Guild Attendance Check
According to the wiki (which admits it needs more verification) the attendance check isn’t “who’s online now” (which I can verify) but “who has been online in the past 24 hours?” It announces the amount of influence gained at a seemingly random time of day (unrelated to when the “check” is actually performed).
That isn’t true. When it posts to the guild information, it does check for “who’s been online in the last 24 hours”, however the attendance check does give influence immediately and only during certain times.
I’ve had issues with the attendance influence myself (hence checking the forums). I have 6 characters and I log into each one daily if I have time to see if I want to play any of them or maybe craft some stuff while I’ve got free time. I notice that it will log 10 pts per character logged with some exceptions. So the wiki says 10 pts up to 20 members… well my guild is small and my 6 chars make up about 50% of the guild so I know it’s not that. But what will happen, is some of my characters will only gain 10 influence some of the time. I found I had 2 characters in Rata Sum and only one would get the influence about 70% of the times I logged in on them. And now, one of the chars still doesn’t get influence every time.
I also read that any characters stuck in an overflow upon logging will NOT receive influence for your representing guild… so there’s that, don’t be in LA! That explains why my main isn’t getting it… but yesterday, I logged in on all 6 characters played for about 30 mins each on 2 of them and I only got 30 influence yesterday for 3 characters logged in.
So… something seems off with this! Why aren’t all characters logging in gaining influence?! I started experimenting with this about 2 weeks ago and moved all of my characters to separate places (all but one without overflow), and still not getting all the influence credit. It’s completely random which characters get the influence and which do not!
I’m the only person in my guild who plays at times other than weekends so my guild influence is vital to our growth and this really messes things up.
Anyway, guess I’ll fill out a bug report also and hope that someone can figure out why this is happening!
And yes, I’m representing on all characters and yes, each character gets played at some point. (I have a 2 [just remade for the 4th time so I’m now happy with her choices & appearance],11, 17, 43, 60, 80)
Any input on this problem would be appreciated. Thanks!
After trying another “guild influence” search, I found this thread:
Apparently, this issue is mentioned a couple times, but not as much as guild admin issues so it may have gotten lost. Just thought I’d post this in case you haven’t found it yet.
Also, guild influence for logging in is given immediately upon that characters login. It is just tallied at the “end of the day” telling you how much you’ve actually gained. Also, guilds across different servers have separate pools of influence, so as long as you’re on the same server as the guild, it shouldn’t mess with it (but we know that’s an issue, I’m only in one guild and all chars are on the same server).
Hope that helps.
If the influence points are given for logging in, it is done immediately. Only the summary will be done by the end of the day.
Sadly the influence given never approached the real numbers of characters online. On average I received only one third of the influence I should be getting. I checked this since September 1.
I don’t know how it is done, because nobody ever mentioned any specifics about it.
Guilds as a whole need to be redone, so limited right now…it is just sad.
Thanks Kylla for the link. I haven’t seen that before.
Here are my observations on how this is calculated and noted in the guild logs. I hope this clears up some areas.
1. The influence for attendance is given immediately upon login. It is given per character, however there seems to be a limit as I’ve only gotten 50 at most (sometimes it says I get 60 one day and 40 the next, but it was actually 50 per day). I assume this is because each account is given 5 character slots. I’m in a guild by myself to test this out.
2. Characters must be in different zones to gain influence. I haven’t checked to see if logging in a second character for a zone stops your ability to gain more influence for that day (from other characters).
3. Influence is only gained during specific random times throughout the day. I get home at the same time and login at the same time each weekday. Some days I get influence, some I don’t. There are never two days in a row that I don’t get influence. This might be a result of some weird 24 hour lockout, but that doesn’t make much sense to me. On the weekends, sometimes I log in around noon (5 hours before i login for the weekdays) and get influence.
4. Although influence is earned immediately, the log of the daily check is around 12GMT (12 hours after daily reset). No influence is added at this time – it is only a log of influence gained. Sometimes the daily log gets jumbled into other days, however I think this is because of internal clock issues and how it relates to my time zone.
Hope this helps.
Guilds as a whole need to be redone, so limited right now…it is just sad.
Agree, more focus is needed.
A couple more things I was able to confirm.
1. You HAVE to be representing a guild in order to get influence for it. There has been some discussion on the forum and wiki about not having to represent to get influence.
2. If you log on a character that doesn’t get influence, it locks you out for the day. For example, logging a second character into divinity’s reach will stop your ability to gain any more attendance influence for the day.