Go reading ranger forum
I Think they DO read the rangers forums. And I Think that class is “as broken” as any class. It’s tricky to learn how to play the Ranger class though to get the most out of it. It takes time and patience and we have to adapt our play style for the circumstances around us (as will any class have to do). Sure there can be improvements done to the class, I agree with that, but it’s not as bad as many makes it sound.
I Think they DO read the rangers forums. And I Think that class is “as broken” as any class. It’s tricky to learn how to play the Ranger class though to get the most out of it. It takes time and patience and we have to adapt our play style for the circumstances around us (as will any class have to do). Sure there can be improvements done to the class, I agree with that, but it’s not as bad as many makes it sound.
Go reading thief forum and you’’ ll find out what they think about rangers
( they consider us like fresh meat to eat and it’ s true… ) Thrust me if so many people think ranger is weak there is a reason
For example do you know that no devs play ranger?? ^^…and they do admit it…
Pegaasus, It’s not matter that you are fresh meat cause you are a ranger, but cause most rangers are fresh meat.
Ranger isn’t broken more then any other profession, but the style of the class attracks (generally speaking) a kind of players that are very used to ranged DPS. Something very viable in other games, but to a lesser extend. On top of that the pet means when you are playing PvE you can withhold the ranged dps style till the end of the game.
But it is a matter of learn to play. I know rangers that are very good in PvP and WvW and are high ranking as well. So it’s a matter of learn to play, and thats not something that can or should be fixed by arenanet.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
There are more teams working on the game than the Living story teams. Living Story updates always come with balance changes. Stop being ignorant and inform yourself.
The only downside with Rangers is the kitten pet which you just wish you never had sometimes.
People keep pets on agressive mode and let them attack whatever they want and expect them to hold their own. It is an extent of the ranger, nor a stand alone npc. if you play ranger, you have to manage your pet. If you’re pet keeps dying, you aren’t taking good care of your pet. If you’re not good at it, use buff pets and keep them on passive, pets should always be kept on passive.
Considering that ANet has mentioned a long tiem ago, that they want to redesign the ranger its really frustrating, that nothing yet has happened about that announcement and just seems to be “forgotten”
The class really needs a redesign in its core mechanics and certain specific skills also need changes.
But the biggest problenm of the Ranger is its horrible designed flawful Pet System.
Rangers are in many aspects underpowered and in certain other aspects a little bit overpowered.
The biggest thing as mentioned that has to be redesigned is the Pet System.
ANet should allow Rangers to handle up to maximum 2 Pets at the same time, so that we have some real beastmasters in the game.
Therefore that the ranger can be more of the tanky role, Anet has to slightly reduce the attack power of the pets and increase slightly the attack power of the ranger.
Pets shouldn’t be the main source of DPS for the ranger. Main Source for DPS should always be the class itself with the player playing it with his/her chosen skill build.
Pets should not be swapable anymore (therefore you have now both at the same time) If a Pet dies, then it is DEAD and it doesn’t run around anymore, it has therefore also a DOWNED State, likethe players in which the player does best to revive his pets, if he doesn’t want to lose them in the battle.
Next step of improvement are Pet Commands. This is the biggest step of the redesign changes that Anet has to make. Anet has to ensure, that the player has ALWAYS full control over their pets..
Currently the Game has these Pet Commands and how they functionize:
F1 = Attack Target (this is totally obsolete, Pets should always attack via their AI the same target, that the player is attacking
F2 = Pet Skill X
F3 = Return/ Guard/ Avoid Combat/Stow, this is the command, that should let pets attack targets, that are attacking you, but aren’t in the player’s target in the moment, if you want your pet to let attack someone else, while you have an other enemy in target.
F4 = Swap
And this here is, what I want to see what Anet should change:
F1 = Guard Me/ Stay Back
Lets your Pets attack Targets that attack you and absorb a small % of incoming damage that hits you. Changes into Stay Back, if you want that your Pets protect you, but should stay near to you within a circular range of 600 wherever you move to.
Removal of “Protect Me” Add a new Utility Skill for it.
F2 = Pet Special 1/2 / Pet Combo
Activates a chosen highlighted pets special skill. Therefore you click either on the 1 or 2 beside the button to highlight, which pet should use its special skill and then you press F2.
I press beside the F2 button 1, click then F2, Pet 1 uses his special skill, I then quickly press the 2 beside the F2 button and press F2 again and Pet 2 uses his special skill.
Pet Combo is a new mechanic, that lets your Pets perform a special Combo SKill,s if their Affection Levels raise to 100% both.
Pet Affection is a new mechanic that gets stimulated by the amount of buffs and heals that the pets receive from their master, the player.
Are both pets at 100% Affection, then turns F2 into Pet Combo and lets them two perform a devastating Combo Attack, which will be with every pet combination different. 2 Wolves for example would perform then in synchronization the Combo Skill “Howling Terror” a kind of ranged sonic attack from their loud howls that deals quite some hard damage and lets all enemies in near suffer on fear and the ranger gains stability, fury and might for some seconds.
F3 = Sic’Em/ Search and Rescue
A dual command in regard of what you hightlight again and then press F3.
Either you call your pets out to go on search for enemies, letting them move faster and buff their attack power, lettign them reveal enemies in their near, while they search randomly around. Or you let them search out for dead/downed allies to help reviving them, giving your pets a buff for higher health and defense and healing power, but meanwhile they don’t attack, leading to a decrease in your dps naturally.
Removes Sic em and search and rescue from the utilities, make space there for more new and better useful utilities.
F4 = Scout & Assault
You let your pets scout to a targeted area under stealth and protection, which they will protect for up to 3 minutes there and assault any enemy, that comes near to them within a range of 1200. Stealth of the pets ends after the first hit. The protection will last, until the pets have reached their commanded place that they should guard and wait there under stealth till something comes that they can assault, as long the ranger
moves not out itself from the ground target range of 3000 from S&A
Removes the Guard Utility.
Adding 4 new more useful Utility Skilsl, therefore that the utility skilsl have been redesigned into much better new Pet Commands…
(edited by Orpheal.8263)
4 more useful new Utility Skills:
Nature Spells as new Utility Skill Line
1) Allergic Pollen
Creates a Flower Field in which enemies suffer on randomous conditions per second, if they run through that AoE of flower pollen from Poison, over Blindness to Weakness and Stuns would be everything possible if an enemy inhales these pollen
2) Grasping Root Whip
Large roots grow from the earth grasping nearby enemies to immobilize them for a second, just th launch them away a second later by a range of 1200 letting the enemies suffer on some fall damage.
3) Call of the Nature
Summons randomous a wild animal like huge boars, giant anacondas, aggressive wolve packs and so on to your help for 20 seconds.
4) Leaf Storm
Creates a storm of razor sharp leafs at a ground target, which deals over time damage and bleeding/vulnerability stacks per second, that have also a high chance for dealing critical hits.
Pegaasus, It’s not matter that you are fresh meat cause you are a ranger, but cause most rangers are fresh meat.
Ranger isn’t broken more then any other profession, but the style of the class attracks (generally speaking) a kind of players that are very used to ranged DPS. Something very viable in other games, but to a lesser extend. On top of that the pet means when you are playing PvE you can withhold the ranged dps style till the end of the game.
But it is a matter of learn to play. I know rangers that are very good in PvP and WvW and are high ranking as well. So it’s a matter of learn to play, and thats not something that can or should be fixed by arenanet.
First of all tell ^^ learn to play^^ to your sister)
Second of all i repeat : go reading ranger forum and you ll find out how many rangers complain about their class..Are they all noobs?^ That’ s the easiest way to solve problems…this reminds me Arenanet style.. Maybe you are one of their staff who knows
Anyway I’ m considered a good ranger from guild /friends but that’ s not the point. The truth is that ranger class compared to other class like warriors or necros…simply sucks.
You deny it becouse you’ re not a ranger and you can’ t understand the frustation of playing a totally unbalanced class. In spvp ranger still can do his job…but in wvw…please guys ranger is simply ridicolous.
First of all tell ^^ learn to play^^ to your sister
What a mature reply.
[…]you ll find out how many rangers complain about their class..Are they all noobs?
Anyone remembers when GW 2 still was in beta, and ppl that played beta could add feedback to certain features?
Anet also stated some features they weren’t sure about or were especially open to those features. Ranger pets were one of those. I remember they were open to a complete overhaul or any kind of feedback for ranger pets. I could empower this with those anet-posts but don’t know how to.
That fact alone says a lot.
(edited by Bast Bow.2958)