Guild Armor variety/options/types
I agree it would be nice to see some more diverse options for the guild armor chest slot for variety – for heavy (example) we already have under-scale, how about added one for chain and one for something that looks a little more like plate underneath? Or for medium classes have the trenchcoat, tailed-coat, and a normal coat. I would love to see that much.
As for the guild emblems, no matter how many emblems there are available, people will always end up using the same ones, because people will always end up agreeing (at some point or another) that the same one looks cool. It’s part of the reason we have 3 colors allowed for the emblem. Even in the original GW (which I feel had more emblems, but don’t quote me on that it’s been a very long time), we ended up seeing a lot of the same guild emblems over and over.
Thats a good point bro…. hopefully though enough people will agree so that we can see more guild armor in the future.