Grawl Voices

Grawl Voices

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sunju.8310


Typically, monsters don’t sound like emasculated, frightened accountants. It’s really hard to think of them as foes worthy of battle or even a primitive civilization wrapped in ugly. I keep expecting them to nervously reposition glasses that wouldn’t sit on their faces in the first place. This is a fairly common problem with the creatures in game.

My suggestion is to redo creature voices in favour of more believable, non-human, formats. They sound like beta filler atm.

“A favourite war hero of mine got his tongue shot out.”
“How’d that happen?”
“He doesn’t talk about it.” – Stephen Fry

Grawl Voices

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


They sound fine to me, compared to other ape voices I’ve heard, like humans, Norn or these guys .

Well, for the planet of the Apes, they’ll sound fine once you remove the impediments of the false teeth.

I would have added a few beastly shouts and grunts here and there, though.

No exceptions!

Grawl Voices

in Suggestions

Posted by: Hobgoblyn.7984


I have to agree that a lot of the voice acting in this game is rather bad and often the voices attached to creatures really doesn’t support themes that the race is trying to project.

Well, the Char, Skritt and Ogre are pretty good, but a lot of the rest of them… they go from making animal sounds to having all too dignified and proper voices. I don’t know one can necessarily make them sound less human, but they should sound a bit more like the kind of voices one would expect from humans who lived the way those races live with the kind of cultures those races have.

The Grawl, Hylek, and the Asura really stand out in my mind as some of the better examples of “I don’t believe that voice is coming from the thing I see on screen.”