Give us Guild Wars (not more wow)
1. No. Run with a guild or something. Everything will be trivialized if we have NPC’s to do all the work for us.
2. I see no evidence of a gear “grind” yet. I see a set of gear made for fractals that is IMO completely optional and provides minimal stat boosts for those who are in to that.
[OHai] – Northern Shiverpeaks
NPC’s don’t do everything for you, the hero AI in GW1 wasn’t amazing and yet perfect at the same time. The heroes functioned well on their own, but if you knew how to micro them you could get through the toughest of missions, minus a few, solo.
To your suggestion, my guild doesn’t PvE, I enjoy PvE as a break from WvW and other such things on and off. What do I do, even if I ask my guild, they aren’t interested in coming to help.
1. No. Run with a guild or something. Everything will be trivialized if we have NPC’s to do all the work for us.
No. A guild is not an option. First all it turns in to is me getting bugged to death to help others (I have a photographic memory, do it once I remember ever detail about it, people soon learn this and bug the crap out of me with questions or wanting me to run them through dungeons). Second you would have to be really rude to expect people to drop what they are doing just because you asked them to help with an event, I am not that rude. Third I have a real life, I play at off hours and with a set amount of time, and I may have to leave the game suddenly, doing this to a group was the reason I stopped running dungeons in GW1, to many times I would have to tell the group to wait for me and I will be back in 30 minutes. I do not expect people to wait for me while I take care of real life nor would I wait for them.
2. I see no evidence of a gear “grind” yet. I see a set of gear made for fractals that is IMO completely optional and provides minimal stat boosts for those who are in to that.
What game are you playing? Guild Wars 1 the top tier gear was it during release and with all four expansion it remained the top tier gear, the only thing that changed was appearance. Now the top tier gear released with Guild Wars 2 is obsolete. That is gear grind or a gear treadmill (aka World of Warcraft).