Guild Alliances and Alliance Chat

Guild Alliances and Alliance Chat

in Suggestions

Posted by: One Prarie Outpost.4860

One Prarie Outpost.4860

For the love of the Guild Wars Gods please please please bring back Guild Alliances and Alliance Chat.

There are way too many long standing guild with membership over and above the current Guild member cap. These members come from all spots on the globe but share a common bond. ANET is effectively destroying those bonds by removing the ability for these guilds to communicate. The ability was there in GW1: Factions and was a huge success. It should be fairly easy to initiate, so please do it!

Guild Alliances and Alliance Chat

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ginkeltjes.5186


Agree, our guild has the same problem and we would love an Alliance chat! Its so frustrating for people to be in the second guild and have less members online there.

Guild Alliances and Alliance Chat

in Suggestions

Posted by: FallenAdvent.5904


I fully agree with this. I miss it horribly. Its sad that guild are having to create alliances through 3rd Party methods

Guild Alliances and Alliance Chat

in Suggestions

Posted by: Immortality.5093


same her we just need alliance chat back, it was very usefull in gw1 so why not

The bringer of silent death AKA 2 axes in your face

Guild Alliances and Alliance Chat

in Suggestions

Posted by: Topslob.8043


I fully agree and support this request, it seems like a small feet to acomplish and it will be a great addition to our alliance, but also to our giant guild. We run 2 guilds next to eachother to make it work, however the communication between guild without alliance chat is just horid.

Guild Alliances and Alliance Chat

in Suggestions

Posted by: epandi.2748


I fully agree the, I am a member of a guild which has an alliance with an other guild and sometimes its so frustrating you cant reach the other alliance members. It would be nice to have an alliance chat function.

Necropandi Simplex [EXG]
Guild Recruiter of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Desolation

Guild Alliances and Alliance Chat

in Suggestions

Posted by: MetaData.2750


As a community we really have to get arenanet to fix this problem. I’m currently leading a 600 member guild and this is just undoable. Especially since the new branches / sub-guilds that are created to pickup the members above the 500 minimum feel like they are empty because they can talk to the first branch / guild. This creates a sense of demotivation for the players, which isn’t good in any game.

If you can’t make alliances, then simply increase the max. members of a guild to 1500 or so.

Guild Alliances and Alliance Chat

in Suggestions

Posted by: I Karnor I.1823

I Karnor I.1823

Been saying this since the beta. We need alliance chat. It is another sad omission from whatever gap analysis Anet did between GW1 and GW2 when they designed this awesome game.

I’m in a historic GW1 alliance of over one thousand members now spread across 4 guilds and we have to rely on external media to communicate across the guilds.

This is destroying historic alliances, especially those emigrating form GW1 but I guess loyalty means nothing to Anet :S

Legacy Of Nosferatu [KISS]

Guild Alliances and Alliance Chat

in Suggestions

Posted by: Coldie.8564


Would be nice to see this feature, i have been wondering why you guys didn’t implement it in the first place!

Me and my guildies would appreciate it!

Guild Alliances and Alliance Chat

in Suggestions

Posted by: Faye.4075


I agree, would come in handy with our guild.

Guild Alliances and Alliance Chat

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vick.6805


Would be a very nice addition.

Guild Alliances and Alliance Chat

in Suggestions

Posted by: Reidi.8154


Please consider adding this. Like many above, we have multiple guilds because of the low maximum member cap on guilds and it causes a bit of an issue when trying to communicate effectively. Also something to consider would be the ability to create private chat channels, this works just as well for us in other games where Alliances do not come into play.

Guild Alliances and Alliance Chat

in Suggestions

Posted by: Wenceslaus.4317


This ( or private channel) will make the game so much more enjoyable for large international communities who due to guild number limitation are spread across many guilds and therefore de-fragmented.

Anet if you credo truly is: “Guild Wars 2 is a game about banding together with friends and complete strangers to accomplish great things in a world ruled by uncertainty and challenge.” please help us to make the game more sociable !

Guild Alliances and Alliance Chat

in Suggestions

Posted by: Adine.2184


Although im for adding alliances back i dont see how its "destroying bonds " if they dont get added . It’s not like you cant have a facebook page or forums to stay in touch .

Another thing to think about is 5 full guilds in Guild wars 1 is the equivalent to 1 full guild in Guild Wars 2 so a merger of several smaller guilds from GW1 may be a better option in GW2 rather than allying .

Guild Alliances and Alliance Chat

in Suggestions

Posted by: Suun.2856


GW2 does not support more than 500 guild members;
GW2 does not support guild [alliance] chat for more than 500 members;

GW2 needs to increase guild size (unlimited would be nice), or
GW2 needs to create a guild [alliance] chat system, and
GW2 needs to add guild management tools if there are limits to membership size.

Guild Wars 2 should be guild friendly, even for the larger guilds.

Please consider adding the simplest to implement improvement to support the large guilds, even if a guild has to spend more points for it (hint hint).

I am a member of a community that is spread across 4 guilds (more than 1500 members), with no method to easily communicate in-game between the guilds, we have lost our community cohesion – become fragmented. That is what is meant by “destroying bonds”.

(edited by Suun.2856)

Guild Alliances and Alliance Chat

in Suggestions

Posted by: HundredthMonkey.8541


With the guild cap being so small, some form of chat channel that large guilds can use is really necessary. I’m in a large international guild, with well over 1500 members, and I have to jump through hoops to find members in the same zone as me.

If you can’t increase the guild membership cap, please give us the next best thing.

Guild Alliances and Alliance Chat

in Suggestions

Posted by: Adine.2184


500 is hardly small , Thats a pretty frikin big guild much less 1500 .

Guild Alliances and Alliance Chat

in Suggestions

Posted by: I Karnor I.1823

I Karnor I.1823

Although im for adding alliances back i dont see how its "destroying bonds " if they dont get added . It’s not like you cant have a facebook page or forums to stay in touch .

Another thing to think about is 5 full guilds in Guild wars 1 is the equivalent to 1 full guild in Guild Wars 2 so a merger of several smaller guilds from GW1 may be a better option in GW2 rather than allying .

Not sure you truly understand a large alliance.

We had 2 full alliances in GW1 totaling 2,000 active players in the height of GW1. In each alliance we could talk to all the guild members of all 10 guilds in one chat. It did not matter to guildies if they suddenly had friends or family members start playing and their guild was full because the friend or family member could join another guild in the alliance and they still felt connected.

Using facebook or forums does not allow dynamic chatting in game. I makes it hard to simply shout out to the other guild members in other related guilds for party searches when going for dungeons, etc.

Currently we have 4 guilds in GW2 and they cannot chat to every guild member in one single chat window. They would really like to but simply cannot.

Legacy Of Nosferatu [KISS]

Guild Alliances and Alliance Chat

in Suggestions

Posted by: Taffy Catt.2784

Taffy Catt.2784

Very well explained I Karnor I. Our guild has recently allied with another and, it really would be such an advantage to be able to communicate on an Alliance tab, as we did in GW1.

I can see this is rather an old-ish thread, but still a relevant topic, imho.

Guild Alliances and Alliance Chat

in Suggestions

Posted by: SlimDante.6875


Even though our guild only has 5 members, I support this.

Love, Strength, and Self-Control.
First Officer of the Shadowheart Pack on Kaineng

Guild Alliances and Alliance Chat

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lucas.6792


I totally agree with this. I really enjoy the current guild set up, and with everything I always feel there is room for improvement. I’d like to see Alliance chat, improvements on guild banking, improvements on guild maintenance in general as well. Many of my guild members are in other guilds, we call each other Sister Guilds, combined about 250 members, it’d be great to have an alliance chat to speak to them about impromptu dungeon runs etc.,/

Guild Alliances and Alliance Chat

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nivelis.8763


I can’t belive this is still not in game? Why, I think its easy to do (with team chat already in game)? up!

Guild Alliances and Alliance Chat

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mithros.9316


I would like to add my support for this feature as well. While most responses on here are voicing their support due to large guild management, I’m more interested in it for the smaller guilds.

The current guild features seem heavily favored towards large guilds, which unfortunately myself and our current guild mates have never desired. We only wanted a small friendly guild. We currently have “allied” ourselves with 2 other similarly sized guilds in order to attempt any of the guild missions and make creating dungeon groups easier. We would love an alliance feature/chat/etc to facilitate that easier.

Guild Alliances and Alliance Chat

in Suggestions

Posted by: Donari.5237


Custom chat channels would be exactly what is needed. Alliances seem trickier to code and manage. But just being able to make a private named channel that anyone can join if they know the name of it would help so much.

Once that’s in place, then we can worry about permissions and moderation. Or not, though I saw some custom channels in WoW get wrecked by griefers that took mod control and could not be booted. Maybe the person who creates the channel can have blocking capability?