Give us xp for spvp.

Give us xp for spvp.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kso.6458


Why not? Why do I have to pve in order to fight wvwvw? I understand I am insta 80 and can go fight and get exp there but what fun is that if you dont have all your skills? Its not like Ill have an advantage over someone if I got my exp during my spvp sessions. Obviously you would still need to do what you had to do to obtain gear for the world v world but If i have absolutely 0 fun in pve why cant I get my exp from what I like to do? Dont punish me cause Ive been playing video games since the 80s and killing computer mobs is insanely boooooooorrrrrrriiiiinnnnnggggggg.

Give us xp for spvp.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Marrond.1385


Mostly because sPvP isn’t anyhow connected to the PvE. That’s just diffrent character with same name that looks the same.

However I was struggling with the same PvE boredoom as you – all I can recommend is go straight WvW, get organized group (organized group =/= braindead zerg) and you will skyrocket. I left PvE at 30 and never came back – was 80 in no time.

Give us xp for spvp.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kso.6458


Im stuck on 8 haha