Guild Armor creator

Guild Armor creator

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ronah.2869


As we have now in the game, the guild emblem creator, in which we can coose the pattern and background with colors and placements, A-net couuld add in the same window, Guild Armor creator.
This will feature the basic type for each category of armor pieces (gloves, leggings etc) but each will have to be decorated with a few selectable options: spikes, wings, plates
In this way, guild armors are designed by the guild leader(s)
Of course there will be different choices for heavy, medium and light armors.
In this way, when the player buys the respective guild armor from the Guild Armorer it will not get only the chest piece, but the full set.

Guild Armor creator

in Suggestions

Posted by: Soulstar.7812


Imagine trolls getting their hands on your suggestion custom armor builder.
Now imagine protruding armor crotches and boobs.

Yeah that is a nightmare you are suggesting.

Guild Armor creator

in Suggestions

Posted by: Casey.9687


Imagine trolls getting their hands on your suggestion custom armor builder.
Now imagine protruding armor crotches and boobs.

Yeah that is a nightmare you are suggesting.

Look at what they did when black ops first came out and we had the option to customize our emblem to that great of extent… couldn’t go a single game without seeing 4 or 5 male genitals and 4 or 5 pairs of boobs….the trolls will find a way….

Guild Armor creator

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ronah.2869


Guys, I wasn’t talking about a custom armor builder, but to have more choices in the game like we have for the emblem. They all are presets made by A-net NOT by the player. We currently have the same chest armor for all the guilds. only the emblem is different

I will give an example:

Heavy armor shoulder:

1) Spiked
a) Long spikes curved upwards
b) Long spikes curved downwards
c) Short spikes
d) Spikes as cones, arrow heads, pyramids
e) Winged

2) Non-spiked
a) no patterns at all
b) different colored model patterns
c) guild emblem

Basically, its like in the character creation where we can choose from multiple faces, hairstyles, colors and different measurements for height, nose, horns, etc

(edited by Ronah.2869)

Guild Armor creator

in Suggestions

Posted by: Doobie.4795


I like this idea, There’s really not much to the Guild Armour right now.

Guild Armor creator

in Suggestions

Posted by: Umei.7052


This is a great idea! Especially since guildies have to pay what like 1-2g for a piece of armor? Makes it worth the price and makes different guild armors more distinguishable from each other!

Guild Armor creator

in Suggestions

Posted by: Scourge.1563


I agree great idea. It would give variety. Or even tribal tatooing armor with it. Im sure Charr would love tiger stripe lol

Naz Gul-Necro/Witch King-Revenant
Watching you Bleed makes me smile…………
Titanium Horde (TANK)(Borlis Pass)