Grenade engi tendinitis - autoshot with grenades?

Grenade engi tendinitis - autoshot with grenades?

in Suggestions

Posted by: RaynStargaze.6510


Hi there,

i haven`t figured out if it is possible to get grenades into autoshot mode. I can do it fine with my rifle but not with the grenade kit if i try it the same way.

If this is not implemeted i`d very much like to see it because anyone who would play grenade engineer regularly is imho pretty likely to get tendinitis from spamming the button.

Being able to use 2 different buttons helps but its just sooo annoying.
Especially when running dungeons

Grenade engi tendinitis - autoshot with grenades?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

You can download a third party program that allows you to auto-cast grenades as long as you hold down “1”, other than that Ive found fast GT option to be somewhat helpful.

Going along with your suggestion, I think it would be nice if hitting control click on the grenade skill would change it to an auto attack that targets the players feet and follows their movement, although it would make it hard to hit due to grenades being so slow. OR! hitting control click automatically lets you hit 1 and trigger on and off an option to automatically throw grenades where you’re pointing until you hit one again.

(edited by Lord Aargadon.4135)

Grenade engi tendinitis - autoshot with grenades?

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


Much like Ctrl+right click sets the autofire for a skill, Alt+Rigt click should set autotarget.
Then remove auto-target from the options. And people set it instead manually for each skill.

- Activate auto-target in a ground-targeted skill and it stops ground targeting, and instead centers itself automatically on target.
- Activate auto-target in other skills, and they work like activating auto-target in the options panel right now, but for each one separately.

It could show in the icon as a variation of the skill number:
- Red crosshair: Ground-targeted, auto-target disabled.
- Green crosshair: Ground-targeted, auto-target enabled.
- Blue crosshair: Ground-targeted. Skill not available (e.g.: Not enough initiative)
- Black circle, white number: Non-ground targeted, auto-target disabled.
- White circle, black number: Non-ground targeted, auto-target enabled.
- Dark gray circle, light gray number: Non-ground targeted. Skill not available.
This setting would be saved per-skill.

That way, you’ll be able to do things like freely disabling Auto-target for the flamethrower’s first skill while keeping it enabled on the rest, or activating it for the grenade kit’s first one, while keeping the rest ground-targeted.. Depending on your tastes.

No exceptions!