Gold selling
A lot of companies are loathe to put extra money straight on the market.
To answer your unasked question. The taxes imposed are a gold sink. Somewhere for excess gold to go.
In the real world, money is printed in specific amounts and then traded among people for goods/services. The money definitely gets around, but the actual amount of money is limited.
In a game, this isn’t the case. money is earned from loot, rewards, chests, etc. This makes it so there is no set amount of money in game. To keep it so that gold isn’t trash (keep items from costing 500g for one piece of leather after a year of the game being running) they have to have a gold sink, or somewhere for the excess money to go. This keeps the economy more level. Waypoints, repairs, and other NPC’s purchasables like salvage kits, are also gold sinks. This game does not have potions which is a HUGE gold sink in many games, so they have had to come up with alternative sinks.
The Gem/Gold exchange is kind of a circular creature.The cost of gems/gold, gold/gems is set in a range that varies based on the amount of buyers/sellers, and is regulated by ArenaNet.
and the big drive for people to buy gold is the insane prices anet set on stuff like cultural armors……cacluate how much it would cost you in real money to get a full set of t3 cultural armor at the gem to gold conversion, you will find its like 600bucks (or was last time i caculated it) thats INSANE…..this games more a casual mmo yet they have things only “Serious” players who love LOVE to grind could afford without buying gold illegally….
note: im not defending gold selling or buying, I wont risk it myself, I cant afford to re-buy the game…..but i can see why people do it, anet is the driving force behind the botting and gold buy/sell market……if the game didnt keep you poor and have items that where/are overpriced (considering the average persons not able to play 8+hrs a day) there wouldnt be such a big market of people risking their accounts for gold…..
i love this game but…..anet really kittened up the economy from the start…..i mean its nice that i can get cheap gear for leveling but…….as soon as you get to max level, the gear gets alot more expensive…..drastically……horribly more expensive….
PCP&C 1200watt TC, Crosshair V F-Z, Sapphire 290x