Got to say I am dissapointed in this game
sounds like you’re angry.
1) Have you not heard of paragraphs or full stops?
2) I’ve managed to make my own gold fine by playing the game (rather than repeatedly farm the same areas, which is when DR kicks in), Do events, dailies, selling crafting mats ect.
3) This sounds more of a rant than a constructive suggestion, so I see this thread being closed soon.
Time is a river.
The door is ajar.
1) Have you not heard of paragraphs or full stops?
2) I’ve managed to make my own gold fine by playing the game (rather than repeatedly farm the same areas, which is when DR kicks in), Do events, dailies, selling crafting mats ect.
3) This sounds more of a rant than a constructive suggestion, so I see this thread being closed soon.
Agreed. Although, in the interest of having something resembling a constructive discussion on the Internet (yes, I know how foolish that is), my son’s experience differs from yours and mine.
He wanted to get to 80 because that is what it would take to make him feel “strong”. He did so. But, along the way, his gear gradually fell behind. He didn’t want to face the unknown dangers of a new zone, so he tended to stay in familiar surroundings. He didn’t get a lot of level-appropriate loot, so his money and gear started to fall behind.
Over the levels, this trend built upon itself—he was unable to face level-appropriate content because his gear was too antiquated, so he was unable to catch up. He did not earn enough money to cover the repairs inflicted on him by sub-par gear and performance in a scaled environment.
So now, he is 80, has a life savings of about 20s, does not have access to the Grandmaster tier of traits, and has only a single piece of exotic gear… most of his gear is blue with a few greens. The recent loot changes and my pushing him into and carrying him through some FotM / Lost Shores content brought the required level of most of his gear up to 80.
So, there are people out there that genuinely need money. My advice to my son is a very blunt “suck less.” Less bluntly, my advice is to set goals and work towards them until your goals are to simply “do what you want to do to have fun.” That is what he had forgotten earlier; he was so fixated on getting to 80 so he could “play the game” that he actually compromised his ability to do so. He is gradually getting there, though… one painful almost-completed fractal at a time. My daughter seldom plays, but she doesn’t have these problems, because she isn’t trying to force character progression. At level 13 she is an asset in a fractal (note: if she was 30+ she would be a better asset, but we are not carrying her through the content, she contributes her fair share).
Hutchmistress of the Fluffy Bunny Brigade [FBB]
This game have potential.
I think the designers intended people to stay in each zone for much longer after reaching the level cap to do events, etc…
I truly believe this game has potential.
I also know this game is an mmo and needs time to figure out what servers need to run at for a realms population, and even world vs world. This also ties into world events. (yes I have had issues.) I am sure the dev team will eventually get it right.
Along with fixing progress damaging bugs, fixing respawn rates on enemies, and giving the player a reason to keep the Black Lion Chests. Mix that in with balance issues in pvp as well as pve, creating new content to keep 80s busy, and to try and place items around the world to create a world economy. I am fully confident the development team can fix all of this.
However my complaint comes from the game losing its fun. The higher lvl I get the more boring the world seems. (This does not include story missions…..I really love this.) This is the complaint that the combat focuses on 2 weapons pretty much all around. I am aware that I can swap the weapon layout out of combat. But most of my toons have melee and range to swap to . Can we please have a dedicated range weapon and two weapons to switch from?
On top of combat becoming repetitive, the quest layouts get stale the higher I get in lvl. (Currently I have a 51 as a main.) But the 40 zones were blah compared to the earlier lvls. And friends and family say that it gets to feel more like a grind after 50.
In short it feels like the later zones were an after thought when compared to the lvl 1-30 areas. Can you please spruce them up a bit? I love the animations on my toons ( yes they are Asura and Char mainly.) I love the diverse nature of the races. The fueds between some. (yes I played the first game.) In the early stages it felt like a very well fleshed out world. The more I advanced the more it felt like a chore, a grind, just dull and whats the point. I want to feel like I am playing in a well thought out game completely. So please spruce up the later zones. I do not want to see this game fail.
And I would be more willing to spend real world cash for things that felt more worth while in game. Never sell things that would change the balance of the game in both pvp or pve. But sell things that make it feel more personalized to your toon. It would be nice to see the carnival being used. Tokens could be used for playing games, going on rides, and for friendly competitive games. You could sell the tokens for in game currency or real world cash. This could break the cycle of adventure, kill, adventure some more. This would be something fun. Give the game a personality.
Maybe add mounts. Yes you can instantaneously travel. However this would add more collectibles, and let players show them off. Make it so the players could obtain some in pve, pvp, as well as the black lion market. This would give the game more flavor.
Yes I am throwing out all sorts of suggestions without even knowing all that it takes to create a game. I still feel that it would be beneficial to add some of these features. I love how the game started . I just don’t want to see it fade out to nothingness.
You killed the holy trinity. You made it so players help one another. Your artwork is seriously impressive. And still I have grown bored. So please spruce up some of the later lvls.
I don’t want to complain to complain. I want to throw my feedback to see this game rise up and encourage more developers to take notice.
I’m 48, almost 49, and I have 40 silver to my name. I could have more, but I bought some things here and there. Traded some gold for gems to try and unlock another inventory slot. Honestly, I’m fine with my slow progress in money. I think it would be ridiculous if it was easy to rack up a lot of gold (maybe it is at high levels anyway, I don’t know).
As for my gear, I manage to do just fine by spending Karma points and running instances. It’s not really that hard to have level appropriate gear.