Group joins, PLEASE!

Group joins, PLEASE!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Autumn.5093


I have to know, why is such a guild/group orientated game – one that is highly recommended you help others and play with others – look over this simple feature?! When I’m partied with guildies, I want to be able to join the same instance in Lunatics Inquisition, sPVP and Keg Brawls… It’s frustrating and a mood dampener when one or two people are left out and are stuck outside of the instance trying to get into the same group, hoping that someone else has dropped out…
:( Seriously, we roll with guilds and groups and create mumble/vent/teamspeak servers so we can play off each other’s styles and go by our strategies… not so that we can get divvied up with pugs.

Please, Anet, please add group joins.

Nova Arterius, Nex Level [NeX] Guild Leader
Tarnished Coast

Group joins, PLEASE!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lexya.6953


I agree! There needs to be a way to get into the same instance as group members other than the torneys.

Please, Anet! Add this function into the game!

Lexya – 80 Elementalist
Northern Shiverpeaks

Group joins, PLEASE!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Feline.6029


Couldn’t agree more!

+1, this feature is a must!

Group joins, PLEASE!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Actracts.1389


Either this…or bring back the companion system, which has my vote. Sometimes, real people are just a pain to deal with – especially in dungeons when you get the wannabe Leroy Jenkins aggroing mobs left and right because they just want to run to the end – realize that they can’t, then mob trains back to the rest of the group and we spend the next hour chiseling away at the twenty plus vets and ten plus champions in small room. Okay, I’m overexagerrating – it was more like eight champions with a really dodgy vet.

Group joins, PLEASE!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fay.2735


I love keg brawl but me and my guildies never play it just because we can’t play it together. I can understand in pvp with wanting to make it fair but it’s a mini-game. We would like to be able to enter in parties and put different parties against eachother for guild events/tournaments.

I haven’t played any keg brawl in ages because of this and neither does anyone else I know off because of not being able to group up especially since there isn’t really a reward to doing it other than it being fun…. Either way it should be so you can party up with friends and go up against other parties of your choice.

Have a separate option for grouping up and randoms. So the current keg brawl setup is still able to be done but that there is also a group option.

•— Fay Everdunes | Fay Erduna | Lilyfay (Fay.2735) — Mesmer/Revenant — [NA]FA — 8k±Hrs Played —•
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