Give us something to do.

Give us something to do.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kunshu.5281


I picked up Guild Wars 2 in the first week of September, thinking that this would be some wonderful new game to play. At the time, I was playing World of Warcraft, which I had been playing for eight years or so. I thought this game might be the one to replace WoW, since I was a bit burned out on it. Well, not really.

The first couple weeks of GW2 were great, and I was having a blast playing with all the new features and mechanics that didn’t exist in WoW. Things like the combo system, the personal story, and all that – I thought it was great. Now though, having reached the level cap and having spent around 1500 hours playing this game, I’m already burnt out – and it’s only been a few months.

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Simply put, there just isn’t enough to do. You do one of three things. You PvE, you WvW, or you PvP. There really isn’t much more than that. The Super Adventure Box was a step in the right direction, but this game is really just lacking in peripheral content. You have to just keep moving forward, or do nothing at all. Adding things to spend time with would help. I know it’s going to cause a lot of upset, but I’m going to pull ideas from several other games here.

  • Music, the ability to write and perform a song, ere Mabinogi.
  • Archaeology, the ability to learn about the history of the world through archaeological digs, ere World of Warcraft.
  • Artifacts, something to hunt for that will give you rewards in the end, ere Rift.

Just adding something to do aside from the “new” trinity (WvW, PvE, sPvP) would help keep people interested for a much longer amount of time.


The biggest problem in GW2, if you ask me, is the lack of variation. When you pigeon-hole people into five skills, you create a monotony. All the weapons do the same things, just with a different flavor. (Not 100% the same, but vastly similar) No matter what, you know what a Longbow Ranger is going to do when they come running at you. You know what a Great Sword Warrior is going to do. People are predictable, when you have only five skills available to you. I suggest adding different weapon attacks you can pick and choose from, adding more variety. So that I don’t know that a Great Sword Warrior is going to use 5>2>3>4>1>2>1>2>…, make it a bit more unique. Just adding in more than five skills would be worthwhile.

Now, aside from skills, the game itself is predictable. Enemies always do the same thing, dungeons are all the same, bosses are just re-hashed standard monsters with an extra knockdown. Spice it up a bit, I mean, come on. Take a bit of pride in your work. Six months after release, and the game is riddled with bugs, angry customers, and so many other negative things – yet you just insist on releasing something stupid (November) with every month. Sit down and get your priorities straight before making a game.

I really don’t think this game will last very long at the rate it’s going, I know a lot of people who are getting fed up with it. World of Warcraft has been around for as long as it has for a reason. Guild Wars 1 was around for as long as it was for a reason. Don’t embrace the “casual” era that is today. Make a good game, not a pile of steaming kitten. Who cares if the little kids aren’t able to beat it, you’d have people coming back for more.

Give us something to do.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vayne.8563


How much content did WoW have at the 7 month mark? Content takes time to build. There’ll be more content, but it’s going to take time.

By the time you’d played WoW for 7 months, you spent the price of the game, plus at least that price again in monthly fees. I’d say you’d gotten your money’s worth out of Guild Wars 2.

By the time this game is as old as WoW, at the rate it’s going it’ll have more content. But no game could match an active seven year old game’s level of content at launch.

I’m afraid you’ll just have to be patient.

Give us something to do.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kunshu.5281


Even at launch, WoW had much more personal flavor to it, the game had a personality of its own. GW2 is just… flat. Nothing changes, nothing is different. It even goes as far as the music, I’ve yet to hear a soundtrack that’s unique, or with a flair unique to the area. PvP is all the same game mode, just a different map. It’s just, boring. :/ I love GW2, don’t get me wrong, I’m just taking a break already, after six months.

Give us something to do.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Phantom.8130


super adventure box

Give us something to do.

in Suggestions

Posted by: JJBigs.8456


Im at 2,863 hours across all characters. Not bored yet.

A big part of this game is meeting people, doing things with friends etc.

I also only PvE. I have done WvW for Map completion only, Dont do s/t PvP at all. With all 3, it would be too much.

Im all for more fun things, varied things, focused content to do. But by no means is the existing content lacking.

Give us something to do.

in Suggestions

Posted by: nightly.2761


well you played wow 8 years. so wow had 8 years to build their game so there is more to do for you. gw2 is around 220 days old.. 1500 hours divided by 220 = 6.8 hours.

almost 7 hours a day playtime is alot to play a new game. any game that just comes on the market wont have enough content for people that play that much. im not saying you should play less because thats your choise but dont expect games to grow faster then you play it thats impossible considering the ammount of time it will cost to program and design new stuff:P just take a break or something for couple of months and come back to enjoy then montly game upgrades.

atleast thats what i would do:)

Give us something to do.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Korsbaek.9803


what about the pvp game where you return the kegs i do not see that meantiont there and gessing there might be other things i have not found yet that also has some kind of pvp map we have not seen?
i will not agree that wow had more content, tho i will agree that they could make more boss fights have some kind of mechanic like the ghostbosters in AC.

Commander Korsbaek lvl 80 Guardian
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele

Give us something to do.

in Suggestions

Posted by: emikochan.8504


You know exactly what any class is going to do in any mmo, as soon as you see what they are using you will know their spec.

Welcome to my world –

Give us something to do.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vayne.8563


Even at launch, WoW had much more personal flavor to it, the game had a personality of its own. GW2 is just… flat. Nothing changes, nothing is different. It even goes as far as the music, I’ve yet to hear a soundtrack that’s unique, or with a flair unique to the area. PvP is all the same game mode, just a different map. It’s just, boring. :/ I love GW2, don’t get me wrong, I’m just taking a break already, after six months.

I don’t remember WoW at launch having personal flavor. I remember WoW at launch going down every single day for 12 hours at a time. That’s what I remember from WoW at launch.

If you really compare, I mean go back and look at what was on offer, you’d realize Guild Wars 2 at launch has FAR more content than WoW did.

Whether it’s got personal flavor or not is very much a matter of opinion. I never saw personal flavor in WoW at all.

Give us something to do.

in Suggestions

Posted by: BadHabitZz.1856


I really don’t think this game will last very long at the rate it’s going, I know a lot of people who are getting fed up with it. World of Warcraft has been around for as long as it has for a reason. Guild Wars 1 was around for as long as it was for a reason. Don’t embrace the “casual” era that is today. Make a good game, not a pile of steaming kitten. Who cares if the little kids aren’t able to beat it, you’d have people coming back for more.


Give us something to do.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Milennin.4825


Oh no, you played the same game for only 1500 hours, then got bored with it. Whatever will you do now!?

Just who the hell do you think I am!?

Give us something to do.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Darkwolf.6291


Simply put, there just isn’t enough to do. You do one of three things. You PvE, you WvW, or you PvP.

Love it how you try to trivialize all the possible activities you can do in this game by lumping them into three categories.

Those three categories are pretty kitten big. There’s a lot of stuff to do in this game.

Give us something to do.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Khal Drogo.9631

Khal Drogo.9631

Simply put, there just isn’t enough to do. You do one of three things. You PvE, you WvW, or you PvP. There really isn’t much more than that. The Super Adventure Box was a step in the right direction, but this game is really just lacking in peripheral content.

I really don’t think this game will last very long at the rate it’s going, I know a lot of people who are getting fed up with it. World of Warcraft has been around for as long as it has for a reason. Guild Wars 1 was around for as long as it was for a reason. Don’t embrace the “casual” era that is today. Make a good game, not a pile of steaming kitten. Who cares if the little kids aren’t able to beat it, you’d have people coming back for more.

I didn’t realize WOW had a lot of hardcore SAB equivalent in its content.

Apologies to those who may find my posts on GW2 forums offensive and hateful.

Give us something to do.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Goatjugsoup.8637


if you’re bored I think you must play too much, there is heaps to do in this game

Most wanted in game additions: Beastiary, readable books

Give us something to do.

in Suggestions

Posted by: RebelYell.7132


if you’re bored I think you must play too much, there is heaps to do in this game

A lot of it being sub-par.

PvE – Renown hearts are the same old ! quests. You do a thing over and over, and cannot lose progress on them. Events are a chore to find. The “dynamic world” is anything but,; enemies are less able to run wild and take over a zone than they are in Defense of the Ancients, a user-made map for a decade old RTS.

sPvP – Still no ladder. No way to set up your own channel with its own map rotation. Laurels are the only PvE item you can get out of it.

WvWvW – Strip down to avoid repair bill, follow zerg, equip AoE ranged weapon to tag enemies. There’s no logistical roles to specialize in. Either you’re personally able to flip camps, or you’re only useful to carry supply, and as a decoy.

I envy the OP for requiring 1500 hours to get bored.

User was infracted for being awesome.

Give us something to do.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kunshu.5281


Oh I was bored long before that, maybe after 100 hours. I just have nothing else to do with my time, so I play GW2. I lead a sad, lonely little life. xD