? It was a year before they released factions, other than that it was just holiday updates.
And the gamestyle Anet provides is just fantastic, cause there are plenty of things to do for everyone, from casual players to obvious heavy players that can spend 10h+ per day playing. Of course, there are no life gamers that will be asking for more content since the very first month of release because their life is just gaiming, give em time to develop more features, this is a new game lol. Now, if Anet made a grinding based game, their market would reduce to only the old school mmorpgers, ppl that think grinding and grinding and grinding is fun. This kind of ppl say “Your gameplay style will make ppl drop the game and get bored” when it is actually the opposite: it brings much more ppl into the game, since most ppl are not grinders, and don’t have time for heavy gaming, that’s why this has been such a sucsessful game, and will remain that as long as they don’t follow that kind of path you’re suggesting. If you are not ok with that, you can go back to WoW or check mmo’s forums to try out any other asian grinder title, seems to suit u better.
Guerreros de la Útima Alianza [GDUA]
Sorrow’s Furnace
First, telling people to stay out of your FORUM thread is crazy. So you want everyone to agree with you?
Second, there is no subscription. Come and go as you please. Arenanet is not required to keep you satisfied for an entire month, month to month because you are paying them a sub. They even said, its ok to play other games if you grow a bit bored. Come back when things perk your interest. They are not obligated to keep you playing. They’ve made a ton of money on the sales themselves, and the gem store is keeping them good for the players that feel arenanet deserves a 10 or 20 dollar reward every once in a while.
Third, your thought process leads to treadmills..always does.