Guardian nerf suggestions

Guardian nerf suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Psychol.5783


Guardian is surely ovepowered, I have couple of ideas to balance this profession:

- Wall of Reflection: 60s cooldown, breaks after 3 reflections and duration 4s, number one on my list to nerf, this skill is the most powerful spell in this game, it should be at least an elite skill.
- 20% less damage, Guardian have way too high dps for a support class.
- Retreat!: swiftness for 5s, it’s a heavy class he shouldn’t be running at full speed almost all the time like an elementalist.
- Symbol of Swiftness: cooldown 30s, swiftness 4s.
- Bane Signet: passive 80 power.
- Spirit weapons: no auto attack, only 1 time use as a skill.
- Hold the Line: 60s cooldown.
- Stand Your Ground: 50s cooldown.
- Contemplation of Purity: converts maximum 3 conditions to a boons
- Grasping Vines: duration 3s, cooldown 60s.
- Signet of Resolve: This signet shouldn’t be affected by cooldown reduction and should cure condition every 20s.
- Unscathed Contender: 10% more dmg while on Aegis.
- Renewed Focus: 180s cooldown, -50% damage while using.
- Absolute Resolution: removes 1 condition during activation Virtue of Resolve.
- Power of the Virtuos: extra damage from maximum 3 boons.
- Virtue of Justice: 40s cooldown.
- Elusive Power: more damage on full endurance, if he’s exhausted how he could do more dmg? no sense.
- Empowering Might: might to maximum 3 persons excluding Guardian.
- Shield of Absorption: no knockback.
- Banish: 30s cooldown, no knockback only stun because it’s abused by bunker Guardians.
- Might of the Protector: cooldown 30s.
- Valorous Defense: cooldown 30s.
- Purity: removes a condition every 20s.
- Strenght in Numbers: up to 80 toughness up to 3 persons excluding Guardian.
- Two-Handed Mastery: 10% faster recharge.
- Right-Hand Strength: 5% more crit chance using one-handed weapons.
- Radiant Fire: 10% instead of 20%.
- Inner Fire: cooldown 40s.
- Fiery Wrath: 5% more damage to a burning foes.
- Protector’s Impact: this should be removed.

I hope I’ve helped

(edited by Psychol.5783)

Guardian nerf suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: GuardianOMS.8067


You’re joking, right? In case you’re not, these are terrible. Hope that helps.

Sgt Killjoy – “Pedantic” “babe” and “bff” of Saiyr
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Guardian nerf suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: aspirine.6852


wtf, why dont you just go ahead and ruin a profession will ya.

Guardian nerf suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: GreenNekoHaunt.8527


I never thought of Guardian being overpowered. Never had problems with them either. The only thing you could fix would be some traits to decrease the massive healing.

Still imo Guardian isn’t overpowered.

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Guardian nerf suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: CrossedHorse.4261


Guardian isn’t overpowered at all. It’s just balanced well, which makes it seem overpowered compared to other builds that might not be.

Guardian nerf suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lord Trejgon.2809

Lord Trejgon.2809

lol I cannot stop laughting after reading OP

but seriously…
are You trolling?

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Guardian nerf suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Amadan.9451


this because you are a ranger and couldn’t stop to autoattack a wall of reflection?
i agree that guardian are very good balanced class with a lot of skills that are actually useful, and in the hand of skilled player it is very powerful, but that doesn’t mean unbeatable or overpowered.

and nerf is never a solution, nerf is just asking for vengeance

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Guardian nerf suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shard.4372


Guardian is not OP. I play an 80 Guardian and I run into a ton of difficulties but I’m not a hardcore player, mostly PvE. If even 1 of these changes happens the Guardian would be the most underpowered class in the game, and if all of them happen, well lets say there wouldn’t be any more Guardians in the game.

Xian Mistlock, 80 Herald
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Guardian nerf suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: ExTribble.7108


I agree completely. Let’s nerf their damage since they’re a support class. We all know every class is built around a pre-defined role in this game. And since they’re hard to kill, let’s also nerf their defensive capabilities since I don’t have a brain with which to learn to play. Hodor.

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Guardian nerf suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fyrngarm.1942


Isn’t ‘grasping vines’ a Sylvari racial ability, not a guardian ability? .-.

Guardian nerf suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Wukunlin.8461


So this is why people tell me the suggestion forum is bad

Oceanic [LOD]

Guardian nerf suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Amadan.9451


actually some ideas not in this specific post are really nice

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Guardian nerf suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: ZinJin.8764


- Spirit weapons: no auto attack, only 1 time use as a skill.

really?… then nerf also clones on mes!!! … no auto attack then what it will do? stand and watch? really for me its weird idea…. and shouts are ok like they are now :P longer cooldown? why? for me on my guardian its great support on dungs

Guardian nerf suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Psychol.5783


I’m playing as a guardian and I have enough of this poor balance, with Pull+Symbol of Wrath+Whirling Wrath I can massacre whole party at once if they won’t dodge, there’s no problem only with guardian but elementalists are op too but only in pvp, why the hell they can use grenades like engineers and knockback every second, resurrect instantly?
I’m not saying this all should be implemented, I listed examples of what can be nerfed.

Guardian is not OP. I play an 80 Guardian and I run into a ton of difficulties but I’m not a hardcore player, mostly PvE. If even 1 of these changes happens the Guardian would be the most underpowered class in the game, and if all of them happen, well lets say there wouldn’t be any more Guardians in the game.

Be ready to reroll because it’s a matter of time when Wall will be nerfed and every Guardian know this arleady.

(edited by Psychol.5783)

Guardian nerf suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: ExTribble.7108


The problem with this suggestion is that you’re nerfing the class the way Izzy did with Smiter’s Boon in GW1. These changes would make the class beyond sub-par compared to others.

And the GS combo you mentioned, it’s great for PvE. I dare you to try it in WvW or PvP. Anyone with half a brain-cell will dodge out of the way. It’s only deadly if you stand in it for it’s full duration.

“Any lump can hack bad guys to death, but it takes skill
and style to turn them into craters and dust.” -Tonn
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Guardian nerf suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Aibon.4608


This has to be a troll. There’s no way anyone would be this delusional.

Guardian nerf suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Amadan.9451


they already nerfed wall of reflection by transforming projectiles into unblockable projectiles.
i don’t think they will also make it destroy after 3 projectiles, that would be even less useful than a mesmer’s courtain wall.

why am i still bothering reading this anyway?

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Guardian nerf suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Daevinity Inspirata.2508

Daevinity Inspirata.2508

No… just NO.

Guardians are not overpowered at all. They are crafted well for both support, dps, and healing – depending on how you spec them out. Yes, even while specced for dps they can still do a bit of the other things as well – but that is how the GUARDIAN was intended to function. They are called a guardian for a reason – they help their party with all of their buffs – invaluable in dungeons – and they also help heal along with others since there are no dedicated healers. Those two things should NOT mean that they cannot kill mobs.

No nerf.

Guardian nerf suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: folly dragon.4126

folly dragon.4126


I am actually speechless, of all the classes, I believe the guardian is currently the last powerful, the last OP, however, they have the most balanced of each path, by far the most versatile class to play. Other classes have half the versitily of the guardian.

My main is a mace/ axe warrior.

Guardian nerf suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Windu The Forbidden One.6045

Windu The Forbidden One.6045

This.. is.. crazy…
Seriously, these nerfs would butcher the guardian.
I hate it when people ask for nerfs, it’s downright arrogant to ask to nerf/ruin someone else’s game experience simply because you want it. Especially if you want the nerfs in pve.

Dear A-net: Please nerf rock. Paper is fine
~Sincerely, Scissors

(edited by Windu The Forbidden One.6045)

Guardian nerf suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Psychol.5783


I am actually speechless, of all the classes, I believe the guardian is currently the last powerful, the last OP,

No it’s not the last, peoples struggle doing Queens Gauntlet with various proffesions but Guardian, Mesmer, Warrior are the best for this arena, that shows which proffesions are OP.

Guardian nerf suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gillian.1859


No it’s not the last, peoples struggle doing Queens Gauntlet with various proffesions but Guardian, Mesmer, Warrior are the best for this arena, that shows which proffesions are OP.

That’s pretty poor logic. It can also mean that the other classes need more balancing.

Guardian nerf suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Hicci.8761


This is priceless. ;D Been a while since I saw a nerf guardians-thread. Why is that? Because we are the most BALANCED profession in the game. We are the level which DEVs try to get other professions to. Have a snicker.