Guild Emblems, Backgrounds and Logo Creation

Guild Emblems, Backgrounds and Logo Creation

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dingo.8390


A few concerns about Guild Emblems and Logo creation…

1.) Why do different Guild Emblems and Backgrounds look different in different colours? What I mean by this is; some symbols appear washed out in one colour while bright and vibrant in another colour…but why? I can understand different dyes appearing in a different way on cloth, leather or metal armours, but why on a logo? I wanted to use a specific combination for a Guild Emblem, but the symbol when coloured Abyss appeared as a washed-out grey, and it was the same with some of the backgrounds. How about changing the settings so that colours on Emblems are all as bright and vibrant as it is possible to be? And maybe implement more colours for those who want a less eye-catching design.

2.) Can we have more options for Guild Emblem design please? I see dozens of Asura symbols, dozens more Human and Norn symbols, but finding a logo that would suit a Charr Guild, they are very limited (and before you say: “There are plenty of Charr Pawprints!” please see the first note and then try the colours out on them…they look awful.). How about; seeing as how we have the 3 Asura college logo’s and the 5 Norn Spirit logo’s, putting in the Charr Legion Logo’s? I mean, if we can have the classic White Mantle Logo, how about something more recent or relevant?

But meh…they’re my complaints/suggestions…feel free to post your own or comment…

Guild Emblems, Backgrounds and Logo Creation

in Suggestions

Posted by: Arshness.3216


Honestly, I also think it’s not cool to make the cost to apply a guild emblem to your armor/weapon/etc so high. Why not let lower level characters with less money also display their guild banner. This is a game called GUILD WARS. Guild pride should matter.
I don’t want only those who can afford a gold per piece of armor to be able to wear their emblem if they want. I also would rather have an option to turn guild emblem on and off rather than applying it. What if you apply it and it looks horrible on that piece of armor?
Make it so you can check the guild emblem on and off. Let the guild pay influence to unlock the emblem, but then don’t make members pay so much (or at all really) to wear it with pride.
You guys worked hard to create world pride and guild pride. This should be an obvious step to enhancing guild pride.