Guard/Attack & Stow/Unstow Keybinds for Pets

Guard/Attack & Stow/Unstow Keybinds for Pets

in Suggestions

Posted by: thefantasticg.3984


Even though Jon Sharp has stated in the STOG that pet micro managment is a bad thing because it will scare away new players, i.e. too many options, I still say we need keybinds for faster access to these actions. I play with the nostromo and naga and have room for these as do quite a few other players I know.

I figure if we can get the keybind released for right click, this shouldn’t be too difficult either.

RNG is a bell curve. Better hope you’re on the right side.

Guard/Attack & Stow/Unstow Keybinds for Pets

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mystiskem.7124


Scaring away new players, I don’t see how. New players will just not use the keybinds, no harm done. It’s not like keybinds for those actions are adding anything new, it’s simply just convenience (should’ve been there from the start) and new players not using the keybinds aren’t losing out on anything, they can still just use the mouse to click. On the other hand it WILL scare away the more trained gamers since you have to mouseclick abilities and this puts a throttle on the potential of pets.
I know arenanet doesn’t seem to care about anything the player base suggest but at least we care to still show them that we, the players, do care.

ps. necro thread or not it’s a completely viable concern.