Guild Calendar - Very, very important thing!

Guild Calendar - Very, very important thing!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Xar.1387


Is something like Guild Calendar going to be added to the game? I would like to see an option like that in the “G” panel, near Guild Missions, Root, Ranks etc.

I think that something like that is very important for guilds, and helps to plan, and organize every ingame action.
In the ranks should appear an option then, who allows some people to modify this calendar, and other to just allow people sign up for any events.
Guild mates would create there events like PvP, WvWvW, Dungeons, Fractals, RolePlay, Guild Missions and other available content.

Look at that from this perspective- when ull have organized guilds in ur game, then people will know precisely the game. Supporting guilds is really important thing in the MMORPG’S, cause without a guilds u havent got a good game at all. When people dont have tools to make it good organized, then some of people login, and just dont know whats going on in the next hours, or just this day, or day after, or this week Guilds often learn new players, and helps them in the new world.

Ofc some guilds creates their own calendars, forums and do it there (like mine), and it partly works… But i mean, when game has a thing like this tool (ingame), then it works few times better

(edited by Xar.1387)

Guild Calendar - Very, very important thing!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Xar.1387


Also, u would add an official informations about a game events to this calendar. Like Halloween, Wintersday, and all other stuff. This would help people discern more in the game.

Guild Calendar - Very, very important thing!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Enmity.3428


That’s a great idea!

Guild Calendar - Very, very important thing!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vayne.8563


I would like to see this feature also. As of now, we have a guild page with enjin and we use the guild calendar there, but of course, not everyone visits the website regularly (myself included…I’m such a slacker).

The enjin one isn’t bad, but I’d much rather have one in game.4

Guild Calendar - Very, very important thing!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Arcadius.1247


I agree with this. Anything adding to the guild aspect of this game would be awesome. My guild is the main reason I love playing this game.