Guild "Art of War" WvW Upgrades

Guild "Art of War" WvW Upgrades

in Suggestions

Posted by: Savroula.4803


What if ANET supplements a queue upgrade for WvW in the Art of War section? A way to get priority queue over pugs that hunt only the achievements.
It could be kinda expensive and with separate currency to activate, which could be earned only through WvW Guild Events and be active for a week with a cooldown of six days and one day build time. WvW Guild events would be to take a designated number of Towers, Keeps, Kills and supply camps per week (From reset to reset) and the point would be awarded on WvW reset, so WvW guilds could run the Upgrade again and of course get some priority with guild groups on home instances.
What is your opinion on that?

Sivaas Sil @Desolation
~ /LookingForLootbags ~

Guild "Art of War" WvW Upgrades

in Suggestions

Posted by: Orpheal.8263



Every player should have the same chance to get on the WvW, regardless of their playstyle priorities…

Get over it, WvW will normalize once the Season is over … and Anet is also working on the WVW space problem in the future through those new maps they are working on (Edge/Rim of the Mists or how its called for English), which should end this problem about the queue as ANet has announced it in their blog post.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Guild "Art of War" WvW Upgrades

in Suggestions

Posted by: Katz.5143


I think that instead of coming up with elaborate ways to ameliorate the perceived problem, it would better to get at the root of the problem.

The problem is that people whose main gameplay is wvw are in competition in queues with people who are just mapping wvw or getting the achievements.

We also have the fact that they want to encourage people to try wvw to increase the number of people who participate.

We also have the fact that some people want a way inside of wvw to get achievement points, etc.

I think that suggestions should keep all those things in mind. Your suggestion would take them designing an entire new system and would also be contrary to attracting new people to wvw.

Can you think of an alternative way to address the queue problem?

It’s a kitten conspiracy. Kittens gonna be kittens. All is vain!

Guild "Art of War" WvW Upgrades

in Suggestions

Posted by: Savroula.4803


Ease up Orpheal xD I am just suggesting and asking your opinion on this. “NO” need to rage up on this… Well, my point is not to exclude pugs, but make them contribute more at rush hours, maybe join some soft-core WvW guilds and get started on WvW branch and see if they like it. After all, one can be in some guilds simultaneously.

Sivaas Sil @Desolation
~ /LookingForLootbags ~